And the list of gods.

  Two very terrifying dark horses entered everyone's sight.

  On one side is the first emperor of all ages from the Dragon Kingdom - Qin Huang Yingzheng, who easily killed the king of knights who ranked third on the god list with a single stroke of the imperial sword!

  On the other side, it was suspected to be a god and demon from the Elephant Country - Li Xin, who easily defeated the second-ranked Heroic Spirit Emperor with one sword! !

  The two gods were both heroic spirits who once sat first on the god list.

  A thought of gods and demons - Li Xin is the number one in the first issue of the gods list.

  Eternal Emperor - Qin Huang Ying Zheng is the first in the second phase of the god list.

  It is hard to say which is stronger or weaker.

  After all, the record of the two, how many hands.

  Although Li Xin was knocked down by Qin Huang Yingzheng from the first place in the gods list with a single thought, it is still very comparable to kill the second-ranked heroic spirit with one sword. .

  Swish swish! !

  As time passed, one game at a time came down.

  Dongfang Yao and Li Bai, no doubt.

  Defending champion.

  And the first emperor of all ages - Qin Huang Ying Zheng and Yi Nian Shenmo - Li Xin, the two gods, also passed the battle all the way. .

  Top sixteen!

  Top eight!

  Top four! !


  The two gods are almost all on stage, killing them in seconds! !

  With almost a crushing victory, he passed the customs all the way and advanced to the finals. .

  The two of them also showed to the entire Blue Star what is the true power of the gods. .



  The cheers from the audience of the Dragon Country and the Elephant Country were almost one after another. .

  The masses of the Dragon Kingdom cheered for the first emperor of all ages, Emperor Qin Yingzheng, and the masses of the Elephant Kingdom cheered for the god and demon, Li Xin.

  Everyone has their own beliefs.

  The crowd on both sides cheered.

  The voices of discussion are even more endless on the Internet. .

  There are those who support the first emperor of all ages - Qin Huang Yingzheng.

  ["The Emperor Qin's victory is bound to win, what is there to say... The sword of imperial power is invincible!!"]

  ["That's right, our Emperor Qin is invincible and unstoppable!!"]

  【"Swept all the way, invincible all the way!!"】

  【"Dragon Kingdom, Emperor Qin, invincible!!"】

  Most of those who support Ying Zheng are Long Guo's netizens.

  And most of the supporters of the gods and demons - Li Xin are overseas netizens.

  Of course, the elephant country is of course supported by the whole country.

  This is their belief. .

  ["Both Heroic Spirits are very powerful... After this year's Heroic Spirit Competition, I haven't figured out the strength of these two, they don't seem to be serious!!"]

  ["Yes, I feel it, every time it is an instant kill, against both of them, it is an instant kill, it's outrageous!!"]

  【"Both are the unquestionable peaks of Blue Star...I'm really looking forward to the finals..."]

  ["I'm looking forward to it... Is it the Qin Huang Ying Zhengqiang of the Dragon Country... or the Elephant Country's One Mind Demon - Li Xinqiang... No one will know until the finals are decided!!"]

  There are also rational netizens who analyzed the strength of the two heroic spirits.

  However, no matter how they wash their hands, they can't analyze who is the strongest emperor of all ages - Qin Huang Ying Zheng and Yi Nian Shenmo - Li Xin.

  The main reason is that the two heroic spirits killed them all the way.

  The strength didn't show much.

  Therefore, there is considerable controversy about this.

  Therefore, everyone on the Blue Star is very much looking forward to the peak matchup in the final final. .

  I look forward to the two heroic spirits who will kill the enemy all the way and advance to the finals, and present the most gorgeous and shocking battle in the heroic spirit competition! !


  Everyone on Blue Star expects it, with one exception.

  That is Bai Ye, who is standing in the corner of the training hall of the Magic City Ying Ling Academy. .

  In Bai Ye's heart, victory has long been divided.

  No one wins or loses. 670

  In terms of winning.

  It can only be considered that he has won!

  The two Heroic Spirits came from him alone.

  This is the pattern. .

  "time to go...!!"

  Bai Ye murmured.

  Then, without hesitation, he turned around and left.

  At the end of the last game, the experience points will be poured back, and you will be promoted to four stars! !

  The ability of a two-star summoner is to select a heroic spirit for temporary feedback of power, and temporarily increase the power of the summoner.

  The three-star is to give back a lot of spiritual power to the summoner, polish the body of the summoner, so that when the summoner is promoted to four-star, there is enough physical strength to withstand the power fed back by all the heroic spirits.

  When it reaches four stars, it is the true transformation of the Summoner's own power.

  Based on the number of existing Heroic Spirits, decide how strong the power is to feed back to the Summoner.

  In other words, there are enough heroic spirits, and heroic spirits are strong enough.

  The power fed back to Bai Ye is even stronger! !

  This is why Bai Ye wakes up eight heroic spirits in one breath when he is promoted to Samsung Summoner. .

  At this time, when you are promoted to a four-star summoner, the power feedback can be the ultimate. .

  If you want to be invincible with the same star, and if you want to fight across the stars, you must wake up enough Heroic Spirits when the four-star and five-star power feedback is performed.

  Four stars is a hurdle, and five stars is also a hurdle.

  If Bai Ye wants to be in the four-star, he has the power to surpass the five-star summoner.


  Go home and enter your room.

  Waiting for the last moment to come. .

  under the expectation of countless people.


  As the big screen lights up.

  The final final of the Heroic Spirit Tournament has begun. .


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] Ten Thousand Clan Ranking List!Promoted to four stars! (seeking to follow)

  Chapter [-]

  on the big screen.

  The site became a prairie.

  The two portals opened at the same time.

  Two figures slowly came out from the portal at the same time.

  One walked slowly with a giant sword in hand, while the other held his chest with both hands and slowly fluttered in mid-air.

  The cloaks of the two are seamless and automatic.

  For a while, Graman was forced.

  With the entry of these two figures, everyone on the Blue Star couldn't help but breathe quickly.

  Especially the masses of the elephant country and the dragon country. .

  This will be the strongest battle of Blue Star this month.

  It will be decided who is the strongest country this season. .

  "Come on!!"

  "come on!!"

  "Qinhuang Yingzheng, come on... smash him!!"

  This is the cry of countless Dragon Country audiences.

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