At this moment, in the white night in his room, he could hear the mountains and tsunamis outside. .

  As for the overseas elephant country, it goes without saying. .

  Each for their own beliefs. .

  Ying Zheng and Li Xin approached step by step in the eyes of everyone looking forward to it. .

  Sudden! !

  When everyone was caught off guard, the picture on the big screen darkened.

  At this moment, the world was silent for half a second.

  Then, explode. .

  "F...what happened...!!"

  "Is there a power outage?"

  "How is this going.."

  The minds of countless people are full of doubts.

  what happened.

  This is the last battle that hundreds of millions of people are looking forward to on the Blue Star.

  Why, it's just black!

  Is it over! !

  Almost everyone was stunned.

  It's over before we fight, what's the matter. .

  Before everyone came back to their senses. .

  That voice like the way of heaven resounded in everyone's ears.

  "Ding... the second Heroic Spirit Tournament is over!"

  "Setting rewards....!!"

  "The reward has been distributed!!"


  And this moment.

  In the white night of closing his eyes and resting at home, he suddenly opened his eyes.

  "Eternal Emperor - Ying Zheng, Yi Nian Shenmo - Li Xintong was detected as a Summoner Heroic Spirit! 〃.!"

  "The Heroic Spirit Tournament is over, and the two Heroic Spirits have been automatically ranked!!"

  "Won the first place in the Heroic Spirit Tournament God List!"

  "Reward: Increase the experience value by [-]!"

  "Heroic Spirit Contest Season being settled...!"

  "No. [-] in the talent list... Season reward: a seventh-order magic seed crystal and a psychic fruit!"

  "No. [-] on the list of heaven and man.... Season reward: a seventh-order magic seed crystal, a psychic fruit!"

  "No. [-] in the list of gods... Season reward: a ninth-order magic seed crystal and a divine fruit!"

  boom! !

  At this moment, Bai Ye's aura instantly soared. .

  Swish swish! !

  Dozens of three-dimensional cards, exuding colorful rays of light, instantly floated in mid-air, hovering around the white night. .


  He is about to be promoted to a four-star summoner.

  This is the first transformation on the road to the strong. .


  And at the same time.

  That voice, like the way of heaven, continued to hover in everyone's ears.

  "The Heroic Spirit Tournament is over!"

  "It has been detected that it has met the ranking of the ten thousand clans, and the competition of the ten thousand clans has started...!!"

  "Join the Ranking of Ten Thousand Races... Racial Potential Value Increases!"

  boom! !

  At this moment, almost everyone on the Blue Star felt an indescribable force emerging from their body. .

  Everyone enjoyed it.

  Feel the power coming from within you.

  Everyone knows that it comes from the increase in potential value growth. .


  Countless people groaned. .

  And the sound still didn't stop and continued to sound.

  "The ranking of the ten thousand races is being drawn up...!!"

  "Drip drip...!"

  In front of everyone, a virtual leaderboard appeared, just like Su Xinyu's Heroic Spirit leaderboard. .

  Ten Thousand Races Ranking:

  First place: Meteorite God Race (click to view race ranking and combat power value)!

  Second place: Wanku Mozu (click to view the race ranking and combat power value)!

  The third place: Frost Shenlong (click to view the race ranking and combat power value)!

  The higher the ranking of the Wan ethnic group, the higher the racial potential value.


  Wait until the comfort of the potential growth passes.

  Everyone on the Blue Star looked at the ranking list in shock.

  I saw the brilliance of the top three races on the top of the ten thousand race rankings. .

  Below, there are still countless races that feel very powerful just by looking at their names.

  At this moment, all the countries on the Blue Star are very tacit to find their own country's ranking. .

  And the masses of the Dragon Kingdom are also extremely excited to try their best to find the ranking of the Dragon Kingdom.

  all the way down.

  [-]th place!

  Number one hundred!

  [-]th place!

  [-]th place!

  Four hundredth!

  The fifth hundredth!


  No, they counted to the thousandth, and they still didn't see their own ranking. .

  what's the situation!

  Su Xinyu was also a little confused at the moment.

  ["'~ Hahahaha... I found the race ranking of our beautiful country, the nine hundred and seventy-sixth-beautiful race!"]

  ["Ranked nine hundred and seventy-sixth, not bad."]

  ["I just looked at it, our beautiful country's race ranking is almost the highest on our Blue Star, hahahaha..."]

  ["Yes, I saw that the Elephant Country was ranked, and it was ranked No. [-]-the Elephant Clan, which is hundreds of places behind our Beautiful Country!"]

  ["Hahahaha... I saw it, I saw it, this is not bad, behind the elephant country, there are still many rankings of the blue star country!!"]

  ["Sure enough, with the recovery of the first-class gods, our beautiful country has almost become the blue star, the strongest race, the strongest country!!"]

  ["Even if you Dragon Kingdom, Elephant Kingdom's heroic spirit is so powerful, with the blessing of our first-class gods, it is still unable to compare with our race ranking!!"]

  ["Hahahaha... The higher the ranking, the greater the racial potential value. This is a long-term thing. As time goes by, our beautiful country will definitely be the strongest overlord on Blue Star in the future!!"]

  (Wang Zhao's) ["Hahahahaha!"]

  At this time, on the barrage in the live broadcast room, countless audiences in beautiful countries were shouting excitedly.

  That's right!

  The race ranks high, and the race potential value is strong.

  In the future, they will definitely become stronger.

  With the passage of time, the gap between the Blue Star country and the country before it will definitely get bigger and bigger. .

  Su Xinyu looked at the arrogant words of the beautiful audience on the barrage, and was even more confused at this time.

  what's going on!

  I found almost all the country rankings on the Blue Star, why can't I find the Dragon Country.body.


  Almost all the masses of the Dragon Kingdom were silent.

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