History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 461: : The love of the devil! The ending of the Western world!

What did the former demon boy look like?

She is a hero, a hero who has no desire, and is full of romantic feelings.

She is born with justice and her heart is hot.

Ten steps to kill a person, a thousand miles do not stay, this poem is not enough to describe her chivalrous.

She is a genius, has a golden blood, and can be incomparably powerful without the need to practice martial arts.

She is brave and invincible, even if she faces the army and her horses, she is always in the forefront, and she has never lost her heroic attitude until now. Maybe someone is stronger than her, but no one has ever been like her, and I am invincible.

She doesn't want anything, just wants to see the world outside, just want to go completely.

Princess Helen also wanders, but her wandering is due to self-torture and self-recognition. The venerance is much simpler. Her wandering is because she wants to wander and wants to see different worlds, but she is often dragged by chivalry.

So all the way to the Western world, she continued to save and liberate.


In a twinkling of an eye, the enemy demon came to the front.

Shen Lang’s brain could not help but emerge from her a few years ago, short hair, sexual / explosive body. The two ghost knives were directly crushed and the enemy died.

Her sister's character is also so bold and sultry, but her heart is actually scarred, she is fragile.

And the demon is really powerful!

Despite the past few years, everything seems to be yesterday.

Just between the mistakes, the enemy demon rushed over and directly held Shen Lang and his arms in his arms.

At this moment, she was almost excited to suffocate.

The three people are so quietly together.

Without saying a word, it is worth a thousand words.

"Mom..." shouted.

"Yeah!" The enemies don't know how to express them. They can only hold two people tight.

In the past few years, her body has lived another soul, but she knows everything and can see and hear it.

So nothing can be explained.

But what happened after Medusa and Sauron’s battle? She didn't know, Queen Mesa's departure also took away this memory. When she woke up, she was already on the sea thousands of miles away, and then she used all her strength to get back.

For twelve days, I didn't sleep, and ran down the coastline.

With more than 10,000 miles in the long legs, this kind of power is just like a bug. Even if many top masters have strong vindictiveness, there is no such amazing physical strength.

Shen Lang looked at the face of the enemies for a long time.

Queen Medusa left, leaving no traces.

The magic is also fascinating and beautiful faces have disappeared.

But in exchange for the complete feud, she did fulfill her promise.

This is also good, so best, everyone is a unique individual, especially a woman like the demon.

"Sleep." Shen Lang said: "Leave a good sleep before you say."

The enemy demon nodded and went straight to the thatched cottage by the sea, and fell to sleep.


I don't know how long I have slept, but it doesn't take long, just one day and one night.

The enemies woke up, opened their eyes, and saw the angel-like little baby, looking at her with wide eyes and drawing while watching.

The vengeful demon.

What should I do now, should I continue to sleep, or do I still move, let the painting finish? But that is very unnatural.

The enemies went to the mother's arms and handed the paintings to the enemies. They only saw two women on the white paper.

One is the enemies, the painting is very similar, and the prestige is sturdy.

In addition, Queen Medusa, the face is still vague, but it reveals the mysterious and magical beauty.

He is a genius, she is so small, painting has already surpassed Shen Lang, and even Shen Lang has never seen a better painter.

She drew two mothers.

A mother gave her body, and a mother gave her soul and spirit.

After reading the daughter, the venerable demon has been swearing for a long time: "It’s so good."

Then, she looked at her baby daughter quietly, and she couldn't find anything at all.

He handed over a Rubik's Cube, which is the Rubik's Cube for her family, and it has been disrupted, so that the enemy can go back and fight.

The enemies tried it and then she failed. She really wants to give up, but she can't bear to give up when she looks at her daughter's pure and innocent eyes.

At this time, Shen Lang came in and brought a hearty food.

The enemies sighed with relief and quickly handed the Rubik's Cube to Shen Lang, picking up the steak and licking it.

Shen Lang soon finished the Rubik's Cube, and at this time the Enemy has eaten three steaks. The steak in his hand ate half, and then remembered if he had to feed the baby girl first, then she left The next piece of steak is handed to you, which means you want to eat?

He stretched out his small tongue and licked the gravy. The delicate little face immediately burst into a happy light.

"You eat, my daughter wants to eat special food." Shen Lang said: "Baby, have dinner."

Then, he climbed directly into the arms of the demon, and happily ate the food the father had fed.

The vengeful glimpse, then slightly tightened her daughter with her arms. Kissing the unique taste of her body, feeling the soft and soft body, the enemies have countless happiness in their hearts, of course, she still can't say it, and she can't even express her eyes.

The things that baby eats are very special. They are allotted with more than a dozen things. They are almost completely boring, and she has to eat this kind of thing every time.

When Queen Medusa left, she left a food formula for a few years. She should be prepared in strict accordance with the above formula, and there should be no mistake.

However, even if there is no taste of food, I also eat it with gusto. She is a well-behaved and heartbreaking baby.

At this time, Shen Lang discovered it. In fact, the character and the demon are also very similar. Two people do not like to talk. Not to say, it is to cherish the word like gold, but she has inherited the wisdom and temperament of Medusa. Especially the big eyes that can talk, can express almost any meaning.

She is a life elf, a miracle of life.


I was very embarrassed to be taken to the sea by Princess Dora.

In the thatched cottage, there are two people, Shen Lang and Qiu Yao Er. The enemies are bathed and look at their own in the mirror.

She still became more beautiful, at least her hair has grown longer.

Wearing a tight bodice and leather shorts, the body is **** to burst, especially the two long legs, it is fatal.

She licked her hair a little, as if she was looking for the Queen of Medusa. That kind of charm is full of magic, but soon she gave up, it is not her style.

Then she hesitated a little, would you like to cut your hair? I did it myself, but she decided not to cut it. It was quite good. It was a vulgarity for the sake of distinction and distinction.

Next, the two people sit quietly and talklessly.

The most familiar stranger, this is very suitable for the relationship between two people.

For a while, the enemy demon broke the silence: "Have your fight through the sky?"

Uh! Do you still remember this?

"Well, after you finish writing, return to the East World to show you." Shen Langdao: "Although it was written by Kim Mu-sung, he actually wrote more passion than me."


Then the two people have nothing to say.

After a while, she asked: "When are we going back?"

Shen Langdao: "After Helen and Sauron's duel, the situation in the Western world is settled."

The vengeance was stopped, but after all, it was not said, just nodded.

Two people fell into silence again.

After a while, Shen Lang’s hand began to be unreal.

The revenge of the enemies gradually became heavy.

Shen Lang kissed her lips.

Then she jerked around and pushed the sinking waves to the ground.

Since the atmosphere is very difficult to find, then change the day.


The enemies and Shen Lang were lying on the mat, and they were silent again.

In fact, she has a lot of words in her mind, such as the mission of life.

She has experienced so much in recent years, but the meaning of life seems to be more blurred.

But don't think about things you don't understand, don't ask.

Shen Lang is recollecting.

The enemy demon is really special.

So Shen Lang asked: "Come back?"

The enemies sneaked and then nodded: "Okay."


It’s been a long time.

Shen Lang was decadent like a dog, and it took a whole hour.

"Go back to the Queen City first?" Shen Langdao.


The enemies jumped up and jumped into the tub to bathe.

After a long time, Shen Lang took the enemies and returned to the Queen City with a little baby!

The venerance is still the enemy, no matter what happens, her character will not change wherever she goes.


At this time, the entire Queen City, ushered in an absolute frenzy.

This is probably the greatest moment in the history of the Silun Dynasty for more than 100 years.

The two kings will have a historic meeting here.

Princess Helen entered the Queen's City from the south, and Sauron entered the Queen's City from the north.

The two did not take a step, but also took a step and finally met at the central axis of the palace.

"Long live Helen, long live, long live!"

Countless southern aristocrats shouted, and the Queen City shouted as if they were demonstrating.

"Long live Sauron, long live, long live!"

The northern aristocracy, the army in the north did not show weakness, and shouted desperately.

The sounds on both sides were louder than once, and finally deafening like a thunder.

More than a million people have witnessed this general meeting.

Because this meeting will completely determine the fate of the entire Western world.

For this meeting, the North and the South have almost exhausted all power.

On the south side of the sea, astronomical ships are gathering in the direction of Siwa City. Numerous southern aristocrats came out of their nests, leading the family army and assembling in the direction of the Queen's City.

The northern aristocracy does not show weakness. Every family is madly gathering troops, and they are willing to take away every warrior.

Not to mention others, the Duke of Dibos has madly assembled 2,300,000 troops in the province of Bibo.

The entire empire is madly supporting Princess Helen, and she is absolutely unwilling to let her vent her temper.

If this is not the case, then it will start directly.

Once the war is over, the entire South is not as scattered as the previous witch empire, and it will definitely condense into a rope, and the last drop of blood will be exhausted for its own benefit.

Once the war is the most terrible civil war in the history of the Shiron Empire, the force used will exceed the astronomical figures. This kind of war will never stop without a few years. Even directly hit the Xilun Dynasty completely destroyed.

But dare to fight, there is room for peace.

"Long live Long live Long live!"

On the ground hundreds of miles across the river, it is like a tsunami in the mountains.

Princess Helen rode on the horse and stepped forward toward the central axis of the palace.

When Shen Lang and the Enemy came, Princess Helen was walking towards the palace with the support of hundreds of thousands of people.

He did not show up, but quietly as a spectator.

Although she is Helen's younger brother, he has no say in the internal affairs of the Xilun Dynasty.

At this time, he deeply felt the words, the West was in the West, and the East was in the East.

Even the most distinguished guests, that is the guest, can not be overwhelmed.

However, this group of people is still very significant.


In the testimony of a million people, Helen and Sauron entered the palace at the same time and then met on the central axis.

The lineup behind the two people is exactly the same, one is thousands of northern aristocrats, and one is thousands of southern aristocrats. The two sides are polite, but they are tit-for-tat.

"Helen, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Sauron, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"You and me?"

"it is good!"

"All bystanders leave."

Suddenly, the northern aristocracy and the southern aristocracy all withdrew from the palace, and the entire palace was handed over to Helen and Sauron.

Because this is a contest, not a duel.

The Queen's Palace is the architectural miracle of the entire Xilun Empire. It is an artistic treasure. No matter who becomes the emperor of the Xilun Empire, it cannot destroy the Queen's Palace. Otherwise, it is the sinner of the Xilun Dynasty.

To a certain extent, this limits the rules and scope of the contest.



Helen and Sauron fight!


This is a special battle. Millions of people witnessed it, but no one saw it with oneself.

When Sauron and Queen Medusa battled, it was completely earth-shattering and wonders. Although no one saw it, but witnessed the world, the snow-capped mountains have not slowed down.

But Helen and Sauron battled, but it seemed so calm.

Don't say that there is no sky shaking, and even the sound of the sword hits.

But everyone can feel this battle.

Because the air is shaking, even the picture over the palace has some distortion.

Of course, this is not the case for two people to be able to distort space, not the case. When we burned the fire, we could see this distorted picture in the air at the top of the flame because the air was heated.




The air oscillated.

This is like a silent explosion, and it is like an earthquake with a small range and a small power.

I can feel the ground shudder, but it is like a hurricane inside the teacup.

Millions of people looked up at the palace and waited for the results of this war to appear.

The little baby even widened his eyes and looked at him with great interest.


After half an hour!

Sauron first appeared, and he appeared in front of the former northern aristocracy and hundreds of thousands of northern troops.

"Long live Sauron, long live, long live!"

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of people shouted.

Sauron slowly said: "I won't win this battle!"

What do you mean by all the northerners? Didn't win?

Will Sauron not be invincible in the West? One person destroys a city, isn’t Princess Helen so powerful?


Then, Princess Helen appeared in front of hundreds of thousands of southerners.

"Long live the Princess Helen, long live, long live!"

The mountain is like a tsunami, desperately trying to overwhelm the momentum of the north.

Princess Helen slowly said: "This battle, I lost!"

She and Sauron have said very different results.

Hundreds of thousands of southerners made a mistake and then shouted more fiercely: "Long live the Princess Helen, long live, long live!"

Perhaps in the eyes of all the empire southerners, never thought of letting Princess Helen defeat Sauron, just hope she could fight. Just as all Vedas do not want to overthrow the rule of the Silents, and even they worship the Sears very much, but they want to fight for their dignity and power.

"Long live Princess Helen, long live!"

Although she said she lost, she is even more supportive.


After the game is over, the next step is to start negotiations.

This is not a diplomatic negotiation. It does not require a team at all. This is a dialogue between the two kings.

Princess Helen and Sauron returned to the palace and began negotiations.

There is still no one to witness, and no one knows what the two men have talked about.

This negotiation will completely determine the fate of the Xilun Empire.

Can the Third Empire of Xilun be established? Is it a split between the North and the South, or is it a North-South system? Is it civil war or peace?

If you can't talk about it, there will be an unprecedented super civil war.


In fact, on the beach that day, the hatred of the devil is to stop telling Shen Lang, Princess Helen is not an opponent of Sauron.

But thinking about it, she still didn't say that. She doesn't know how strong Helen is, but she is not strong enough.

Princess Dora suddenly said: "Lord, this is different from what I imagined."

She thought that Helen and Sauron would definitely kill you, and that only two of them would survive. Whoever survived became the Emperor of the West, and who knew that it was not.

However, this is the same as Shen Lang’s imagination.

"Lord, what will we do when we return to the Eastern world?" asked Princess Dora.

"You are dead and alive, and the last drop of blood is exhausted. It is not the destruction of our entire army. It is the destruction of the Great Yan Empire." Shen Langdao: "The North and South sides of the Xilun Empire, despite having a huge tear and contradiction, are family members. Of course, if you have a male who is a big man, you will endure for the country, because they have common interests. And our contradiction with the Great Yan Empire is completely incomparable unless the heavens and the earth perish, Otherwise, it will fight to the end. Because we are not only hateful and hateful, but also a struggle between the two."

Between Helen and Sauron, in the final analysis, the internal struggle of the Xilun family. Shen Lang did not know much about Soren, but she knew Helen that at this time she was the supreme interest of the Xilun Empire and the second interest of the South. Her own interests were minimal.

So this negotiation has almost come to fruition.

It can be clearly seen from one thing that the army of the Duke of Russell retired from Siwa City, and all the troops returned to the north of the Queen's City, and the entire Siwa City was completely returned to the Duke of Siwa.

Not only that, almost all the northern troops have retreated from the south.

There is a saying that all important negotiations have been finalized before the negotiating table.


After half an hour!

The negotiations between Helen and Sauron ended, but this time it was different, and two people appeared at the same time.

First, Princess Helen went to Sauron to the north.

Sauron slowly said: "The Silent Empire wants peace, not civil war. I declare that the Third Empire of the Silent was formally established."

Princess Helen said: "I am willing to worship Sauron as the emperor of the Third Empire of Xilun. The whole South is willing to be loyal to Sauron."

This is the case.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the north are calling for tsunami.

"Long live Sauron, long live, long live!"

"Long live the Third Empire of Xilun, Long live, Long live!"

The northerners got the news they wanted.


Then, Sauron and Helen came to the south of the palace, facing hundreds of thousands of people in the south.

All of these, hundreds of thousands of people held their breath and stared at Sauron.

Soren shouted: "The aristocrats and people of the South, I announced the official establishment of the Third Empire of the West."

Hundreds of thousands of people are still silent.

Sauron continued: "All the aristocrats in the South are legal and glory. The Queen of Helen of the Second Empire made an immortal feat for the Empire. The entire Xilun Empire, whether in the North or the South, must be given justice. Evaluation. Everything you have had before will continue to be owned, and even more."

Hundreds of thousands of people in the south are still silent.

Sauron continued: "Helen, I urge you to become the deputy emperor of the Western Empire, rule the entire south!"

Princess Helen swears: "According to the purpose!"

In a few moments, hundreds of thousands of people in the south are like a wind blowing wheat fields, and they are neatly tidy.

"Long live Sauron, Long live Helen, long live, long live!"

Now they get the results they want.

"Long live the Third Empire of Xilun, long live, long live!"

In the south and north of the Queen’s Palace, millions of people shouted at the same time, and they were truly deafening and resounding.

At the moment, not only did Shen Lang have foreseen it, but Dibos made a judgment a few months earlier.

She decided at the time that Helen would become the deputy emperor of the Xilun Empire.

This is equivalent to an empire, temporarily implementing two policies. Even if there is no guessing, then the policy of the North will gradually change, tending to the South, using more than a decade to cancel slavery, and gradually break the gap between races in more than a decade, and then implement Shilun and Wei. The marriage of the Dazu.

Finally, the North and the South formally unified.

So is this marriage integration effective?

To say the most mean words, if you are between white and black, you will almost certainly fail.

But the Shilun and Vida people have a high probability of success. Although one is white and the other is brown, the races of both sides are similar. The color of the hair and the contours of the facial features are similar.

This is probably equivalent to Europeans and South Americans. The barriers to ethnic integration alone are much smaller. For example, in the United States, people in South America still suffer some kind of discrimination, but the marriage with whites is not rare or even many. People have become the mainstream of society. However, there is very little marriage between whites and blacks, and there is not much marriage between yellows and whites.

The East is in the East, and the West is in the West!


At this point, the Third Empire of Xilun was formally established.

The world must be divided for a long time.

After the Second Empire of the Silent Empire collapsed for decades, it finally came to a unified state.

At this point, the division of the Xilun Dynasty officially ended.

Shen Lang looked at the crowds of countless cheers, and this day should become the day of the National Day of the Third Empire of Xilun.

My sister Helen’s career has been completed quite a bit and has achieved staged success.

The revenge of Shen Lang should also enter the next stage.

Shen Lang holding a sigh: "Baby, we have to go home, we have to go back to the East, we are going to see my brother and sister?"

地点 Nodded hard.

Go home and go home!


Note: Today, two or four thousand, but still tired than yesterday, write later! Tomorrow, Shen Lang will go back. Can you give me a monthly pass? Tears ask for blood!

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