“It’s really worthy of being a red dog general! The attack of the great sword hao was directly ignored by the elementalization of the natural system, this is the horror of the red dog general, his control of the elementalization has reached an extremely top-notch point, and most of the attacks are ineffective against him! ”

“Yes, even if you are a domineering master, it is not easy to deal with such a monster! What’s more, Da Jianhao is still known for his physical attacks, it seems that Li Wei has kicked the iron plate. ”

“However, in the end, it was not the attack of the red dog, did it not block Levi’s sword qi? How is it as if the red dog has the upper hand, can’t the red dog’s attack block Levi’s flying slash, and in the end can only use elementalization to avoid damage, is this a thing to be proud of? ”

In an instant, the scene was silent, especially the large number of red dog blowers, who naturally watched the battle selectively and saw the favorable side for them.

But a little bit of reasoning, you know that in the first confrontation, it was the red dog who fell into the downwind, although he was not injured, but the momentum was finally suppressed.

No matter what the audience watching the live broadcast thinks, Levi is a little unbearable for the red dog to look like he is developing his elementalization in place, and to ignore his attack, Levi is a little unbearable, and the elementalization is not invincible!

A smile appeared on his face, and then a terrifying overlord-colored domineering aura burst out!

The terrifying domineering aura did not spread to the surroundings, but began to condense, and finally condensed on the long sword in Li Wei’s hand!

Red void electric light shone on the blade, and the terrifying momentum made the nearby earth be torn apart!

The expression of the red dog was instantly stunned!

What did he see?

This is the trick of the emperor of the sea, right?

Overlord color winding ???

Domineering is a stunt of the strong, especially the sea emperor, because the premise of cultivating this move is to have a terrifying overlord-colored domineering!

As a navy without overlord color, Red Dog can’t cultivate this trick at all!

But as a general, his vision is absolutely not bad, so he knows how terrifying this sword in front of him really is!

Chi Inu suppressed the shock in his eyes and took a deep breath, he knew that he could no longer look at Levi as a little ghost, and he would suffer a loss!

He now wants Levi to be a sea king like Whitebeard, Kaido, Lingling, and Redhead!

This makes it almost difficult for the red dog to accept!

He originally thought that Levi was a dangerous element, but if he was given the opportunity, he would definitely be able to nip the danger directly in the bud.

But unexpectedly, the reality is that the danger is no longer in the bud, it has become a huge tree!

“What about tyranny, in the final analysis, the battle is not about how advanced the skills are, but about the real collision! The background is not high, and no matter how high the technology is, it is useless! ”

“Canine Red Lotus!”

I saw that the arm of the red dog instantly turned into lava, and then turned the lavaized arm into the shape of a dog’s head, and extended the lavaized limb, impacting towards Levi, and the dog’s head, obviously not good-looking, can bite!

The dog’s head turned into lava quickly advanced in the air, with the terrifying momentum of choosing people to eat, even a mountain in front of you can eat and melt!

This is one of the strongest forms of red dog magma, with terrifying high temperatures and extremely condensed magma entities, which are extremely difficult to resist if hit!

A smile flashed on Li Wei’s face, and the whole person instantly flashed forward, and the long sword in his hand swung down violently!

“Armed color strengthens overlord color winding slash!”

It is still a slash without a name, but without a name, it does not mean that it is less powerful!

As Li Wei’s sword slashed out, a black and red slash instantly cut through the space, and the terrifying momentum seemed to converge into the slash at this moment, and then collided violently with the red dog’s head condensed by the red dog!


The terrifying power, the terrifying impact, broke out instantly at this moment!

The violent shock wave with a violent momentum, instantly spread out, the surrounding ground was instantly torn apart by the violent shock wave, flying towards the surroundings, the ground was accompanied by the shock wave, smashed down to all around, the unlucky egg navy, after all, still can’t run away.

More navies in the range of the shock wave, desperately trying to stabilize their bodies, but involuntarily retreated, only officers above the rear admiral can barely fix their figures!

In the outbreak of terror, Levi’s black and red slash, and the red dog’s lava dog head stalemated for a while, slowly pushed forward!

The lava dog’s head was slowly broken, and the speed gradually increased!

The red dog desperately strengthened, but there was no way to change the situation!


The lava dog head of the red dog was directly split in two and cut into two pieces, but the slash of Li Wei’s overlord color entanglement and armed color enhancement still continued unabated, and it slashed fiercely on the red dog’s body!


The red dog was severely slashed by Levi’s bully, and he had already carried out elemental avoidance damage in advance, but this time, it seemed that it could not be completely avoided!

With Li Wei’s one piece chopped, after the terrifying outbreak, the red dog that was directly cut off revealed his figure.

I saw that the red dog had obviously been elementalized, but there was still an extra knife wound on his chest, and Yin Hong’s blood seeped out!

Even if it is elemental, it is not omnipotent!

The ultimate domineering is something that Suhua can easily circumvent!

Levi’s shooting range slash at this time was much stronger than when he was equal to Shanks!

The red dog Huancheng Shanks will still suffer a loss!

What’s more, the red dog still has no weapons and uses elementalization to block him?

His overlord color and armed color have reached the extreme intensity!

On the battlefield, with this wave of confrontation, there was an instant silence.

Levi’s performance surprised everyone!

In front of the live broadcast screen, the audience watching the live broadcast was directly stunned.

“General Akainu, that monster-like general Akainu, was directly cut by a sword? How is this possible? This is the Red Dog General! The highest combat power of the Navy! How could it be possible to lose to the deputy captain of a small group of whitebeard pirates? ”

“I can’t believe that the red dog general who fought with Whitebeard for several rounds and did not fall into the downwind was actually injured by Deputy Captain Levi? And still in a state of advance elemental avoidance? This Levi exactly…”

“It’s outrageous, is this the strength of the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates? Even General Haiju can suppress it? From the very beginning of the engagement, it did not fall into the downwind, right? ”

“You said so, I remembered that since Deputy Captain Levi entered the battlefield, it seems that no matter who he faces, it is out of the upper hand, which ……..”

People who had this idea were instantly startled, and this terrifying performance made them have a guess in their hearts, that is, Levi had not yet given his full strength!

But how is this possible?

have already injured the general, or a head-on hard confrontation, in this case to hurt the general, it can be clear that his strength is a level of the general and the four emperors, but if he has not yet given his full strength, then…

It can’t be another whitebeard, right?

Whitebeard has not worked hard until now, which is an obvious thing, and his state has been very calm. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

If Whitebeard is desperately full of firepower, then it will be difficult for the red dog to entangle for so long or comparable!

But to say that Levi is still hiding his strength, then this guess is somewhat too bold.

Even the people who made this speculation did not want to believe it.

On the battlefield, Hawkeye’s eyes have become solemn, because he has fought with Shanks many times before, and he naturally understands the overlord color entanglement.

The power of Levi’s sword just now was already stronger than Shanks’ overlord color winding!

You know, even if it is him, he is only comparable to Shanks!

This kid’s strength is already stronger than him?

Hawkeye’s face was a little strange, I thought I was an interesting swordsman, but in the end, people are better than themselves?

This is embarrassing!

As a pure swordsman, Hawkeye is not tyrannical but can compete with redheads, relying on his extreme specialization in swordsmanship, the terrifying lethality he brings, coupled with the terrifying armed color that can drown the knife in taste, and the powerful enough sight.

Everything about him is cultivated by himself, and the bully is this kind of thing, don’t think about it without qualifications, he didn’t master it, the overlord color domineering he has, but there is no further development.

But he has a lot of experience in dealing with bullying.

After all, the so-called bullying, in the final analysis, is not it still to enhance the lethality of their own attacks?

As long as his sword is sharp enough and tough enough, it will still shatter you!

Therefore, the red-haired god avoids, he is not vain at all!

And now, Levi’s overlord-colored entanglement is obviously stronger than the redhead, and this gap is likely to affect the final (King’s) victory or defeat!

“‘It just so happens that challenging the strong is much more interesting than dealing with a slightly more interesting swordsman.’

Soon Hawkeye’s eyes were quick and firm, able to challenge the strong, or the strong with swordsmanship, he couldn’t ask for it!

As for not being bullied, then how to stretch?

Can’t fight, or because only the sword art is not strong enough, the sword is not sharp enough, not hard enough!

If you are not strong enough, continue to cultivate!

This is the belief of Hawkeye!

Why is a person who is not a bully enough to be on par with red-haired Shanks? It relies on his ultimate kendo, as well as almost the strongest weapon color in the swordsman category.

For the ability to cultivate and obtain, Hawkeye is happy to constantly exercise, but he is not very willing to cultivate this kind of thing that must be innately talented.

But in fact, at this time, there has been a trace of fluctuation in his heart, after all, in the color of arming, he has really come to the end, the black knife is already there, and then want to strengthen, perhaps, domineering is something that must be mastered.

(ps: Hawkeye is the same as Karp, the initial version is definitely not overlord color, but Oda will definitely be installed in the later stage, so directly arrange Hawkeye will overlord color, but focus on armed color and swordsmanship, after all, black knife, this level of armed color, is already the strongest armed color in the direction of the swordsman, similar to the strongest armed color in the direction of Kapu physical art. )。

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