History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 430: : Amazon allegiance! Feel the destruction!

Shen Lang is so understanding, killing you can also be translated into human life.

He is still very good at this point, but unfortunately, the Queen has left your ovulation period for several days, but the preheating rehearsal is also OK.

Even if it is carried out immediately on this ship, there is no man in the entire Amazon country, and it is not afraid to be seen by the Queen's ass.

Queen Ada said: "Lord Shen Lang, do you know the tradition of our Amazon tribe?"

Shen Langdao: "I know, what?"

Queen Ada said: "After more than a month, the season of our Amazon tribe's annual breeding season is coming. I will also borrow and plant the island, I hope that you will be able to fulfill your promise."

Not now? Isn't it here? I have been holding back for a long time. Now I am so hungry that I can swallow a cow.

On the face of Shen Lang, there is a serious saying: "I will wait and see."

She also thought that Her Majesty the Queen would want to happen with him here.

But he is still in doubt in his heart, is she only happy once in her life? That is not worse than the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. These two can meet each other at least once a year.

Next, Queen Edda continued to sail and sent to Shen Lang to leave. Farther and farther away from the Amazon island, the people behind it stopped sending.

The ship quickly drifted into the giant reef array.

“Will you visit these reef giants?” said Queen Edda.

Shen Langdao: "Of course."

The words have not been finished, Queen Edda directly slammed the waves, leaping forward, jumped directly to the top of a reef giant.

"These reef giants are our sea walls, and they have resisted the invasion of the enemy for generations."

Shen Langdao: "The statues of these giants are carved out by you, or are they born like this?"

Queen Ada said: "At least from our history, they are like this."

Shen Lang hesitated for a moment, and asked: "The big priest gave birth to a son that year, is it a unique example?"

Queen Ada said: "No, although very rare, there is still one in the world."

Shen Langdao: "What about these boys?"

Queen Ada said: "You should know our ancestral training. Any man who enters the Amazon will die, including birth. So in the early tradition, these boys were indeed thrown into the waves."

The face of Shen Lang can't help but smoke. For whatever reason, this kind of behavior is sinful.

Queen Ada said: "But most of the people in this world are not iron-hearted, including our Amazon. About three hundred years ago, every time a baby boy was born, it was secretly sent to the outside world. I was looking for a family to adopt. Then I carved out a fake baby and threw it into the sea. Of course, this is the secret that the Queen only knows. On the one hand, it does not violate humanity, and it also barely follows the ancestral training."

Shen Langdao: "Is there any specific mission for the Amazon Warrior tribe to guard this big pyramid for generations to come?"

Queen Ada said: "Yes."

Shen Langdao: "What mission?"

Queen Ada said: "Guard the Amazon God of War."

What is this ghost mission? There is no **** of war in this world.

And in Greek mythology, Ares is not a positive character, he symbolizes bloodthirsty and killing. Even in the dc movie "Wonder Woman", I don't forget to black out this **** of war.

Queen Ada said: "Amazon has a lot of ancestral training, some are very good, some are not good, we have to comply."

Shen Langdao: "So, do you think that the ancestral ritual of borrowing the island is not good?"

“Very good.” Queen Ada said: “Do you feel very ugly?”

Shen Langdao: "I don't know what to say, and I am a scum, and I am not qualified to say it."

Queen Ada said: "I understand what you mean. You think that there must be feelings between men and women to be together. In order to breed offspring, it is really ridiculous to find a man to borrow a seed."

That's what it means.

Queen Ada said: "In fact, there are some people in the Amazon female warriors who have never been to the island to participate in the revival, because they are singles. Some people even go empty, because they go empty because They didn't find the man they liked."

"We are just like women in the outside world. We also have feelings and then progeny. We will pick a man that we really like very much. There must be a strong attraction, and there must be a collision between the two sexes."

"Can't think that we have no feelings because of the short time of our emotional time. And we are more loyal than the women of the outside world. At least after our people have progeny, they will never borrow the island again. At least a lot of Amazon women. The warrior only experienced a man in his life."

"After more than a month, you will definitely go to the island of breeding?"

Shen Langdao: "I will definitely."

Queen Ada said: "The appointment is over, then we will meet in another way."

Then, she jumped from the top of the reef giant with her legs and returned to the boat.

The vessel continued to sail forward and left the sea wall of the reef giant, which left the Amazon.

Queen Ada said: "Lord Shen Lang, what else can you say?"

Shen Lang knows what she meant. The Queen is asking you to make sure that no conditions are imposed. You just saved the Amazon.

However, when it was under the pyramid, Shen Lang made it clear that he had no conditions to save the country.

The cows that you blow yourself will be blown out with tears.

Shen Lang bit his teeth and nodded hard: "No."

Queen Ada said: "You have saved our entire country. Is there really no condition?"

Shen Lang was in a hurry and said: "If you say no, there will be no more."

If you want to give it, don't give it.

Queen Ada said: "You said before that the purpose of your visit to the Amazon is to conquer us."

Wrong, is to conquer you, and then indirectly get the loyalty of the Amazon female warrior family.

But now it seems that even if the Queen is conquered, it may not be able to conquer the entire Amazonian female warrior tribe.

Queen Ada said: "I know that you are almost in the Western world..."

Her Majesty racked her brains as if to recall an idiom, and it was an idiom in the East.

"Do you have a blue road?" Shen Langdao.

"Yes, you are almost a blue road in the Western world." Queen Ada said: "So we definitely need our army, but you also know our ancestral training, no female warrior can leave the Amazon."

"The strength of the ancestral training is very powerful. Sometimes I don't like it if I don't like it. So I am sorry, I am afraid I will let you down. The army of the Amazonian country can't loyal to you and can't follow you."

Silence is silent.

Queen Ada said: "Now, what else do you have to say?"

Shen Langdao: "No."

"That's a good time." Queen Ada said: "I hope to see you more than a month later!"

Then Queen Edda leaped gently and left the boat and jumped to the top of the reef giant. Her farewell was over.

Shen Lang took the boat and slowly left the array of reef giants and left completely.

He left alone.


Shen Lang’s heart is shaking, won’t it?

I, I am just pretending to be forced. Do you really give nothing? I don't believe it!

It's like saying to your friends when you are married, you guys will come, don't send red envelopes, but the mind has long calculated the approximate number of these red envelopes.

As a result, when these friends came to eat the wine, the real half-dollar red packets were not given. But when they got married, you each wrapped a big red envelope, and suddenly there was a feeling of a dog.

Suddenly, Shen Lang had an impulse to turn back to the Amazonian country and directly wanted the Queen to ask for the army.

There are only 30,000 people in the Queen of Amazon. The adult female warrior is 15,000. I don’t want 10,000, not eight thousand. As long as five thousand is enough, it’s okay not to have three thousand troops. Don’t give one.

I saved the entire Amazon. Is your return so that I can sleep once in a month and a half?

By the way, that's what I am suffering from, and I have to donate it once again.

The boat of Shen Lang is getting farther and farther away from the Amazon Queen. The feeling of the dog is getting stronger and stronger. The heart can't wait to kill Queen Eda first and then kill it again.

Just when Shen Lang was cold and felt that he had to return empty-handed.


In the front of the sea, there is a fleet of Amazonian countries. These big ships are densely populated by Amazon female warriors, headed by Princess Dora.

Shen Lang quickly calculated that there are about 300 Amazon female warriors on each ship, a total of twenty-six ships, which means that there are a total of eight thousand Amazon female fighters.

Routines are all routines!

Queen Ada, I will not let you go after a month and a half. You dare to play with me.

I almost doubt the life when I almost waved.

I saved Amazon, and I didn’t get any returns. Who would dare to do good things in the future?

And now!

Her Majesty directly gave the majority of the army to Shen Lang, a total of 8,000 powerful Amazon female warriors.

An unbeatable army!

The harvest of Tianda, Shen Lang can not wait to shout loudly, he wants to go against the sky.

Eight thousand Amazon warriors, enough to sweep the 100,000 army.

Shen Lang boarded the big ship of Princess Dora.

The princess's long, flowing silver hair disappeared, and she replaced her with a short hair in her neck, because she was burned a lot to save her hair.

It’s awful, so it’s hotter and more sexy.

"According to the ancestral training, the female warriors of the Amazon country must not leave the country half a step. So our eight thousand people were exiled. From now on, I will no longer be Dora Rees, but Dora Roland."

This is the policy there is, there are countermeasures, the world is exactly the same everywhere, everything is a routine.

Three hundred years ago, Queen Amazon made a fake baby boy and threw it into the sea. Today, Queen Edda exiled 8,000 main warriors and handed them over to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang opened his arms and said to Princess Dora: "Welcome to you, my sisters, I vowed to find you a country as beautiful as Amazon and become your new home."

Princess Dora opened her arms and hugged together: "From now on, our life will be handed over to you, and the future will be under the sire of the emperor."

The two hugged together.

Suddenly, Princess Dora said: "The next person, the Emperor, can't control this time? It's very indecent."

Shen Lang didn't dare to admit it at this time. He thought of Queen Eda in his mind at this time, because Queen Edda is more mature and attractive than Dora.

"Princess Dora, sometimes you have to forgive me, blame only God wants you to grow too beautiful."

With the order of Princess Dora, the fleet carried 8,000 Amazon female warriors to the Mulan City.

Shen Lang’s plan was finally completed, and he finally got the allegiance of the Amazon Army.


Bijin City, the army went out.

The last time the expedition to the witch empire, the Duke of Dibos published a heroic statement, and also carried out a Vulcan sacrifice, the result was a great victory.

This time, there was no rhetoric, and the Duke of Debord only said one sentence.

"The clowns at the southern end of the Bicha Peninsula are killed!"

"set off!"

With her order, the 100,000-strong army set off, and his uncle, Count Austin, led a 50,000-strong army, starting from the land and going south to the Bicha Peninsula to attack Mulan City. The **** baron's fleet carried another 50,000 troops and took the sea and landed directly near Mulan City.

100,000 army, north and south pinch!

Numerous people in Bijin City also watched this expedition. Until now, they realized that there was a group of Orientals who built the city on the Bicha Peninsula and were the aliens who had been burned to death.

Of course, no one now regards him as the husband of Duke Dipose, because everyone knows that the woman Dagong and his marriage are only for sacrifice.

No one is excited about the entire Bijin City, because this war is more like a battle of flies.

The oriental white face is only two thousand troops, and 100,000 people attacked 2,000 people. It is effortless.

"The oriental little white face is simply a clown thief, and when the Duke of Dibos is absent, she secretly occupies our land."

"I heard that the cockroaches pulled out by the Orientals are black, and they will pollute the whole land for a few years. It is not enough to kill them. This time, they need to burn them completely into ashes and then throw them into the sea. Inside, this will not pollute our land."

"The Duke of Dibos defeated the million-strong army of the witch empire, not to mention the two thousand Orientals."

After the Duke of Dibos returned to the castle, there were countless compliments in his ears.

She did not personally attack Shen Lang. This is not because she does not pay attention, otherwise she will not lead the 100,000 army back. She did not pay attention to Shen Lang, but because Queen Medusa handed over two thousand troops to Shen Lang. She was worried that the witch empire would be resurrected in the province of Bibo.

However, she was unable to go out in person, so she was too lifted. She won the female commander of the witch empire and was the guardian of the southern empire of the Third Empire. If two thousand enemies in the district wanted her to go out, then It’s too ridiculous.

After returning to the castle, Duke Dipos sat in front of his desk and wrote to the future Soul the Great.

In the past few months, she has written a letter to Sauron every day, telling her worship and loyalty.

Every letter is passionate, even though she has never seen this Sauron.

After writing the letter, it was completely sealed and then sealed with a wax seal.

"Take the fastest speed to give Sauron down." Duke Dicks said.

"Yes, my master." Middle-aged **** Talun said: "With the words of the Orientals, there is a saying that I don't know if I say it?"

The Duke of Dibos said: "If it is flattering, then forget it."

Tarren said: "I swear that every word is from the heart. Even if I close my mouth, every word will come out of my chest. My host will become younger and beautiful after you return this time. I don’t think there is any more beautiful woman in the world. You should be the queen of the Shiron Empire."

The Duke of Dibos said: "I should believe in the eyes of an eunuch? Do they still have the ability to appreciate women?"

Taren grieves: "My master, I am castrated only by desire, not aesthetics."

"Go, go, you have been delayed for a minute." Dibos said.

"Yes, adults." At the foot of Taren, the wind said: "But I will not delay this minute."

Then he ran out exaggeratedly.

Duke Dibos opened the door and came to the accordion and began to play.

Every day, she will practice playing, because she needs to play to Sauron, and she needs to be appreciated.

Once, Shen Lang accidentally heard her playing, and she ended up directly. Her voice was not heard by Shen Lang.

I played it over and over again until I decided that there would be no room for progress today.

After a little hesitation, Dibos played the first "Exodus."

She is really talented, even if it is music, she just remembered it after listening to Shen Lang playing it again.

This song is really good. Is it necessary for her to play to Sauron?

No, no, no, no, no.

This song is very good, but because it is from the hands of Shen Lang, it is a sin, so it must disappear completely in this world, and disappear together with Shen Lang.

Duke Dibos got up and said: "Come, burn this piano."

The people outside are wearing the body: "Yes!"

Their hearts are full of doubts. The history of this piano has been more than 100 years old. Why should it be burned?


Dibos came to the tower of the castle and looked at the fleet on the far side of the sea. It was already far away.

She has the heart to make poems, describing the feeling that this fleet is far away and gradually disappears.

Western poetry shapes emotions very well, but the scenery and artistic conception seem to be lacking compared to the oriental poems. At least at this time, the Duke of Dibos can't do the solitary sails and the blue sky.

"Bring it in!" Duke Dicks said.

A moment later, a glamorous woman was brought in, black widow Hill, Shen Lang's lover.

The Duke of Dibos did not look back. She was a white supremacy and would not turn to see a Vida woman.

Hill, this person, she knows, a rich woman, a woman who killed her husband at a wedding, once she also used Hill's fleet.

"Have you ever saved the Oriental? You still went to bed with him?" Duke Dicks said.

"You are not the same? Our common point is that they have been entered by the same person. You may have to be white, but it is definitely no more noble than mine." Black Widow Hill said in his heart.

Of course, she just said this in her heart. She is a maritime business. She is very aware of the observations and the illusion of a snake.

"That was a liar. I was cheated by him for 250,000 gold coins." The black widow Hill was filled with indignation: "Duke, I am also a victim."

"She still cheated your heart?" Duke Dipos said in his heart, but she wouldn’t say it, she would be too light, and every word she and the lower races must be cold and Nothing is too much, every word has to be embarrassed.

“You don’t have to explain!” Duke Dipos said: “When he is dead, you are free!”

Then she waved her hand and took the black widow Hill away.

Continue to grow in the window, watching the expedition fleet completely disappeared into the field of vision, she went back to the study, began a busy office.

"The order is passed down, and the governors of the five southern provinces of the empire come to see me. I need to know their loyalty to Sauron, not only to say it from the mouth, but also to make it."

"Yes, adults!"


The 50,000-strong army of Count Austen Russo first marched eastward for a hundred miles and then went south into the Bicha Peninsula.

His marching speed is already very fast, reaching about 60 miles per day.

"Why are we going to bring these trebuchets? They have greatly slowed down our marching speed." Earl of Austin said: "Do you still need a trebuchet to attack a small town with two thousand troops defending?"

The Vulcan priest said: "The Earl, this is just one of our performances, we want to show the Vulcan Tianwei to the aliens."

"Vulcan Tianwei?" Earl of Austin said: "His priest, please forgive me for my disrespect. I have traveled all over the world. I only heard about Vulcan. I have not been honored to witness his Tianwei. The fireworks are wonderful, but a romantic **** is not popular, and the true gods should be daunting."

The Vulcan priest said: "Your will."

Then she pointed to the house not far away.

Earl of Austin could not help but look.

The scene fell into a short silence, and everyone waited quietly.



A loud noise.

The house was instantly broken, and a flame rose to the sky, countless gravel flying, and the sky was full of smoke.

Everyone is completely shocked. Is this the power of the Thunder? So powerful, instantly tearing a sturdy house into pieces?

The Vulcan priest said: "How is the Earl, how?"

Earl of Austin said: "I take back all the disrespectful words before, and your **** is indeed awesome."

Then, Earl of Austin said: "Unfortunately, this kind of weapon of Thunder's Wrath should not be cast on the Oriental Clown City. It should appear in the jihad with the Witch Empire. That is called Shenlang Dongfang. The clown is not worthy of being killed on this weapon."

The Vulcan priest said: "The city-states of the witch empire are all people of the Western race. The weapons of Vulcan can not be used for civil war, but should be used for foreign enemies."

Earl of Austin said: "Please allow me to pay homage to Vulcan again."

The Vulcan priest said: "This time, we have brought thousands of anger of Vulcan, enough to completely ruin the city of the East, and they will think that they have met the sacred."

Thousands of Vulcan's wrath, it sounds scary, in fact, it is thousands of gunpowder packs, and it is still relatively primitive black powder.

However, this is indeed a super big deal. In order to eliminate a Mulan City in the district, dozens of tons of gunpowder have been used.

"This wrath of Vulcan is really shocking. Once I throw it out with a trebuchet, I can't imagine the scene of the landslide. The group of Orientals may kneel on the ground and cry and pray, begging God for forgiveness. But these trebuchets It’s too slow. I’m worried that the army of the **** baron will land earlier and attack the East Clown City earlier than we did.”

In the mouth of the Dipos army, the Mulan City of Shenlang has been called the Oriental Clown City.

Earl of Austin sneered, but did not answer.

There is no such thing as this, the **** baron has now become a vassal of the Russo family, how could it be such a lookless thing.

The Earl of Austin determined that the army at sea would arrive earlier than him, but later.

Destroy the honor of the Oriental Clown City Although Austin does not look at it, other people must not dare to grab it.


Zhang Chunhua is still very powerful. In just 13 days, she led 6,000 slaves to build this Chunhua City Gate.

With three kilometers of walls and three bunkers, she once again lamented that cement and bricks were a revolutionary invention, making buildings as simple as sand.

But unfortunately, the cement has already been used up, and the sea has been blocked, and it is no longer possible to transport volcanic ash, and it is impossible to create new cement, so the architectural miracle of Queenstown has to stop.

She stood on the five-meter-high wall, and the three characters of Chunhuaguan were written above the gate, which made her particularly satisfied.

Even her brain was caught in some kind of delusion. Before his father Zhang Wei was absolutely impossible to marry her to Shen Lang, because the identity is not matched, Shen Lang is just a nobleman.

Now, my father, Zhang Wei, is very happy to send her into the arms of Shen Lang.

Regardless of success or failure in the future, after Shen Lang is also an emperor, being able to become the emperor is also the glory of any family, and it is worth celebrating.

"Zhang Daren, the army of the Duke of Dibosi is still 50 miles away from us. It will be under the city tomorrow."

Zhang Chunhua heard these three words can not help but frown, what is Zhang Daren? Why is it not the name of the noble lady?

"Shen Lang? Didn't you see him on the sea?" Zhang Chunhua asked: "Meng Luolan escorted him to the Amazon, can there be any report?"

The general of the Oriental Warrior Regiment frowned: "Zhang Daren, please pay attention to words and titles, don't scream the name. There is no trace of the majesty on the sea. General Meng Luolan has sent people to return, but has not seen his return yet. ""

Zhang Chunhua said: "He is still not coming back? Is this war really going to be played by two thousand of us? Is it necessary for me to have a female genre stage a big show of smog between the fingers?"


There are only two thousand troops in the area under Shen Lang, but they are divided into two places.

There are 1,500 defenders in Mulan City, and there are only five hundred defenders in the Liuli City Gate in the north valley.

Up to now, there have been five cannons in the entire base, but all are equipped on the wall of Mulan.

Zhang Chunhua’s Liuli City Gate, half of the artillery, did not have it. Only the five hundred defenders in the district had to face the 50,000 army of the Earl of Austin.

Five hundred to five battles, it sounds horrible, she has two hundred and fifty people is the Eastern Warrior Group, and another 250 people are the Knights of Roland.


The next day, the 50,000-strong army of the Earl of Austin had arrived, and the black and black pressure was boundless.

After two hours, 50,000 soldiers will be under the city!

Zhang Chunhua noticed that the other army had 30 medium-sized trebuchets. Is this going crazy?

You 50,000 people attacked the small city gate of our 500 people, even so many trebuchets?

The Count of Austin could not help but be shocked to see the defenders on this small wall. Five hundred people? What kind of joke?

When did I have played such a ridiculous war in Austin? 50,000 people play 500 people? And the enemy headed is still a woman?

The Vulcan priest said: "My God? Their walls are as ugly as their city. This wall is really like a worm lying between the valleys. Our wrath of Vulcan can easily take this bug. Shred."

Earl of Austin glanced at the sun in the sky: "It’s almost noon, I hope the battle will end in two hours!"

"Your will!" Vulcan priest said.

"Your will." Several of the generals under his command shouted.

The Vulcan priest shouted: "The trebuchet is ready, the wrath of Vulcan is ready, let these oriental clowns feel what is the power of heaven and earth, what is destruction and death! Thoroughly shred the oriental wall in front of you!"


Note: More than 16,000 updates were made today. At the end of the month, don’t leave the brothers with monthly passes, and support me!

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