History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 460: : Pick up home! One hundred percent of the demon!

Bijin City, Earl of Russo.

The banquet is still going on. As the absolute protagonist, Princess Helen rarely speaks, and most of them are listening and knowing people.

But everyone who came to see her, she could accurately say the other person's name, and said the time of the last meeting, so that everyone was flattered and overjoyed, because this is more than a decade ago. Occasionally, some nobles are almost nearing their birthdays, and they can also receive the blessings of Princess Helen, and they are even more excited.

"French, come here!" Duke Dipos walked to the side of Shen Lang and whispered.

Then she came to a secret study with Shen Lang and said: "There is a mysterious guest who wants to see you."

Shen Langdao: "The big priest of Vulcanism is right?"

The Duke of Dibos said: "Smart as you, my dear husband."

Then, she kissed Shen Lang and did not immediately go to see the guests with Shen Lang. Instead, she asked: "Wu Jun, do you know why I choose to believe in Vulcanism?"

Shen Langdao: "Why? Because your body is particularly hot?"

"This is also one of the reasons, and you have the most experience with this." Duke Dicks said: "But the most important reason is because I have seen the powerful mysterious power of Vulcan."

"Powder?" Shen Lang asked: "Hellfire?"

"Not only that." Duke Dipos said: "There are other things, such as they say that my son will become a prince, and I see it very clearly in my dreams, very incomparably true."

Shen Langdao: "Not just that."

Duke Dipose is a political creature. Without absolute power, she will not choose to cooperate fully with Vulcanism, or even choose to convert. Her prestation that her son can become a prince can only have a little effect on her.

"French, you know that there is no real detachment in the entire Western world." The Duke of Dibos said: "Bai Jing is high on the top and never contacts us. The Holy See was once supported by the Emperor Xilun. Controlling the thoughts of the Vida people, they suffered a fatal blow to the Queen of Helen more than a hundred years ago. Therefore, Vulcanism is the closest to the detachment forces, and they are equivalent to the rudimentary form of the detachment of your Eastern world."

Shen Lang understood the meaning of Dibosi.

"In the Eastern world, the six detached forces and the Great Yan Empire monopolized the entire ancient civilization and ruled the entire eastern world." Dibos continued: "The visible detachment and secular power are still very deep."

Therefore, Dibos took a fancy to the Vulcanism. She took a fancy to some of the mysterious powers of the other side, and the other side saw her secular power, so she hit it off.

"French, in fact, I have never had a problem with my question." asked the Duke of Dibos.

Shen Langdao: "The Eastern World and the Great Yan Empire are so powerful. Why not invade the Western world and directly rule the New World?"

The Duke of Dibos nodded. Before he knew that the Great Yan Empire was very powerful, but after all the recent things, she realized that the Great Yan Empire and the Eastern World were stronger than she thought.

In this case, why does the Eastern world not only invade the Western world, but even the Great Yan Empire will completely interrupt trade relations with the Western world? It seems that some are not logical.

In fact, not only Dibos, but even Shen Lang is somewhat puzzled. The six detached forces of the Eastern world are fighting for the ruins of the ancient times. The Western world clearly has some ancient ruins that have not been developed. Why don’t they come to the Western world?

Do these ancient ruins also have attributes? The West is only suitable for the West, and the East is only suitable for the East? No such reason?

It seems that this world is more mysterious than imagined.

"Well, Master Fu, are you ready to see the Lord of the Great Priest of Vulcanism?" asked Dibos.

"Of course!" Shen Langdao.

Then, Dibos went out, and after a moment the mysterious Vulcan taught the great priest to come in.

This is a mysterious woman, wearing a red head hood. After she opened it was a beautiful middle-aged woman with red hair. The two eyes are not the same as ordinary people, as if they contain a special kind of spiritual power, which can be seen at a glance.

At that time, the great priest used Hellfire to kill the waves.

"I have seen Shen Lang." Shen Langdao: "I hereby officially apologize to you for the unpleasantness of the scene a few months ago."

Shen Lang frowned: "That is not only unpleasant, I have thirty-nine Amazon soldiers sacrificed. They did not die on the battlefield, but died in your conspiracy assassination. If this matter is not explained, I I will not forget this matter."

"Of course I will explain to you." Vulcan teaches the great priest to clap his hands.

Suddenly someone brought in a few big boxes and opened them. It was full of people.

"Here are ninety-nine heads, all of which are taught by our Vulcan." The great priest said: "Because you offended you, they are willing to commit suicide to redeem. Of course, if not enough, you can say a number."

It’s awkward, but is it suicide or suicide?

Shen Lang’s gaze could not help but look at the great priest. The culprits of the assassination of Shen Lang on that day were Dibos and the great priest in front of him. Dibos has become his wife. How can the great priest redeem it?

This mysterious high priest did not say that he directly fell down on his head, and it was empty and nothing was worn, revealing her charming and compact body with curves and ups and downs.

"Of course, if you think this is not enough, you can say that as long as you can get your understanding, I can do anything." Vulcan teaches the great priest.

This Vulcan high priest is very beautiful, but the beauty of Shen Lang in the Western world has already fallen asleep, and it is really powerless. In the saltpeter island, it was crushed by Queen Edda. It was a little slow for a few days. When I came back, I was crushed by Dibos, the lioness. He only hated the Western world and didn’t have the kidney-supplement.

Of course, watching the beauty of the body is still very enjoyable.

Since you can't wear clothes, let's just chat like this.

"I think you probably have no appetite now." Vulcan taught the great priest, and then she took out a box again. After opening it was a classic.

"This is a gift for you, please be sure to accept it, otherwise we will be uneasy." Vulcan teaches the great priest.

This is a precious gift. Shen Lang is the first time in the Western world to see classical Chinese. Vulcanism has mastered some mysterious and powerful ancient forces, so Shen Lang may be able to develop some more mysterious weapons from this classic.

"I have accepted it." Shen Langdao: "Is there anything the Lord of the Great Priest came to see me? I must tell you that Helen and my brother are not fake, but I will never interfere with any internal affairs of the Western Empire. I will not accept any request for her."

"Of course." Vulcan teaches the great priest: "All we do is just to make up for the mistakes before, absolutely no conditions."

Sure enough, it is a smart person.

Then, the Vulcan teaching priest took out a silk mat on the chair and asked Shen Lang: "Is it ok?"

"Of course." Shen Langdao: "Please sit down."

The Vulcan high priest sat down gracefully and organized for a while to swear: "I know that Lord Shen Lang has had a lot of unhappiness in the Western world and those detached forces. The detachment of the East is very powerful, compared to us. It seems to be a newborn baby, but it is also true, so it is plasticity. At least we are not so arrogant and conservative, our attitude is quite open-minded."

Shen Lang laughed: "How many years has your education developed?"

The Vulcan teaches the great priest: "If you want to talk about history, I can say it is five hundred years, but in front of you I choose to be honest. We really find the altar and really start to develop. It’s only a hundred years, and it’s gone. Step by step."

Shen Langdao: "But the power of your teaching has already been seen."

The Vulcan teaches the great priest: "In the words of an Oriental, it is a sneer."

Next, the two people talked infinitely. The Vulcan high priest showed very clear meaning. She came to make friends. Everything was only for friendship, not for interest, so there was no negotiation.

In short, there is only one meaning in her words. Never prejudice against Vulcanism because of the detachment power of the Eastern world. Don't take a hostile attitude because of the unpleasantness that happened before.

Shen Lang guessed that this Vulcanism is equivalent to the rudimentary form of the Western world's detachment, but it is far from becoming the hegemon.

In fact, there is also a mysterious detachment force that has been nurtured, that is, the pyramid of the snow-capped mountains of the ruins of the lost country, the power that is temporarily isolated from the world.

"I have been disturbing Shen Lang for a long time. Thank you for taking the time to meet me. I will not forget this kindness." Vulcan teaches the great priest: "Finally, I invite you to visit us at the right time." The altar of the gods."

Shen Langdao: "Yes, when I feel that the conditions are right, I will apply to your education. I have fully felt your friendship."

The Vulcan high priest stood up and asked, "Is it ok?"

"Of course." Shen Langdao: "Thank you for the gift of the great priest, let me talk while watching the beautiful scenery."

"My humble body can give you such a man to appreciate it is my honor." Vulcan teaches the great priest: "Then I will leave, here I wish you a return to the East World, and can reach your final wish."

Shen Langdao: "Thank you, thank you! I also wish you a smooth development here."

“Is it ok?” asked the Vulgar teaching priest, then opened his arms.

"Of course." Shen Lang also opened his arms.

The two men hugged a little, and the Vulcan high priest even had a water-like veneer with Shen Lang.

When walking out of the door, Vulcan teaches the great priest: "Shen Lang, you take the liberty to ask, are you going to the Queen City?"

Shen Langdao: "Yes."

The Vulcan teaches the great priest: "I personally suggest that the sooner you go, the better."

When this words came out, Shen Lang’s eyes shook a little. What does this mean?

Soon, Soren thought that Vulcan should have its own intelligence organization, and it is also very close to the northern aristocracy, so it can get some more secret information.

"Thank you for your advice!"

Then, Shen Lang did not return to the banquet hall, but stood directly outside the balcony, looking at the direction of the Queen's City.

Of course, he couldn't see anything. It was more than 10,000 miles from the Queen's City.

Shen Lang promised to pass the baby, she will definitely pick her up within a year, even if she climbs to climb to her, there are still two months away.

But Shen Lang decided to leave for the Queen City tomorrow, the sooner the better.

It is not enough to go there. The key is Princess Helen. But before this, Princess Helen must have a rally with the entire southern aristocracy. It must be determined that the establishment of the new aristocratic faction in the south can go north to the Queen's City, so that in the next negotiations with Sauron, there will be absolute The bottom of the gas.

"Dear, what's wrong?" Duke Debord hugged the waves from behind.

Shen Langdao: "How long does the banquet end?"

"About two hours." Duke Dipos said.

Shen Langdao: "Then I will not go back. I will first go to the Queen City. Helen martial arts is high. After two, she directly catches up with me."

The Duke of Dibos said: "What is it? Is there any change in the Queen's City?"

Shen Langdao: "Not a change."

Di Bosi said: "French, then I will follow you along."

Shen Langdao: "No, you haven't been pregnant for a long time, it is not suitable for long-distance travel. And whether it is Bijin City or Mulan City, you can't do without your co-ordination."

Duke Debord said softly: "Dear, how long have we been separated since we were together?"

This sentence is from her political instinct, but also from her emotional instinct. She is a political creature, but not without feelings. Just before investing in feelings, she will be absolutely rational, and the absolute interests will be supreme. When it comes to the interests, she will also invest in sincere feelings, because she also knows how to make herself happy and sweet, even if it is strong, women without love may not be complete.

Shen Lang gently patted her waist and said: "Dora, we are ready, and set off immediately."


After a quarter of an hour!

Under the protection of a thousand Amazonian regiments, Shen Lang boarded the party's fastest ship and left the city of Bijin City, sailing in the direction of the Queen's City, and arrived in about 12 days.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Shen Lang looked at the sky in the north, and the ears seemed to ring the words of Queen Medusa again.

"Shen Lang, I will return the enemy to you, and return it to you."

With a sigh in the heart, Shen Lang clearly knows that even when she saw Queen Medusa, she knew that although the two were the parents of the little baby, at least until now, the two people have no fate.

"Hey baby, Dad came to pick you up."


All the way without words, twelve days of time passed quickly.

The ship of Shenlang still hangs the banner of the party, but it has not been blocked. Many merchant ships, fleets and sporadic pirates have encountered many problems, and even received a concerted tribute to the pirates. The long-awaited party is long lived, and the ships of the nobles, the merchant ships of the Vidas, screamed for the longevity of His Royal Highness Princess.

The world's news spreads very fast, as if it is a long mouth, especially on the ocean, whether it is a pirate or a maritime business, you can get new news in the city's pubs and urns. Of course, 100% real is not known, because the pirates are the most popular profession in the world.

"Long live Princess Helen."

"Long live the party."

"Long live the Duke of Shen Lang!"

Twelve days later, the warship sailed more than 12,000 miles and came to Siwa City, more than 200 miles southeast of the Queen's City.

The owner of the city, the Siwa family, is also the most loyal courtier of Queen Helen and the most staunch supporter of the Queen. Because of this, he was almost unable to survive by the strong suppression of the entire northern aristocracy, so when Queen Medusa called, he also declared allegiance to hang the banner of the witch empire. After the 200,000-strong army of the Duke of Russell attacked the city of Siwa, the Duke of Siwa defeated and chose to surrender.

Ten months ago, Shen Lang followed Hill’s merchant ship and landed in Siwa City. At that time, the entire city was a huge military camp. This is still the case, but the smoke and blood are gone.

When Shenlang’s warship was just near the dock, three ships immediately greeted him and waved the tribute of the tribute. Just after landing, he saw the neat Shiil Third Empire honor guard, led by the Duke of Russell, the second should It is the Duke of Siwa.

A month ago, the Duke of Russell led a 100,000-strong army back to Siwa City. Of course, even if it is a sea route, the 100,000-strong army could not complete the full return and retreat in a month. It was the first time that the Duke Russell returned by ship, and he went to Xilun Didu, and then went south to Siwa City, presided over. The situation here.

Because next, Princess Helen and Sauron will have a real decisive battle, and this decisive battle will determine the fate of the entire Xilun Empire.

"Welcome to once again land on the east side of the empire, the respected Shen Lang adults." Duke Russell reached out to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang reached out and said to him: "I am very happy to meet you again."

Next, he intends to reach out and hold the Duke of Siva, and the result is particularly exciting when the other side embraces.

"Respected Sang Lang adults, for some reason, although I can not participate in the banquet that night, but the Siwa family will always stand on the side of Princess Helen, even if it loses all the land and the army, the Siwa family is also the courtier of the Princess. The Duke of Siva said this in the presence of the Duke of Russell, even though his city was completely occupied.

"I thank your sister for your loyalty." Shen Langdao: "The two adults, I am very happy to go to the city of Siwa, but I need to rush to the Queen City in the shortest possible time, so I have to say goodbye."

"Congratulations to the adults, we have prepared everything for you on the way to Queenstown."

Then, under the eyes of the two Dukes and the five thousand honor guards, Shen Lang took a thousand Amazons to the Queen City.


After only a few hours, Shen Lang came to the Queen's City.

Once again, he saw this beautiful pink city. The outside world is still surrounded by the army. At least 300,000 troops surround the Queen's City. The large open space outside the city is filled with various defense lines and military camps.

Shen Lang and his party still did not receive any blockade, and the army of hundreds of thousands of Xilun third empire silently opened the way. But no one officer, no nobles came to meet the waves, because these are the army of the northern aristocracy.

Once again, I entered the Queen's City. I have lost my laughter here, but I am not desperate. The city is not so romantic, but everyone still has a spirit in mind.

Because anyone knows that Princess Helen has returned, the master who left them finally realized his power and responsibility.

The Duke of the Queen's City Hall came to meet Shen Lang, his heart is very complicated. No one can match his feelings for Queen Helen, and no nobleman can match the loyalty and affection of Princess Helen.

From small to big, the Duke of Hall was filled with infinite expectations of Princess Helen. As a result, she left and chose to wander.

The sorrow is greater than the death of the heart. The Duke of Hall feels that he is only the general manager of Helen. He is incapable of protecting this great city, so it is likely to fall into the hands of the greedy northern nobility. It was at this time that Queen Medusa appeared and protected the city.

Protection, not occupation.

For the Duke of Helen Princess Hall is unlimited loyalty. For Queen Medusa, the Duke of Hall is an incomparable cult, completely treating her as a god.

At this point, his expression is very complicated.

"See you again, respected Sang Lang adults." The Duke of Hall opened his arms.

Shen Lang stepped forward and hugged him: "Hall, this world is like this. Every moment is full of disappointment, but there will always be surprises."

"Who said no?" said the Duke of Hall: "But this may be the best ending, even though it is a bit devastating to my emotions. But God is not too concerned about personal feelings in our district, isn't it?"

Shen Langdao: "There is a saying in the East. If there is love in the sky, it will be old."

The two men spoke while walking towards the palace.


Through the long tunnel, Shen Lang entered the underground tomb of the palace, Queen Medusa has disappeared, and even the four mysterious masters guarding her are gone.

Shen Lang looked at the empty underground palace and sighed in his heart.

Although it has been expected, it really makes people feel awkward.

Close your eyes, as if you can still feel the atmosphere of Queen Medusa, her fascinating scent is deep into the bones, as long as the place she has stayed can not dissipate for a long time.

Or her scent has been inscribed in the memory of Shen Lang, as long as I think of it, I can smell it.

I know that this will be the case, but it is a pity that I can't say goodbye.

Then Shen Lang overthrew this view, not to say goodbye. Because once you say goodbye, you may be really goodbye.

Leaving the underground mausoleum and returning to the palace.

"When did Her Majesty leave?" asked Shen Lang.

"About 13 days ago, because all the children in the Queen's city seemed to have heard the children's songs that night, they became very well-behaved."

That was the evening of the big banquet, all the southern nobles came to celebrate the return of Princess Helen.

The entire southern empire seems to be destined to have only one woman. When Princess Helen announced her return, Queen Medusa left.

Of course, Queen Medusa was never the owner of this land, she only temporarily served as a protector.


Shen Lang walked into the clean palace, and saw the snowy jade bed from a long distance, and the little man lying on his sleep.

Almost a year has passed, and his little baby seems to have not grown up, still so delicate, still so exquisite, as if it is a transparent jade.

Shen Lang came to the bed and looked at the side of the beggar, full of portraits. There are Shen Lang painting for her, as well as her own painting.

The latest picture is especially good, although the faces of the three people are vague, but they are the most like. A family of three, father, mother and sister.

In the past ten months, this little baby has relied on these portraits and the promise of Shen Lang to support it.

Shen Lang stepped forward, gently stroking the baby's hair, the voice hoarse and gentle: "Hey baby, Dad is coming."

After a while, the little baby opened his faint eyes, then opened his arms and grabbed the neck of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang hugged her little body and carefully looked at the little baby.

She has changed!

Her eyes are not so tired, and her breathing is more powerful.

And the heartbeat is also a lot stronger.

Queen Medusa said that she would give her daughter something to leave before she left, so that she could support it for at least a few years.

"Baby, will Dad take you to find a mother later?" Shen Lang asked.

He nodded hard.

“Do you know where your mother is?” Shen Lang asked.

He nodded, but shook his head again.

Shen Lang understood, and now she can't say it, but when she grows up, she will know.

I hope that Queen Medusa is not lying to her.

I hope she is not really leaving completely...

Shen Lang holding the shackles and walking out of the clean palace, this is still the first time that the baby left the palace for the first time and went to the outside world.

Standing at the highest point of the palace, his big eyes greedily look at this colorful world.

She is fortunate. The first time I saw the world outside, this beautiful Queen's City, she can't wait to draw it all at once.


Queen Medusa has been away for ten days, and there is no news at all, never coming back.

Shen Lang did not stop in the Queen's City. He left the baby directly. He did not go to the Siwa City Pier, but went east. There was no pier, only a reef, and a narrow beach.

The Amazon Army built a beautiful thatched house here, letting the waves and squatting in.

The father and the daughter are waiting here, waiting for the appearance of a certain figure.

Three days later!

A tired figure slowly descended from the north to the south, wading through the water.

The waves almost drowned her general body.

She looked up and looked at the waves and the squatting side, then ran away.

She is the enemy, the heroic female hero.

One hundred percent of the vengeance is exactly the same as when it was separated a few years ago.


Note: I changed places today, and I am almost on the road during the day. They went to the hot springs, and I still nested in the room code. I will leave the Western world immediately, and the brothers will give me the monthly pass, and the cake will be for you!

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