Occasionally, people at the foot of the mountain will walk through the nine long steps of nine, nine and eighty-one steps to the broken temple.

  Among these people, there are elderly people who were driven out of their homes after running out of fuel, soldiers who were abandoned on the battlefield and fled with heavy casualties, and women who died in search of medical treatment and had nowhere to go...

  The ruined temple is their final "home".

  Because they are hopeless in this life, they can only expect the so-called afterlife.......

  After people die, the old monk and Jin Chan will save them for them and bury them on the hillside behind the temple.

  No one knows their names, nor decent tombstones,

  Little golden cicadas often plant a bunch of wild chrysanthemums in front of these raised earthbags, hoping that they will not be so lonely.

  However, these often made the young Jin Chan feel pity,

  Whenever it was quiet at night, Jin Chan would plunge into the dim and dilapidated attic of the small temple.

  Those incomplete scrolls, from the obscure words of antiquity, seemed to him to contain endless power, as if they could resolve this suffering, Jin Chan believed that they might also be able to resolve the doubts in his heart that were always incomprehensible... ..

  Those who have experienced impermanence and suffering often remind Jin Chan of the fallen leaves scattered in the river when he was ten years old.

  They are bound by fate and do not know where they will be drawn....

  Year after year, the sun rises and the moon sets, and the scriptures on the small attic have long been familiar to me.

  However, Jin Chan never found the answer, and the old monk's health was deteriorating.

  He often asked Jin Chan to leave the small temple and go to a larger world to seek and practice.

  He believes that with Jin Chan's talent, he will definitely be able to help more people, and one day he will find the real answer....

  When the last snow of the year fell, a new grave was added on the hillside behind the temple.

  Jin Chan, who is already a teenager, planted a Bodhi tree next to it. This is a tough and extraordinary tree. When the branches are lush, the shade of the tree will bring the coolness of summer and the warmth of winter night.

  Finally, Jin Chan once again stood in front of the disrepaired temple gate,

  He lightly closed the broken wooden door, folded his hands and bowed his farewell.

  In the drizzle, which was also slightly cool, the weeds were overgrown, and the slippery and difficult stone steps extended all the way down the mountain, with a total of nine nines, nines and eighty-one steps.

  This is the road that Xiao Jinchan and the old monk have walked down and up the mountain many times.

  For the young Jin Chan, the difficulties of childhood have long since disappeared.

  The long and long road that is really dangerous is between the universe under this mountain.

  Jin Chan tightened the burden on her body and calmly walked down the nine nine-nine-eight-one steps.

  The old monk helped him start the road of practice, and he needed to finish the rest of the journey by himself. .

  Jin Chan has joined the WTO!



  Su Xinyu's eyes flashed.

  The scene in front of me changes again. .

  Familiar streets, familiar crowds. .

  This is the city of Chang'an.

  The long, bitter wind blew through the streets, and the cold winter has quietly descended on the majestic city of Chang'an.

  The winter solstice has not yet come, but people have already wrapped in thick winter clothes.

  Chang'an City's many squares are still lively, but this place is another solemn scene.

  Beneath the majestic and towering palace wall, stood a determined figure, dressed in a plain white robe, and the scarlet robe was vigorously raised in the cold wind.

  He is the famous "national treasure" in Chang'an - "Master Jinchan".

  Although he was still young, he was gifted with extraordinary talent, and he had already been in charge of Chang'an's largest scholastic institute under the conferment of the Empress.

  Su Xinyu approached the past.

  Seeing the calm and firm gaze of Jin Chan, in front of him this magnificent palace like a phoenix spreading its wings shows the supreme majesty,

  He stood in the cold wind and waited quietly. .

  Waiting for the majestic monarch in the palace to give permission. .

  ["This... what is this doing... Chang'an City, Uehara Palace..."]

  ["Jin Chan's entry into the WTO, Purdue all sentient beings... Chang'an City is the beginning!!"]

  [“Judging from the current situation, he should have been reused and began to purify all sentient beings.”]

  [“I don’t know what he is waiting for here now!!”]

  In the live broadcast room, the audience speculated one after another. .

  They want to know why Jin Chan is waiting here. .

  Su Xinyu was also a little curious.

  "It should be the Empress Wu Zetian..."

  "Jin Chan is waiting here, what are you waiting for...?"

  Standing on one side, Su Xinyu also followed him and waited quietly.

  After a long while, the closed palace gate finally opened a crack.

  The waiter dressed in blue came to Jin Chan and shook his head helplessly, leaving a sigh.

  Obviously, the Empress would not allow it!

  Such a scene made Su Xinyu even more curious.

  The Empress does not allow it, why not allow it? !

  Time is spinning fast.

  By the second day.

  The frost fell in the early morning and condensed into white ice crystals on the dark gray stone-patterned ground. The ancient trees outside the Daming Palace were intertwined with roots, and the withered trees in winter were also covered with a layer of bright frost flowers.

  .............. 0

  The cold air came, and Jin Wuwei, who was thickly armored on the tower, also quietly tightened his collar.

  Outside the palace gate, the white-robed and red-clothed Jin Chan was still standing in the frost and wind, as if not feeling the cold at all.

  And Su Xinyu's ear also sounded.

  "In order to find a way to save all living beings, Jin Chan left the small temple and traveled to Heluo."

  "After several years, I finally returned to Chang'an, because here is the largest scholastic school in Heluo."

  "He believes that the "true meaning" to be found lies between the lines of those obscure words."

  "After returning to Chang'an, Jin Chan did good deeds during the day, preaching and teaching, and at night, he plunged into the sutra-collection pavilion of the scholastic academy and read it at night."

  "However, in just a few months, he was called a "master" by the people of Chang'an. In the past three years, he has painstakingly deciphered thousands of scriptures."

  "Even read the ancient fragments that only the Empress authorized them to study."

  "But he couldn't understand it, until in the fragmented dream, a familiar light appeared in the west of the continent. He knew that he should set off again."

  Hearing the voice in his ear, Su Xinyu understood the situation.

  It turned out that he was going west.

  However, it seemed that the empress in the palace would not allow it, so he waited here.

  Waiting for the Queen's promise.

  "What a big card...!" Su Xinyu murmured.

  Night fell quietly, and the biting frost hit again.

  The closed palace gate shone brightly, and the blue-clothed waiter came to him again and shook his head:

  "Master Jin Chan, please come back."

  Another day, almost fruitless.

  The queen still refuses!


  PS: Seeking to subscribe!Xi.

Chapter [-] Waiting for seven days!Finally see the queen!

  Chapter [-]

  The empress's disapproval again did not shake Jin Chan's belief.

  This time westward, he has made up his mind.

  "It's okay, I'll wait."

  The man in the frost stood up and bowed his head and replied.

  Day three.

  In the whole of Chang'an, it began to rain, and the drizzle wrapped the coldness of winter, making pedestrians shiver.

  Outside the magnificent palace wall, the world where strangers are not allowed to enter is even more cold and bleak, and the space of Nuoda seems to be frozen.

  And the golden cicada standing still in the winter rain is like the most timeless existence in this world.

  Looking at the rain falling from the sky.

  Jin Chan's thoughts flew. .

  The picture also recalls the past along with Jin Chan's thoughts.

  That was three years ago, and it was also in Chang'an with such a winter rain.

  In a "peak duel" between practitioners and warlocks,

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