History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 429: : Infinite glory! Queen's seduce!

The blockade of Mulan City in this sea area is still continuing, and the sheet cannot be taken to the sea.

All the ships that Shen Lang bought were trapped on the dock, and once they left the dock for more than three kilometers, they would be sunk.

Excessively, those who are swaying in the sea will be attacked even if they are fishing in the sea.

The **** baron also has a nearby pirate ship. In the recent time, it was only less than five kilometers away from the Shenlang base. It was shaken and swayed.

There are more than 10,000 people in Mulan City. The food is still enough. Even before the wave, many beef cattle were purchased, so the meat is enough, but there is a shortage of vegetables.

People who don't eat vegetables can't do it, and they will lack a lot of vitamins. However, before the Shenlang purchase more than tens of thousands of pounds of soybeans, now all made into bean sprouts, which is a supplement to vegetables.

Before Shen Lang purchased thousands of gold coins, Zhang Chunhua also spit.

It turned out that these silks have a big effect, and it is actually used to wrap gunpowder. It seems to be too extravagant.

The walls of Mulan City are a total of fifteen miles long, and the speed of construction is much faster than expected.

According to the plan, it was completed within one month, and the result was completed in about 20 days. With cement and bricks, the building speed has a qualitative leap.

Therefore, Zhang Chunhua ordered the construction of a checkpoint wall in the valley about 20 miles north of Mulan City, with a length of about six miles.

The Bicha Peninsula is the shape of the lower ground. The length of the north and south is more than three hundred miles, but the fastest local tribe is fifty miles, and the narrowest place is only about twenty miles.

This valley is the narrowest place. If the enemy troops go south from here, it is more appropriate to arm here. It can give Mulan City a certain buffer time.

The construction of the city wall checkpoint in this valley is within the plan, but it is a plan for the future, but now there is still plenty of time, Zhang Chunhua led the 6,000-kilometer slave to the valley to build a defense line.

What is the name of the valley checkpoint?


This is Zhang Chunhua’s death. He cried in front of Shen Lang and complained that he had no credit and hard work. The saltpeter island was named Mulan Island. The city was also named Mulan City. Then I named Zhang Chunhua a small valley. The city gate is not too much.

Shen Lang couldn't help but agree, because if he didn't agree, he couldn't see Zhang Chunhua's half smile for half a month, as if he owed her a million gold coins.

After Shen Lang promised, she again became the fox, all kinds of charming, beautiful little mouth frequent driving, fouling the waves are willing to go down the wind.

The 11,000 slaves in Mulan City are still the same as ordinary ones. They are alive and walking. They eat on time every day, work on time, sleep on time, and have no sense of ownership at all.

The two thousand people under Shen Lang’s majesty are completely different mental states.

As the war approached, everyone was fighting to explode, and the sense of honor burst.

I can't wait for thirty-six hours a day, desperately preparing for battle, training desperately, and desperately building defense lines.

Defend your majesty and defend Queenstown.

These slogans were frequently shouted out in their mouths, starting with the Eastern Knights.

They are small and very weak, but after shouting such a slogan, they can feel a sense of mission honor.

The city is small and very rudimentary, but it is named after the queen.

Therefore, although Shen Lang named the city Mulan City, it was called Queenstown in the mouth of the Eastern Knights, and they were constantly correcting the names of others.

Over time, everyone called it Queenstown.

The Black Pearl Pirates also feel that the term Queenstown is more powerful than Mulan City.

The pace of the war is getting closer and closer, and Shen Lang has not returned.

But no matter whether he is still absent or not, the two thousand troops in the city have a strong spiritual pillar and are ready to fight.


On the sea in Bijincheng.


With a single order, hundreds of ships simultaneously raised special flags.

All the sailors on the mast waved the slogan of respect.

All the pirate ships have lowered their flags and upgraded to new flags.

The highest is the flag of the Third Empire of Xilun, followed by the southern guardian flag, and finally the flag of his own.

"Southland guardian drive, salute!"

Hundreds of ships arrayed to welcome the arrival of a huge fleet.

The big scenes, the seas that are dozens of miles in length, are densely packed with ships of all kinds, arranged neatly.

Welcome to the guardian of the southern empire, Duke Dipose.

This world is really a reality.

Before the war with the Witch Empire, the pirates in this sea area also respected the Duke of Dibos, but in many cases they were respectful and respectful, only trade, not loyalty.

After this war, everything changed.

After a few months of fierce fighting, the Third Empire of the Silon has won a strategic victory.

The South Road Army, the East Road Army, the North Road Army, and the West Road Army are all in full swing.

The most prominent of the martial arts is the Duke of Russell of the East Road Army and the Duke of Dibos of the South Road Army.

Now that the witch empire has all fallen, the Queen Mother City is left.

And more than a million troops have surrounded this Queen City, as if it can be won at any time. The reason why I did not attack again was just to wait for Sauron the emperor to go south.

The Emperor Sauron had already made a decree, and after destroying the Queen's City, he became the emperor.

Queen Medusa either pledges allegiance, becomes his queen, or die!

So the war is over, just waiting for the decisive battle between Solon the Great and Queen Medusa.

When the witch empire was in full bloom, it was more than four million square kilometers. It was only less than half a year after the war, and it has completely perished.

The Duke of Russell laid down 1.6 million square kilometers, and the Duke of Dibos scored 1.2 million square kilometers and defeated the five navies of the Witch Empire.

Therefore, the Duke of Dibos at this time is not only the governor of the province of Bibo, but the guardian of the southern empire of the entire empire, the highest leader of the five provinces, the army of more than 200,000 troops in the hands, plus other surrendered city-states, the army More than half a million.

Originally, there were only 50,000 people in her hands, but now her people have not yet reached Bijin City. All the pirates in the 5,000-mile sea have returned and turned into the Third Apostle of the West.

Therefore, her navy is more than 100,000.


A variety of conch rings.


On the pier, the Vulcan priest lit the fireworks.

The gorgeous flagship of the Duke of Dibos slowly approached the dock.

A man of great martial arts stands on the pier, standing proudly there, and his height is more than two meters tall.

"Uncle Austin, you have worked hard." Duke Dicks said.

Austin Russo, Earl of the Third Empire of the Sea, the new Bijin City Lord, a powerful knight.

He was ten years older than the Duke of Dibos. He had been traveling outside to practice, focusing on personal martial arts and gaining a lot of glory.

Of course, he has two great glory, that is, to go to the island of borrowing, twice won the favor of the Amazon women, lending their seeds for the Amazon tribe to breed.

Don't cancel, this is a feat that can be shown off the entire continent.

Because every time the Queen of the Amazon reproduces, the most powerful man in the entire continent will go. The Duke of Russo and the Duke of Hall have all gone.

The Earl of Austin left the family for a long time because he was not willing to be a man. He felt that he could become the Duke of Russo, but his father failed to fight for inheritance. He even lost the opportunity to inherit the Duke.

When the Duke of Dibos inherited the family, his heart was even more angry. He felt that he was stronger than Dibos and was even more reluctant to obey her assignment.

But a few months ago, Dibos personally wrote a letter to Austin, asking him to be the owner of Bijin, and even the governor of the province of Bibo, after the establishment of the Third Empire of Xilun, Austin will become Russo The second duke of the family.

Therefore, the powerful Earl of Austin returned.

"My dear niece, should I call you Boj, or the guardian of the South?" Earl Austin laughed.

Duke Dibos went up to the front and uncle for a veil.

"Call me, Brooke is." Dibos said: "My dear uncle, you are already thirty-nine years old. Why haven't you seen my dear? You are the future Duke of the Empire, without the heirs. That would be too bad."

Earl of Austin said: "There is no way, the world seems to be not worthy of my woman. I love Amazon's Queen of Eda, but unfortunately she does not marry, even the two reproductions did not appear. I saw it. Another queen..."

Having said that, the beautiful face of the Duke of Dibos is still smiling, but his eyes are shrinking.

The Queen of Medusa has now been regarded as a ban by the Emperor Sauron and cannot be mentioned.

"Ha ha ha..." Earl of Austin laughed: "Budget is also the best woman, but unfortunately you are my niece. So there are only two people who are worthy of my wife."

The Duke of Dibos said: "Which two people are there? I can go to my uncle for a kiss."

Austin said: "One is Princess Dora of the Amazon Queen, and the other is Princess Helen."

Duke Dibos shrugged his shoulders and said: "That's very sorry, Princess Dora is never married. And Princess Helen has disappeared for too long, and she has the blood of the rebellious queen, our family. Probably not willing to provoke."

Austin said: "After a while, it is the proliferation of the Amazon tribe. I hope that this time Princess Dora will go, even if I can't get married, the joy of the couple is good."

The Duke of Dibos and the Earl of Austin turned and walked towards the city.

Along the way, countless people have fallen down.

Whether it is the Vida or the slaves, they all crouch on the ground and move to the noble masters.

After entering the castle on the top of the mountain.

The middle-aged eunuch, Taren, led thousands of people to respectfully respect: "Welcome to guard the adults to go home and welcome the future Governor to go home."

Everyone can feel that Dibosi's identity has changed, and the Russo family has become different and more noble and powerful.


Inside the study!

Middle-aged **** Talen Road: "The guardian of the adults, the empire of the Southern Fleet, the **** baron to see."

What is the empire Major General, obviously only a pirate leader.

A moment later, the **** baron of the pirate leader came in and kneeled down: "Xiao. Monroe saw the guardian of the South."

"The Monroe family?" Duke Dipos said: "If I have not guessed wrong, you should be the descendant of the Earl of Monroe in the province of Weilan, but lost the title and even the genius during the Second Empire because of the rebellious queen. The disaster."

The **** Baron said: "This is the case. The rebellious Queen has made a foothold in the South and compromised the most populous Vida family, allowing them to hold various important positions, and my Monroe family has become a victim."

Sure enough, after being a nobleman, even if he became a pirate leader, he followed the aristocratic etiquette meticulously.

The Duke of Dibos said: "The Baron Monroe, are you willing to loyal to me and become the family of my Russo family?"

"My honor, adult."

The Duke of Dibos stretched out the jade hand, and the **** baron stepped forward to kiss her ring.

From now on, the **** Baron's fleet belongs to the Duke of Dibos.

The Western world is also one person, and the dogs are ascending to heaven.

The Third Empire of Xilun is about to be established. The mighty of Soren the Great seems to be more than the shoulder of the Western Emperor, so the Third Empire of the Silent will be far stronger than the Second Empire, and will even restore the glory of the First Empire.

The Duke of Dibos became the biggest beneficiary of this revival, and countless heroes came to come.

"Loyal Tarren, I hope that when I leave, you are not completely resting on the little eunuchs who are tuning you." Duke De Boss smiled.

Middle-aged **** Talun said: "My master, you are your most loyal slave. Haven't you seen that I am already tired and weighed 0.3 pounds?"

The Duke of Dibos said: "So what information do you tell me about our insignificant enemy?"

Middle-aged **** Tarong said: "This person's name is Shen Lang, own a small town, my God? I can't describe the rough and simple of this town, how can the gods see it? Such an ugly town It should not appear in the world at all. He has 11,000 efforts, and two thousand warriors who can still fight, but nothing else."

Di Bosi said: "Is the city he built really ugly?"

The **** Tarren said: "I can't wait for the ugliness of the eyes to be smashed, but also named Queenstown. I can't imagine how this sorrowful lord is disgusted with his wife, and of course his wife is as ugly as the city. ”

"Queenstown?" Duke Debord wondered.

The **** Tarren said: "I almost forgot, this oriental Shen Lang claimed to be the future emperor. After hearing this information, my ears were full for three days. My Vulcan, I am doubting the oriental world. Is there a king in a village? If there is a town, it will be awful, then it must be called the emperor. This is simply a smear of the whole world honor, can you imagine? A clown with a crown, sit Calling the emperor in one of the world's roughest towns, hahahaha..."

"In this world, only Sauron is the real great emperor. The sinking wave is just a handsome clown. Compared with Sauron, he is like a sparrow with bright feathers. The two-headed snake, and the Sauron emperor is like an eagle flying in the sky, a dragon that circling the sky."

"A sparrow with a crown, I have to draw this picture, it's ridiculous."

The middle-aged eunuch, Tarren, stunned his stomach, as if he couldn’t smile.

The Duke of Dibos frowned: "But his ugly city is on my land. So all his acts of insulting honor are also a shame to the Russo family."

Earl of Austin said: "Then cleanse this shame with blood."

The Duke of Dibos said: "The 100,000-strong army was dispatched to kill all the people in the ugly city of Shenlang, leaving no one, one grass and one wood. The city was burned and turned into ashes, as if they had never Nothing has ever existed."

Earl of Austin said: "This swell, has escaped the fire."

Next to the Vulcan priest said: "This is just an oriental trick, wearing a cloth that can be fireproof, and then jumping into the sea with a fire. It is not a miracle, just a trick, just like the despicable jugglers on the street. ""

The Duke of Dibos said: "This time, we will wash his body first, light his clothes, then splash the fish oil and burn it again to see if he can escape from the fire."

"Oh..." Middle-aged **** Tarn said: "That would be better, I have been looking forward to that scene."

"Bichao Peninsula is the territory of my family. Even if it has been abandoned, it is still my territory. Nowadays, this group of Orientals actually built a city on it, as if a group of flies stayed on my plate. I I can't wait for a day."

"After three days, I sent 100,000 troops and razed the city to the ground."



Within the Queen of Amazon.

The harsh sound stopped, the countdown was over, and the huge iron ball in front of it completely darkened and returned to its former icy appearance.

Shen Lang is directly burdened on the ground, and it is really going to collapse.

"Hold me up." Shen Langdao.

Queen Ada trembled: "Is it successful?"

"Yes, it has been successful." Shen Lang said: "It will not explode, and the Great Pyramid will be saved."

"Woman, don't be in a hurry, hug me up, I am about to suffocate." Shen Langdao.

Queen Eda ran wildly with her waves.


A few minutes later, Queen Edda came to the top of the pyramid with Shen Lang.

"Is there no danger in the future?" Queen Edda asked.

Shen Langdao: "I have modified both layers of passwords and changed the nightmare stone, so this big pyramid is completely safe, will never explode, and will never self-destruct."

Queen Edda looked at the land in the north.

The Great Pyramid was preserved, but the five small pyramids in the north were all destroyed, and countless pastures, wheat fields, mountains, and forests were destroyed.

The entire Amazonian kingdom was destroyed by a quarter of the land, one third of the pasture and the wheat fields.

Disaster, a huge disaster.

Fortunately, today, we must execute Shen Lang. Most of the people have come to Shen Lang to see off, otherwise the casualties will exceed 10,000.

This is a great fortune in the unfortunate, as long as the Great Pyramid is in, as long as the powerful female warrior is in, the Amazonian country is there.

"This is not a natural disaster, but a conspiracy?" Queen Eda said.

"Yes." Shen Langdao: "Premeditated a long and long conspiracy to destroy the plot of the Amazon."

Then, Shen Langdao: "Your Majesty, your heart may be very strange, I know that the Amazon country will have a disaster, why not save in advance, but watch it destroy a quarter and then shoot."

Queen Ada said: "First, you have nothing to owe us. Second, at the last moment you are also risking your life to save the Great Pyramid and save my country."

Shen Langdao: "But if you don't make it clear, you will always have a must. In fact, this is a chain reaction. The northern Mengmeng Mountain volcano erupted, the seabed earthquake, strong earthquake waves spread to the Amazon island, and the northernmost small pyramid energy core first. Enter the self-destruction process, then the second, third, and finally the big pyramid."

"However, if the Mengmen Mountain in the north does not detonate, all the underground cores of the pyramid will not open. We cannot enter in advance, so we cannot save in advance."

"You should know that the Queen is under the sturdiness of the pyramid. No manpower can be opened. Only when it feels the earth's vibration will initiate a preventive mechanism will it have the opportunity to open the underground passage leading to the energy core."

"And once it starts to explode, it is too late to save a few small pyramids, only to keep the big pyramid."

"Forty years ago, there was a strong earthquake nearby. And that earthquake wave was transmitted to the Amazon. The defense mechanism of several pyramids was opened, and the passage to the underground energy core was opened. At that time, someone had sneaked into the pyramid. Within, changing the self-destruction process of the energy core."

Queen Ada said: "Why didn't the pyramid explode that time?"

Shen Langdao: "I haven't figured it out completely, perhaps because the energy level of the seismic wave was not enough at the time. Or everyone needs the Amazon country to destroy it at this time."

Queen Edda still didn't speak. She wanted to ask why Shen Lang knew all of this, but because of her personal morality, she would not ask others for privacy.

"This is the information left by my father. In fact, he did not give it to me, but to my sister, Princess Helen." Shen Lang took out a thick stack of information from the backpack, which was full of text, and pattern.

"Of course my father Jiang had to modify the energy core self-destruction procedure at the time, but unfortunately, time is too tight. If he does not leave, the pyramid exit will be completely shut down. And he was still very young. The study of the structure of the Nightmare Stone was not thorough enough. Then he spent several years calculating it and left this important information in the underground mausoleum of the Queen's City, which is to let my sister Princess Helen come. Save the Amazon."

"Of course, Princess Helen is missing, this information is in my hands, so I am coming."

Queen Ada said: "All this is destined for God, whether it is your father's arrival or your arrival."

Then, Queen Ada said: "Do you think that the conspirators who want to destroy the Amazon is Bai Jing?"

Shen Lang could not help but see.

Bai Jing?

Is it the white snow boat coming from Baijing?

"When the Little Pyramid exploded, there was a snowy white boat in the north, exactly the same as the legendary ship of destruction, and there was a mysterious Adolf appearing in the eastern waters, asking the Amazon to show him My loyalty. I took thousands of people to kill the past and shredded his boat, but his figure disappeared without a trace, as if talking to me was just a light and shadow, as if his deity was thousands of miles away. ”

I... I am!

Shen Lang burst into a scalp numb.

Is this Bai Jing in the end, Bai Yujing? Is it so strong?

It is simply powerful and mysterious to the point of fear, a completely unknown means.

Shen Langdao: "My Majesty the Queen, in fact, this great destruction was late for nearly three hours. I was very puzzled. Whether it was my father or myself, I have done countless calculations. This great destruction should happen in the morning. This is a very rigorous calculation, not wrong. Because the energy core under the nightmare mountain in the north has completely gone to destruction, it is completely irreversible. So the volcano erupted in the north, and that big earthquake will happen."

"But it was postponed for more than three hours, which was done by manpower."

Queen Ada said: "Is this difficult to do?"

Shen Langdao: "The Queen's Majesty, the energy core under the Mengmeng Mountain in the north is used to suppress volcanoes in the ancient times. The volcano continuously releases powerful heat, but all are swallowed up by the huge energy core. This energy ball is one of the most Excellent energy storage body. According to the design of ancient civilization, the energy ball has a working cycle of 10,000 years. Of course, it has a huge margin. So it is obviously a big volcano, but it has never been erupted, and it has not Any signs of volcanic brewing are even full of white snow. But the ancient civilization was destroyed, the energy ball absorbed the volcanic energy to the extreme, and the volcano could not be suppressed anymore, so an unprecedented big explosion will erupt. Not only will there be terrible volcanic eruptions, but also amazing earthquakes. When my father went to the Mengmeng Mountain expedition, he estimated the time of its demise and destruction. I have calculated it many times, and it is completely different."

"But some people stopped it from dying and prevented it for six hours."

"The Queen, the energy ball under the nightmare is used to suppress the volcano, has been suppressed for countless years. It is like a small sun, the sun is going to explode, no one can stop it, even if it is a very small The sun, but someone has stopped for six hours, can you imagine how powerful this is? How awesome?"

This interpretation, the Queen's Majesty understands.

And now, Queen Eda has also understood the causes and effects.

The energy ball that suppresses the volcano for ten thousand years under the nightmare mountain is going to explode. This is something that will happen.

So some people took advantage of this and planned a terrible conspiracy to destroy the conspiracy of the entire Amazon.

Shen Lang and his son discovered this conspiracy and rushed over to stop and save the Amazon.

For a time, Queen Ada is even more fascinated.

This kind of wisdom is too fascinating, too mysterious.

It turns out that the wisdom that Shen Lang just showed is only a slap in the face. Saving the Amazonian country requires not only the mysterious operation just now, but also the mastery of the truth of the world. There are countless ancient knowledge and infinite wisdom.

Queen Ada feels that this wisdom is truly powerful.

The force of man is limited, but the wisdom is infinite, and it can destroy the earth!


The great priest was kneeling in front of Queen Ada.

"Teacher, why?" Queen Edda said coldly: "You are not only my teacher, but also my mother's teacher. You are the most highly respected person in the entire Amazon. Why do you betray?"

Is this great priest more than seventy years old? I can't see it at all. Shen Lang always thought that she was only forty or fifty years old. Is it more than a charm?

Is the puberty of an Amazon woman so long?

The great priest looked at Shen Langdao: "The stranger, you have cured countless female warriors, this is nothing. You have cured the Queen's Majesty and let the golden blood pass, this is already wrong. But you should not stop the Amazon. Destruction, so I have to kill you."

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

What is the reason?

"The malformed country like Amazon should have been destroyed!" The great priest snapped: "It should not exist in this world, it should be destroyed, why should it be saved?"

This is not even the confidence of Shen Lang, even the Amazon country also hate the National Party?

"Forty years ago, you collaborated with outsiders and opened up the self-destruct mechanism of the pyramid energy core?" Shen Lang asked.

The great priest said: "I don't know what self-destruct mechanism is. I only know that as long as someone wants to destroy Amazon, I will definitely help him. I want to destroy this country, even if it is with it."

Princess Dora, as well as the Amazon female warrior present, simply doubted her life.

This great priest is the wisdom of the entire Amazonian country, second only to the Queen's power, why is it to destroy her own country?

The high priest looked at Queen Edda and screamed: "Your mother killed my child, she killed my child. What am I doing wrong? I just went to the island of borrowing and found a man to breed. The offspring, like other Amazon women. All Amazon women are born girls, but I have a boy, what am I doing wrong? I was kneeling in front of your mother and said that I can take the child with myself. Exile. But your mother said that it was not known to give birth to a boy. She captured me and then threw my child into the stormy waves. She killed my child."

When this was said, everyone looked at Queen Ada.

Is there still this secret? No wonder this great priest hates the Amazon.

Queen Ada said: "Then I can't get pregnant, is it your hands and feet?"

"Yes, it is me." The great priest said: "I only blame myself for being too soft. I can't bear to kill you. I just want to find a way to prevent you from getting pregnant. I only blame myself for being too soft... oh... My child, my poor child."

Queen Ada sighed and then squatted down: "Teacher, your son is not dead. My mother was thrown into the stormy sea and it was just a fake baby. How could she kill an innocent baby? The child sent her Brought to the outside world and handed it over to a family."

When the words came out, the great priest was shocked and looked at Queen Eda incredulously.

"This is your son's baby hair, and it's back to you now." Queen Ada handed over a box.

The great priest stared at it all, and opened the box and looked at the soft golden baby hair inside.

"Ah...ah...ah..." Suddenly the great priest made a scream of screaming.

Then her head slammed towards the ground and she committed suicide.

However, her suicide was stopped by Queen Ada, and the Queen said: "You are guilty, so you are exiled. If you want, go find your son."

Suddenly, the great priest cried and fell to the ground.


The next day!

Shen Lang left the Amazon Queen.

When Queen Edda saw her off, she suddenly said seriously: "Is the sentence you said before, is it counted?"

Shen Langdao: "What?"

Queen Ada said: "Just let me shut up, otherwise I will die."

A sigh of darkness, Her Majesty, you, do you directly seduce me?

Suddenly, Shen Lang nodded: "Of course count, I am the future emperor, Jinkou Yuyan, do it!"


Note: Both hands are soft, I go to eat, and then write the second! The eternal monthly pass will continue to give me, and the pastry will continue to fight!

Thank you for the difference in the price of a girlfriend.

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