History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 259: : 羌王阿鲁太全军军灭! Earthshaking! (New Alliance Lord ah 1216 He)

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In the raging city!

"It’s really the flag of the city!"

A shopkeeper sighed and then closed the shop door.

Almost everyone has now confirmed that the Marquis of Jin Zhuo has been stabbed to death.

Because he has not appeared for a long time, now the main thing in the big castle is Miss Hou Fu Jin Mulan.

Everyone knows that this Xuanwucheng princess is the least likely to act.

Every time she meets, although she has been very hard to cover up, it is still difficult to hide the anger and anger.

The beautiful big eyes are almost red all the time.

She is so sad and angry that if the Marquis of Jin Zhuo is dead, is it because her husband is derailed?

Not only that, all the warships on the sea of ​​the Kim family have been docked.

The army of the Kim family has all contracted into three castles.

Nowadays, the Jin family has lost the sea power, and the Tianfeng City, who has surrendered to Wu, has been on the sea.

Now it’s not just the merchant ship of the Heavenly Society, but the merchant ship of anybody is suspended.

Even the manned seagoing vessels between Yangwucheng and the raging city were suspended, because Qiu Yu said that before the end of the war, the film could not go to the sea.

Except for the ship of Wu State, any ship that appears in this sea will not hesitate to sink.

Many people already know that the Wu National Army will make a final retreat on Tianfeng Island not far from the north, and will soon be vast and southward, landing in the raging city.

By that time, it was another terrible battle.

How long has this been?

It took less than half a year for the Kim family to win the anger city. Is it necessary to change the owner now?

However, it does not matter, anyway, it is half a month after the closure of the business, after the end of the war, everyone still do business, money to earn.

It’s just a change in taxes.

I knew that I wouldn’t give so many gifts to Shen Lang’s little white face before I knew it.

That bastard, light gift does not work, those gifts are considered to be feeding the dog.

After Wu Guo took the anger city, everyone had to have another blood.

Many people have already inquired. This time Wu Jun’s coach is Wu Mu, who is the cousin of Wu Wang. After he wins the anger city, he will become the new master of the anger city. Even the official posts are heard, Leizhou is too defensive. Admiral of the Navy.

Wu Guo is not the same.

At the time of the Vietnam, the Leizhou Islands were only two cities in Nujiang County. When I arrived in Wu, I upgraded directly to the county.

Many big businessmen have begun to inquire about the preferences of the Wu Mu adults, thinking about what gifts should be given to please.

Because in the minds of all businessmen, the Jin family has been finished, this battle of King's must lose.

Close the door of the store and lock all the valuable goods in the cellar.

However, there should be no problem. The last time the Jin family took the anger city, there was no looting. It must have been Wu.

Just as the shopkeeper closed the last door panel, a figure came in.

However, the shopkeeper seemed to have not seen it at all, and directly attached the last door panel.


The tall figure walked into the underground secret room and sat down directly: "Time is tight, say!"

The candlelight ignited.

"No, don't light a candle." The tall voice said, he waved the flame of the candle that had just been ignited with a wave of his hand.

"Ha ha ha ha!" The other party smiled: "General King Shiying, are you so afraid of seeing people? Every time you meet, you are talking in the darkness? Even the work is smeared?"

This is a woman, the voice is very beautiful.

And this tall figure is Jin Shiying, the son of Marquis of Jin Zhuo, the anger of the city.

He actually came to the secret basement to meet people.

Then, the woman insisted on igniting the candlelight.

Jin Shiying instinctively avoided the face.

But he still saw the woman opposite, very beautiful, and the key figure is very attractive.

The waist is like a snake, the legs are long and straight, and the curve is hot.

She also wore a snakeskin.

She carried a candlestick and went to Jin Shiying's face and sat down directly on his lap.

Amazing elasticity.

Jin Shiying turned his face and looked a bit unnatural.

"Lang Jun, have been sleeping a few times, why are you so shy?" Woman said.

As she said, she reached out her tongue and kissed Jin Shiying's ear hole.

Jin Shiying said dumbly: "That is also your trick. I thought you were just a woman who was in trouble, so I will save you, and I will be treated with drugs and sleep together."

The woman sighed: "That is the first time. Is it the second time that I have given you medicine? It is obviously your own addiction, and you are doing it hard."

Jin Shiying’s face trembled.

The woman said: "Lang Jun, you used to look at me the most, even when you are working, I still stare at my face. Why don't you want to see me now, every time you have to talk black and do things black?"

Jin Shiying said: "Because I am facing a liar."

"Hey, hey, hey." The woman sighed: "My Lang Jun is angry, I apologize to you, okay?"

The woman kissed Jin Shiying's lips and then peeled off his clothes.

"I don't have a mood." Jin Shiying refused.

The woman sighed: "It's all like this, there is no mood, your brother is more honest than you."

Then, the woman slammed Jin Shiying and the two fell asleep again.

In the middle, Jin Shiying blew out the candle several times, and the woman ignited again, and poured the tears on her chest.

It’s a crazy woman, and it’s something to stop.


After half an hour.

The beautiful woman lay lazily in the arms of Jin Shiying.

"Lang Jun, tomorrow, my Wu Guo army will go south. You have no time. It is time to make a choice." The woman softly said.

Jin Shiying did not speak.

The woman said: "You don't think about it for yourself, don't think about it for me, and think about it for our children."

Suddenly Jin Shiying could not help but tremble.

The woman grabbed Jin Shiying’s hand and touched her belly. She said: “We slept seven or eight times, and the baby in the stomach has been more than two months.”

Jin Shiying’s breathing almost stopped.

"How? Fear, don't want to take responsibility?" The woman said softly.

For a while, Jin Shiying said: "Who are you? What is your name?"

Woman said: "Wu You!"

Jin Shiying said: "Wu?"

The woman said: "Don't misunderstand, I am not a princess, nor a county owner. Maybe I was with the king a few hundred years ago. Today, I am probably the cousin of General Wu Mu."

Jin Shiying said: "Mr. Wu Mu really can afford me."

The woman said: "Of course he can afford you, because Lang Jun, you are so good."

Jin Shiying said: "You are really deliberate. I used the beauty to drag me down more than two months ago."

Woman Wu Youdao: "Lang Jun, you used to be very important. We put the center of gravity on you completely, and even gave me this great beauty. But now I am not afraid that you are not happy, your weight is not so heavy. Because Jin Zhuo is already dead, the whole anger city has no heads, and the country is completely unable to support the anger city. The most powerful swell of the Jin family is trapped in the white night county. It is easy to capture the anger city, so your use It’s not that big.”

Jin Shiying did not speak.

Wu You kissed Jin Shiying's chest and said: "But you are my man, I have already liked you, I intend to be with you, I hope to see you have a future and have a good future."

Jin Shiying said: "What is the future, what is the future?"

Wu Youdao: "Lang Jun, according to your martial arts and talents, you should take the Wujinshi in the test. You can at least be a four-product military commander in the future. As a result, you are trapped by the Jin family's kindness, nominally a general, actually a No slaves, no military power."

Jin Shiying said: "The Marquis adults are very kind to me. All my things are given by the Kim family."

Wu Youdao: "Lang Jun, are you going to bury the Jin family? You have no hope in this battle."

Jin Shiying said: "We still have five or six thousand troops, and we have an indestructible big castle."

Wu Youdao: "Yes, the castle of Qiu Tianwei is very strong. We can't attack 10,000 people. What about 20,000 people and 30,000 people? The most important thing is that Jin Zhuo is dead. Who else can you be loyal?"

Jin Shiying does not speak.

Wu Youdao: "The more Wang Ning Yuan Xianshu seals you as the anger of the city, do you have half the power? In order to defend yourself, you will not hesitate to blame yourself, even to Shen Lang such a sire. You are a son, he is a sly, he The status of the identity is obviously not as good as yours. Is it not a shame to humiliate you to worship?"

The woman grabbed the hand of Jin Shiying and felt the scar on it.

Wu Youdao: "Lang Jun, I am still the same sentence, you don't think about it for yourself, don't you think about it for me, don't think about it for our children?"

Jin Shiying is still speechless.

Wu Youdao: "After winning the anger city, Wu Mu will become the Leizhou Guardian and the Navy Admiral. And my husband, you will become the real anger of the city, and Wu Guo's four generals."

Jin Shiying trembled.

Wu Youdao: "In the future, the status of the anger city will be very high, it should be equal to the Pingdu County and Wannian County, the city is from the five products!"

Jin Shiying breathed a little bit.

Wu Youdao: "Lang Jun, are you willing to be a slave to your life? Do you want your child to be a slave in the whole life? General Wu Mu is the cousin of the great king Wu Qi, he lacks real confidant, and you Without a foundation, it is the best candidate. Once you are loyal to Wu Mu, you will be regarded as a confidant."

Jin Shiying did not speak, but the heartbeat has accelerated.

Wu Youdao: "Lang Jun, even the kind of **** can become the owner of Tianfeng, the four generals of Zhenhai, are you willing? You are obviously much better than him. The anger of the city is also the general of the four products, this position is high. Do you want to do the weight of the official position?"

Jin Shiying said: "The price is that I betrayed the Kim family?"

Wu Youdao: "The Jin family is going to perish. What is the relationship with your betrayal? No matter what you do, you can't save the Jin family. It is your chance to make a great contribution. You need to give Wu Mu Houye a name. ""

Jin Shiying closed his eyes for a long time.

Wu Youjiao said: "Lang Jun ah? The slave family follows you, but it is innocent. This is a beauty plan, but it is also a beauty plan for a meat buns and dogs. There is no return. I am a meat buns, you are a dog. You can't eat it, you don't care."

For a while, Jin Shiying said: "How will you deal with the Kim family in the future?"

Wu Youjiao said: "What do you mean is Kim Mulan?"

Jin Shiying does not speak.

Wu Youdao: "The people are jealous, and Kim Mulan has already married, and you are still crazy about him."

Jin Shiying said: "I don't have any thoughts about Miss."

Wu Youdao: "Jin Zhuo is dead, the Jin family lost the anger city has become a foregone conclusion, Wang Ya Island and Jinshan Island can not keep, the Jin family will leave the local land, and certainly can not support these private forces, probably will 沦For the second and third-rate nobles. As for Jin Mulan, we will not kill her. You also know that your country’s Prince Ning Yi will be sure that she will be able to get her to the Prince’s bed.

Jin Shiying slammed his teeth and the temple jumped.

Wu Youjiao said: "Lang Jun, you are not a savior, you can't save so many people. Besides, Kim Mulan has nothing to do with the Prince of Vietnam. Even if the country is badly hurt, Ning Yi is still a Prince. The prince's 妾 妾 is much better than the marriage to Shen Lang."

Jin Shiying said: "Shen Lang’s grandfather is very amazing."

Wu Youdao: "He is really amazing, but his eyes are too narrow. He only wants to take revenge. He only wants to destroy Su Shi, but it is ridiculous to ignore the anger city. After all, he was born in the people, and there is no big deal. You don't want to learn from him. You have to have a lofty goal. The slaves are waiting for you to worship, and your wife is very expensive."

Jin Shiying trembled: "What do you want me to do?"

Wu Youdao: "After Jin Zhuo's death, Kim Mulan is in charge of the highest power of the entire anger city, you are the second hand."

Jin Shiying nodded in the dark.

Wu Youdao: "You must have many brooding brothers."

Jin Shiying said: "If you are loyal to the Kim family, of course there are many. But if you want to betray the Kim family, then my brothers are not much, dozens of hundreds."

Wu Youdao: "Enough, you are now the strongest military commander of the Kim family, so it is reasonable to let you guard the castle gate."

Jin Shiying nodded: "Well."

Wu Youdao: "The thing you have to do is very simple. Open the castle gate directly and let our army rush into the castle. Your mission will be completed. The next battle will be handed over to us."

Jin Shiying said: "The most difficult thing for you to attack the castle of the raging city is to break the door."

This is true.

This metamorphosis of Qiu Tianwei really built the big castle of the Angry City into too big, too strong, the walls were tall and thick, and the castle gate was indestructible.

Under normal circumstances, the Wuzhou 30,000 army wants to take the break and break the door. I don't know how much it will cost. I don't know how many casualties I have to pay. A few thousand people are at least a minimum.

And once it broke.

Then it became a breeze.

Wu Youdao: "Lang Jun, this is a cost-effective credit. It is completely effortless for you, as long as you open the door from inside, and when you take the anger city, you are the first."

Jin Shiying’s voice trembled and breathed loudly: “I, I have a condition.”

Wu You’s voice also trembled and finally succeeded.

For this man’s lobbying, she has already done it many times, and she has said everything, and what means have been used.

Jin Shiying said: "After the incident, people who have let go of the Kim family should not kill innocent people."

Wu Youjiao said: "Hey, my Lang Jun is really affectionate? Can your love be divided into some?"

Jin Shiying chills: "I am not kidding."

The woman once again rode on the body of Jin Shiying, and sighed: "According to you, according to you, all according to you, annoying and erotic!"


Snowy mountain!

Even if everything is ready, the three or four thousand troops under the shackles of the king are still shivering.

There are two squares under the big robbery palace. At this time, the coalition forces of the kings Arutai and the Dalai Temple are on the first square.

From here, there is a height of 100 meters from the straight line of the big robbery palace, and you can see the grand palace of the robbery. But it takes a long time to walk, and it is almost ten miles away.

This first square, the first line of defense guarding the palace, was originally a castle. It has now been demolished, and there are broken walls everywhere.

The head of the suffering touched the ruins, and the eyes were slightly red.

The battle of the big robbery was already a matter of decades, but he still seems to be vivid.

The destruction of the palace is the departure of Jiang.

Under the call of Jiang, the dry country, the Vietnam State, the Chu State, and the Wu State formed a 60,000 coalition to attack the Grand Palace, killing nearly 20,000 soldiers and turning this beautiful palace into a ruin.

How brilliant was the Great Robbery Temple in the Eastern world?

Even many monarchs are disciples of the Dalai Temple, and the national divisions of the DPRK are the masters of the Dalai Temple.

The robbery temple draws a circle. This mountain belongs to the Dalai Temple. The fertile fields and people under the mountain belong to the Dalai Temple.

This big robbery palace has been in existence for hundreds of years. When the big robbery was built, there were five countries in the Eastern world, and dozens of nobles paid for it.

All blame **** from the beast!

Living and living alone, the forces of the Great Robbery Temple were uprooted from the Eastern world and rushed to the Western Regions.

After the death of Jiang, the Dalai Temple thought that it would be possible to make a comeback.

I did not expect that the emperor of the Great Yan Empire was directly a leader, and the purpose was to arrest the embers of the robbery temple.

The suffering head is constantly rummaging through the ruins.

Looking for a quarter of an hour, he finally found a stone with two words engraved on it, suffering!

This he carved, at that time he was only a small soldier.

Touching the handwriting on this stone, the head of the suffering is not sounding.

"Brothers, younger brothers, souls come back!"

"Master, sir, the disciple, the disciple finally returned to the palace."

"I swear, I must reproduce the glory of the big robbery!"

Seeing this tragic scene, the two thousand soldiers under the head of the sufferings were solemn and silent.

"Return to the big robbery!"

"Reproduce the glory of the Great Robbery Temple!"

Master Ban Ruo, only curiously explored this ruin.

She has no emotions about the big robbery, and even applauds its apprehension.

Because she also worships Jiang from her majesty.

Anyone who opposes Jiang’s opposition, my class is also opposed.

However, she thought that when she was rebelling out of the Magic Rock Palace, she also wanted to build the Snow Mountain Palace on this big palace.

However, Lin Chang gave up only one month, because it is too far away, life is too inconvenient, buy a straw paper to run hundreds of miles.

Don't look at the class several times to lead people to annihilate the Snow Mountain Palace, but she did not have much hostility towards her sister Lin Chang, but she still had some sympathy.

The snow-capped old demon is extremely powerful, and the fight has never been won.

This sentence is still spread throughout the martial arts world of the East.

Repeated defeats and forests.


And the king of Alu, it is completely another kind of emotion.

Heroic, majestic!

He has already decided that he must rebuild the palace.

This place is impossible as a palace, but it can be used as a palace.

It will be the top of the list, and the mountains are small.

Of course, Arutai does not know this poem, but his mood is similar.

The palace that lives on the top of this snowy mountain is the pinnacle of life.

This big robbery is a miracle on earth compared to the ugly palace of his father, Arugan.

When I took the Tianxixing province, the whole snowy mountain belonged to my Arutai.

The big robbery palace is like a gem of my crown.

When I destroy the pseudo-king of Arunana, I am the only king of Laos.

The Su family will be at my feet, and the entire western province will become my hunting ground.

No, no, no!

I want more than just the western provinces. I want to be more than half of the country. I want to be the hegemon of the eastern world.

I am going to rob the palace, it must be God!

This is the closest place to the gods.

I killed the Arunana pseudo-king in the big robbery palace, this is also God's will!

Let my king map overwork, starting with killing Arunana!

As for Shen Lang?

He is just a clown, not worth mentioning.

Although very cunning, it is still a clown.

"The army is ready to fight and kill the pseudo-king Arunana!"

"Stop the waves!"

With Arutai roaring.

A gust of wind rolled over, and then the sky was covered with heavy snow.

Aru said with a big smile: "This is the king's prestige, and it is so loud that it pierces the sky and causes the sky to fall."

At this time, the fear of Su Jianting’s heart has reached the extreme.

"Dawang, Dawang, and the hearts of the ministers are extremely fearful and uneasy. This is a trick!" Su Jianting said: "When the king can't go up again, how can the ministers go to destroy Arunana and Shen Lang?"

Aru Tai’s heart is heroic and screams: “With you also with the head of the pseudo-king Arunana, only the king is qualified to kneel down! This big robbery is a miracle on earth, guiding me here to kill Lu Nana is completely the will of the gods. My Wang Tuba industry will start from here. The more domestic chaos, the god-given opportunity, I want more than just the southern part of the western province, I want to become one of the overlords of the eastern world! , the big robbery palace witness!"

Su Mo, Su Ning, Su Shi, three stunning women squatted down and pleaded: "The king, the king, the sorrowful sorrow, must not prevent it, he must set a trick."

Yan Wang laughed and said: "Then you said that he set up what tricks? Where do you set up tricks?"

Sumo said: "The courtier doesn't know, but he is as savage as a ghost. He must have set a trap in the big robbery palace. The king is not fooled."

The king of Aru Tai’s eyes turned: “When you are suffering, you will be your pioneer and attack the big robbery?”

This is very clear, let the soldiers of the robbery temple to explore the road.

If there is a trap and there is a trap, let the squadron of the suffering head go to step on it.

The head of the suffering, Dahaha, laughed and said: "Hey, it’s really timid like a rat. You don’t have to say that Bento is not doing it, and the first one will kill the big robbery."

"The big robbery palace, I am coming!"

"Master Ban, do you follow me?"

Ban Ruo Grand Master reluctantly threw away a stone in his hand. This carving is really beautiful. This embossed pattern is a combination of two people. The key is that these two people are neither male nor female, both male and female.

Ban Ruozong said: "On, my magic rock palace and the sword of the island do not share the sky!"

The suffering head screamed loudly: "All the robbers in the temple, as I kill, will kill the pigs and dogs that robbed the palace!"

Suddenly, the two thousand soldiers were extremely fanatical and madly killed!

Snow is falling!

Here is the big robbery palace, here is the holy place of the Dalai Temple.

Therefore, the two thousand soldiers are like God-sponsored, flying fast, as if there is no end to the strength.

As a result, he rushed to the big robbery on the top of the mountain.


Shen Lang could not help but sigh!

I thought I didn't need to fight in the big robbery.

I didn't think that the king of Aru was too deceitful. The army did not come up first, but let the soldiers of the Dalai Temple come to the thunder.

No way, then only hit!

Arunana and Shen Lang’s more than 3,000 coalition forces were fully armed and stood by the walls of the ruins of the Great Hall.

The two thousand soldiers of the Dalai Temple are getting closer and closer.

Shen Lang can see their incomparably fanatical expression.

I am not afraid of death.

Under the mountain, this group of soldiers is far less brave.

And now, everyone seems to be a **** body.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Two thousand soldiers, like crazy.

Suffering to the top of the road: "The big robbery palace, I am coming. Master, the king of the king, I dreamed of going back to the palace!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Put, put, put!"

With Arunana’s order, Shen Lang and her coalition’s arrows were raining.

The robbers of the robbery temple continued to fall.

But there is still no fear, crazy charge.

Tight after the rain of three or four waves.

The robbery of the temple was directly killed.


The two armies were madly strangled together.

Blood smashed and broken limbs!

The big snow smashed, the murder on the palace was shocking!

The coalition forces of Shen Lang and Arunana felt tremendous pressure instantly.

Although the number of squadrons is not large, they are too fanatical and their fighting power is too strong.

Without fear of death, it seems to have entered the state of madness!

The coalition forces soon suffered casualties.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill all these pigs and dogs that have stolen the palace!"

The suffering head is also as crazy as it is.

The two armies were raging in the snowy mountains.

Shen Lang is in a hurry.

How can the army of King Arutai not come up?

Because of his tens of thousands of nets, the potential can be displayed in one place.

There is no way, gunpowder is limited, and only a large avalanche can be made on one side of the mountain.

Before the Aru Tai marched scattered, tens of thousands of troops spread over ten or twenty miles, and this big snowy mountain is too big, an avalanche may be difficult to let him out.

It is necessary to reach the maximum lethality when the enemy is most intensive.

And it is at this time!

The sound of the screaming of the sky suddenly sounded.

The army of Arutai rushed!

Come, finally come!


King Arutai is also anxious.

Because he was worried that the suffering head was too brave, he directly killed Arunana.

This pseudo-king Arunana, Arutai must kill it by hand, otherwise he will not be eligible to become the king of Laos.

Listening to the killing sound on the top of the mountain, he was in a hurry.

At this time, the three women of Su Shi were still kneeling on the ground, crying and crying with his legs, asking him not to be impulsive.

At this time, a scout samurai rushed.

King Alu is too loud and shouted: "How, how is the mountain battle?"

The scout said: "The squadron of the Great Robbery Temple has been killed with the army of the pseudo-king Arunana."

羌王阿鲁太道: "Can there be a trap? Can there be a trap?"

Scout said: "No, the big robbery on the top of the mountain is a ruin and a broken wall. The robbery of the temple is brave, and Arunana’s army is even invincible."

King Alu too is more anxious.

Arunana must not let the suffering heads kill.

Suddenly, he screamed: "The army is charging, killing the pseudo-king!"

This is the case.

The three Su Shi women desperately hold the two thighs of Aru Tai: "The king does not want to be impulsive, don't be impulsive, let the suffering head and Arunana kill and lose both. Are you going to clean up the mess?"

"The king, Shen Lang is very cunning, be careful that he has a trap!"

The three women were crying.

King Aru Tai kicked out the left and right feet and kicked out the three beautiful beauty of the Su family.

"Haha, the people of your Su family have always been timid like rats, and the king has been ridiculed by the bald head of the Great Robbery Temple."

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, you Su Shi wants to let the pseudo-king Arunana die in the hands of the suffering of the Dalai Temple, so that my king of the kingdom is not right."

"In the midst of it, the gods are guiding me, and my Wangtu hegemony will rise in the big robbery!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

With the singer Aru Tai.

The army of his majesty madly rushed toward the big robbery on the top of the mountain.

It is dense and numerous.

Because it is not too far from the top of the mountain, the road is also a lot wider, three or four meters wide, but it is also steep.

"Chong, rush, rush!"

"God is watching us!"

The army of King Arutai, the king of the king, was densely packed, black and black, like a long dragon, charging toward the top of the mountain.

Still spread a few miles.

However, it is dense enough.

The king of the king is at the forefront.

It’s still a long way from the top of the mountain, but he can already feel the power of the king.

God is watching us.

Wang Tu Baye, open this!

Kill Arunana.

Kill the waves!

My army of Arutai is about to sweep across the country.

I want to make the whole country become my hunting ground.

Kill their men and marry their women.

Let countless babies cry.

Let countless children become orphans.

I want the whole country to hear the name of my Arutai, and I am shaking and crouching on the ground!

God, I am coming!

And it is at this time!


A burst of muffled sound!

It is stuffy, not loud!

It’s like the boring thunder in the sky.

There is also a hundred meters from the top of the mountain.

More than a dozen gunpowder, violently detonated!

Suddenly, accumulated hundreds of thousands of years of snow, suddenly blasted!

Even the boulders deep in the snow were blown up.

The boulder, along with countless snow, rolled wildly.

Sweep down!

It is a few hundred meters high from the top of the mountain.

This avalanche is already strong enough.

The snow of thousands of years has been frantically splitting.

Crazy down.

More and more, more and more.

More and more amazing!

At first, it was like a anger.

To the back, it is like a tsunami in the sky.

With amazing potential, crazy sweeps down!

The real landslide!

Real earth-shattering!

It was only a few hundred meters wide at the beginning and then several kilometers wide.

Later, the whole face of the snow mountain began to collapse.


The entire snowy mountain is shaking violently.

King Aru is completely shocked!

The two or three thousand troops he had left were also shocked.

I dare not look at this scene.

Countless snow waves, like a giant beast, seem to be swallowing the whole world.

Before Shen Lang was really worried, he was afraid that the avalanche was not big enough, and he wanted to concentrate the army of the King.

However, this avalanche is much larger than he imagined.

"Booming rumbling..."

Before the energy of the sky.

Any struggle, any escape, is futile.

There are countless soldiers under the king.

Some screamed and cried.

Some are running wild.

"God is angry, God is angry!"


"Climb down and beg for the forgiveness of the gods!"

The tens of thousands of troops of King Arutai collapsed completely.


Everything is meaningless!

Amazing avalanche, swept through in a few seconds!

It’s like a storm.

Really like the **** of anger!


Everything is gone!

The tens of thousands of troops of King Alutai, the whole army, are destroyed!


Note: Today is two more than seven thousand! Brothers, madly asking for a monthly pass, madly asking for support, the cake is bursting every day, pleading!

Thank you, Yan Baozhen, Tiesha Zhangyan, the first horizon of the million coins.


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