Twenty-fourth floor.

  The third-order demon species increased from eight to ten. .

  Still under the combined force of Bai Ye and Dongfang Yao, they killed them all in less than a minute. .

  The experience value has grown, exceeding [-]. .

  And Dongfang Yao's rank has also been raised from the ninth rank of the mysterious level to the first rank of the earth level.

  The Sikongquan in the rear has risen even more rapidly, and it has reached the sixth stage of the prefecture level. .

  Then, touch the corpse. .

  It is still the big head of the White Night Lord, and Dongfang Yao only touches one.

  No accident, it was still a magic seed crystal. .

  It was also found by Dongfang Yao. .

  Bai Ye's face turned black on the spot!

  Without a word, he walked to the twenty-fifth floor. .

  Twenty-fifth floor.

  Still kill fast! !

  The third-order magic seed crystal is still only one piece.

  The twenty-sixth floor!

  A magic crystal! !

  The twenty-seventh floor!

  The magic seed crystal, unprecedented three pieces.


  It's still all Dongfang Yao touching the corpse. .

  Twenty-eighth floor.

  Five bucks!

  It was still found by Dongfang Yao. .

  When entering the twenty-ninth floor, Bai Ye's face was already black to the bottom. .

  Gloomy, gritted teeth.

  It seems that he wants to spread his anger out to the Demon Seed on the twenty-ninth floor. .

  .................................................. ..

  ["Fuck... I can really see it, waking up Dongfang Yao definitely spent all the luck of this Mao Mao, look at his black hands, the chief of the Elephant Kingdom, he is not as black! !"]

  ["Hahaha...There is a sense of balance in my heart, I used my life's luck to exchange for a powerful heroic spirit, I'm afraid I won't have good luck for the rest of my life!!"]

  【“This is the truth that you must eat the fruit!!”】

  ["Hahahaha.... I'm dying of laughter, Big Brother Bai Ye, listen to your advice, don't touch the corpse, you are not suitable!!"]

  [“Damn, this guy seems to prefer touching corpses. On the 142th floor, he killed a total of [-] Tier [-] Demon Seeds, but none of the Demon Seed Crystals came out, and all the Demon Seed Crystals were from the East. Yao came out!!"]

  【"I can't live with laughter!!"】

  【"This preference... is really sinful!!"】

  [“As long as he finds a 5.1 piece, I will not say that he is black...!!”]

  【“This big brother is really awesome!!”】

  The audience in the live broadcast room can also see it.

  The so-called golden hands of Bai Ye are completely the black hands of the Elephant Country. .

  Terribly black! !

  They were so black that they suspected that if the second-order demons did not automatically become spiritual power, they would leave behind demon crystals.

  Instead, let Bai Ye touch the corpse, can he find a second-order magic crystal?

  However, Bai Ye still prefers to touch corpses. .

  They had never seen such a speechless thing.

  Big brother, black!

  Then don't touch the corpse, just let the heroic spirit touch the corpse! !

  The audience was tempted to take Bai Ye's collar and say so. .


  The twenty-ninth floor.

  The third-order demon species increased to nearly fifty. .

  Such a quantity can already be described as terrifying.

  There is a qualitative gap between the third-order demons and the second-order demons, which cannot be compensated by the quantity at all. .

  Looking at the more than fifty third-order demons in front of him.

  Bai Ye said nothing, took the iron sword in his hand, and killed him. .

  Dongfang Yao smiled: "Hey... boss wait for me...!!"

  With a shout, he hurriedly killed him. .


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] Earn [-] million! (seeking to follow)

  Chapter [-]

  On the twenty-ninth floor, Bai Ye and Dongfang Yao's offensive could not be stopped at all. .

  In the battle of these several layers, Bai Ye's use of power has become more handy. .

  In particular, Li Bai's perception of the unity of man and sword fills Bai Ye's heart with enlightenment all the time. .

  This is just Bai Ye's initial use of the power fed back by Li Bai. .

  I still can't do that, raising my hand is a huge sword energy spanning [-] meters. .

  However, under the blessing of the spiritual weapon, the iron sword, Bai Ye cut out a half-meter sword energy, and there was no problem. .

  And half a meter of sword energy is more than enough to kill a third-order demon. .

  Swish swish! !

  After initially mastering the sword energy, Bai Ye looked very excited. .

  The long sword in his hand slashed out again and again. .

  The sword energy is all around!

  "Hahaha.... Who can take my sword!!" Bai Ye laughed.

  At this time, I really want to hold a pot of wine and take a sip from the sky! !

  And Dongfang Yao, after the rank was raised to the Earth level, became more powerful.

  The power of the stars, which was originally unstoppable by the Demon Seed, became stronger and more dazzling! !

  The long sword slashed out again and again.

  The sword qi condensed by the power of the stars is much more powerful than the half-meter short sword qi of Bai Ye. .

  Boom boom boom! !

  The offensive of the two was mainly dominated by Dongfang Yao.

  After all, as a heroic spirit, it is still stronger than a summoner.

  Summoners only have to wait until five stars!

  Only then can you freely feedback the [-]% power of each heroic spirit!

  That is the power of the Heroic Spirit Summoner's pinnacle! !


  Outside the Tower of Demon Seeds.

  The candidates who just finished the college entrance examination, and the next batch of candidates who are about to enter the Tower of Demon Seeds, have been waiting impatiently for nearly an hour.

  Immediately, they were told that they could walk out of the dark room.

  He walked out without hesitation.

  After walking out, a towering tower suddenly appeared in their eyes.

  "This is the Tower of Demon Seeds...!!"

  "Really 04 is the same as in the record, so spectacular...!!"

  "I don't know, where is our ninth floor just now!!"

  Summoner candidates from all over the world talked about it one after another.

  Immediately, he became a little suspicious.

  "Why isn't it over yet...Fuck!!"

  "I also want to ask, why is it not over yet, several Samsung bosses have already come out, why this game is not over yet!!"

  "What happened... What the hell happened!!!" This is the student of the Heroic Spirit College Entrance Exam just finished the Tower of Demon Seeds.

  "What have you experienced this time?!"

  "How come it's not over yet!!" This is the next batch of candidates who are about to enter the Tower of Demon Seeds!

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