History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 615: : Jin Mucong is married! Yanlong is attacking! (Seeking a monthly ticket)

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Is the supreme emperor’s squatting out of the world terrifying? The sky is shining, the earth is shaking?

Or is it a dragon flying, roaring in Beijing?

This is of course a scene in the fantasy of countless people. The world is full of secrets, but the world seems to be without secrets.

His Majesty the Emperor is a real dragon, with a dragon?

This was originally a legend, but since the emperor's retreat, the legend seems to be getting true.

Therefore, all the eyes of the world are condensed in the taboo tower of the palace.

You said that the emperor has no dragon? So why should I stay closed for several years? It’s been around for four years.

Countless people fantasized that the moment the emperor stepped out of the taboo tower, the whole tower collapsed, the fire rushed into the sky, and a dragon rushed straight into the sky, and the whole Yan Kyoto shuddered in the roar of the dragon.


None of this happened.

The Emperor of Great Yan walked out so alone, without any special effects and no sound effects.

Even he was particularly skinny and his hair was a lot whiter. Just like an ordinary old man, he walked out of the taboo tower and walked to the palace.

Along the way, all the eunuchs and palace ladies saw the emperor, suddenly horrified, and then all crouched on the ground motionless.

In this way, the emperor went directly into the hall.

At this time, the Great Yantai was in the meeting, and hundreds of ministers were in the temple.

When I saw the Emperor’s knees coming in, everyone was a glimpse and then tidy.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Everyone wants the probe to look out. Does the Emperor have a dragon?

However, if there is a dragon, it should be very huge, and the whole earth will be torn apart before it can come out.

So everyone listened to them and wanted to hear the roar of a dragon.

However, there is nothing, as if the emperor had retired for four years or so, he just slept inside.

Your Majesty, the outside world has been turned upside down in the past few years. The Dagan Empire has risen completely and has threatened the Great Yan Empire.

The emperor walked over to his throne and sat up lazily. "You continue, you continue..."


Angry Ocean City!

After hearing the words of Shen Lang, the lost demon mother laughed and said: "Scrapping dragon weapons?"

Shen Langdao: "Yes, the dragon weapon. The ancient lost empire should always be studied, and it has already achieved certain results."

Lost demon mother: "Sudden waves, you said the dragon weapon, I also want it very much."

Shen Langdao: "The squadron of the party has found a part of uranium in the secret warehouse of the ruins of the lost country. Of course, this is my name. This is a kind of mineral, but the purity of uranium in the ruins of the lost country is not low, this is Used to make the dragon weapon."

"I know." Lost demon mother said: "I used to be in my empire, and that thing is called the Green Devil, killing people invisible."

Green Devil? This title is very suitable.

Lost demon mother: "Sarrows, you said this dragon weapon, in the lost empire should be named the sunset plan!"

A sneak peek, the name of the second?

However, Shen Lang thought that his nuclear bomb program was named the Day of Destruction, and it was also very second.

Lost demon mother: "Because the dragon means the flame, in the legend, the dragon was born by the sun, so this weapon plan is named as the setting sun. Of course, until the ancient civilization was destroyed, this sunset weapon was not really manufactured. It is."

Shen Langdao: "It is very strange. You lost the empire in ancient times. It seems that you are not very good at weapon development. You rely on spirit and force. Why is there such a high-end plan?"

Lost demon mother said: "I am very sorry for the sigh of sorrow. When I rise, the lost empire has been ruined for countless years. So I don't know a lot of secrets. I also consulted the relevant information to know the sunset plan."

Shen Langdao: "Is there such a sunset weapon, is there any? According to my estimation, there should be some, because the ancient lost empire prepared a lot of uranium, which is obviously not used for experimentation, but with finished weapons, experimentation. There is no need for so much uranium at all, even if it is one percent pure, it is a few dozen tons."

Lost demon mother said: "Yes, there is indeed this sunset weapon. But I am very sorry, I don't know where it is."

Shen Lang looked at the lost demon mother's eyes full of doubts, because she is very good at lies and deception, she has the highest mental strength.

Lost demon mother: "Sillow, your expression tells me that you don't believe what I said, but I really don't know, at least in the record I saw, there is no record of where this sunset weapon is stored. And I also searched the ruins of the lost empire, and I also searched the Grand Triangle of the Devil, and there was no discovery."

Shen Lang looked at the figure composed of this sea water for a long time, then said: "Okay, thank you for your notice."


After returning to the raging city, Shen Lang saw Wu, the truster of the Futu Mountain.

"Your Majesty, according to your will, we went to search some secret bases of Futu Mountain, we found ... bitter."

After a while, bitterly happy appeared in front of Shen Lang, he is still a fighting monster, very powerful, but has lost his mind.

At this point he looks very quiet, but as soon as the signal is heard, he will become a killing machine.

"I am very sorry, my lord has destroyed his mind and memory. We can't think of a way to recover." Wu said: "But we have instructions to command him, so when necessary, he can go to the battlefield. But if you want to recover His wisdom, I think it may still be necessary to leave your wisdom."

Shen Lang stepped forward and gently patted the shoulders of the bitter, the other side still squatting on the ground, lips chattering, talking about words that no one can understand.

"Zhuo brother, I will cure you." Shen Langdao.

"Come, come over the dragon box."

After a while, the dragon box appeared in the room.

Shen Langdao: "Wu Wu, you let the bitter joy into the dragon box."

Next, under the command of Wu, the bitter joy entered the dragon box, and Shen Lang closed the dragon box.

Throughout the process, bitterness did not have any resistance, and he continued to chatter. After entering the dragon box, he quieted down.

This ancient dragon box is a very wonderful thing. His use in the ancient times seems to be very much, but if you can cure the bitterness, Shen Lang does not know, you can only try it.

"What about Wu Xiaozi's teacher?" Shen Lang asked.

"I am very sorry, Your Majesty." Wu said: "In that year, Ren Zongzhu held the teacher Wu Zizi in the secret base on the 19th. Because she was a genius who studied locusts, she was not willing to kill her, but she was imprisoned for life. Let her study locusts all her life. As for her research on locusts, I don't know, because I don't have permission. According to your order, we went to the secret base on the 19th, but... no As a result, Aunt Wu’s aunt is gone, and all the information there has disappeared.”

Shen Langdao: "Is the Zongzhuzhu transferred her? Or was it taken away by the Great Yan Empire?"

Wu said: "The subordinates are not sure, my majesty."

Shen Lang nodded: "I know."


"Sister husband, there is something I feel is necessary to talk to you." Jin Mucong came to Shen Lang.

Shen Langdao: "Hey, you said."

Jin Mucong said: "I... I want to be a relative."

Shen Langdao: "Isn't you not satisfied with the recent blind date?"

Since gold wood Satoshi request, the past six months he frequently blind date, he said his own request that is not high, to have a beautiful, tall super good, but also the best temper a little burst, the key moment can beat her two under.

Because Jin Mucong has a special status, there are many families who want to get married with him.

The noble ladies of the entire Dagan Empire are almost lined up with Jin Mucong.

The fat house is actually not picking at all. The first object of the blind date, he almost nodded his consent, because it is beautiful and beautiful, and his character is super good. As for his personality?

So very embarrassed, Jin Mucong did not pay too much attention, looking at his face and body.

And this kind of blind date, the other girl must be very dignified, and can not see the character.

But the bad is bad on many blind date.

On the first day, Jin Mucong had ten girls.

This is going to kill.

Let him pick one out of ten, which is too difficult for people.

Next, he kept dating and had more than a hundred relatives, so he chose one of more than one hundred.

This is even more terrible.

He and his mother, Su Peipei, said that most of these girls are very satisfied, they like it, they can.

The meaning of his expression is obviously that I am not very picky about Jin Mucong. These girls are all good. But when Su Peipei heard that Jin Mucong actually wanted dozens of them, and suddenly he smashed him.

"You are floating, you are inflated, you want to lick dozens? Who do you think you are? Do you think you are your brother-in-law?"

Jin Mucong was stunned and hurriedly said that he only had one, but any one could do it.

Su Peipei is angry again, what do you mean? Any one of them can be, is this a marriage event? Is this your lifelong companion, is it so casual?

It’s a pity to see, Jin Mucong really thinks these girls are good and worthy of him. He is really not a very picky person.

There is no feeling now, and it is ok to train slowly.

No one can do anything, then Jin Mucong said that the first girl, she is very good.

As a result, Su Peipei still disagreed, saying that his attitude is not serious, not serious, and he must be selected very carefully.

This can make Jin Muconi ruined, because the contact time is really limited, so he thinks these giants are really similar, but the mother said that we must carefully select, he can not violate the rules, then carefully selected.

As a result, he has not waited for him to pick it out.

A woman appeared in front of him and gave him a meal.

This thing is actually very embarrassing. Jin Mucong is the secretary of Shangshutai, and Jun Jun is the prime minister of Shangshutai. He spends most of his time in Kanjing, and Jin Mucong is following in Jingjing.

Yan Jun’s official duties are very busy, he has not completed it in the Dagan Palace, and he has to take these official duties home. As the secretary of Yu Jun, Jin Mucong also lives in the residence of Qianjun in Qianjing most of the time, and There is also a special yard.

His work was very busy. He had to go back to the room one or two in the morning every day. As a result, when he stumbled into his room, he found that the lights were on, and then he came out and a woman dressed very thin. The figure... It’s so hot that it’s unspeakable. In short, Kim’s eyes are straight.

Then in the next second, he was paralyzed.

The woman had a high martial arts, and she directly smashed Jin Mucong’s nose and face, and also pulled his arm off.

Who is she?

Qi Jun’s wife, Shaman’s sister Shadara, is a powerful female warrior who has recently been competing for the Ultrasonic Flying Beast Knight. Most of her lives in the military camp.

This time I came to Jun’s house because the Queen of Shaman was pregnant again. As a sister, she came to greet me.

The female warrior was very embarrassed, even in the house of Jun Jun, she wanted to live where she lived, so she lived in the courtyard where Jin Mucong lived.

Of course, Jun Jun suspected that this was a small conspiracy of his wife, Shaman, who wanted to blend Shadra and Jin Mucong.

Otherwise, there is such a cleverness, Jin Mucong stumbled into it, Shadara just showered out and saw it clearly?

At least in this moment, the beauty of Shadara and her wildness have deeply attracted Jin Mucong.

Of course, if you put it on the side of Shen Lang, which woman to look for is directly pursued.

Jin Mucong was not so daring, and there was no such time. After picking up the dislocated arm the next day, he sneaked to find Jun Jun and asked about Shadala.

Yan Jun saw Jin Mucong for a long time and said: "Xiao Cong, you know that I treat you as a younger brother, so it is good to kiss you. But your character has you seen it?"

The nephew he said was Queen Shaman.

Jin Mucong nodded: "I saw it."

Jun Jun said: "What do you think?"

Jin Mucong said: "Very good."

Jun Jundao: "To tell the truth."

Jin Mucong said: "It is sometimes a bit barbaric."

Jun Jun said: "Well, but my wife, Shaman, is very gentle compared to Shadara. Shadhar is twenty-five years old, but has not yet married. Do you know why?"

Jin Mucong: "Why?"

Jun Jun said: "Because she is too violent, she interrupts people's hands and feet. The people who pursue her are beaten to death by her. Over time, no one dares to chase. So, it is good that we kiss each other naturally. But I can't push you into the fire pit."

Jin Mucong stayed for a while and said: "Hey brother, others have been interrupted by others, and I saw her body, but I was just beaten into a pig's head. I took off an arm. You said that she was merciless, is it right? I am interested?"

"Hey?!" Jun Jun.

Jin Mucong said: "I... I really like this kind of strong woman."

Jun Jundao: "Xiao Cong, you may have been misled by your mother and your sister. I am a younger generation, as a courtier, I shouldn’t have said it, but for your lifelong happiness, I have something to say. Make it clear. The court seems to be hot, but it is actually a good wife. As for the Queen Empress, I am even more difficult to say as a courtier, but in general it is definitely not a hot person."

It is so difficult for Jun Jun, Mulan as a queen, his minister is really unable to make verbal judgments.

But what he wants to express is very clear. Although Kim Mulan looks very powerful, he is actually gentle in front of Shen Lang, and he is still a naive little girl.

Supepe and Kim Mulan’s pungency is fake, and Shadaro’s barbarism is really barbaric.

He wants to advise Jin Mucong not to be misled by the happy marriage of Duke Jin Zhuo and Shen Lang, and feel that a woman who is very hot and sultry will be happy.

"And the Zun and Lingtang, it is estimated that you want to marry a gentle and aristocratic woman, our Shaban girl is very cute, but not necessarily your good match." Jun Jun said: "Welcome them, need ... great courage. ”

Jun Jun is talking **** the scalp, because if he is heard by his wife, it is estimated that he will fight more than ten times.

"I, I like barbarism." Jin Mucong shyly said.

Jun Jun helplessly, quickly sent someone to the anger city, told this matter to the Duke of Jinzhuo, because he was worried that Jin Mucong’s brains were hot, so he gave him a holiday for half a month, and he also tried to let Shadharo have a holiday for half a month, let two Individuals really live together for a while.

The original intention of Jun Jun is to let Jin Mucong see clearly how the shaman’s girl is so hot and powerful, how fierce it is to fight people.

As a result... On the ninth day, Jin Mucong was asleep by Shadara.

Because Shadharo took a fancy to Jin Mucong's clumsy look, he thought he was cute, and he also took a fancy to his talent.

Huh? ! When did Jin Mucong have talent?

Doesn't his only talent be copied? Pick up the brush and write tens of thousands of words a day.

He actually has a talent, that is, he will write a book and will make a story.

Shadara felt that Jin Mucong was completely different from the Shabhan warriors she met. She was super talented and didn't want those scholars to be so annoying. With the help of her sister Sharman, this raw rice was cooked into a porridge.

So after the Duke of Jinzhuo and Su Peipei got the news, the two were already together.

"Brother, my first woman I like is Zhu Ning, and even I am still impressed now." Jin Mucong said: "But she doesn't look at me, and I am a little disappointed with her character."

"Xiaoning is the most beautiful girl in the world, and the most exciting and cherished girl, but... I don't deserve her, she is pure and innocent, I can't bear to be tainted, her spirit and heart, forever It is a little girl."

"And Shadara, let me taste the taste of love, it seems that I took the wrong cup, I originally wanted to drink water, but I drank a strong drink. It was as if it was the first spicy hot pot, it was too exciting."

"You used to say that the third love of a man will be a positive result, and it will be fulfilled in me."

Shen Lang looked at Jin Mucong, this has become thin and handsome, and even if mature, it is still innocent.

"You can find a girl you like, I am happy for you." Shen Lang said: "But it is very important, she will hit you?"

Kim Mu-chung sighed: "Since we are fine, she has never beaten me anymore. Really... a pity."

Uh? !

Jin Mucong said: "When brother-in-law, at the time of the Earl of Xuanwu, my sister actually put you on the ground, letting you practice six birds, and you are so unhappy, I am envious."

Uh? !

"Be prepared, I will marry you in these two days."


Three days later, Wuchao City held a grand wedding for Jin Mucong.

This wedding can't be done, Su Peipei almost bite his teeth and wait for the back of the waves, because the children in the stomach of Shadullah have been more than three months, and if they don't get married, the stomach will be very big.

However, after all, it is a happy event, and the Kim family is considered to be a successor.

Although Su Peipei and Jin Zhuo really did not want to marry a girl from the Sha Barbarian, but ... there is a way to do it.

The wood has become a boat.

And as long as Jin Mucong likes it, it is more important than anything else. In this respect, Jin Zhuo and Su Peipei are very open-minded.


The emperor has been out of the customs for half a month, and he still looks very lazy.

Every time, whether it is a big dynasty or a small dynasty, sometimes he will participate, but sometimes he will not come.

Even if he participated in the Great Dynasties, the emperor basically did not speak. Everything seemed to be the same as when the former Prince was in charge of the country. He seemed to give all the power to the Prince.

In the face of the rise of the Dagan Empire, he seems to have no words, any moves.

The officials of the Great Yan Empire once tentatively asked, and now that Yan Yan and Da Gan are still in a state of war, is it necessary to conduct a tentative attack.

Others say that if there is a state of mind in today's countries, there will be some instability, especially some small princes close to the Dagan Empire, and even some of them mean to look at each other. Is it necessary to make some shocks?

However, the Emperor still did not express any opinions and wills, and everything was handed over to the Prince.

Everyone is waiting for the emperor to go out and sweep across the universe, waiting for the dragon to fly.

The result... more than half a month has passed.

I haven't seen any dragons, and the taboo tower is still very quiet.

Yanjing people, Da Yan heavy ministers, and even the world princes are somewhat disappointed.

The emperor has been retiring for four years. Is it a play?

The so-called big empire has a dragon is just a rumor, and this rumor is not the sound of the big Yan royal family to release it, dressed in a mysterious and mysterious, is to scare the world?

In fact, there is no dragon in the Great Yan Empire, or there is no dragon in this world?

However, it is on the day of July 15!

In the taboo tower of the Great Imperial Palace, suddenly a ray of light slammed out and rose to the sky.

The speed is very, very fast, comparable to the dragon's regret.

Soon, countless people have seen this scene.

"Look, look, is that a dragon?"

"Is that the dragon that the emperor has left?"

"No, will the dragon under the Emperor's death be so small?"

If this is a dragon, it is really small, the taboo tower has not torn, and the earth has not trembled.

From this light and shadow, this dragon is at best a little bigger than the ultrasonic flying beast.

If this is a dragon, it is too disappointing, and there is no prestige of the ancient beast.

Want to rely on this thing to become a true dragon? I am afraid that it is a little difficult!

The light and shadow have been flying, flying all the way, flying to the height of tens of thousands of meters.

At this time, it has only one light spot, which is even smaller.

At this point, the entire Yanjing people looked up and felt disappointed.

This is completely different from the imagination. Is it true that the emperor has no dragon at all, just letting a glowing flying beast pretend?


The next moment, there was a thunderous roar in the sky.

Throughout the Yanjing, the Baili area can be heard clearly.


Above the sky, it seems as if the flames burst, as if the dragon's regrets exploded.

The small body suddenly began to expand and become bigger, bigger and bigger.

In the end... it was completely an amazing behemoth, and it was burning and burning.

Then, it swooped down.

It was already a huge figure and it looked even bigger.

The burning body, like the sun in the evening, illuminates the entire night of Yanjing.

At this time, the sky is the moon, but in the light of the dragon, the moon is particularly bleak.

When the dragon swooped to the height of 10,000 meters, it stopped to descend, but hovered at this high altitude.

Over the entire Yanjing, a hurricane was rolled up.

A hot hurricane almost burns your pores.

Its huge light and shadow shrouded the entire Yanjing sky.

Its terrible heat seems to burn the entire city of Yan.

It’s really amazing, it’s terrible.

The dragon was suddenly big and small, as small as a few tens of meters, so big and so amazing, covering the sky.

Then, the dragon roared again.

In an instant, all the houses in Yanjing were shaking, as if they were an earthquake.

The woods in the north of Yanjing seem to have been blown by the hurricane, and thousands of acres of woods slammed.

Yan Jing Zhu's prime minister, Lian Prince, Wu Prince, and so on, all seeing this scene is first trembled, then ecstasy, slamming on the ground, shouting: "My emperor is long live!"

"Long live the Longyan Empire!"

Then, countless people in Yanjing squatted on the floor and shouted: "Long live the Emperor, Long live the Great Empire."

Everyone was thrilled and excited.

The Emperor’s Majesty is really a true dragon, and the Great Yan Dynasty is destined to return.

With this dragon, who else in the world is my big Yan Empire opponent?

All the enemies will be wiped out.

What a big empire, insignificant.

What is the wave, jump the beam clown.

Under the flame of my great empire dragon, everything will turn into powder.

"Long live the big fire, great fire!"

"Long live the big fire, great fire!"

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the whole city of Beijing, and the voices of millions of people are loud and loud.

After the dragon circled in the sky for a few laps, then with a terrifying momentum, flew southward and flew in the direction of the Dagan Empire.


Note: In the last 24 hours of this month, it is ten hard to hit the monthly pass, but... Thank you, thank you.

Thank you, AI, for the 10,000 yuan.

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