I was slightly surprised. .

  Before entering the CG game of Jixia Academy, she remembered that China's ranking was still out of [-]. .

  How could it have gone to more than [-] all of a sudden. .

  impossible! !

  Saintess Shen Yun cheered up and hurriedly opened the Ten Thousand Clan Ranking.

  According to the ranking, as expected, Huaxia was found at the [-]th place on the Ten Thousand Clan Ranking.

  silence! !

  She was silent for a few seconds. .

  In less than two hours, the ranking skyrocketed from more than [-] to more than [-].

  This has never appeared since the Wanzu list was opened. .

  "Blue Star...04 Huaxia...!!"

  His eyes became slightly firm.

  "Not simple galaxy, not simple race..."

  "In order to show the spirit of the Yuntian family..."

  "I should have learned about their cultural heritage before visiting Blue Star."

  "Okay... Next time, I don't need divine sense... Just watch the next CG as normal..." Shen Yun said firmly. .

  She needs to go to Blue Star in a few days.

  A deep understanding of all the powerhouses in China.

  This is her respect for Bluestar and China. .

  Continue to click on the detailed introduction behind Huaxia.

  This time, Shen Yun decided to start with a slightly weaker god in China.

  Otherwise, she will be more and more unbearable if she suffers too much fluctuation of consciousness.

  She needs to ease up. .

  From the list of Chinese powerhouses, a slightly weaker god was found.

  Shark's Hunting Blade - Lan (God-level section)!

  Click on cg - target!

  Enter. .


  Chang'an City.

  The magnificent red lacquer palace gate slowly opened to both sides, and a huge sound echoed in the wind and snow.

  at last!

  Facing the wind and snow, Her Majesty the Supreme Empress walked out of this majestic palace with majestic steps.

  She was wearing luxurious clothes and had a noble and elegant temperament.

  A royal majesty emanated from her unconsciously, making people want to kneel down to her and bow their heads as ministers!

  Su Xinyu's eyes flashed with excitement.

  Empress Wu Zetian!

  This is the woman who stands above thousands of people, holds the supreme imperial power, and has the most noble status! !

  This is the object of all women's incomparable admiration.

  This is the goddess that all men fall for. .

  "I have made up my mind, what is the trouble with my brother this time?"

  In the voice of the empress, with no anger and prestige, the imposing manner of the imperial authority burst out.

  "Go back to Your Majesty, Jin Chan has gone to the mountains and waters, and she will do her best to find the truth, and I hope Your Majesty will allow it." The voice has an inextinguishable kindness and a firm intention.

  Jin Chan is also very decisive. .

  The Empress frowned slightly: "How about you answer my three questions first?"

  Jin Chan stood up and nodded.

  First, Yudi is a rare talent who can solve the confusion of the people and soothe the hearts of the people. Chang'an needs you, why should you leave? "

  The queen asked first.

  "The vastness of heaven and earth does not stop at Chang'an. Jin Chan should walk for all living beings and seek the way to the root." Jin Chan replied.

  The Empress was slightly silent.

  Afterwards, he continued to ask: "Secondly, I can send thousands of troops to find what my brother is asking for, why should I do it myself?"

  "Walking thousands of miles is the practice of the body, and going through thousands of things is the practice of the heart. The road is long and long. Only when you come in person and go with your heart can you find the truth, see the appearance, and don't work for others in vain." Jin Chan spoke eloquently.

  "Thirdly, if the natural mountains and rivers are poor, the people in foreign countries are very different, there are wolves, tigers and leopards everywhere, and robbers and bandits are rampant, do you still insist on going west?" the queen asked again. .

  "Even if it is necessary to cross the mountains and seas, even if there are thousands of difficulties and dangers, Jin Chan's heart is as solid as a rock." Jin Chan said.

  No one can stop his resolute attitude.

  I don't know when the snowstorm has quietly stopped.

  After the two of them finished speaking, there was only a silent emptiness between heaven and earth, and the Empress did not nod or shake her head.

  There was silence for a moment.

  The queen quietly turned and left. .

  Re-entering this majestic palace with always dignified steps.

  At the moment when the huge palace gate was about to close, she turned her head slightly and said, "Yes!"


  The door slammed shut.

  In the white snow, only Jin Chan was left.

  Standing palms towards the palace. .

  No joy, no sadness, no excitement.

  Yes, just calm. .

  After the figure of the Empress completely disappeared, the waiter in blue trotted over for the last time.

  He turned his ear to Jin Chan and said, "Don't blame the master, His Majesty said that the seven days of wind, frost, rain and snow are just a test of the heart of the younger brother."

  "Your Majesty has already understood it in his heart, and wrote this 'customs clearance letter' in his royal pen in person seven days ago. I hope the Master is safe on the road."

  After speaking, he handed the customs clearance letter to Jin Chan.

  After he took it, he bowed slightly.

  Holding a Zen staff, he went west. .

  Su Xinyu stood in the snow, looking at the figure of Jin Chan who was walking westward with one person and one Zen stick, she couldn't help being slightly absent-minded. .

  "Just... set foot on the westbound?!"

  "Standing for seven days and seven nights, don't you need a rest...?"

  She and the audience in the live broadcast room watched Jin Chan stand in the snow for seven days and seven nights! !

  At this time, with the permission of the empress... and the customs clearance ultimatum, I actually set foot on the road to the west.


  Now Jin Chan is alone, but he himself is reincarnated... Not to mention the memory of the previous life... Even the divine power of the previous life.

  How much can be left?

  Can he do it alone without monkeys?

  Su Xinyu was shocked!

  Swish! !

  The screen in front of him turned.

  Jin Chan sat cross-legged on the grass, eyes closed, palms folded, and the Zen staff was placed on her knees. .

  It seems to be practicing. .

  The next moment, he opened his eyes slightly.

  A beautiful flower in front of me is swaying in the wind, and the petals are falling one by one with the wind, a posture that is ready to fall.

  He stretched out his hand, supported the flower, picked up a twig, and propped it slightly on the ground.

  "I heard all the way, and saw the tenacity of the living...!!"

  The screen turns again.

  Still sitting cross-legged.

  The Zen stick is leaning on the big tree beside it.

  Should be resting. .

  In front of him, a small snail crawled past, moving slowly and with difficulty.

  He picked up a leaf and carried a snail.

  Send it to the distant grass.

  "Compassion for the suffering of all beings..."

  Then, stand up and continue to walk towards the west.

  680 A flower, a snail, in his eyes, are all sentient beings. .

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