History's Strongest Manager

[147] Civil War Joint Operations (民 ⁄ 合 作) (2)

“Let's go.”

He just had to do what he was told. The black van slid onto the road. If there's a police trail, they'll focus on the decoy vehicle, and they won't know anything about this van. But at least his prediction was that the police's pursuit would begin after it was all over.

However, a message was soon sent that turned his expectations upside down.

[Deputy Director, the Constabulary has deployed a task force into the branch.]

It was a call from an outside observer after the eviction. He saw it and his face turned to dirt.

Do you know why?]

[I'm not sure. But given the size of the troops, it's close to an ambush. It doesn't seem like he had any intention of having a conversation at all.]

[Copy that. You stay out of there, too.]

[Yes, good luck to you, too.]

Alfred stares back at you with a stiff look. Is it because of the visa funding? Or is it the mutant? There was nothing that could be known from his perspective. He was just a part of the Jablin that did as he was told.

At first, the Constitution Department said it was just a conversation, no hostility, and that they would bury the case. Now it can also happen to reverse the words. But if that's the case, then why did you come and talk to me first? I had no choice but to question it.

He was at the heart of the case, but he had no idea what was going on surrounding him and his mutant support. But one thing was certain, Jabline knew something and made him do it.

Jabline now considers the mission important enough to give up the Korean branch.

And the Constitution is already sniffing and moving. He weighs more on the idea that the Constitution responded to the kidnapping than the visa fund. The Constitution has already begun to step in the rear, and is desperate enough to force its way into the branch.

Will you be able to leave Korea alive?

Alfred couldn't hide his nervousness.

“The Jablin branch is already empty. ”

“ ……. ”

Kang Jun, who received the situation, sat on the bench with a firm expression. There was already a transport helicopter landing next to them. It was an idea to quickly move to the area once the location of entry had been determined. It was a solemn expression because I didn't think it would be like this. Do I have to put so much effort into kidnapping a child to give up the Korean branch?

He remembered that the Mutant, whose support, was the product of a study that was unmatched by a thousand thousand dollars to some. And it was the same with Gangjun.

“The Jablins have been evicted at this point, and we know for sure who did it. ”

“Of course. They're tracking the vehicle, so they should be tailed soon. ”

“It's probably a fake. If you abandon your headquarters, that means you're doing everything you can to kidnap the reinforcements. Whether you switched vehicles or switched vehicles, the car is most likely a fake now. ”

“Well, of course we can make enough assumptions. But first, we need to secure that car so we can interrogate the driver. ”

“You're right. ”

In the end, it doesn't change as much as having to secure the decoy vehicle. We couldn't rule out the possibility of hostiles heading for the harbor. Initiating a sweep was the most obvious, but it was a matter we had to get to not only the Constitution Department, but also the Monumental Defence Force and the Prime Minister's quarters. Blocking the roads of Seoul to find one of the kidnapped people would be difficult for him too.

In the end, all we could use now was military intelligence cooperation and the members of the Constitution. Soon, a phone call came in to the top of his lungs. After a short call, he tapped Kang Jun on the shoulder.

“I see you found the passenger car. We're entering the observation tunnel now. You and me, we're leaving. We've already got the tunnels sealed off, so we should be able to see them once we get there. ”

When asked about the abscess, Kang Jun nodded his head with a firm expression. Then Kangjun called me from somewhere.

[Gangjun! What happened?]

You hear Iznitas' voice, agitated by the sound of the signal a few times. Iznitas was voicing guilt and sadness about whether he thought the lack of support was due to him. However, Kang Jun asked me something completely different.

“You know how to ride a motorcycle, right? ”

[Huh? Huh... I need to be able to ride.]

“I have keys in my room. Take the motorcycle to the observation tunnel. ”

Where is it?]

“Pick Gina up behind you and you drive. Gina will show you the way. I'm going there, too. I'll meet you there.”

Again, say again, what coffin?]

“The Grand Tunnel!”

[Rock Tunnel, eh. Okay.]

Gangjun said so and hung up the phone.

“Hey, they'd love to put more civilians in here. ”

“I'm the one who needs it the most to find support. ”

Gangjun said as he walked towards the helicopter along with Heo Sang-gyun. He got on a helicopter, reluctant to know what this strange young man was going to show again.

Soon, the propeller of the helicopter began to rotate.

The decoy vehicle was captured without attempt to flee, and was already detained by the Constabulary. Kangjun and Heo Sang-eun also arrived on site shortly after. The tunnel is freed, and a foreign mercenary stands on the side of the road with a stiff look on his face.

Soldiers who saw absenteeism saluted with stealth, and absenteeism also saluted appropriately.

However, Kang Jun did not care about the soldiers and approached the detainee as fiercely as he did.

Ow! Ow!


I kicked him in the face without hesitation.

The soldier who was detaining him at such a short notice, as well as the other soldiers, were all surprised to see a stranger who suddenly appeared. However, Kang Jun asked with a fierce voice.

“Where is Support? ”

“Who are you! ”

Soldiers tried to rush in, but he stopped.

“No, thank you. Leave it."

The soldiers who were about to attack Gangjun finally retreated. However, Kang Jun did not care about the surrounding situation at all. The man's lips burst and bled because he couldn't even activate the steel in a sudden assault. He looks up at Gangjun and shakes his head.

“All of you are in violation of international law. Let me contact the embassy. Investigation is next. ”

- Puck!

Kang Jun once again trampled on the man's head, and this time he activated the rigidity. He laughed and said.

“I told you, I will contact the embassy and appoint a lawyer. Listen to everything later in the interrogation room. ”

It was only after everything was over that we could investigate. Gangjun muttered as if to chew it out.

“Sick bastards. I'm stuck talking about going to any country. ”

Assault is meaningless because it was night. At first, he was beaten carelessly, but instead, Kang Jun's feet hurt. The soldiers stared at Kangjun with a firm look. Kangjun pulled one of the injectables out of the armor coat.

“Go ahead. If I can penetrate the body with a needle, I'll testify to everything you've done in court. ”

He blabbed as if he thought Kang Jun was a soldier. Gangjun looks down at him and smiles in horror. Of course, the needle was just broken in front of Night's skin, which activated the steel. Kang Jun gestures at one of the people who was standing still.

“I could use some help with the night. ”

Because he was told that he was an investigator, he didn't listen or listen, so he glanced at Kang Jun on the other hand. Heo Sang Geun gestures at one person, and he approaches Gangjun. What Kang Jun asked for was simple.

“Hold it steady, keep your eyes open. I can't.”

“! ”

“Oh, no! ”

“Hurry up.”

The mercenaries press down on him, terrified of thumping, and the mercenaries lie face up to the sky with their legs straight. The pointed knight grabs his face with a pale expression, and opens his left eyelid up and down, knowing what Kang Jun would do with the syringe.

Eyes pop open, and the mercenary's eyes shake violently.

“Eyes are the weakest part of the Night's body. It's also the place where the river body doesn't work. ”

Kang Jun muttered, seeing him trembling.

“It's better to remove an eye than to split it open and give it an injection, right? ”

Gangjun took the syringe from top to bottom.

- Puck!


The stringent did not change a single face, sticking a syringe into the human eye and pressing down on the cylinder of the syringe. While the man struggled with the solution, the four knights who were detaining him did not allow the struggle.

However, they were also amazed by Kang Jun's unwavering cruelty. The man struggles violently and immediately starts to pee and limp. Even though your whole body is hard, your eyeballs are the weakest. Although Gangjun was not once or twice, the notorious Constabulary saw the cruel behavior of this strange man and fell into a deep slump because it was the first time anyone had ever injected it into the human eye.

“What syringe? ”

Heo Sang-gyun asked, and Gangjun looked at the suspect shaking.

“It's like a confession. ”

“That's comforting. ”

“Am I responsible for this behavior? ”

“No, I don't think he knows what's going on in Korea, seeing as he's haunting an embassy in the Constitution. ”

Kang Jun nodded his head with a firm expression in response to the cool answer of Heo Sang-hyun. Heo Sang-gyun said, looking at Kang Jun, who was erasing his anger with a quiet expression.

“We'll take it from here. We have a role to play, don't we? ”


Kang Jun retreated, and Heo Sang-hyun took him in a vehicle and prepared to begin interrogation. Kang Jun went out to the side of the road, and shortly after that, the rough engine sounds of the motorcycle rang.

- Ew! Ew!


With Choi Jina screaming, Iznitas stops his bike. Now Iznitas was the body type of an adult woman, whether there was a kidney limit to riding a motorcycle with a small body. When I got off my motorcycle and my kidneys started to shrink and I turned into a child, it was just quite creepy to see.

“Gangjun! You got it? What's going on? What about Support?"

“Just ask me one question. ”

Iznitas rushes to Gangjun and asks urgently. It's not the same as the others, but you rush in and ask questions.

“Did you find Support? ”

“No. The kidnappers switched cars. ”

Kang Jun explained the situation approximately, and a taxi rushed over, and Aran and Joon arrived. They also rushed to ask questions, and Kang Jun explained it again. Kang Jun sighed, seeing four people who were very excited.

“What brings you all here? ”

“You can't stay in this situation! ”

Aran yells at Kangjun, losing his composure. Rather, because of Aran's words, Kang Jun was stunned.

“I don't know what happened, and I don't know why you're with the Constitution, but how long are you going to leave us alone? We know how to fight. We know how to do something. So don't keep leaving us alone and trying to figure it all out. ”

“Well, yes! We're not kids! ”

When Aran poured in, the cast also shouted in a passive manner. However, in Kang Jun's eyes, he looked like a child, shouting that he was not a child. Kangjun looked at them like that and nodded as if they were warm.

Kang Jun suddenly felt sorry for the isolation that the three of them felt. No matter how contractual they were, they were now forced to rely on each other.

And they could really do more than one share each. Rather, Kangjun thought he might have been overprotective of them. Kang Jun informed us of the progress of the incident and explained that the interrogation results would lead to the next move.

“Iznitas, you come with me. ”


“I need your nose." ”

“…… I think I always told you not to say that? ”

Nevertheless, Iznitas gently followed the fall. I told the others to wait. It was because if several people started interfering in the Constitution's work, their pride might get hurt. The interrogation was being led by Heo Heung-ryun, and Gangjun was not the interrogation site, but the vehicle. The members of the Constabulary on guard near the vehicle slowly retreat, looking to see if they had received anything in advance.

The Constitution Department sent several radio transmissions asking if I could investigate for a moment and soon fell off the bus. Gangjun opened the car door and Iznitas smelled it. Iznitas remembered the smell of support and cleared up the situation.

Iznitas was a mutant and good at physical manipulation. Soon, it meant that it was able to extremely amplify any sense of life and alter any structure in the body.

Even though the output now was low, Iznitas was the pinnacle of SSS rank and mutant.

“Supporter seems to have been tied down in the trunk. If you feel what's left of the body odor type, there are four to the driver's seat, the passenger seat, the back seat, the two in the trunk that detained the support, and the seven in support. There were seven of them in the car. And six men down in the middle. ”

“Do you think you can track the smell of drugs or the smell of support and catch the vehicle? ”

“I don't know if I walked, but it's hard to drive.... ”

Even Iznitas was not universal, so he could only guess what had happened. It was a flurry of events. The enemy is still trying to get the support they need right now, and if they succeed in getting it anywhere, everything goes back to bullying.

Kang Jun opened his eyes, holding his fist, thinking he might be deprived of support. Iznitas squeezed the sides of such a gangjun.

“Hey, don't get too serious. ”

“ ……. ”

“If you miss it, I'll take care of it. ”


However, it was Iznitas who was feeling even more anger.

“If anything happens to him, I will wipe the Jablins off the face of the Earth at the cost of my life. ”

Iznitas meant what he said. Kang Jun looked at Iznitas and said, as if it was ridiculous.

“When did you become so close? ”

“I'm naturally a social person. What's wrong?”

Iznitas chuckles. If he really missed support, Iznitas was going to go to war with Jabline, ignoring all laws, systems and regulations. Impossible at the moment, but Iznitas could not see it as impossible if he restored all of his essence.

Weak with emotion, swayed with affection.

That was the human advantage of Iznitas. However, it was the most deadly weakness as a member of Union.

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