History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 258: : Crazy gamble! Kill the personal head!

Zhenyuan Hou Su Dian officially released the essay.

Declare the 13 major crimes of Wang Ning Yuanxian.

Extravagant, cold and cruel, light sages near the villain, killing the good, the traitors are full of dynasties, tyranny.

Cause the people of the world to be unhappy.

Over the world, the people of the world, the family of the Nings family for a long time!

In addition, Ning Yuanxian was unjust, and Nanzhao was so loyal. As a result, the two generations of Nanzhao kings were harmed by them. As a generation of kings, it is simply shameful to conspiracy to rob the son-in-law.

In addition, Ning Yuanxian was greedy and shameless, and seized the foundation of the aristocrats in the country in the name of the New Deal. The tragedy of the Earl of Dongjiang, the Earl of Jinhai, the Count of Lanshan, etc., makes people cry.

Also, what is my loyalty to my town? Ning Yuanxian listened to the rumors and wanted to marry my whole family.

My family of the Su family has been loyal to Ning's family for generations, and the king has to die, and the minister has to die.

If you kill my Su family, why should you vent your anger at the white night county, why should you send traitors Zhang Wei and Shen Lang to the west to save the people and kill innocent people.

My Su family has not been counter-productive, but for the safety of the people in the west, it has to be countered.

If the prince of the prince is like a hand and foot, then the prince is like a heart; if the prince is like a dog, then the prince is like a national; if the prince is like a mustard, then the prince is like a revenge.

Nowadays, my Su family has become a soldier and has become the sage of the saints.

From today, my Su family led the seven counties in the western province to formally stand on their own feet and completely detached from the rule of the country.

I am in a position to call on all the old aristocrats of the country, and use the act of justice to confront the tyranny of the king.

What is the fear of heaven?

This essay was sprinkled with thousands of people, and the Soviet Union made a sound.

Suddenly spread all over the world!

Chu State, Wu State, Yue State, Nanzhao State, Shu State, Western Regions, etc.

In just a few days, the Su’an was more and more smug, and it was spread all over the streets and all over the country.

Because Yu Wen and the people have already been ready, as long as the Soviet Union makes a sound.

These essays can be madly spread out and spread throughout the world.

Let's talk about it.

The world is completely shaken.

Wu Wang expressed serious concern and sent messengers to consecrate the Su family and demanded that Wang Ning Yuanxian stop the domestic veteran aristocracy.

Chu Wang expressed serious sympathy and support. He was willing to recognize the autonomy of the Su Shi territory for the first time and expressed strong indignation over the brutality of Wang Ning Yuanxian.

The Nanzhao king-in-law, Jun Jun, issued a essay in response to the Soviet Union, and jointly condemned Yue Wang Wuren, and said that Nanzhaoguo is willing to form a brotherhood with Su Shi.

The envoy of the Shu State, the Su Shi family, the enemy of Su Shi is the enemy of Laos.

For the people of the Su family, for the sake of the people of the West, I am willing to shed the last drop of blood to defend the Su's and defend the people of the West.

The Great Yan Empire breathed calmly on both sides, sat down to negotiate, want peace, and not war.

The rebellion of the Soviet Union quickly ignited the entire fuse.

Detonated the entire crisis in the country.

In an instant, the whole country is in crisis, as if it is going to break at any time.


As the more and more essays come out.

The army of the Su family is so violent that it moves from one victory to another.

Today, I won a city and won two cities tomorrow.

All the cities and towns of the White Nights County are all decided.

The officials of Xueling City, Xueliang City, and so on, all led the bureaucrats and the people to welcome the Soviet army into the city.

There are hundreds of surnames eating pot slurries, and they shouted: We have saved.

"Before the traitor's eunuch, Shen Lang, sent by the king of the king, can be a miserable for us."

"The Soviet army, how come you come?"

Su Nang’s tears sprinkled, lifting a miserable old man, picking up his muddy rice wine and drinking it down, and then heading towards the Wanmin Road: "The fathers of the villagers are old, the Soviet Union is late, let you suffer!" ”

Then, the Soviet army took out a large amount of cloth, food, and wine to the people.

Countless people have shouted, Ming Gong Gaoyi, Su Jun Gao Yi.

In just three days, the Soviet Union’s army captured the six nights of White Night County with the thunder.

The entire white night county, instantly changed color, leaving only the main city.

Su Nan sent a command to Su Quan.

The Baiyue County Zhucheng was rescued from the tyranny of the Vietnamese king. Why are the people in the county main city still suffering?

The traitor Zhang Wei, tyrannical and brutal, can be imagined by the misery of the people in the main city of White Night County.

Every time I think about Su’s difficulties, I can’t sleep at night, as if I heard the crying of the people of White Night County.

What can you save the people of the city?

General Su Quan cried and screamed: The chief humiliation will die, and the end will definitely do his best to eliminate Zhang Wei and completely save the tens of thousands of innocent people in the main city of Baiyue County.


Su Quanxuan’s next 10,000-strong army, the Western Region’s five thousand mercenaries, and the robbing temple’s three thousand soldiers, day and night, madly attacked the White Night County main city.

The battlefield instantly entered the daylight state!

Ten thousand enemy troops outside the city, crazy attacking the city.

There are less than four or five thousand defenders in the city, and the strength of the two sides is disparity.

Then, the Soviet Union increased its troops by three thousand in Xueliangcheng.

At this point, the defending army of the Su family in Xueliang City reached 8,000, and it was firmly nailed to the path of the Zhengtu army.

Su Nan, the Marquis of Zhenyuan, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Everything is much smoother than I thought.

I really want to thank Shen Lang. He used to bring the whole white night county into a disaster. It was like the flood that washed the ground cleanly, which made his Su family get the six nights of White Night County without any obstacles.

The next step is to break through the main night city of Zhangye's defensive white night county, and his army can sweep across the southern part of the western province.

by that time.

He can attack the White Nights in the north and attack the seed with Chu.

You can attack the Zhulin army with you.

Dongjin can...

Forget it! Temporarily impossible.

The capital city of Vietnam is too strong and strong. With his two or three thousand troops, even if he joined the seven or eight thousand troops of the Laos, he could not beat the capital.

In short, the situation is not a small one, but a good one.

The slightest disappointment is probably the king of the king.

Shen Lang fled to the snowy mountains, and the king has already chased him.

Su Nan’s heart is angry.

Are you necessary for Arutai?

More than 3,000 people in Shenlang and Arunana District, you can send up to 10,000 people to pursue the great.

Is it necessary to go with three or four thousand people to pursue it?

Are you so worried about the military power being taken away by me?

But King Alu too did not think so.

After he became the king of Laos, there has not been a decent victory.

The three princes, such as Aru, occupied the Temple of Snow Mountain and confronted him, relying on the two women of Su Shi.

Without a single soldier, the civil strife was quelled, and of course the results were all happy.

But this also made Aru Tai's heart unhappy, and his heart was full of vigilance.

Are the people of your Su family too capable?

Moreover, Arunana has already been king, but there can only be one king in Laos.

My Arutai must personally drop Arunana’s head so that my throne is justified.

Since I am going to kill Arunana, I should say that he should lead a 10,000-strong army to pursue the killing, and the remaining 30,000 will remain on the grassland, thus saving troops and saving food.

That's not OK!

My new king is on the top, how can the army leave me?

The Su family is stunned. What if the army and the army left for too long and the army was stolen by the Su family?

What can they do?


Zhang Wei's defensive white night county!

Killing the sky!

There are flames, blood, and bodies everywhere.

The ground is densely packed with arrows.

The first day of the Soviet army's siege, it was extremely fierce, and it was simply scary.

The direct military of the Su family is well equipped and disciplined.

The martial arts of the Dalai Temple are strong and strong, and they are not afraid of death.

The Western Warrior mercenaries are savvy and agile.

In short, none of these three armies have a good fight.

Zhang Wei came to White Night County this time. The monarch squeezed out three thousand elites from his teeth, but assigned him six officers of more than 1,000 ranks.

Every general is called a dragon and a phoenix, and there are as many as ten people in Wu Jinshi.

Regardless of the martial arts of the military, it is called first-class, and the only thing that is lacking is actual combat.

Because Vietnam has been peaceful for nearly two decades, it was not until last year that the Nanzhao rebellion broke out. Most of the generals did not experience actual combat.

A thousand-family official who was born in Wujinshi: "Too guarded the adults, this day the battle is so fierce, and the end will be afraid of not going down."

Zhang Yu looked at him.

The other party's sentence is not because of the war, because the armor on his body has been scarred, it is obviously a leader, very brave, will never fight, but full of pessimism about the battle.

"It’s just less than one and a half hours before the enemy’s battle. The enemy climbed the wall three or four times. The number of enemies is too much, four or five times ours.”

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "Reassuring, the siege has always been a slap in the face and it has been exhausted, that is, the first day of the war will be so fierce. After the first day, it will be better."

This young family said: "Really?"

Zhang Weidao: "What does the old man lie to you?"

The young Qianhu said: "There will be a bottom in my heart."

Then he casually bandaged, rested for a quarter of an hour, and immediately went to the wall to replace his peers and continue to fight.

Princess Ning Jie stood on the side and did not say anything.

Look at it and break it.

Of course, she knows that the battle today is very intense, but it will be difficult every day.

The terrible days have just begun.

"This army is very good. This group of officers is also very good. It is lack of actual combat and the will is not strong enough. It will be better." Zhang Wei comforted.

However, he clearly knows that the so-called experience means bloodshed and death.

So, did Zhang Hao experience the battle?

He experienced that his father was a middle-level general. When he was young, he followed his father for several battles.

Wu went to war, he participated.

He also participated in the war that killed the former Nanzhao king.

Even annihilating Ning Yuanwu’s battle of rebellion, he also participated. Of course, this war was undocumented and was deliberately erased by Ning Yuanxian.

Ning Jiedao: "When Zheng Tuo Army, when is it going south?"

Zhang Yidao said: "When we are almost unable to support the defenders, the Zheng Tuo army will appear, but he will probably never rush to the White Nights."

Ning Jie also understands this.

The Zheng Tuo army exists as a stimulant.

When the White Nights County garrison was tired and painful to the extreme, Zheng Dao’s army was south, and it would bring a surge in morale.

to be honest!

It is to crush the will and fighting power of the White Nights Guards to the extreme.

Nin Yuanxian, the national monarch, never expected Zhang Hao to win, and he expected him to support it for a long time.

Said accurately!

It is the time to support the breakthrough in the northern battlefield and win the victory.

In the eyes of Ning Yuanxian, the three thousand troops of Zhang Wei were used for... sacrifice, and they were cannon fodder.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The city once again killed the sound.

The Soviet Union’s coalition forces once again rushed up.

This posture seems to be a decisive battle every minute.

It seems that one day is difficult to support.

However... this is just the beginning.

Zhang Wei relies on these four or five thousand people to support for nearly a month.

This is a test of hell!

The coalition coach Su Quan looked at the momentum of the offensive, and he could not help but boil.

The time of the phoenix nirvana of the Su family has arrived.

This is a rare opportunity.

The battle of the White Night County main city is almost the only battle.

Once you win the White Nights County, the entire western west of the province will no longer have any resistance.

At that time, the Soviet Union will be sealed, and he will also be sealed!

Think of this moment.

Su Quan was excited and mad, saying: "Siege, siege, siege!"

"I promised the Lord, within three days, won the White Nights City!"

"All the property in the city will be taken away by the time!"

Suddenly, the Soviet Union’s coalition forces once again have a morale, and they are attacking the city!


Vietnam North Line!

Wu Wang Day Camp!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"The Soviet Union has finally turned against it and finally turned it back!"

"The opportunity of my Wu Guoshu shame is finally coming."

"The world is attacking, Ning Yuanxian, you have today?"

"The change of Yanzhou on that day, you cut the land of Wu Guojiu County, can you think of today?"

Wu Wang is very excited!

The great era is coming.

To the east, his 20,000-30,000 army will soon win the Leizhou Islands.

In the west, the Chu army is madly attacking the border of the family.

In the southwest, the tens of thousands of troops of the Soviet Union rebelled and soon swept the southern part of the western province.

In the south, Zhu Lin’s army continued to shrink, and Jun Jun constantly recovered the lost land of Nanzhao.

Who else can save the country?

Who else can save Ning Yuanxian?

Wu Chu points more!

I have been immersed in Wu Guo for more than 20 years and finally have to rise.

Wu Wang was dressed and armed with a sword in his hand.

The two kings assembled more than 100,000 troops on the border.

Holding a weapon, killing the heart.

Originally, Wu Wang’s strategic goal was only one, and the country’s chaos was defeated and the Leizhou Islands were won.

But now that Vietnam is about to suffer from the catastrophe, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you don’t take it, you will be guilty of it;

After the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union, there will be 70,000 and 80,000 troops. After sweeping across the southern part of the western province, Ning Yuanxian ignited in the backyard. If the Soviet ambitions are bigger, the capital of Vietnam may be under the city.

At that time, what should Ning Yuanxian do?

I must send the army back to the country.

At that time, Ning Yuanxian was destined to be the first and the last, and it was his most weak time.

At that time!

Can I do a fake show?

Can my 100,000-strong army directly go south and really stage a two-decision battle?

How can I get shame?

How can I let the country cross the South in an instant?

How can I make Wu Qi famous in the world?

Of course, it is to defeat a hegemon.

If I beat the main force of Ning Yuanxian, who else can stop me in the entire northbound province?

By then, it will not only recapture the land of the nine counties.

Wu Wang is short of breath, and it is really difficult to resist this temptation.

But reason tells him, don't let the faint stun, don't fight unprepared.

How important is the decisive battle between the two kings, and it is entirely related to the national movement.

However, there are clouds in the art of war, and the fighters are fleeting, so you can't miss the opportunity.

Suddenly Wu Wang decreed: "Continue to transfer troops. In case of internal chaos, if I want to fight with Ning Yuanxian, I must not be unprepared."

Shuai Wu trembled: "Your Majesty, where is the transfer of troops? Is our decisive battle with Yue Wang not fake?"

Wu Wangdao: "Transfer troops from the west, the two kings' decisive battles were originally fake, but now it may not be true. Once the Soviet Union swept the southern part of the western province, the military front could directly go to the Yueguo capital city, and at that time Ning Yuanxian What will happen?"

Da Shuai Wu Zhidao: "Take troops back to the division to strengthen the national capital."

Wu Wangdao: "At that time, was it a rare opportunity for us to defeat Yue Wang?"

Da Shuai Wu Zhi also feels reasonable, but there is no decisive battle in the original strategy.

Wu Wangdao: "You don't have to fight, but you are prepared!"

Da Shuai Wu Zhidao: "Yes!"


The more Wang Ning Yuan Xian’s hand holding the Soviet Union’s crusade, he couldn’t help but tremble.

"Good, good, well written, good!"

"Directly speaking the oligars to the ancient prince!"

"Why don't you say that the widow is the first stunned king, the first tyrant?"

"Is there still a deep wave in this essay? It is ridiculous. A small six-person official in the district has even gone to the slogan of the Soviet Union. It is ridiculous!"

Mom, isn’t it even a beggar?

If I am a small official, I can’t post a essay? Can't you? Don't look down on people.

Ning Yuanxian was extremely angry and extremely angry.

The situation is the same as he imagined, but it is even worse.

Originally, he thought that Chu was just a performance, and he would not really fight.

After all, you Chu State in the north and Liang Guo, the conflict between the new dry countries is very big, how can it be calmed down?

You are really playing!

The tens of thousands of troops in the Chu State attacked the borders of the peasants and guarded them, directly letting Ning Yuanxian tremble.

At that moment, there was really a feeling of a big disaster.

Is it true that I am going to finish the kingdom?

But he quickly calmed down, but instead fell into a sense of self-torture.

It is similar to that feeling.

The more terrible the situation, the stronger I will be.

Of course, some women are like this. Does the husband not buy me a big diamond ring? The way you treat me like this, the more I suffer, the stronger I am.

Of course, the strength of Ning Yuanxian is really strong.

This kind of person is very strange. When the weather is smooth, he is easy to float, and finally makes some incredible things.

But once he enters adversity, he will fall into another state, a state of madness and sagacity.

General Li Wei’s general said: "Your Majesty, the Duke’s side, should you be able to attack? He has attacked earlier, and Zhang Hao has been out of trouble early."

"No..." Ning Yuanxian’s eyes are red, and the voice is trembling and frantic: "Not yet."

At this time, Li Wei and the three princes were afraid of it.

Everyone is in a hurry, not yet?

"Not even before the fire, the fire is not enough." Ning Yuanxian's eyes are red, walking around in the big camp, talking to himself.

Then, Ning Yuanxian said: "Ning Yu, you led the 30,000 army to the south and return to the capital."

The three princes screamed: "Father, this... this is too risky."

This is of course extremely risky.

At this time, the Ueno City defense line, the United States assembled a total of 110,000 troops, Wu Guo assembled a total of 120,000, the two sides can be said to be evenly matched.

Now Ning Yuanxian directly asked Ning Yu to take 30,000 people back to the capital.

Around Ning Yuanxian, there are only 80,000 troops, and Wu Wang has a total of 120,000 troops.

There is great disparity in military strength on both sides.

This will bring a fatal temptation to the young Wu King.

I have a large army of 120,000, and Ning Yuanxian has only 80,000. It is better to make a fake come true. Let's fight.

Defeat the more Wang, my Wu Qi is famous.

Ning Yuanxian said: "Just settled, the interests are not big enough, how can the enemy be tempted? If this monarch is acting, then it will be the ultimate!"

"The purpose is that the Soviet Union is rebellious, the widows are shocked, and the three princes are stunned. They lead the 30,000-strong army to the south and return to the country to start."

Ning Hao said: "Father, or you will lead the army back to the country, I will stay with Wu Wang."

Ning Yuanxian said: "You can't do it. I am more than a king, and I am enough to attract Wu Qi! Zhang Wei can take risks, and widows can!"

Everyone was astonished.

Is this monarch more dangerous?

It’s just a gamble.

Is he so crazy inside his bones? So adventurous?

No wonder he would madly worship Jiang away twenty years ago.

I thought that after more than 20 years, the monarch would become stable, and I didn't think that the crazy bones were still there.

"It’s just that, the widows are bait for themselves, and then they are more attractive."

The three princes and Ningsong sighed with enthusiasm: "The children are obedient, and the father is very important."

After a few hours!

Ninglang Three Princes led the 30,000-strong army to the south and returned to the country.

The blue blast was disappointing and furious.

Everyone was shocked.

Has Wang Ning Yuanxian’s brain been in the water?

It’s fascinating!

You are worried that the Soviet Union will rebel. Before that, the army will not be sent to the west to the province. Instead, the army will gather in the north to fight the Wu King.

Now that the Soviet Union is rebelling, you are worried that the country will be lost, and the three princes will be rushed to the army.

In a crisis, Ning Yuanxian is really faint and ignorant.

Now, on the entire northern defense line, you only have 80,000 troops, and Wu Wang has 120,000.

This time, he does not want to be moved.

With a weapon, killing is up!

Who can suppress the temptation to destroy a king?

Especially for a young Wu Wang who has just been enthroned?

If you defeat the Yue Wang, most of the northbound provinces will become the territory of Wu Guo, that is the merits of the future.

Wu Guo can suddenly become the southern hegemon.


The three kings of Yueguo, Ninglang, led the 30,000-strong army to the south, and the news of returning to the national capital was first transmitted to the Wuwang camp.

Wu Qi is ecstatic.

"Ha ha ha ha, this Ning Yuanxian is even more faint than the imagination!"

"The guilty guilty, bluffing, is the kind of person who said. The border will be hunted on that day. It is him who is angry with the army to lead the levy and the decisive battle with the widows. Now the Soviet Union is still far away, and he is worried that the country will be lost. He is also rushing to send troops back to the Vietnamese."

"Ning Yuanxian wants to retire at this time, but he does not dare to retreat, afraid to be ridiculed by the people of the world."

"There is no way to go in and out, and it’s no wonder that the more Congress has been devastated."

"Tian Yu does not take it, but suffers from it!"

"Ning Yuanxian is so fainting, if I let him go, the widows will have to be the world's laughing stock."

"The purpose is to dispatch 30,000 troops from the west to the east, and to increase the number of troops to fight!"

As soon as this was said, several old ministers advised.

The king can't, the king never wants to take the initiative, and should follow the original deployment, step by step.

The so-called two-decision battle is a strategic blackmail, and it must not be faked.

Wu Wangxi said ironically: "In the past, the father Wang had to fight against you, that is, you always advised, you must not take the initiative, you must step by step for the camp, otherwise you will force against the Yu. The result? Let Yan get out of Wudu and return to Yanzhou, Then there was the change of Yanzhou, which made me Wu Guo’s 20 years of indifference.”

As soon as this was said, many confidants suddenly had no light on their faces.

Wu Wang said again: "Now it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once Ning Yuanxian is retracted into the capital, it will miss the opportunity. God-given fighters, fleeting, if you are as cautious as you are, keep quietly. The ancestors couldn’t beat this piece of land, and the widows are now a fisherman."

"Now the country is surrounded by crises, it may be dismembered at any time. If Wu Guo is not prepared enough, then when the country is divided, will Chu be willing to let us?"

Suddenly there is an old minister: "Yanzhou is empty at this time, not how to attack Yanzhou? Recapture Yanzhou, but also restore the ancestors of Zongguang, a shame of the snow."

Wu Wangdao: "Is it a big defeat for Ning Yuanxian? Or is it a big defeat?"

Of course, Ning Yuanxian, he is a monarch after all.

Wu Wang said again: "Which and Ning Yuanxian, which one is better?"

Of course, it is Ning Yuanxian. Although he will be martial arts, he is also a literati king, and he is a famous star. Of course, it is difficult to fight.

Wu Wang said again: "Is Yanzhou steep, or is Ueno City dangerous?"

Of course, Yanzhou is steep, and the terrain of Tianbei is flat. Once it breaks through, it is like a broken bamboo.

Wu Wang suddenly said many confidant veterans, no arguments.

"The purpose is to dispatch 30,000 troops from the west to enter the battalion of the widows!"

Wu Wang’s willingness to come out, things will save room.

The purpose is!

Wu Guoxi army 30,000, Hao Hao swaying eastward, went to Wu Wang camp!

Ning Yuanxian’s gamble, you’re done!

He was so excited, trembling, standing on the map all the time.

Calculate the position of the Western Army of Wu.

Time has to be very tight, and the 30,000-strong army cannot really enter the Wuwang camp.

Otherwise, at that time, Wu Wang had a 150,000-strong army. He had only 80,000 troops in Ning Yuanxian. If he really got it, he would really suffer.

Must let the Wu Guoxi army go halfway.

卞逍 猛 猛 猛!

Wu Guo San Wan Xijun is four hundred miles away from the Wu State Camp, three hundred miles, two hundred miles!

The time is up!

The more Wang Ning Yuanxian decreed!

"Command 卞逍, raid the Wu Kingdom to the West!"

"kill light, burn out, grab light!"

"The soldiers are very fast, don't take the city, don't fight, always rush, rush, rush!"

"Killing Wu Guo’s trepidation, killing Wu Wang’s soul and flying!”

Two days later!

I received the will of the king.

He has been preparing for a long time, sharpening his sword.

The most elite five thousand troops, even replaced the new armor and sword of the Kim family.

With Ning Yuanxian an order.

卞逍 20,000 troops, violently killed Yanzhou, and entered the Western Kingdom.

In an instant, like a blue sky!

Kill all the way, burn all the way!

Kill, kill, kill!

Do not hit the city, do not win the city.

All the way to the raid, directly into the heart of Wu Guo.

The head is rolling, the blood of the corpse!


Snowy mountain!

Shen Lang struggled to march.

It was very easy at first, but when it reached the mountainside, it gradually became difficult.

Because the snow is getting thicker.

Although the Dabai Temple opened up a six-foot mountain road, it is considered to be wide and flat.

But this road has been gone for too long, and there is thick snow on the road.

Shen Lang all the way to march, but also to clear the snow on the road all the way.

Despite the preparations, it still underestimated the cold in the mountains.

In this way, you can only walk for more than twenty miles a day, and it is getting slower and slower.

After coming to this world, Shen Lang also came to Daxueshan for the first time.

It’s so majestic, it’s really daunting.

Throughout the field of vision, it is a piece of day.

Shen Lang couldn't help but admire the red (military) of the later generations. However, they turned over tens of thousands of people through the snow-capped mountains, and there was almost no road.

Although the snowy mountain that Shen Lang climbed is bigger, it is better to have a smooth road opened by the Dalai Temple.

Walking on this six-foot road, Shen Lang also stunned the Da Luo Temple.

Are you crazy? Built the palace on such a high mountain?

This mountain road is at least a hundred miles. How did you open it up at that time?

Shen Lang couldn't imagine how many manpower was used in the development of this mountain road, and how many people died?

But think about the history of the earth, the Tubo Kingdom built a 360,000-meter-high super palace group on the mountain at an altitude of 3,700 meters, 1300 years ago, as if it were more powerful than the big palace.

When the Tubo Kingdom was the most powerful, the population was just a few million.

After five days!

Shen Lang finally came to the top of this snowy mountain!

Of course, it’s just a snowy mountain, because there is a higher snowy mountain in the distance.

Then he saw the long-awaited Grand Palace.

This is one of the largest palace groups in the Eastern World.

Of course, half of it is now in ruins.

However, when Shen Lang really came to the palace, it was still shocked.

Because this palace is higher than the palace of the Tubo Kingdom.

However, the area is smaller, and Shen Lang has already witnessed it. The entire building of the Grand Palace is only about 200,000 square meters, or 300 acres.

But its square is big.

There are three squares in total across the snowy mountains.

There is one in front of the big robbery.

A few hundred meters below the big robbery, there is one on the front and one on the back.

At first, Shen Lang didn't know that the worshippers would come directly to the square in front of the palace. Why do you want to build a few squares below?

Now Shen Lang understands.

First of all, when building a big robbing palace, when the road was laid, a lot of stone was needed.

Therefore, the stone field was opened on the mountain, and when it was dug, it became a large flat land and simply built a square.

And in those squares, there are also castles that are used to defend against enemy forces.

If you want to win the big robbery, you must first break through the two defense castles.

Of course, the defense castles on the two squares have already become ruins.

After the two wars, it was demolished.


The coalitions of Shen Lang and Arunana were stationed in the still intact palace of the Grand Palace.

The Heavenly Warrior Samurai skillfully opened the underground palace and took out the cotton coat, grain, and iron pot from it.

Not only these, but also a lot of dry cow dung, countless cow dung, can be used as fuel.

Arunana can't be channeled: "Is these things hidden before you?"

of course!

When Shen Lang decided to use the Dagong Palace as the place where the King of the Kings died, he used the enormous manpower to complete it.

Arunana is a confused queen. These dried meats, as well as dried cow dung, were purchased from her tribe and then transported by the Heavenly Society to the cellar of the Great Hall.

Shen Lang asked: "How far is the enemy from us?"

Eagle said: "It's very far, it will arrive in two days!"

Shen Langdao: "Send a scout, and deploy in the square under the big robbery. Once there is an enemy, report it immediately."

"I will go in person!"

Ying Yang and Wu Lie, the most elite warriors, went to the bottom to arm.

Arunana said: "What then?"

Shen Langdao: "Eat, sleep, wait for the enemy to come and destroy them, then leave!"

Arunana said: "Don't you fight?"

Shen Langdao: "Is there a fight in this big robbery?"

Did not have to fight!

As soon as the enemy arrives, it will suddenly collapse and the ground will shake.

Then the enemy is probably gone.


Two days later!

Wu Lie returns!

"The enemy has arrived, the enemy has arrived!"

Shen Lang sighed.

The miracle of killing tens of thousands of troops in an instant is going to be staged again!


Note: The first one is sent, my cervical spine is sore and I can't help it. I will pick up the code for an hour. Adults, ask for monthly passes and support, yeah!

Thank you for the singularity of the snow, the Promise of the Promise, the book 161106095403180 million coins.

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