This time, what kind of surprise will it bring them! !

  Will he wake up the gods again! !

  Everyone pinned their hopes on this mysterious Dragon Kingdom Summoner. .

  ["Fuck, I finally waited for this big brother..."]

  ["Quick, quick, anchor, please, take a look, the origin of this heroic spirit, I can't wait for this big brother's performance!!"]

  ["Wuwuwu, I cried, this eldest brother didn't make any movement for a month, now, it's finally here!!"]

  【"I feel like he is the savior of our Dragon Kingdom!!"】

  [“The Arrow of Destruction, go and see what his origins are!!”]

  The audience of Longguo shouted in succession.

  Their Dragon Kingdom urgently needs a powerful god to prove the heritage of the Dragon Kingdom. .

  Come on, overseas audiences, shut up. .

  Su Xinyu looked at the barrage. .

  His expression became firm. .


  Then click on the introduction to the origin of this called Arrow of Breaking Demons - Jia Luo! !

  The Great Wall Guards buff, the more Great Wall Guards, the stronger the strength. .

  In cooperation with miracle creators. .

  This is what Su Xinyu meant.

  "Gara - the fallen hometown!"

  This is the CG animation this time!

  Su Xinyu muttered.

  The next moment, the eyes darkened, and consciousness entered this CG animation! !


  PS: Seeking to subscribe!string.

Chapter [-] Thousand Caves City!City of Knowledge! (seeking to follow)

  Chapter [-]

  "Thousands of caves are blessed, peace and worry!"

  A high female voice rang in Su Xinyu's ear first.

  Female Heroic Spirit!

  Su Xinyu was slightly taken aback.

  For now, there are few powerful female Heroic Spirits in the Dragon Kingdom.

  It's all because of the former Dragon Kingdom, most of which are machismo.

  All are men.

  Female Heroic Spirits are generally either supportive or functional. .

  Basically, there are very few female Heroic Spirits with that kind of combat type and strong combat power.

  and so!

  At this moment, such a high-pitched female voice made Su Xinyu a little stunned.

  next moment!

  The sight in front of him lit up.

  Su Xinyu subconsciously began to scan the surrounding environment!

  What caught the eye was a piece of Qiongshan Mountains, with huge stone pillars standing around them.

  A small cave-like exit.

  It shows that this is a place formed by countless caves, surrounded by stone houses, which proves that this is a huge gathering place.

  In the entire gathering place, thousands of houses are brightly lit.

  The shining lights, illuminating the entire settlement, looked so shocking.

  And in the most central position, a stone pillar that seems to be going straight to the sky, stands between this world.

  It says.

  Thousand Caves City!

  "Thousand Caves City!!"

  Su Xinyu looked at the words on the stone pillar and muttered to herself.

  Looking at the huge gathering place connected by thousands of caves, her face was filled with excitement. .


  Before she could start moving.

  A voice sounded from his ear.

  "When the footsteps of the gods walked through the desert in the clouds, they left a long road of jade, from the Great Wall to the Canyon of Kings."

  "For thousands of years, this road has rang through camel bells of merchants, cavalry galloping through iron armor, and welcomed eager seekers of knowledge."

  "And these seekers have dug a thousand grottoes under the arrogant cliffs, and placed the knowledge taught by God and the hard-won classics and placed them in a precious place, and engraved them into the blood and marrow of generations."

  "That's why people call this place the City of Thousand Caves."

  Hear this voice,

  Su Xinyu felt a surge of excitement that came from the depths of her heart.

  Here, it is an important place that can set off the historical dust of the Dragon Kingdom. .


  It is also a city of knowledge! !

  The voice resounded in my ears again.

  "For thousands of years, Thousand Caves City has become the most famous academy city in the desert in the cloud."

  "When it comes to the quantity and quality of the books collected here, no matter the most powerful Jinting City, or the nobles of Jade City, who were once famous for their wealth, they are all yearning for it."

  "I'm afraid only Chang'an City in the eastern part of the mainland and the legendary Jixia Academy can win."

  "In the city stands the statues of the most famous scholars of all ages, whose names, along with the fruits of their wisdom, are revered by the people.

  In this passage, Su Xinyu once again captured an extremely important piece of information.

  The most powerful Golden Court City!

  Yucheng nobles who are famous for their wealth!

  Jintingcheng and Yucheng, Su Xinyu and the audience do not know.


  Chang'an City in the eastern part of the mainland! !

  The legendary Jixia Academy! !

  These two place names are now very familiar to everyone in the Dragon Kingdom! !

  They even witnessed its prosperity with their own eyes in the CG animation. .

  The Wanjia and other people in Chang'an City are bright and prosperous, which is the historical and cultural heritage that makes countless Longguo people extremely proud and proud.

  And Jixia College!

  It's just a moment of contact with Dongfang Yao's CG animation.

  However, Su Xinyu and all the audience can feel from the towering building and the immortal environment that it is an extraordinary place.

  At this time, I heard the names of these two places again. .

  Su Xinyu's excited heart suddenly jumped fast,

  She felt that her excited heart was thumping, and it was about to jump out of her chest!

  She felt that the rich history of the Dragon Kingdom was already in front of her eyes.

  The audience of Longguo in the live broadcast room also boiled.

  ["Come on...Chang'an City, Jixia College, I have only seen it twice, but I can see the prosperity and prosperity of the Dragon Kingdom in history. This is the background of our Dragon Kingdom!!"]

  ["That's right...The cultural heritage of our Dragon Kingdom is definitely the deepest and most profound of all countries."]

  ["Thousand Caves City... records countless classics... It seems that we are about to unveil the once splendid historical glory of the Dragon Kingdom!!"]

  ["I'm starting to be curious now. I'm curious about who Jia Luo is from this Thousand Caves City, the hostess...or is she a female scholar, and what relationship does she have with the Great Wall Guards!!"]

  The audience of Longguo focused all their attention.

  All of them began to wonder how magnificent the history of the Dragon Kingdom would be! !

  Then, the voice sounded again.

  "The family that manages the Thousand Caves City enjoys the same lofty status as the nobles in the big desert cities such as Jinting City and Yucheng, and is honored as the "Chiming Seven Clan Family", which means the most dazzling brilliance in the desert."

  "And Jia Luo and her fathers and grandfathers are like the light of knowledge in the desert, holding the cave of books for generations."

  coming! !

  Su Xinyu froze in her heart.


  It seems that Jialuo is the future of this Thousand Caves City!

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