The Peony alchemist who has long been famous in Chang'an defeated the representatives of all parties, but only the young Jin Chan was born, and "[-]" is on par with it.

  It was also at that time that the empress on the stand began to look at this practitioner with a natural golden seal on his forehead, granting him the power to take charge of the largest scholastic institute in Chang'an, and making him open an altar to preach scriptures and preach to everyone.

  At that time, both ordinary people and princes and nobles flocked to it.

  It is also amazing to say that this mage named "Jin Chan" can always answer the doubts in the hearts of people, making people feel calm and filled.

  Therefore, people often donate a lot of precious treasures,

  However, Jin Chan did not take a penny, and gave all of it to the poor people in Chang'an.

  Master Jin Chan is naturally also the guest of honor of Her Majesty the Empress.

  He let the empress see that the world in charge is not just a peaceful and prosperous world,

  There are also those in high positions who may not be able to see the appearance of sentient beings, the tenacity of living beings, the suffering of sentient beings, and the impermanence and permanence of world affairs. .

  These great wisdom and consciousness often benefited the well-read queens a lot.

  The empress who cherishes talent cherishes Jin Chan,

  To name him "young brother", such a talented and virtuous mage, is a "gift" from God to Heluo. Of course, the empress hopes that he will stay in Chang'an for a long time.

  "So that's how it is..." He understood the whole story. .

  Su Xinyu was stunned.

  No wonder the Empress did not allow him to go west.

  It turned out to be a treasure!

  Indeed, since ancient times, kings have been thirsty for talents.

  How could it be possible to let a mage like Jin Chan, who can save all sentient beings, leave Chang'an and go west?

  The cold rain poured down, and the blue-clothed waiter came to Jin Chan again from the palace gate, bringing the same news.

  Fourth day.

  It is said that the winter rain is like snow. I never imagined that the cold rain that had been pattering the day before turned into snowflakes.

  This is the first snow in Chang'an this year.

  The children of the various households in the city have been roaring and running into the alley to play and play.

  Only outside the still majestic Daming Palace was silent, and in the cold and chilling air, only the soft sound of falling snow could be heard.

  Standing in the falling snow, Jin Chan's figure was still firm. He quietly felt the crystal clear between the heaven and the earth, and fragmented dreams appeared in his mind.

  He often dreamed that he was trekking on a vast snow field.

  In the wind and snow whistling in the sky, he leaned on a golden tin stick and walked with difficulty.

  The red robe fluttered in the snow.

  Next to him is the hairy monkey head, wearing a golden hoop, and the nine-foot rake warrior...

  Everyone walked side by side, as if they were going to find something in the distance. . . .

  Jin Chan doesn't know why these dreams always appear, but believes that there must be some reason.

  The snow is getting heavier.

  Many hours passed, and the closed palace gate seemed to be sealed and motionless.

  Until the figure of the blue-clothed waiter appeared again!

  This time, he had a deer velvet cloak on his body, and he was so cold that he put his hands in his sleeves.

  Xiao ran to Jin Chan, continued to shake his head, and said no more.

  fifth day.

  Snowflakes rustled in the sky, and there seemed to be no intention of stopping for a moment.

  The snow fell overnight and piled up.

  In this silver-white world, a strand of red clothes on Jin Chan's body is particularly eye-catching.

  His eyes were slightly closed, his eyebrows were covered with snow, and his expression was indifferent! !

  The snow reminded him of the years in the small temple on the edge of Heluo.

  When winter snows, the old monk often accompanies him in the dilapidated small attic to repeatedly study the incomplete scrolls.

  The small attic is very small and dilapidated, and there are not many classics.

  Especially the dark room called "Infinite" at the top of the pavilion,

  There are several fragments from ancient times, which must be authorized by the Empress to enter the study.

  In the entire Chang'an City, there are only three keys to open the dark room.

  One was in the hands of the empress, the other was in the sheriff's most trusted sheriff, and the other was given to the "young brother" Jin Chan.

  The empress's appreciation often makes Jin Chan grateful.

  The snow continued to fall, the weather was freezing cold, and no grass grew. .

  The blue-clothed waiter in a deer velvet cloak trotted over again, shaking his head with his lips trembling with cold.

  0th day [-]....

  The snow was still falling, fluttering like flowers.

  Under the splendid imperial city, one person and one stick still stood upright, unshakable, and the whole body was covered with a layer of white snow.

  In the vast world, Jin Chan was not moved by foreign objects at all. .

  In my heart, I recited the scriptures from the Yunzhong Grottoes in the scripture pavilion. .

  Mo Di is to the west of Heluo, which is also the direction of the light in Jin Chan's broken dream.

  It is said that crossing the sturdy and continuous Great Wall is the endless land of yellow sand.

  The swordsman in white who came from his hometown once told Jin Chan that there are lonely cities and ruins there.

  There are sand labyrinths that devour people like devils, royal capitals made of jade and emeralds, cities with a long history, and countless mysterious and dangerous places that have not yet been traveled by human beings... The West Road where hope and danger coexist, is right It's where he's going...

  In Jin Chan's sight, the waiter in the blue coat and cloak appeared again. .

  He didn't even want to take another step forward on this day in the cold sky and the frozen earth,

  He waved his hand here at the palace gate across Luo Xue and gave up, without interrupting Jin Chan's chanting and thoughts... The snow continued to fall...

  the seventh day.

  The snow has been falling for several days, and a thick layer has already accumulated on the ground. Jin Chan's face is calm, still standing in the snow and waiting quietly....

  Su Xinyu stood aside and watched quietly.

  Although seven days have passed, for her outsider, less than an hour has passed. .

  However, she could feel Jin Chan's belief at this time.

  how intense.

  In the snowstorm 5.1, he stood for seven whole days!

  The seven days of wind and snow did not shake his faith. .

  I thought it would be another day of waiting.

  Su Xinyu no longer expected anything from the empress's promise to Jin Chan to go west.

  "Alas... what's the trouble." Su Xin sighed.

  "Maybe, this is the golden cicada... Purdue all sentient beings..."

  "It's great!"

  For a long time, the magnificent red lacquer palace gate slowly opened to both sides, and a huge sound echoed in the wind and snow. .

  "His Majesty is here...!!" A loud voice shouted.

  Su Xinyu's pupils suddenly trembled.

  His expression instantly became excited.

  Empress Wu Zetian is finally here!

  This is the first time that Su Xinyu and all the audience in the live broadcast room have officially seen the legendary queen!


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] Restart CG - Goal!Empress three questions!

  Chapter [-]

  the other side.

  "Jixia College...!"

  Shen Yun slumped weakly in front of the computer desktop.

  Quietly pondered for a moment.

  My heart is full of countless expectations for the next trip to Blue Star. .


  The barrage in the live broadcast room began to riot.

  ["Fuck... what's the situation, how did the ranking of ten thousand clans in China suddenly rise to the [-]th place, what happened!!"]

  ["Wori...I just saw it, why did it suddenly run to the [-]th place??"]

  ["What happened when we were watching CG just now...Fuck!!"]

  ["Nima, in a blink of an eye, it went from five hundred to more than one hundred... What kind of immortal is this!!"]

  ["Huaxia...a bit interesting...The next Ten Thousand Clan Rankings will be interesting!!"]

  Shen Yun Saintess saw that the barrage was very lively.

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