Su Xinyu waited quietly. .

  Immediately, the words that the Heroic Spirit appeared in his ears rang out. .

  "The backbone that stretches for thousands of miles supports the pride of the country...!〃.!" Su Lie's majestic voice sounded.

  A majestic mountain-like aura came towards him.

  Even in the dark at the moment, Su Xinyu can feel the feelings of home and country contained in it.

  This is a real man who stands between the heavens and the earth and stands above the earth!

  Hold up your home and country!

  The Great Wall is his hometown and his country! !

  ["Wori... It's so majestic... The backbone that stretches for thousands of miles is talking about the Great Wall... It's also the entire Great Wall, supporting the entire Chang'an City!!"]

  [“This is also a warning to us modern world people, we have to rely on ourselves to support the backbone of the entire country, and we can’t be scolded by overseas people, and we will persuade us!!”]

  ["Wuuuu... That's right, the ancestors stood firm in the face of countless demonic invasions, but we only endured a little scolding, and it was silent, and the backbone was scolded... !!”]

  ["Wrong...hold up the pride of the country, we also have to support the pride of the country...!!"]

  【"National Dragon...Huaxia..Long Live!!"】

  【"Long Guo, Hua Xia, Long Live!!"】

  It was just a quotation, but at this moment, it directly awakened millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom. .

  People can endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens, but they must not let these voices lower their spines. .

  Only by supporting yourself can you support the pride of the entire country. .

  Su Xinyu's cold hair stood up in an instant, blood surged all over her body, and her complexion became rosy.

  Hold up the pride of the country...! !

  So majestic!

  This is the man who once stood between heaven and earth! !

  At this moment, she felt that her blood was boiling.

  Then, the sight in front of him gradually brightened.

  Bustling... bustling... street market...! !

  The crowd was crowded, and the shouting was incessant. .

  "Chang'an City?!" Su Xinyu's eyes lit up, she did not expect that she would come to Chang'an City again. .

  She has brought the audience of the live broadcast room to Chang'an City four times... .

  However, three of them were located in remote areas with few people.

  I didn't see the real prosperity of Chang'an City. .

  Only when Li Bai lived in Chang'an City during the day, he engraved that line of sword poetry with the city head!

  So far, Su Xinyu can still recall Qinglian Sword Immortal - Li Bai's dashing attitude at that time. .

  And at this moment, she once again entered the city of Chang'an in the daytime...

  At this moment, the endless stream of people in front of her, screaming... selling, made her feel the true prosperity and beauty of Chang'an City. .

  Here, any worries can be left behind.

  Everyone will enjoy the current prosperity with peace of mind.

  Outside there is the Great Wall that stretches for thousands of miles, and there are countless soldiers guarding it. Here, it is extremely quiet and peaceful! !

  The most important thing is that there is no threat of demons here!

  What catches the eye is a bustling scene. .


  "The last imperial examination...!"

  During the surging crowd, someone in the crowd shouted. .

  Su Xinyu was puzzled.

  Instinctively following the flow of people, they rushed to a place in Chang'an City.

  Passing through the dense crowd, she soon came to the heart of the crowd.

  I saw that in the center was a ring with two men standing opposite each other. .

  Su Xinyu's eyes were locked on one of them at a glance.

  With a blue turban, he looks masculine.

  Compared to later generations, he still looks a little immature at this moment.

  That's right!

  It's Su Lie...! !

  The two are fighting. The so-called imperial examination should be a martial arts examination.

  This was the only way to ever be able to become an official in the dynasty. .

  The battle begins soon. .

  I saw that Su Lie's powerful strength, coupled with that unparalleled momentum.

  The opponent who was quickly suppressed was out of breath, and almost with the momentum of crushing, they won the victory. . (Wang Zhao Zhao)

  "Too strong...!!"


  "I heard that he is General Su's son... That's amazing."

  "In this way, he is the top of the imperial examination, the champion."

  "so amazing!!"

  The voices of admiration around him are endless. .

  Su Xinyu stared silently.

  Waiting for the continuation of cg.

  Soon a familiar voice rang in his ears.

  "When Su Lie won the first place in the imperial examinations in his youth, it seemed that his life was destined to be smooth!"

  "Born from a prestigious family, talented and highly appreciated by teachers, he has a promising future."

  Su Xinyu's vision changed for a while.


  "To the surprise of his classmates, he chose to join the army."


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] Bearing Sins!sinner?

  Chapter [-]

  Su Xinyu's line of sight.

  Su Lie began to ride a horse and run on the road.

  The voice in my ears still reverberated.

  "I have lived in Chang'an since I was a child, and I am used to the prosperity of East and West cities. I have imagined countless times how rare and strange things from far away were sent to Chang'an through the long Silk Road.

  "A blue-eyed foreign merchant, telling a thrilling and fascinating journey story."

  "The swaying camel bell, the sweaty BMW, the ancient city above the oasis... There is also the Great Wall, guarding the prosperous Great Wall all the way, and seeing it standing from a distance can make travelers who travel long distances feel at ease."

  "The young man who was fascinated by this, gave up his career and spent ten years in the frontier as a member of the Great Wall Guards."


  At this moment, Su Xinyu seemed to see the battle of life and death between human beings and the demons in the earth-shattering screams of killing, forming a blood-filled battlefield. .

  This is the duty of the Great Wall Guards. .

  The scene in front of me changed again.

  The voice still rang in my ears.

  "In the ten years since I left my hometown of Chang'an, the hand that used to hold the pen was full of calluses."

  "Drinking good-bye wine with high-spirited poets, and carefully cultivated petal scale flowers from the desert."

  "He believes more and more firmly that the Great Wall is the bond and destination of his life."

  I saw Li Bai and Su Lie drinking wine and composing poems...they became close friends!

  And saw them separate the wine.

  Su Xinyu knew the origin of their 677 sturdiness.

  The screen didn't stop, it was still talking.

  "At that time, there were frequent business trips to the Great Wall, but small-scale disputes often occurred."

  "Until a noble of Yucheng proposed to him to close the city..."

  "He also readily accepts...!"

  "Since then, the people on the frontier can hold customs and exchanges between the cities on fixed days. In those years, the livestock inside and outside the Great Wall were all over the place, and they were prosperous especially in the customs."

  "Until the misfortune that he will regret for the rest of his life happens...!!"


  Su Xinyu suddenly secretly said.

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