Levi’s words, like a depth charge, instantly detonated the audience!

“How is that possible?? My goodness, a man has two hearts? Is this true?? But that’s incredible, isn’t it? ”

“One person has two hearts and eats two devil fruits, you say, is it because this guy has two hearts that are different from ordinary people that he can eat two devil fruits?”

For a while, this inference was recognized by others!

“It seems that there is really this possibility, it’s incredible, there are really all kinds of people on the sea, people with two hearts, or eating two fruits, I’ve never heard of it!”

“Blackbeard Tichy, really an unusual guy, at this time, he can think of using fake death to get out, and this injury, maybe he deliberately caused it, knowing that he can’t stop it, deliberately making an injury that must be a dead person, wanting to deceive everyone!”

“But isn’t all this based on what Levi said, is it true? If what he said is false, then everything is baseless. ”

For a moment, everyone’s eyes were on Tichy.

On the side of the navy, the Warring States shrank sharply after hearing what Levi said!

“I didn’t think that this Tiqi actually has this special physique, if it weren’t for Levi, we wouldn’t have thought at all, maybe this guy really has the possibility to escape!” Sure enough, this guy is too dangerous! ”

Lieutenant General He couldn’t help but say, “Are you directly taking what Li Wei said as true?” Couldn’t this have been made up casually by him? ”

Warring States shook his head and said, “It’s impossible, Blackbeard Tichy, an unprecedented double-fruit ability, must have something special about him, different from ordinary people’s physique, two hearts placed on his body, it is very likely, and Levi does not need to make it up casually at this time.” ”

On the field, after Levi put the chopping knife next to Blackbeard’s neck and said that sentence, after a while, Titch finally opened his eyes.

At this time, his eyes were full of hatred, and he said:

“How would you know I have two hearts??” Originally, he planned to pretend to be dead to the end, no matter what Levi said, gambling that he would not mend the knife with one hand.

But he didn’t expect that Levi even knew that he had two hearts, and he obviously hadn’t told anyone about this secret!

It turned out to come out of the mouth of AFCD, which is incredible!

Looking at the jewel-like eyes of the attack on freedom, Tichy seemed to see Levi’s eyes, eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything.

Under these eyes, Titch feels that he has no secrets!

He forcibly flipped over with his body on the other side, knelt on the ground, and begged:

“Levi, let me go, give me a chance, my dreams can’t be extinguished here, please……. Please.”

Looking at Tiqi, who was kneeling on the ground and begging, everyone was really sure that this guy really had two hearts, and he really suspended animation!

“Blackbeard Tichy, this guy, really deserves to be faceless, in order to survive, the method of suspended animation is useless, only to beg for mercy, there is no second way.”

“Yes, it’s hard to believe that a guy with such a strong strength is not much better than us when facing death.”

“It depends on whether Levi is willing to let go of a horse, but the navy has already said that Tichy will be directly executed, even if Levi releases him, it depends on whether the navy is willing to let go of a horse.”

“At this time, Tichy’s fate is in the hands of others.”

On the side of the navy, the Warring States really had such an expression, and said:

“This guy Tichy, what he is afraid of is not death, but that his ambitions and dreams have no chance to be realized, and for his ambition, he absolutely cannot accept dying here, but obviously, Levi will not give him this opportunity.”

In the eyes of the Warring States, even if Levi gives a chance, he will not give any chance, Blackbeard is mortal, no matter what ambitions he has, what dreams he has, it will end here, which is the safest.

As for his dark fruit directly reborn and caused the storm in the sea, it is not so important, after all, there is no Blackbeard’s unusual physique, even if he gets the dark fruit, the effect is average, at most restrain the fruit ability, in front of the domineering master, it is useless, on the contrary, it is easier to be restrained by the domineering master.

In this way, Blackbeard can supplement the weakness with the second fruit, and the dark fruit looks terrible. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, now have a strange expression on their faces, seeing Tichy’s behavior, they are not surprised, this guy, who values ambition more than anything, and also spares his life more than anyone, kowtowing and begging for mercy, it is not the first time.

As if taking a long breath, Saatchi said:

“Titch has finally come to his end, and I can finally let go of the shadow of that time.”

Before this, every time I thought of Tichy, I would think of the horror and severe pain of being suddenly pulled out from behind, the feeling of being betrayed and dying, which was really uncomfortable.

Ace’s expression was also much more relaxed, Tichy this guy can be regarded as a deep lesson for him, in the future without enough strength, he will never wave on the sea again.

Without the strength to come out of the wave, it will only affect everyone in the end.

After all, in the Whitebeard Pirates, he is not alone, he is responsible for the entire Pirate Group.

Whitebeard’s expression has not changed, although Tichy has played his son here for so many years, it is impossible to say that he has no feelings at all, but he is completely consumed by Tichy himself, and now Whitebeard no longer has the slightest feeling for Tichy.

He is not stupid after all.

On the field, looking at the confidence of being a kowtow insect on the ground, Levi laughed.

Then, without nonsense, the huge chopping knife slashed towards Tiki, who was kowtowing!

Although he has already sensed it with sight, Tiqi himself is seriously injured at this time, although he did not die because of his two hearts, but the serious injury has long limited his heartbeat ability!

The support he worked hard to support even concentrated the armed color domineering energy on his fist, desperately trying to resist.

However, in this state, how could he resist this sword with a tyranny?


With a huge explosion, Levi directly cut off Tiqi’s armed fist covered with a sword, and then the trend did not decrease, and Tiqi’s head, a sword, the aftermath of the slashing knife stood on the ground, and exploded a deep crack, like an abyss!

And Tichy, who even had his head beheaded, this time there was no possibility of suspended animation, his eyes were still wide, as if he still couldn’t believe that he was really dead like this, and his ambition was really extinguished like this.

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