History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 614: : The Dragon Slayer! The Emperor goes out! (Seeking a monthly pass)

Before returning to the raging tide city, Shen Lang went to the ruins of the lost country, the pyramid of the snow-capped mountains.

He wants to make another sense of the dragon, because the last time he did come early.

Shen Lang has always had a misunderstanding. He felt that he had to carry out the dragon's sentiment first, and then went to find this dragon. The result was not like this. His father Jiang Li had already completed the dragon contract. Shen Lang only had to renew the contract. Yes, you don't need the feeling of the dragon at all.

On the contrary, once Shen Lang has been with the dragon for a period of time, he will come to carry out the dragon's sentiment, the effect will be better, and the sentiment will be deeper.

This kind of dragon's sentiment is entirely based on your own understanding and wisdom.

When you feel that you have reached a dead end and can no longer feel new things, they will automatically break.

Last time I realized that I had seen the very mysterious alien text in the ancient prison before Shen Lang, and I have been indulged in research many times. Otherwise, I can't get started with the feeling of the dragon. I just finished it at the beginning.

At this point, the dragon still arrogantly flew over nine days, completely unable to see the figure.

Shen Lang rode a super-super, slowly landed on the platform of the snow-capped mountains of the lost country, and came to the front of the pyramid.

"You Daxian, Shen Lang came to visit again and requested to carry out the dragon's sentiment again." Shen Lang said.

However, it is silent inside.

"Shen Lang once again asked for the sentiment of the dragon."

There is still no reaction.

"The big robbery king Shen Lang, once again asked for the sentiment of the dragon."

Still no response.

Is it impossible to have one chance? What should I do next? Shen Lang can't let the dragon down to threaten the pyramid. If you don't give me the feeling of the dragon, you will immediately destroy your pyramid.

The problem now is that the Great Yan Empire also has a dragon, which is definitely older than Shen Lang, and the sentiment of the Emperor Dragon has lasted for several years.

Shen Long is a younger dragon. Shen Long’s sentiment is just getting started. He is really afraid of losing money.

But within the pyramid, it is always silent.

Shen Langdao: "You sages, can I only have a chance to understand the dragon?"

After a while, there was a sigh inside: "It is not like this."

Shen Langdao: "Can I have another sense of dragon here? I think there should be a new breakthrough this time."

The voice inside said: "I think so too, but... the last word written for you has exhausted the spirit and strength of all of us, and even... there are still some lives."

As soon as this was said, Shen Lang’s heart shook.

"Of course, our group of people has no death." Inside the humanity: "But the sighs, your every sentiment, you really need to use our lives as a price. Because we have to use all the spirit, soul, etc. To write the word for you."

Shen Lang was even more silent. He once again felt the words, and Shen Lang left you early.

Yes, the last time I came early, the preparation was not enough. Although I couldn’t say that I was wasting a dragon’s sentiment, it could have been deeper, because the Daxian was written at the cost of life and soul.

The sound inside again said: "Slow down, if you are sure you are ready, then we can write this word for you again. Of course... this time, the pyramid will be completely abandoned, because we have left The people below are no longer there."

That is to say, this group of people needs to use the cost of life to complete the last writing of the dragon.

"Some waves, we are not afraid of death, even death is a relief, living is the endless suffering and torture of us, but we have not fulfilled our mission, we dare not die."

"There is one more thing. We really don't know who will be you, we... I thought it would be the last generation of the King of the Great Robbery."

Shen Langdao: "This dragon egg is obviously my **** thing? Is it the big comet that hit the world?"

The voice inside said: "It's been a long time, longer than you think. Of course, it doesn't make sense. This dragon has become your contractor after all, so this big robbery king can only be you."

Then, the other party once again asked: "Are you ready, please? If you are ready, then we can carry out the second dragon's sentiment, that is, the last time."

Shen Lang closed his eyes and began to think.

The first experience of the dragon was so rushed, but it was not nothing, because he studied the mysterious text, so he was still successful.

So this time, is he really ready? Really want to use the precious dragon's sentiment?

Is this the chance of the dragons who have been given the life and soul by the great sages in the pyramid, the last chance.

For a while, Shen Lang said: "I am not ready yet, I will come again next time."

Daxian Road in the pyramid: "Okay, then we will gather all the spirits and souls and wait for the next coming of His Majesty the King."

Shen Langdao: "Masters, leave."

Daxian Road in the pyramid: "What is your biggest distress at the moment?"

Shen Langdao: "The ultimate battle with the Great Yan Empire."

The pyramid tyrant silenced for a moment: "Oh... it is Jiang Ji's decisive battle."

Shen Langdao: "Master, is there no objection to this decisive battle?"

"No, of course it makes sense." Pyramid Daxian said: "Whether it is the ancient world or the world, Jiang Ji's decisive battle is of great significance. There can only be one leader in the entire Eastern world, isn't it?"

Shen Lang wants to repeat it again. He has no interest in becoming an Oriental emperor, but he still has not said anything.

Pyramid Daxian Road: "Your Majesty, what is your current worry?"

Shen Langdao: "The Great Yan Empire also has a dragon, because it is older than me, and the dragon of the Great Yan Emperor is deeper."

Pyramid Daxian said: "You also have an unparalleled advantage, because you are not alone, there is a thousand years of wisdom and memory in your brain."

Shen Langdao: "Yes, this gives me a strong mental strength. But it is a pity that this memory is still closed to me and I can't read it."

Pyramid Daxian said: "Yes? That... that's weird."

Shen Langdao: "Is it strange? Isn't it because time is not enough? Isn't it because the memory of the spiritual soul of the King of the Kings is actively blocking the shield?"

Pyramid Daxian said: "It shouldn't be. Once passed down, it should be unreserved. Although you may not understand it and take a long time to understand, it will never block the blockade and will never let you see it completely. Not seen, not perceived."

That... It’s really weird. The soul of this big robbery king passed down to the huge spiritual power of Shen Lang, but it’s really like the information hidden completely inside the computer hard disk, obviously occupying half of the space of the hard disk, but I can't see it at all, I can't even find it.

Before Shen Lang thought that it was the soul of the big robbery king, he was actively shielded, but now it is not like this?

why? Who shielded this spiritual memory?

Pyramid Daxian said: "But the last time you first introduced the feelings of the dragon, if you did not understand the memory of the King of the King, how can you have this wisdom? Because it is completely another way of civilization, from scratch It is impossible to understand."

Shen Langdao: "Because I have seen similar mysterious words, it is very mysterious and fascinating. It is very similar to what you wrote. It just doesn't change, but it is still. I have studied it for a long time, although I still don't understand those. Text, but..."

"It turns out that..." Pyramid Daxian said: "Although you still haven't studied the meaning of those words, your thinking has been changed, so when you first carry out the dragon's sentiment, you have an entry-level The result. Is this also God's will?"

Shen Langdao: "Masters, then how should I relieve the mental blockade of the King of the Kings in the brain and read a lot of wisdom and memory inside."

Pyramid Daxian Road: "We are powerless, and we can't do anything about it. We must rely entirely on you. Rely on your wisdom, your understanding, your... change. It is shielded, there must be a reason, and To some extent it should be your own reason, but you have not found it."

Shen Langdao: "I understand, I will think about it, thank you masters."

Pyramid Daxian Road: "Yes, does Shen Lang’s Majesty know that the lost empire once studied the Dragon Slayer weapon?"

Shen Langdao: "Yes, I know this."

Because Shen Lang discovered the relatively high purity of uranium in the lost empire, it was found in the ruins of the lost empire.

Of course, the amount of uranium that Soren got in this time is even bigger, and it should be the lost empire.

Then Shen Lang said again: "But I have been to the Devil's Triangle. Where should the Queen of Medusa attack the forefront of the ancient Eastern Empire? I have never found any traces of the dragon burning in the city, but I have not found any The energy of the uranium weapon attack."

The Great Pyramid of the Pyramid: "The dragon warrior weapon of the lost empire in the past should have been manufactured to a certain extent. There is a real finished weapon, but its confidentiality level is very high. After that, countless people have not found it."

Shen Lang once thought about this. Uranium is just a material for the lost empire to make dragons and dragons. And they have prepared so much uranium. It has obviously been studied at a certain stage. Otherwise, simply starting the experiment, a little bit can be Do you need dozens of tons?

Therefore, according to the truth, the ancient lost empire should really have a finished dragon and dragon weapon.

For Shen Lang, the ultimate weapon of uranium is of course a nuclear bomb.

The more ultimate weapon is the hydrogen bomb, which is more amazing than the atomic bomb and even requires an atomic bomb to detonate.

But the lost empire should not be far from this level, because the purity of uranium required for nuclear bombs is very, very high, more than 90%, and the finished uranium of the current lost empire is only about 1% pure, do Nuclear reactors are not enough.

Therefore, the dragon squad weapon of the lost empire should not be perfect, but it should be enough as an aid.

Pyramid Daxian Road: "The lost queen as the queen of the second lost empire, although a descendant, but also inherited some of the resources and material of the ancient lost empire, the most important thing is that she should have the most information of the ancient lost empire. So lost empire The dragonswing weapon, she should have relevant memory."

Shen Langdao: "Masters, you actually imprisoned her body, but did not read her memory?"

Pyramid Daxian said: "Your Majesty, this process is very complicated. It can't even be said that we have imprisoned her body. To some extent, we should have saved our body for her. We are a semi-hostile relationship with her, and half cooperation. relationship."

Shen Langdao: "I understand."

After Shen Lang got this dragon, he and the Great Yan Empire fell into a strategic balance and could protect the security of the entire Dagan Empire.

But to destroy the Great Yan Empire?

Shen Lang is still a little worried. Who is this dragon and the dragon of the Great Yan Empire stronger than that?

Compared with the Emperor of Great Yan, who is more deeply aware of the dragon?

Therefore, the dragon-shoulder weapon of the lost empire in ancient times will indeed be a very effective supplement.

Not only that, Shen Lang has now got a lot of uranium, even if he can't make a nuclear bomb, he can make dirty bombs.

Of course, the radiation pollution of the dirty bomb is too powerful, and it must not be used indiscriminately.

Even if you make such a weapon, you must make sure of two points. The first point is definitely not to be used in human living areas or even on the edge.

Second, it is best not to use it on the ground.

Even if you want to use it, let the dragon of the Great Yan Empire bear all the nuclear radiation. In short, be careful. It is best not to use dirty weapons.

Compared to the lost dragon weapon of the ancients, it will be much more advanced than the dirty bomb.

"Then masters, I am leaving." Shen Langdao.

"Goodbye, sire." Daxian Road in the pyramid.

Shen Lang rode on the big super, once again vacated and flew in the direction of the Dagan Empire.


Next, it is another tens of thousands of miles of flight.

Only this time, with his son Shen Ye, he also has super self-control, even if he is riding on the ultrasonic flying beast, and his learning style is very rare, that is, his eyes are closed, thinking about the classics he has seen before. , once and for all.

Shen Ye is a super genius. He is completely obsessed with it. The ancestors who deciphered the ancestors have read the classical books. Shen Ye has quickly read through them. Even if they don't understand, they are directly recorded in their minds. And he has no brains, and he relies entirely on talent.

"Son, I ask you a question." Shen Langdao.

"Yes, father."

Shen Langdao: "If we have a decisive battle with the Great Yan Empire and it is about fate, the winner will become the Lord of the East. But the other side's power is stronger. If we want to win, we can only rely on one kind of weapon. It’s terrible, it will cause great damage to the land of the East and the people. Do you use this kind of weapon?”

Shen Ye thought for a while and said: "No."

Shen Langdao: "Why?"

Shen Yedao: "The purpose of our decisive battle with the Great Yan Empire is to prove who is the true king of the king. Who is the true master of destiny? If it is to win at this price, it is to win the throne and lose. It’s fundamental."

Hearing this answer, Shen Lang is gratified, but there are mixed feelings.

Shen Yedao: "But the more important thing is, don't push yourself into this situation. The current situation of our big empire should be very optimistic, and you don't have to enter this one or the other."

Shen Lang did not speak, but raised a thumb toward his son.

He once again regrets and regrets, and loves him when he is no longer a wilderness or a baby. Many wonderful moments are missed when you miss it.

Shen Langdao: "Ono, are you worried about your brother Loki?"

Shen Yedao: "One point."

Shen Langdao: "What should you follow according to your thoughts?"

Shen Yedao: "He may really have to grow up with Aunt Helen, but it seems difficult to do this now, because Aunt Helen has become the Queen of the Xilun Empire. Whoever grows up beside him will be I think it is the next emperor of the Xilun Empire. So I feel that after we have defeated the Great Yan Empire, it is necessary to bring Loki to the Eastern world to cultivate."

Shen Langdao: "The meaning of your aunt Dibosi is very clear. Let Helen find a princess to be the heir. In the future, this princess will marry Rocky. The two will share the Xilun Empire. Do you not agree with this situation?"

"I agree." Shen Yedao: "But this kind of operation must be very careful, there must be great wisdom, otherwise it will lead to a great disaster, blood will flow into the river. I don't want Loki to be injured, I don't want Helen. The aunt was injured. The most important thing is that the Xilun Empire belongs to the Xilun family. We don’t have a strong heart for Jiang’s?”

At this time, Shen Lang discovered that Shen Ye still had a childish mind, and the sense of integrity in his mind was still very strong.

In exchange for some other Eastern world's hegemons, there is only one sentence. Under the heavens, the land of the kingdom is not the king. The places I can't see and see can belong to me.


After a few days and nights!

Shen Lang and Shen Ye completed the journey of tens of thousands of miles and landed in the city of anger.

At this time, he left the anger city, just less than half a year ago. This trip to the West is much smoother than imagined, and even there is no process of taming the dragon, and it is directly bound.

The rich second generation is such a evil, directly inheriting the dragon contract.

"Long live your majesty, long live, long live!"

"His Royal Highness, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose!"

Shen Lang was surprised to find that the front was full of people, and it came so complete.

The Dagan Empire Shangshutai, the Privy Council has come together, and even Wu Wang is also a full hundred people.

There are a lot of people inside, and there is no way to know what to do. There is no way for him. He is not the master of this big emperor, and this time Wu Wuyue transferred a large number of officials to Shangshutai, the Privy Council, and the six central organs of the Dagan Empire. .

This group of people fell on the sinking wilderness.

Shen Lang is the master of destiny. It is the embodiment of greatness and miracle. The entire Dagan Empire is admired by thousands of people.

Although he did not say anything about the sun, but in the eyes of all the officials of the Dagan Empire, and even the eyes of several kings, he is the true dragon of the radiant.


Everyone knows that this Majesty has no interest in the throne and has no interest in power.

If you don’t go to the DPRK, you don’t care about politics, and even if someone else shouts, you will be horrified.

The big guy knows that once the Majesty annihilates the Great Yan Empire, he will definitely pat / fart / share, and wants to let him lie in the palace of the capital, it is a dream, no one can stop it. .

What country is righteous, what is the foundation of everything, can not kidnap him.

Even the majesty's routine is clear to everyone. After he leaves, let the mirror sit on the throne.

Let his own substitute play the emperor for a long time, he must do this kind of thing.

But as a courtier, it is impossible to accept this situation. What should I do? Of course, I can only pin my hopes on the Prince.

I hope that this savage prince must not be so unreliable as his majesty.

For the emperor to sit in the throne, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible. Even with regard to this substitute, the ministers of the Dagan Empire have already had other plans.

In the future, the Great Yan Empire will be wiped out, and Shen Lang’s Majesty will leave directly. Let the Prince’s Highness be supervised.

Even... let the squatting down become the emperor, the prince is directly unreachable, and it is not unacceptable. As long as you have this face under the waves, you will be called the emperor in your thirties.

At this time, after seeing Shen Ye, the great cadres, headed by Wu Wang and Qi Jun, immediately settled down.

Greatly happy, even a surprise.

This prince is even better than he thought, at least very steady, not as detached as his majesty.

Moreover, the eyes are firm, wise, and even sharp, not at all like a 10-year-old.

Then, a wheelchair sounded.

Ning Yuanxian actually came, Shen Li pushed the wheelchair.



Shen Li was a few months younger than Shen Shen, but he was short and half-headed. He was also very stable, but he was not as sharp as Shen Shen.

"Chen Ning Yuan Xian, seeing His Majesty, seeing His Royal Highness..."

Under the help of Shen Li, Ning Yuanxian trembled and gave a big gift, because this is a grand public occasion.

Then, Shen Lang quickly picked him up and put it in a wheelchair.

Under the sacred slogan, "Shenye, see Grandpa Ning."


Inside the Paradise Manor!

A few children are reading quietly, and Su Peipei is crying and laughing in the wild because her daughter Mulan has not returned. But at least the baby grandson Shen Ye came back, and finally someone can feel bad.

Ning Yuanxian said: "Your prince, some aspects are better than you, and the Dagan empire has succeeded. After you have destroyed the Great Yan Empire, you can feel at ease."

Shen Langdao: "Yes, it is a great gift from God. Is there still no way to persuade Ning Zhengxiong?"

"I don't want to move." Ning Yuanxian said: "Too stubborn, forget it, and persuade it, let Xiaoli go to Tianyue City. It doesn't matter if you change Ning's surname. Anyway, half of him is The blood of Ning's family, inherited from the country and the country, is completely true."

Ning's does not matter, but Shen Lang is still a little so-called, he really does not want to give people a feeling of the Jiang family to rob Ning's Jiangshan, although Shen Li is born, but after all, is the son of Shen Lang.

However, there are some things that he really can't open, and it's not easy to manage. Just like Dibos's ambitions, he can't stop it.

Ning Yuanxian said: "Wave children, is that something coming?"

Shen Langdao: "Come on, the whole process is very smooth. It is too arrogant, not willing to contact anyone, and not want to see anyone. Either over nine days, or under the nine oceans, when I need it, It will suddenly appear, but most of the time, it is free."

Even so, from the Western world back to the Dagan Empire on the road tens of thousands of miles, most of the time the dragon is missing, because it is flying too fast, it is easy to fly three times the speed of sound, so on the way it found Five volcanoes, washed a few times in the magma bath, instantly shredded five volcanoes, and caused three earthquakes and three tsunami.

Because it feels that these volcanoes will never go again in the future, and they cannot be left to others, and they are simply destroyed.

Fortunately, it has a tacit understanding with Shen Lang. If there is no Shen Lang, it will not enter the territory of the Eastern world. Otherwise, the vibration caused by its rapid flight can cause great destructive power, and the resulting hurricane does not know that it will collapse. How many houses.


People are indeed eccentric, even though they know that it is wrong, although Shen Lang has tried to give time to the average child, the younger child, he will hold more, accompanied by thank you.

But... deep down, I still love this little baby.

I am a big sister. I am 11 years old this year, but it looks like I am about three years younger than the real age.

The little princess has been over, and it is a super little girl. Every day, she is trying to be the perfect princess.

And hey, it’s the little girl who is the makeup of the jade, the elf in the sky. Shen Lang holds her and is choosing gifts for the youngest daughter, the little princess of Amazon.

That little baby, it really left a very deep imprint on Shen Lang. Although it only lasted for three days, it was stubborn, strong, innocent, cute, hard, and her serious little appearance was really unforgettable.

More than 900 ultrasonic flying beasts have all been domesticated. They are the strongest combat air force, but they are indeed the closest species to humans.

When Shen Lang and Qi went to pick, hundreds of ultrasonic flying beasts were neatly arranged on the open space, and one only sold their heads sideways and made a scream.

"Baby, do we want to choose one of the Rocky brothers?" Shen Langdao.

幺幺 Sweetly nodded.

"Come, baby as a big sister, you can pick it." Shen Lang put down the embarrassment.

I walked over.



An ultrasonic flying beast called, trying to get her attention, and honed with her own head.

Soon, I picked it up. She picked the youngest two.

Because the younger you are, the more you can grow with your host.

Next, a total of more than a dozen ultrasonic flying beasts will be taken to the Xilun Empire by merchant ships.

Not only will it be given to Rocky and Amazon Princess, but also to Queen Ada, Duke Dipose, Queen Helen, Duke Russell, etc., which is a valuable gift from the Dagan Empire to the Xilun Empire.

However, in this way, the young warriors who tamed the ultrasonic behemoths cried.

Because in the past few months, each of them has been accompanied by domestication, and has established deep feelings.

These ultrasonic flying beasts are really smart and very well-behaved, especially after transforming the nightmare stone receiving device in the brain, the entire anger city releases the energy waves that make them happy at all times.


July 29!

Shen Lang came to the sea and shouted: "Lost lost mother, please come out and see."

After a while.

The sea is rising and condensing into a wonderful unparalleled figure, but there is no way to see the face completely.

"Sillow, you have come to me today!" Lost demon mother said: "I have not congratulated you, have already got the loyalty of the dragon, I feel its power, although it is far away, but Once it flew over the sea, it was really shivering."

Shen Langdao: "Lost demon, I have a question, I want to ask you."

Lost demon mother said: "Your question makes me a little uneasy, but please let me know."

Shen Langdao: "The ancient lost empire should use uranium to create a dragon slug weapon. Where are these weapons?"


Still July 29!

During this time, the whole world was very peaceful and there was nothing.

The Great Yan Empire did not launch any attacks, and even the sneak attack did not. The anger city was safe and sound, and Wu Chu and the four countries were safe and sound.

The whole world is even quiet and somewhat unusual, giving people a feeling of panic.

The last time the Battle of the Rage City, Shen Lang hit the face of the Great Yan Empire.

Then, in the Jin State and Liang Guo territory, two super dragon repentances were launched, which shocked the millions of troops of the Great Yan Empire.

As a result, the Great Yan Empire compromised.

The million-strong army that originally intended to attack the Dagan Empire was directly disbanded and withdrawn from the army.

Moreover, he also handed over the captured Yunmeng Ze, and even directly admitted that the dry country of 1.5 million square kilometers belongs to the Dagan Empire.

This makes everyone wrong, and the Great Yan Empire is so embarrassed?

Of course, the territory of the Dagan Empire is a jubilant, long live the mountain.

For the first time, the dry country and the people felt the miracle of Shen Lang’s majesty and felt the power of his asylum.

The dependent country of the Great Yan Dynasty was very worried and quite uneasy.

Of course, it is not that you lose hope for the Great Yan Empire, nor does it mean that you want to change your position.

Because this is indeed like the darkness before dawn, the tranquility before the earth-shattering.

Everyone's eyes are condensed to Yan Jing.

It’s time for the supreme emperor to kneel down. Are you going to go out?

Should you be born out of the way, sweeping the inside?

That is, on the day of July 29!

His Majesty the Emperor, officially cleared!


Note: I slept for ten hours yesterday, so cool! There are more than one hundred votes in the top ten of the monthly pass! Let's work harder, ok? Thank you very much for your gift!

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