Levi’s words made Blackbeard Tichy’s face change slightly, and then said with a smile:

“Still want to bluff? I don’t believe it, you have a stronger trick, come on, let me see what your so-called no longer keep your hands on, what it looks like! ”

Blackbeard’s face was full of excitement, as if he wanted to use this method to hit Levi’s momentum.

Levi shook his head, did not bother to say more, he really wanted a quick victory!

“Mighty Attack, Freedom Vibration, Wave Overlord Color Entwined!”

Yes, Levi is on the chopping knife, plus the bully!

The terrifying domineering power flashed, and then concentrated on the chopping knife, turning into a red light, one after another red void lightning, splashing out from the chopping knife, and the terrifying momentum made the nearby ground begin to collapse!

In an instant, Tichy knew that this guy was not bluffing!

That kind of method, he was only used when he was young, when he saw his father fighting with Roger, and then he slowly couldn’t see it, he knew that this was the ability that the top emperors of the real sea would master!

Overlord color winding!

For a while, Blackbeard’s face was extremely ugly, with a hint of panic in his eyes!

In the distance, Sengoku looked at the chopping knife that was blessed with hegemony, and said with a solemn face:

“Li Wei little ghost, at this time, he can also entangle the overlord color, this talent, really terrifying!”

With the eyes of the Warring States, it can naturally be seen that before Li Wei blessed the overlord color winding, each sword was already the result of the superposition of several forces, how easy is it to add another one online?

Many times, if you want to use this power, you have to give up another, these things, not to add together, can be added together!

Just like his Warring States, he also has a bully, but his hegemony cannot be attached to the armed color at the same time, it can only be the form of a big Buddha plus the hegemony, which is his strongest attack.

You can’t add all three bonuses!

However, because the hegemony itself is very strong, so with the addition of armed colors, there will not be much strengthening, but in this top power, it is very important to add a little!

And Karp is different!

That old bastard can do it all together!

This is the talent, the talent of this kid, it is indeed terrible!

“Tichy’s end is now.'”

When he saw Levi cut out this sword, the Warring States announced the defeat of Tichy, which was just a matter of early age.

I saw that as the chopping knife fell, a black and red sword light, at an angle that Tiqi could not dodge, quickly and heavily slashed at his body!


Tichy and the whole person were directly slashed to the ground, but the violent slash did not weaken, and the blade continued to break through Tichy’s flesh and blood, pressing down fiercely!

The aftermath alone knocked out all the navies close to the battlefield, and the flying rubble, like bullets, shot wildly in all directions!

A trace of solemnity flashed on the yellow ape’s face: “It’s really terrible.” ”

The green pheasant quickly created an ice wall to block the flying stones, if these things are not blocked, there will be a lot of navies who will die because of the aftermath of this battle!

Without cultivating a domineering navy, even this simplest aftermath cannot be stopped!

The face of the red dog is a little ugly, after all, Blackbeard he wants to kill, but Levi also he doesn’t want to let go!

But at the moment, it seems that there is no way but to become a marshal and gather the combat power of multiple generals!

Akainu once again firmed up his heart to become a general and control the right to speak in the navy!

On the battlefield, Levi’s fierce sword almost cut off half of Tichy’s body!

His heart was cut in half by Li Wei’s sword, his eyes widened, and it seemed that under this sword, he had completely turned into a revenant!

When all this happened, the field was full of silence, and it really did!

The audience watching the live broadcast was full of incredulity.

“Did this suddenly explode? Why did the attack suddenly rise by a gear, this gear does not seem to be much, directly crushed Tichy, this person is directly gone?? ”

“Originally, I was using injuries to exchange time, but I didn’t expect the attack to become stronger again, and I couldn’t block it directly, a split body was split in half, and the heart was split in half, and now it was completely dead, and the legend about Blackbeard on the sea was completely over.”

“It’s incredible, I never expected that Blackbeard Tichy, the guy who did so many great things, was ended when his legend just appeared.”

“No way, who made him Levi’s enemy? Li Wei, the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, now it seems that his strength will not be weaker than Whitebeard at all, he is already the level of the strongest man in the world, and a pirate group has two of the strongest in the world, which is terrible! ”

“Indeed, Tichy is an unprecedented two-fruit ability, just gone? The only person in the world with a double-fruit ability that has existed for a few minutes? This is outrageous! ”

“‘I can’t even imagine how to record this history, the only person with a double fruit ability in the world, after becoming a double fruit ability, within a few minutes, was killed by a strong person? This is ridiculous…”

For a moment, everyone actually felt a little speechless, they still wanted to watch the double fruit ability performance, and the result was this?

Straight gone?

The audience is feeling unfulfilled, but the navy side is a little nervous, after all, Levi has just shown the ability, if he continues to fight him, the navy will definitely lose. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

At the moment, they don’t want to engage in any more top war with the Whitebeard Pirates, hurry up and send it away, the losses of the navy are not small, and the result is that a group of Whitebeard pirates are still under the command of the day…

However, just when everyone thought that this was the end, Levi’s laughter suddenly came from inside the attack on freedom.

He laughed and said, “Tichy, are you still pretending to be dead?” Do you think I can’t see that this kind of injury can’t let you die? ”

For a while, the gaze on the field instantly focused on Li Wei.

How can it be?

This kind of injury, as long as it is a person, is already dead, right?

Why would Levi say Tichy isn’t dead yet?

Everyone looked curiously at Tichy, who was lying on the ground with an obvious dead look.

How could this not have died?

Are you kidding?

Even Warring States and the others looked at Li Wei strangely, not knowing what he was doing.

The body was almost split in half, and the heart was split in two, this kind of injury is definitely dead, and it is only right that you can no longer die.

I saw Levi stick a huge chopping knife next to Tiqi’s neck and said with a smile:

“You continue to play dead, but I will cut off your head, as long as the head is cut off, even if you have two hearts, you can’t continue to live, right?”

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