Su Xinyu took a step forward, pointed towards the heart, and walked towards the Thousand Caves City.

  The voice continued to resound.

  "When Garo was young, his mother died!"

  "As an only daughter, she grew up under the guidance of her father!!"

  "Father, as a patriarch and scholar, has extensive knowledge and a noble character."

  "He personally taught his daughter science and a deep love for books."

  With the voice falling.

  Su Xinyu walked into a cave full of books.

  In the cave, there are countless bookshelves, and the summer vacation is full of books! !

  Su Xinyu's eyes trembled.

  This is a sea of ​​books that can't see the end at a glance! !

  No wonder this place can be called the city of knowledge. .

  Her mood became more and more excited, and the historical dust that Long Kingdom had been covered up seemed to be close at hand. .


  Her eyes were fixed on the sea of ​​​​books.

  One big and one small, two figures stood.

  (aefb) Su Xinyu's expression suddenly changed.

  Presumably, this is Garo and her father.

  Jia Luo is currently a little girl, with a ponytail tied behind her head and a small long dress, she looks cute!

  And her father is a middle-aged man, and his temperament can be clearly felt that he is a learned scholar.

  At this moment, Jia Luo's father pointed to the sea of ​​books and said to Jia Luo.

  "Look, these ancient handwritings were copied stroke by stroke by the ancestors."

  "It even costs [-] taels of gold to lend it from the collector for three days and finish copying it all night."

  "Why is it so precious?!" Jia Luo asked in confusion.

  Her father explained: "Many books have been destroyed by war. It takes great care to preserve them. So they will only be lent to those who truly love and have the strength to treasure them."

  Jia Luo asked again: "But books can neither fill the stomach nor make life easy."

  "For most people, it's true. But, Galo, it can make us immortal!!" Her father, attached to the importance of books.

  "eternal life?"

  "Aren't books easily damaged?" Garro asked again.

  "The book records the origins of ancestors, records the history of the family, and records the deeds of many other ancestors and other families, and records all our words!"

  "Creation... understand? The king's name, your name... will eventually disappear in time."

  "But even if only a few words are left, future generations will be able to hear what a wonderful civilization we have created."

  "This is eternal life."

  Su Xinyu stood aside, her eyes shaking.


  eternal life! !

  What a wonderful civilization we have created! !

  This is the belief inherited from the successors of Qian Cave City in all dynasties! !

  pity! !

  Thousands of years ago.

  Demons invaded Blue Star, and countless burrows opened.

  The history of the Dragon Kingdom was broken in the long river of history at that time. .

  These books representing eternal life must have been buried in the dust of history at that time!

  Su Xinyu fell silent.

  At the moment in the live broadcast room, there was no barrage, and everyone quietly listened to the scholar's elaboration of the book in front of him. .

  Jia Luo's father said solemnly: "Books are indeed a fleeting thing."

  "But civilizations can be born in books, and civilizations last forever."

  "Our family exists because of books and civilization."

  The little girl named Jia Luo seems to understand but does not understand. .

  Su Xinyu stood aside, somewhat silent. .

  Swish! !

  The next moment, the picture in front of him leaped rapidly.

  I saw that the sea of ​​books in front of me was still expanding, and a large number of copied books were stored here.

  Here, record this once, the rich history of the prosperous Dragon Kingdom. .

  Here, is the real city of knowledge. .

  at the same time.

  The sound continued.

  "Under the influence of the scroll, Jia Luo grew up day by day, and rode a horse on the road of jade many times, like her ancestors, traveling long distances to buy or copy a certain book."

  "She is the daughter of Thousand Caves City."

  "For Thousand Caves City, books are not just books, but also the existence of beliefs."

  "But she and her father both forgot that books as vast as the sea of ​​stars not only created civilization, but also recorded knowledge."

  "And in knowledge lies an unimaginable power: about destruction, about destruction."

  The last voice fell.

  Swish! !

  In front of Su Xinyu's eyes, it was black again.

  next moment.

  The eyes light up.

  The surrounding scene has changed into something else.

  Here, is a dilapidated commercial street.

  The streets were crowded with people, although not many, but not a lot.

  People are curiously watching all kinds of shops and want to find the products they are satisfied with.

  All around, there are a lot of wastes waiting to be done.

  Dilapidated houses, dilapidated small tents.

  Here, it seems to be a newly established gathering place, where countless crowds gather.

  Su Xinyu stood on the long street, watching the crowd of people coming and going.


  Two figures appeared at the end of her field of vision.

  One male and one female!

  "General Su Lie, do you really agree to reopen the market?"


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] Lit up!Bad omen! (seeking to follow)

  Chapter [-]

  I saw a man with short purple hair, a handsome face, and a cape behind him.

  Holding the reins of the horse in hand.

  The woman, on the other hand, has long red hair, wears a long retro dress, and carries a long wrap-like thing behind her back. .

  Her expression was full of spirit-movement. .

  Gallo! !

  As soon as Su Xinyu saw the girl, she instantly recognized it.

  Her appearance is very similar to when she was a child, but at this time, she has grown up!

  The words just now were said by Galo.

  She walks on the side of the horse.

  Looking around, searching for books that exist nearby!

  And the purple-haired man holding the reins of the horse said excitedly.


  "Sister Jia Luo, don't forget, this is what I suggested!"

  "Finally, the meaningless confrontation is over... Build mutual trust!!"

  "Open a new trade!"

  He took the reins and walked by himself, talking, only to find that no one responded behind him.

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