Everyone started to speculate. .

  Shangguan Yinuo showed such an expression as expected. .

  However, there was always a trace of surprise in his eyes! !

  The Dragon Kingdom Summoner candidates who had just teamed up with Shangguan Yinuo saw Shangguan Yinuo and came over to ask.

  "Hey... Brother Yinuo.... What happened, why even you have come out, our exam is not over yet!!"

  "That's right... Something's not right. Could it be that there are some monsters hidden in this session!!"

  "Even if there are monsters, after all, they are still high school students, and they can still break through the nineteenth floor!!"

  "The nineteenth floor, I heard that there are thousands of second-order demons sitting in town... Without a four-star summoner, it is impossible to pass the customs!!"

  several people said.

  Shangguan Yinuo's expression was a bit complicated. .

  in vain. .

  "Hey...you have seen that fairy...uh,,, I remember, his name is Bai Ye!!"

  "Yes, it's called Bai Ye!"

  "Why didn't I see him, is he still in his test center...!!"

  "Hahaha... It really is a rookie summoner!!"

  Shangguan Yinuo's face still flashed a complicated look. .

  In my mind, the last familiar voice was always echoing, when I heard the news that Bai Ye was not here.

  Immediately, it was more certain.

  It was Bai Ye, still inside the Tower of Demon Seeds.

  Moreover, an hour later, he still hadn't come out. .

  Well, this can only prove.

  In the white night, he is still in the Tower of Demon Seeds, breaking through! !

  "Uh.... are you talking about the white night?!"

  "Is it Bai Ye from Jiangning City?!"

  A beautiful voice sounded from the side. .

  Several people looked.

  Su Xinyu stood there pretty, looking at them with a puzzled expression on her face. .

  Song Rentou recognized Su Xinyu and suddenly exclaimed: "Uh...you are, what the fuck, you are Su Xinyu, the daughter of Su Mu Group!!"

  Su Xinyu nodded.

  asked again.

  "Did you meet Bai Ye in Jiangning City for your first exam?!!"

  Seeing Su Xinyu asking, Song Ren quickly said, "Well...hahaha, that boy Bai Ye is a pure rookie summoner!"

  "Although I don't have much strength, I'm very motivated. Taking the college entrance examination this time to accumulate some experience should be preparing for the Heroic Spirit College Entrance Exam next year."

  "Why.... You know Goddess Su!!"

  Su Xinyu is beautiful and one of the richest women in the entire Long Kingdom.

  Just ask, which boy of the same age is not excited to face such a goddess. .

  Song Rentou naturally wanted to show himself in front of the goddess.

  He quickly expressed that he had a good relationship with Bai Ye, and then praised Bai Ye in the tone of a senior. .

  A kind of attitude that he is quite arrogant. .

  When Su Xinyu heard the words, her expression suddenly became stunned.

  "No wonder, this first exam has not ended after so long!"

  "It turned out to be Bai Ye..."

  "It seems that it will not end in a while!!" Secretly said.

  Immediately, his face became strange again.

  "You said... Bai Ye is a rookie summoner?!!"

  The time when Bai Ye wakes up the heroic spirit is indeed very confusing.

  However, saying he is a rookie summoner....!

  What's so special, have you ever seen a rookie summoner beat up a fifth-order demon to the ground? !

  Song Rentou was even more proud when he heard this.

  "Yeah... Goddess Su, you don't know, that boy Bai Ye, who just hid behind me, was watching me and my heroic spirit!!"

  "It is estimated that it is to learn the experience of tacit understanding between me and my Heroic Spirit!!"

  Su Xinyu's mouth twitched suddenly.

  This is really, the knife stabbed the butt, opened the eyes! !

  Bai Ye actually pretended to be new. . .

  At this time, Shangguan Yinuo stepped forward and bowed to Su Xinyu.

  "Do you know Bai Ye, what is his origin!!"

  "The Tower of Demon Seeds isn't over yet, it should be that he is still fighting in the Demon Seed Tower!!" Shangguan Yinuo said firmly.

  With burning eyes, he looked at Su Xinyu. .


  "Bai Ye is still in the Tower of Demon Seeds!!"

  "how is this possible!!"

  Shangguan Yinuo said.

  Several other people suddenly exclaimed.

  Even the Samsung Summoner Shangguan Yinuo had already crushed the admission ticket and left the Tower of Demon Seeds.

  And tell them that Bai Ye is still in the Tower of Demon Seeds.

  How is this possible! !

  Su Xinyu smiled.

  "If it's Bai Ye, it should be. No wonder I said, why has it been so long, and this first exam hasn't ended yet!!"

  "It turned out to be him!!"

  She talked about the white night, and her eyes sparkled! !

  Think of Bai Ye's character, and the pair of hands that are too black to be in the black elephant country! !

  She just wanted to laugh.

  I don't know, without her, will Bai Ye keep robbing Dongfang Yao's body.

  Then, there was no gain with a black face. .

  "It really is him!!"

  Shangguan Yinuo became a little excited. .

  "He, what is his origin, it's not just awakening the heroic spirit for a month...!!"

  Su Xinyu looked at Shangguan Yinuo's excited expression.

  He covered his mouth and smiled:

  "Bai Ye... um,,, I'll keep it a secret. You may know when you go out after the exam!!"

  "After all, if he uses that talker..."

  Shangguan Yinuo: ".........."


  Devil's Tower.

  The thirty-ninth floor!

  After the twenty-ninth floor, the monster's rank has been raised to the fourth rank! !

  On the [-]th floor, a Tier [-] Demon Seed. .

  Thirty-first floor, two.

  Thirty-two layers of three. .

  Thirty-three layers of five. .

  Thirty-five layers and eight! !

  Thirty-sixth floor ten!

  Fifteen on the thirty-seventh floor!

  Twenty on the thirty-eighth floor!

  It is now the thirty-ninth floor, thirty second-order demons! !

  Although the number is not as much as before, it is so crazy, and it has been reduced by more than half, but the quality of the Demon Seed has increased!

  There are very few summoners of the same level who can face the simultaneous siege of thirty fourth-order demons at the same time! !


  After Dongfang Yao was promoted to the earth level, these fourth-order demons were to him,

  Not a threat at all.

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