For the sudden exchange of opponents on the battlefield, everyone was slightly surprised, this change came too quickly, right?

“Didn’t General Huang Ape and Li Wei fight in full swing just now? Why did you suddenly change the red dog general? The yellow ape general did not fall into the downwind ah! ”

“Don’t you see, Li Wei and General Huang Ape have the same moves, they can’t break the move at all, maybe this person will break the move?”

“I think it’s that General Akainu is stronger and can defeat Li Wei, so I exchanged, after all, General Akainu and Whitebeard didn’t fall into the downside this time.”

“Hey, I also think that the two lightsabers just now are framed and slashed, it seems to be quite enjoyable, but I didn’t expect to see it, I hope the battle between these two looks a little better.”

On the frontal battlefield, for this exchange opponent, Whitebeard has no way to stop it, the opponent is too fast, but for him, there is no need to block, whoever is in front of him is the same.

This golden boy may be a little more like a fly.

Thinking about it, Whitebeard didn’t say hello and punched it directly!


White cracks were shaken out of the white air, and the terrifying shock wave burst out instantly!

The yellow ape instantly elementalized and dodged the blow, but the nearby navies were once again unlucky, bombarded by the shock wave, and those who could leave a life were all fortune-tellers.

It stands to reason that it has been fought for so long, near the battlefield of Whitebeard, it is better not to go to people, it must be known, why is there still a navy nearby?

There are really too many navy people, and the square is only so big, there are always unlucky eggs 05 who are definitely within the range of Whitebeard’s attack.

But fortunately, all they have to contact is the aftermath of the shock wave, which can destroy the island into a shape, but the people of this world seem to be much harder than the island building or something…

On the battlefield between Chi Dog and Levi, the two had not yet made contact, and Chi Inu’s eyes full of killing intent stared at Levi’s face and said in a deep voice:

“Boy, the old man won’t give you the opportunity to imitate the old man’s fruit ability! The old man will blast you to death as fast as possible! ”

The red dog’s declaration of war directly amused Levi, and he laughed:

“General Sakaski, don’t bother with that effort, I learned the ability of the Yellow Ape General, that’s because the ability of the Shining Fruit is very practical and useful, but what kind of garbage is your magma fruit, you give it to me and I don’t want it.”

Saying that, a trace of disdain and disgust flashed on Levi’s face, and the red dog was angry.

Your own fruit, it’s okay to complain about a sentence or two, but others dare to say, that is, it can’t work!

“Little ghost, you are looking for death!”

Li Wei smiled slightly and said:

“Look, I don’t have to learn your magma at all next, it’s much easier to deal with you than the yellow ape general, after all, you don’t have the speed of the yellow ape general, and hitting you is much easier than hitting him!”

Saying that, blood qi suddenly appeared in Li Wei’s hand, and then the blood qi turned into a two-handed long sword.

Magical incarnation weapons.

Li Wei grabbed the long sword, the armed color domineering condensed on it, and then swung it violently!


A terrifying sword qi instantly flew out from Li Wei’s sword, and the crescent-shaped sword qi flew bigger and bigger, the more difficult it was to stop, and when it was in front of the red dog, it was already a full hundred meters high!

The terrifying sword qi, like a pillar that reached the sky, pressed down horizontally, as if it was going to crush everything that was blocked in front of it!

Even, in the process of flying the sword qi, a deep trench had already been crushed out of the ground!

When he saw this sword qi, Chi Inu’s pupils shrank slightly!

How can it be????

This level of flying slash is definitely a top sword hao, even compared to the eagle eye of the world’s number one sword hao, it is not bad at all!

This little ghost turned out to be a world-class sword master???

How is that possible?

The red dog’s pupils are dilated, his expression is shocked, and it is a little difficult to accept!

In the distance, Hawkeye looked at this sword qi, his eyes were full of battle intent, he had already felt that Li Wei was definitely a big sword master who was not inferior to him!

Now just with this flying slash, you can get a glimpse of some clues!

This is definitely the top sword master!

As for who is the world’s number one sword master compared to him, it will be known after the fight!

After all, the Great Sword Hao is not whom’s flying slash is bigger…

When the terrifying slash appeared, everyone who watched the live broadcast boiled.

“What the hell? Isn’t Levi a fruit power? So many terrifying abilities, but also used the ability of the general Yellow Ape, I thought that I was about to use the ability of the red dog general to fight against the red dog general, but you told me that he is a big sword lord???? ”

“This is not an ordinary big sword hao, this flying slash is no less than the flying slash of Hawkeye before, this is definitely the strongest kind of big sword hao!”

“However, Levi’s age, no matter how you look at it, is he in his teens, right? Why is it so strong? The ability development is strong enough, the domineering is strong enough, even the sword art, is it the world’s top? Are there really beings in this world who are born to know? ”

“Who is more like a god than a Draco who is called a god?”

“I still feel like I’m dreaming, how can there be such a person against the sky? At this age, learning to learn one thing is already very against the sky, he is fully proficient, and not ordinary proficient, is the top of the sea, how does this make others live? ”

“Now it seems that those so-called terrifying supernovae are just that, his age is obviously much younger than the supernova, but this gap is simply the difference between heaven and earth, supernova in this battlefield, it is estimated that even the general’s blow can not be blocked…”

Originally, in the eyes of everyone, supernovae are some very talented horror pirates, but at this moment, the audience seems to really understand what is called talent.

This talent is overflowing!

“This terrifying talent, terrifying qualification, if I could give me a little, I would have become One Piece a long time ago.”

This is an exclamation issued by a mediocre pirate, and instantly gained a lot of recognition, it is too terrifying, for Li Wei like this, they do not have the slightest idea of competing for superiority, only envy.

At the scene, Doflamingo had serious eyes, he wanted to cooperate with Li Wei, hoping that Li Wei’s strength would be stronger and he could save his life, but he didn’t want his strength to be so strong!

Although he did not fall behind in the slightest when he spoke with Hawkeye, he knew that his strength was too far behind the world’s number one swordsman.

And Levi’s swordsmanship seems to be not much worse than Hawkeye, plus other abilities, this is perverted!

He could now determine that Levi was at least the level of combat power of the Sea Emperor!

If he seeks cooperation, can he still have his own autonomy?

Doflamingo couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

Levi, it seems, is a more dangerous collaborator than Kaido!

On the execution table, the face of the Warring States was a little ugly, and Li Wei’s flying slash struck him!

“The old man also thinks that he is gifted and has been exercising since he was a child, but whether it is the old man, or Karp, Zefa, at this age, compared to this kid, it is too far behind!”

“First of all, all kinds of endless abilities, indicating that he is another fruit that can imitate the ability of others, this is enough against the sky, and the result is terrifying domineering, which is no longer something that young people can do, but I didn’t expect it, it’s not his limit!”

“He’s still a top sword master?!”

To be honest, Sengoku is a little scared and has no confidence, such a guy, does he really have a chance to deal with it?

Is it handed over to the world government?

The Warring States are a little uncertain, the main thing is that first of all, one can’t catch up, the speed of the yellow ape they know, and secondly, a yellow ape catches up and can’t beat.

In the end, traps can only be used, but against such a general-level combat power, a general is obviously not enough, and it is necessary to have enough bait or enough threats to lure him into the bait.

This top war is not finished, and it is not smooth, let him form a new game 393, Sengoku is a little tired.

He suppressed the shock in his eyes, or decided to pass the level in front of him first, and then talk about it later.

In the face of this sword qi, although the red dog was shocked, his movements were not slow at all, his hands quickly turned into magma, and then he punched out fiercely!

The magma turned into a huge fist and erupted violently in the impact of a volcanic eruption!

“Big Spitfire!”

The huge magma fist instantly collided with the hundred-meter-high sword qi!


The terrifying blue and red light seemed to divide the sky in half, on this side of the red dog, it was a red light, and on this side of Levi, it was a blue light.

At this moment, the collision of magma and sword qi was like a wave, stalemated!

The red dog crazy afterburner, and Levi’s flying slash, after all, is a rootless wood, and will soon be pressed down!

Regardless, in the distance, Levi once again made up for a flying slash!

The terrifying sword qi appeared again, and at the moment when the previous sword qi dissipated, it was just on the relay, but the red dog was in a state where the old force had just gone and the new power had not risen, and his magma was all directly repelled, and the terrifying sword qi was fiercely cut on the red dog’s body!


The red dog’s whole body instantly turned into magma, and the damage was nullified by him! [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Although it consumed some of his physical strength, the red dog who returned to his human form from the magma, the deep mountain did not have the slightest injury, and the great sword hao was a little uncomfortable against the natural department, especially the strong in the natural department!

It is likely that in the end, one of the two consumes physical strength to accurately elementalize the slash, the other constantly slashes, and finally becomes the confrontation of physical strength, to see who consumes whom.

And Da Jianhao has never been the strongest kind in terms of physical strength.

After all, they spend more time honing their physical skills.

Li Wei saw the uninjured red dog flashing with a hint of pride, as if to say, the elementalization of the old man, how do you break it? .

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