As Tichy’s head landed, the Blackbeard Pirates completely withdrew from the battlefield, and this top war can also be said to be over.

“Unexpectedly, this Blackbeard is really dead like this, a head, he has several hearts are useless, unless there are two heads, otherwise his ambition will end here.”

“Yes, when Blackbeard appeared, we thought that the protagonist of the top war was going to change, but I didn’t expect it, it was only a brief appearance, and now it seems that this top war that shocked the world should also be over.”

“The navy may not pursue anymore, after all, Levi has obviously not consumed much of his physical strength now, and if he wants to pursue at this time, he may face greater losses.”

“Blackbeard Tichy, a complete scoundrel, betrayed from the Whitebeard Pirates, and finally died at the hands of the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, which is also the reincarnation of the sea.”

“Indeed, betrayal as a villain does not end well.”

Warring States’ face softened, as if relieved, and said:

“This dangerous guy can be regarded as completely eradicated, captured the advancing city, rescued a large number of prisoners, and participated in the top war, this vicious criminal, in the end, fell into the hands of the white-bearded pirate group, a ridiculous life.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru also couldn’t help nodding and said: “This guy has indeed done what many people dare not think about for his own ambition, but his luck is not good, the white-bearded pirate group, a monster that is even more monster than him, if it were not for this monster, this guy may not die today, but it will be when he completely ascended the sea dance ~ stage.” ”

The two couldn’t help but sigh, now it’s time to put the finishing touches-.

Meanwhile, the Holy Land Mary Joya.

The legal martial god Topman Wochuli laughed: “This kid is really good, Blackbeard Tichy, this guy looks like he should also be a general, right?” The level of the general is also considered a strong one, he was hacked to death by a few knives, his explosive power is already the top of the general emperor, and it is indeed good to accept it as a dog. ”

Not at the scene, Blackbeard’s intelligence is not clear, so they misjudged the strength of Levi and Blackbeard, which is also normal, after all, only the Warring States on the scene who have both strength and eyes, are still close to the scene, and can perceive the battle situation, can know that the strength of these two people is actually a grade stronger than the five old stars think.

Environmental Martial God Jaygo Lucia Satan Saint said in a deep voice: “The brainwashing method is ready, right? That fruit, arrange a person to eat, brainwash with the fruit ability, cooperate with other means, must achieve the best effect, ensure the potential at the same time, obedient. ”

Others also nodded slowly, such a guy, after brainwashing and sending to the Knights of God, is another heritage.

Especially this kind of guy who is not old and has not experienced much is the best brainwashing, and the potential is also great.

Figarandu Greene Ancient Saint will definitely be happy.

Environmental Martial God Jay Golucia Satan Saint directly pointed at the phone worm and said:

“Inform the Warring States that Levi doesn’t have to worry about it and leave it to the world government to deal with.”


CP0, who was in charge of broadcasting live to the Holy Land of Mary Joya, immediately found the Warring States and said the order of the five old stars.

Warring States was originally waiting for a step down, but now that the five old stars have said it, Li Wei handed it over to them, then don’t care, this dangerous guy, he just doesn’t want to care.

“The war, it’s time to end.”

At this time, Levi’s voice came from inside the attack on freedom:

“Marshal of the Warring States, will our war continue? You know I want to run, no one can stop it, daddy they can withdraw at any time, you can’t help it. ”

The Sengoku face is still a little ugly after all, but looking at the navy with heavy losses on the field, many injured people still have the opportunity to be treated, and if they continue, the sacrifices will further increase, and there is no way to continue.

As soon as Chi Inu wanted to refute Levi, he heard the voice of the Warring States:

“This war, this is the end, medical team, start saving people!”


Levi took a deep look at the Warring States, this old boy is going to back the pot this time.

He came into contact with the form of the pretense of attacking freedom, returned to his human form, and then turned into a ray of light, crossed the huge crack created by the Shock Fruit, and returned to Whitebeard and the others.

At this time, a few powerful people are still here, and they can be evacuated at any time.

The sound of the Warring States truce came, and although the white-bearded pirate group did not relax their vigilance, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Their losses are not small, a pirate regiment, fighting with such a behemoth as the Navy, must be prepared for the total annihilation of the army!

At this moment, suddenly, a voice came.

“I’m here to end this war! If anyone else wants to continue, let’s be the opponent! ”

A red-haired man said this imposing word with domineering.

However, the scene was quiet, and it was a little eeriely quiet.

The redhead felt a little embarrassed because he entered the bay and saw the scene in front of him, and he felt a little wrong.

At this time, the Warring States said in a speechless voice:

“Shanks, you’re late, the war is over, and you don’t need to end the war.”

Shanks’ face was instantly full of embarrassment:

“Huh? Haha, how could it be, I am obviously already in full force, or am I late? It’s a pity that the screen watching the live broadcast broke early, I can’t see the situation here, it’s embarrassing, hahahahaha~”

Shanks’ awkward smile made everyone speechless, but it was also because of his arrival that the navy completely lost the mind of small movements, and now they have no idea of fighting with two four royal regiments at the same time. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

“Shanks! What are you doing here? ”

Luffy’s voice eased Shanks’ embarrassment in time, the pirates returned to the ship and left port, and Shanks came to the Moby Dick with a few crew members.

The navy did not stop it, and Bucky, who was originally live broadcasting, also immediately ended the live broadcast and snatched a naval warship out of port, Shanks, the bastard, dared to appear in front of him, and must go to teach a lesson!

On the Moby Dick, with a fight, it finally stopped, and Bucky once again gained the adoration of his men.

Looking at Luffy who was grinning, and then at Levi who was calm on the other side, Shanks couldn’t help but wonder again, the savior of this world, did he really not gamble wrong?

Shaking his head and throwing the thought out, Shanks laughed:

“Levi, I also want to thank you for treating Luffy, otherwise, this kid’s injury will not recover in a few months.”

Li Wei waved his hand casually and said, “It’s just a matter of raising your hand, and rescuing Ace also depends on the special identity of this kid.” ”

Shanks was slightly stunned, and couldn’t help but laugh bitterly, this guy, he really knows everything.

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