History's Strongest Manager

[148] Civil War Joint Operations (3)

The results of the interrogation were quick because it was urgent. He got enough information from a mercenary who had been given a confession. He soon called Choi Jun and shared the information he had uncovered.

“Looks like your friends are here. ”

He didn't want to involve many civilians, but he nodded as if he couldn't help but hear that they were under Kangjun's control.

“I'm in a bit of a bind. He's the end of the end of the end, as I expected. We don't even know where he's headed, we just switched to a big black van. ”

“What's the license number? ”

“I don't remember that either. You didn't see it on purpose. Well, we figured out where and when the vehicle was standing for a while. I've checked the perimeter security cameras, and I have the number of a large black van that passed through there, so we should be able to figure it out soon. ”

He reassured Kang Jun that he would be able to find the vehicle number. However, there was no guarantee that they would not reach their destination until they tracked down the vehicle, pinpointed its location and captured it. I had to wait quietly.

“Warden, do you have control of the broad wave detector? ”

When Kang Jun asked, he nodded his head.

“It's not my jurisdiction, but if I ask them to cooperate, they will. ”

“Please contact the wavelength detection facilities in Seoul, Incheon and Tungdo and ask them to monitor the core energy response. ”

“Well, tracking with mutant's internal core energy is not good. Kidnappers basically put wavelength blockers on their vehicles, which is hard to find. There was a wavelength barrier installed in that vehicle right now. ”

“No, no, I know that. I mean, it's a little different. ”

“What is it?”

“Support uses core energy. By the way... If one of the assistants is the last to resist, you'll get a core energy response. If there are traces of core energy use in a location other than hunting, that's where we'll find support. ”

“Mmmm... Sounds reasonable.... Yeah, we'll do whatever it takes. ”

He immediately contacted the facilities to ask for support. I thought I'd catch a glimpse of hope. Soon, he finished requesting support.

However, Iznitas grabs Kangjun's sleeve as if he had an idea.

“Hey... There. Let's go there and see if the car stops for a while. ”

“Is there any way? You said it's hard to keep up with the smell. ”

“No, the smell of humans must have escaped already. But there's another smell. ”

Iznitas points to the car standing still with a stiff expression.

“The smell of cars. ”

By enhancing his sense of smell, Iznitas was able to distinguish the smell to a very precise level. Food, body odor, medicines, of course.

Even the smell of car tires could be identified and traced to its unique smell. The scent in the air would have been gone already, but the smell of tires that had been directly frictioned with the asphalt would still be there.

Kang Jun picked up Iznitas in the back and received information from Hae Sang-eun to the point where he switched the support to another car. The other members decided to move along with the abscesses, and the abscesses seemed uncomfortable, but they accepted Kangjun's request.

The sun has already begun to fall. Iznitas stands still on the path of a rare road, sniffing around to see if he wants to track the scent. Kangjun doesn't know, but Iznitas sweeps through the scents engraved on the floor of the asphalt.

Iznitas' senses were enhanced to the point that he could even feel his eyes on the scent he was tracking.

“Okay, I got it. ”

Iznitas nods to see if he has caught the scent of becoming a specimen.

“Now you can follow the scent. ”

It was a difficult expression to understand, but Iznitas looked at the direction of the road to see the smell. Soon after, a radio rang from Kangjun's waist dance.

[I'm on the clock. What's the situation?]

“Tracking specimen found. We're on our way. ”

[Your location is still transmitting, there is no need to report further. I'll follow you as soon as the chopper's ready. Your friends will be on the same helicopter as me, plus a squad of 1,2 more maneuvers.]

“Yes, thank you. ”

After a brief radio report, Kang Jun motioned with Iznitas.

“Can you see the trail? ”

“Enough. There are four wheels in the car, four times the trail. ”

Iznitas raises his thumb. I can't keep track of body odour, so I track the smell of tires. The streets reek of tires. But Iznitas was able to distinguish and track only the scent he wanted.

It was the only tracking method available to Iznitas in the world. Kang Jun quietly said, pulling the Excel of the motorcycle.

“Hold on tight, we'll be there as soon as we can. ”

- Boo!

The wheels of the motorcycle scrape the ground roughly and drive the road. Soon, an armed helicopter from the Constitution will follow them.

There came a night without sun or moon.

The Jablines are almost at their target point. Four escort vehicles had already joined the midway, and they rushed onto the highway. Four vehicles, with the exception of the convoy in the middle, were accompanied by one forward and four aft escorts.

The highway could be jammed, so they were running rough. Delivering support to the crew on the road near Incheon Shore was the end of their mission, and they had already begun tracking the Constabulary down, so they had to escape the west by a separate speedboat.

Alfred looks around and keeps checking to see if there are any tracks or road controls going on. Support fainted quietly and was not frozen.

“We're almost there. ”

“Come on, we need more time to get out of here. ”


The driver should have been caught by now. However, he also doesn't have to worry about information leakage because he doesn't know the point of arrival. But Alfred couldn't hide his anxiety. On the trunk side, two mercenaries were periodically administering anesthetic to support.

We were only three minutes away from our destination. Send the target in a helicopter, and they reach a large vessel anchored in the middle of the West Sea. Then the escape and the mission are over.

Support was sailing through a sea of dreamy rituals. With the feeling of helplessness and exhaustion, the consciousness sank beneath the raging mud. The consciousness was going endlessly down and down as if it had been caught by something.

The anesthetic injected into support was extremely toxic to humans, even if only one drop was injected into them. It was also lethal to inject Night and Mutant for this long.

‘This again... ’

It was a familiar feeling of helplessness to support.

For half a year,

Leaving the lab and living in Hero Management. Support still had longer time in the lab to stay under anesthesia and regeneration. The words "despair" were meaningless because I was accustomed to suffering and annoying enough to call it pain, and I forgot grief, and the snake of despair was life.

Every breath was despair, sorrow, and pain. So the three words became meaningless. I didn't need a reason to live, and those were the moments I was alive because I could just breathe.

The days when I had forgotten the desire to grab something and the desire not to be sick were only a reality for support half a year ago.

For half a year,

But it wasn't just half a year. There's been a lot going on for half a year. Moments that were neither greedy nor desirable came to support. Support was not sick, not sad, not desperate. After going through those emotions without knowing what it was, support actually learned what it was by getting out of it.

Out of grief, I realized that it was grief.

Out of pain, I knew it was pain.

I realized that I had lived in a mule of despair because I had escaped from despair.

Support realizes what it was like to live your own life in the past, away from it. Man is an animal of greed, and it is man who tries to be near, tries to reach near, and tries to grasp when he touches.

That's natural.

Above all, it is human nature.

People who have never held it, of course, do not know to let it go. However, those who have held it know that it is so.

He did not know that support was hope, so he did not know to give up. But the support that I've been through and experienced is no longer in the past. Support was once taken, and Humans, of course, do not want to let go.

This is also human nature after all.

Nature touches not only the head, but also the heart.

The head of support was a man's, but the heart was a monster's. Support was also strongly remembered under a stealthy ritual.

‘I don't want to go back. ’

I don't want to go back to the pain of tearing flesh and administering strange liquids, twisting my whole body to get tired, and melting and reconstituting organs all over my body.

I don't want to stare at the dying subject in another cage and imagine the senseless world at its end.

I don't want to reminisce beyond helplessness, admiring that numbness in secret.

‘I don't want to go back. ’

I like it now. I'm happy now. I have enough now. I don't want to fulfill my dream. There is no hope for the future. There is enough now. Just, I have my place, and living in people who need me is enough. I don't think you have much. But I'm happy enough just to have what I have.

I don't want anything more. Just like this. You can live as you live now. I suddenly realized something was wrong with the idea that I didn't want to go back.

I don't want to go back.

Humans with possessions, of course, do not want to let go. But more importantly,

I don't want to be taken away from you! ’

Obviously we don't want to be taken away.

As if responding, the Blue Heart of Support cried out.

- Bang!

“Oh, oh! ”

The heartbeat was audible to everyone in the vehicle.

- Bang, bang! Bang!

“What happened! ”

“The kid's body moves on its own! ”

“Get it! Get it! Give me more anesthetic! ”

In response to the beating of the heart, the small body of support was fluttering. The blue heart was beating violently and forcefully Awakening its owner's lopsided flesh. The closed eyes open, and the support flashes a blue glare. The power that started at the heart of support woke up all the anesthetized cells and was pouring out so much of what the support needed now.


Both mercenaries of the Night and Trunk grabbed the reinforcement arm with their strong stamina and tried to suppress it. However, blue-eared eyes were overflowing with Qi. Support swings a free left hand at the mercenary who grabbed his arm.

“Fuck off!"

- Boom!

The night hit by the fist of support bounces off the side of the vehicle. The impact quickly overturned the vehicle and landed in a ditch on the right side of the road.

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