Whether it's cultivation, rest...he wants to add a little bit of his power. .

  Swish! !

  Look again. .

  The scene has been transformed into a desert!

  There is an old man sitting on the desert coughing. .

  "Holding an inextinguishable kindness..."

  Jin Chan happened to be passing by and stepped forward to take care of it.

  Look again.


  Rest in the cave and practice.

  "The past... Branding the body...!!"

  "Of course..., my heart is determined!"

  "Thousands of years have passed, and the new year will last forever!!"

  As he practiced, he began to gradually remember the past.

  Divine power gradually recovered. .

  "I would like to use the tool in my hand to save the world's misery!"

  "Protect all living beings!"

  With the gradual recovery of divine power.

  The Zen staff donated by Nu Wa, or the Zen staff from the Empress, began to exude the brilliance of a divine weapon. .

  Su Xinyu stood aside, watching Jin Chan who was gradually getting on the right track.


  He just came out of Chang'an, but he has no power.

  If you encounter a demon.

  Then he's not dead yet. .

  "Hey...I don't know how powerful Jin Chan is...!!"

  Su Xin sighed.

  After watching almost the entire CG, Jin Chan did not show his strength. .

  I only saw his belief that he wanted to purify all sentient beings.

  Only saw that his will is strong. .

  Sudden! !

  The screen in front of him flashed again.

  appear on a road.

  Surrounded by trees.

  Afterwards, a pig and a monkey took the lead, and Jin Chan, who was leaning on a Zen staff behind him, stepped forward with a calm expression. .


Chapter [-] Storm Dragon King! (seeking to follow)

  Chapter [-]

  Three familiar figures.

  Naturally, it was Jin Chan who was traveling westward, as well as the Monkey King, Monkey King, and the pig.

  "Brother Monkey... Slow down!"

  shouted the pig carrying the nine-toothed rake.

  Sun Wukong jumped forward.

  about to speak.


  He frowned.

  He raised his hand slightly and made a far-seeing action.

  Said: "There is a demon....!!"

  His voice fell, and a lingering evil aura rushed towards his face.

  boom! !

  The power of thunder, mixed with evil aura, surged forward. .

  "Bajie.... Be careful!!"

  Jin Chan in the back reminded. .

  Boom! !

  Stab, stab, stab! !

  The violent sound, accompanied by the hissing sound of thunder and lightning, resounded through the entire land. .

  Su Xinyu could see the behemoth inside clearly through the smoke in the sky. .

  Dragon head, dragon body, majestic body, full of oppression.

  The tail stands tall behind him.

  The whole body was surrounded by violent thunder, and it was creaking. .

  Because of its appearance, the sky is also covered with dark clouds, and the sky is gloomy. .

  The terrifying coercion overflowed and scattered.

  It looks like Sikong Zhen's debut.

  Under the violent thunder, the demon wind danced wildly.

  Indistinctly, the pig's thick voice could be heard: "Master...!!"

  "I'm about to be blown away by this demonic wind..."

  Roar...! !

  Under the raging thunder.

  The roar of this demon dragon resounded through the heavens and the earth. .

  A piece of flying sand. .

  The smoke gradually dissipated.

  The three master and apprentice clearly saw the monster blocking the road. .

  The wind blows.

  The terrifying breath trembled. .

  Su Xinyu's eyes trembled slightly.

  Feel the powerful breath of the demon in the air. .

  It is no less than a god! !

  The terrifying power of thunder is pouring out.

  Although not as powerful as Sikong Zhen's Thunder, it is definitely not to be underestimated.

  "What kind of monster is this...!〃.!" Su Xinyu murmured.

  ["This is so special, the ninth-order demons don't have such a terrible momentum... Nima, this is too fierce!!"]

  ["This thunder and lightning makes me feel that I have met the king of thunder - Sikong Zhen."]

  ["This terrifying feeling.... I think it's inexplicably familiar!!"]

  ["You say this, I really think... Although it is very similar to the coercion of the King of Thunder - Sikong Zhen, but it is not, but it always feels a kind of familiarity that cannot be said!!"]

  The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of uproar because of the appearance of this demon dragon. .

  All the audience thought for a moment.

  [“Do you think that this Demon Dragon Demon Seed is a bit like the Storm Dragon King who opened the Spirit Beast Ranking a few months ago!!”]

  ["I remember that the attribute of the Storm Dragon King is blessed by lightning... and it is a dragon, this sense of oppression... I think it is very likely that the Storm Dragon King!!"]

  ["Wori... When you say it like this, it seems that it does feel a little like it."]

  Su Xinyu was slightly surprised by this reminder. .


  The dragon in front of him, full of thunder and lightning, is indeed a bit like the Storm Dragon King who opened the Spirit Beast List before. .

  "Hi...!!" The more he looked, the more he looked like.

  And the strength, only from the strength that has been shown so far.

  enough to match the gods. .


  Before waiting for Su Xinyu to think deeply.

  Over there, the monkey and the pig rushed up with their weapons. .

  The two animals jumped high.

  The monkey's golden hoop stick was raised high above his head, the stick body was slightly bright, and a strong magic power was brewing. .

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