"The devil has invaded the city of Guan, and a large number of civilians have died in the disaster."

  "Smoke of gunpowder... He took heavy steps... Step by step, he approached the noble who he regarded as a jade city...!!"

  "There is uncontrollable anger in my heart."

  "That night... that Jade City nobleman was imprisoned and sent to Chang'an City."

  "And the greater (aefb) misfortunes are pulled away."

  "A secret order covered with a vermilion seal, in a high and unquestionable tone, questioning the opening of the city is an act of collaborating with the enemy, and ordering him to atone for his crimes."

  "Su Lie was puzzled and indignant. He protested with several memorials in a row, all of which fell to nothing."

  "On the contrary, the secret orders urging action are pressing."

  "The supervisors who are greedy for credit can't wait, and their private followers sneak attack on the people of the Gobi who participated in the city, so as to take credit for the prosperity."

  "It's too late for Su Lie to rush out on horseback, leaving ruins and gunpowder smoke in the bustling market in the past."

  "Deep pain and guilt are burning the heart - especially in Chang'an City, the news of the death of the Jade City noble... is even worse!!"

  "There is no doubt that the attack and killing broke long-term trust, and the atmosphere on both sides of the Great Wall suddenly became tense."

  When Su Xinyu saw this, she instantly understood the follow-up to the fall of her hometown. .

  Why is the situation like this. .

  Obviously the demons have been repelled, and the crisis has been resolved.

  As long as you interrogate Sheng a little... and finally learn what happened, you can get an overview of the incident.

  It is also understood that this demon invasion was secretly planned by the mastermind behind the scenes.

  Why, without Su Lie's knowledge.

  Kill Sheng directly.

  In the end what happened! !

  Su Xinyu's mind was full of doubts. .

  The Taoist man in the white Taoist robe gradually appeared in her mind.

  Chang'an City...! !

  He had previously invited Shen Mengxi to Chang'an City!

  So, in other words, he was in Chang'an City during this time! !

  From the beginning to the end, it was the Taoist man in the white Taoist robe. .

  Killing Sheng directly in Chang'an City must also be his handwriting.

  After ordering Shen Mengxi to cut off the back road, he had already prepared all plans. .

  boom! !

  At this moment, Su Xinyu's mind exploded. .

  As if there was a shocking conspiracy, it gradually emerged in her mind. .

  Su Xinyu's mind was buzzing and making noises.

  And the picture in front of him has not stopped flashing.

  "And on the top of the mountain, the rewards for military merits, brightly laughing at his old-fashioned, make him feel like a light on his back."

  "Breach of trust."

  "Live up to the expectations of peace."

  "It's my fault."

  "With unstoppable remorse, finally, the desert horse thieves attacked the battle of the border town of Datang."

  "Su Lie, who was instructed to help, stood in front of the crumbling city gate. His steel blade had already rolled up. Facing the swarming enemy, he roared and swung the thick support to meet him."

  "It takes atonement, even with life."

  "The body collapsed and fell into a coma."

  So far!

  Su Lie's career in the Great Wall Guards came to an end temporarily. .

  Su Xinyu also understood at this moment, Su Lie's heart has given birth to infinite guilt. .

  He considered himself a sinner.

  The long peace ended because of him. .

  It was he who agreed with the friend of Yucheng to open the city. .

  Swish! !

  Change your sight, calm down.

  I don't know how long it took, Su Lie woke up from the coma.

  A group of refugees scrapes together a handful of food in an effort to save his life.

  "Are you from the guards?"

  The gray-covered child was full of curiosity: "When I grow up, I also want to join. Standing on the Great Wall..."

  He posed in a sword-dancing pose with a look of admiration. .

  At that time, the Great Wall Guards were local, and everyone was eager to join. .

  Just like Shen Mengxi, like Baili keeping promises. .

  "No...you're wrong..."

  Su Lie squeezed a few words out of his throat.

  The inner voice is screaming....

  Why are you still alive! !

  He had no choice but to live his life without guarding the things he had cherished and longed for since he was a boy.

  I... don't deserve this title!

  From this day on, the children of the old family, the fierce generals of the Great Wall Guards, completely abandoned everything.

  He mingled among the refugees and became a leader, teaching them to read and write, to hunt and cultivate, and even martial arts.

  When turmoil and conflict occurred, the burly figure with ragged partners appeared unexpectedly to rescue people in distress.

  Occasionally, under the moonlight, he would think of the glass of wine he parted with his friends, and of Chang'an, which he might never return to in this life.

  This is his atonement.

  I am afraid that Su Lie, as one of the victims, has long been forgotten by the world.

  But fate is always unexpected, and the bond between Su Lie and the Great Wall is always connected.

  The appearance of that crimson figure categorically ended his self-imposed exile.


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] The butterfly is me!I am a butterfly!

  Chapter [-]

  Great Wall.

  "You... are not the Great Wall Guards?" Jia Luo asked.

  "I'm not qualified." Su Lie shook his head, denying himself. .

  "Wouldn't it be better to act like a guard and shoulder the responsibilities dignifiedly?"

  "At least try to figure out the real face of the envoy who issued the secret order to attack back then!"

  "We have a common enemy!"

  Su Lie heard the words, his heart tightened, and his broad palm suddenly clenched.

  In the distant twilight, the undulating Great Wall stands proudly, just like the first sight I saw more than ten years ago.

  At that moment, Su Xinyu knew.

  Su Lie is back!

  The man who is going to hold up the pride of the whole country will become the Great Wall Guard again. .

  He and Jia Luo will find out the guy who is hiding behind the scenes. .


  the other side.

  The Virgin of Shen Yun entered the CG animation of Jiang Ziya. .

  Still in darkness.

  An old voice sounded: "Create a country without stupid guys...!!"

  This is the debut quote.

  Shen Yun was silent and didn't care too much.

  Creating a kingdom has become rare among all ethnic groups.

  Competing for the leaderboard was the mainstream at that time. .

  There was not much fluctuation in his expression. .

  Waited quietly for a moment.

  The line of sight in front of him began to brighten, but it did not become very bright.

  In darkness.

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