History's Strongest Manager

[158] Devil Coming to Sodom (5)

Naturally, it was this deep underground, and the phone is useless without a base station. For this reason, long-distance communication was often used by landline telephones using radio and internal lines. Jinwoo-seok said as much as he could cooperate with the questions on the gluteus maximus.

“Who is the head of the market? ”

“I don't know about that. Everyone calls me the boss, but I'm just saying I'm here, and nothing's really known. The Guard Commander might have seen it firsthand... ”

“What's the guard commander doing? ”

“I am a Korean military officer. His name is Cholsoon Lee, he's called the commander, but he's the same payroll as us. The guards themselves are patrolling and escorting, and if there's a commotion, they get a little extra protection. And some of the protection money goes into our pockets. ”

“If it's part of the protection fee, you mean there are those who take most of it? ”

“Yes, I believe they're from the boss. ”

“You take taxes for nothing, boss? ”

All the dirty work was done by the guards, and the top brass in the market was sitting around eating bread. However, the reaction of pearls was different.

“No, what's most important here is the boss' work. Well, they take a lot more than what they do. But you can't just say that out loud. ”

“Hmm…. Okay, so the boss is doing something, but it sounds like the boss has an army other than the guards. ”

“Yes, I call them bodyguards, but they're all A-rated hunters. If there's a problem the guards can't solve, they go in. And if you complain about taxes and stuff like that, it disappears without a clue, and we all assume that's what those bodyguards did. ”

This black market is substantially under the influence of a man called the 'boss', and the guards are also just their minions.

“What is the number and size of the guards? ”

“I don't know about that. But I'm guessing there's over eight of them. ”

“On what grounds?"

“There used to be a big commotion, and four people from the undertaker's party beat the store owner while prancing that they didn't like the price. The guards came in, and they were really bad, and the guards came in, and there were eight of them. ”

Jinwoo-seok was shaking all over his body whether he imagined that moment. Eight or more Hunters above the A rank were the boss' action force to keep this market occupied whilst eliminating the sight of thorns.

“Where do they live? ”

“I don't live here for now. I have a hunch... ”

Their operation must succeed in order for Jinwoo-seok to survive. That's why Jin Woo-seok was very active in cooperating. I can squeeze out what I know and tell you.

“Where is it? ”

“W-what should I say...? Inside the guard is a warehouse. If you go down from there to the basement, there's another place. I've never seen it myself, but that's what everyone thinks of the boss. ”


“Yes. The guard walks the tax back and forth every day, and there's an internal workforce there, who collects from it and pays from it. The bosses, the guards, they all want to eat there. That's what everybody thinks. ”

The guards are subordinates, and there is another force inside, and there is another underground space. That means they end up living without knowing who their superiors are.

“You said it was important what the boss does, but is there anything else besides managing a bodyguard? ”

“Ah…. They get all the groceries, all the groceries. Of course, the price is enormous. ”

So did the bar just now, and of course I have to eat it, so I need food and I can get some of my good-looking essentials from the boss. Of course, there's no way you can get those things in the basement.

“Fill out a distribution table for each specified date, pay for it, and hand it over together, bringing it to you on the boss's side for the day. Something that shouldn't be expensive. And frankly, if you can do that at scale, they're not usually small. ”

There was also some notion that there was a huge force associated with the outside as well. She said as if she had realized something.

“At the same time as taxing, they're in the middle of a wholesale role. ”

“Yes, if you're going to convert it, you need a basic weapon, you need equipment, and all you have to do is say something, and you get all the crazy stuff. It's because it's expensive. In fact, except for the corpse, you'd think most of the stuff went through the boss' hands. ”

It does not come into contact with consumers directly, but acts as an intermediate wholesaler who builds large markets and sells goods to merchants. In fact, merchants don't leave much behind because they pay a lot of money and buy things and sell them to consumers.

However, if you are an intermediate wholesaler, you will be able to make a huge profit just by deducting the cost of obtaining goods from society and shipping to here.

The market leader has built a market targeting black market merchants, not consumers. This structure was a dual-taxed market where the bosses would pay once for wholesale business, twice for taxes, rather than the merchants making money, and all the money would have to flow in that direction.

If we protest this rescue, the guards will show up and shut us up.

The irrationality and inequality that exists in this vast but narrow space is as large as the unethical and unethical that exists in this space.

The guard is a surface exposed organization, and substantial black market control and management exists in another administrative organization in the basement.

‘Those guys are the point. ’

I don't know if there's a single boss, but the objective of this operation is to find them and secure them. I got the information I needed. I didn't know what was underneath the market or what people were doing. The head of the guard, also said he only talked to them and had never come into direct contact with them.

Inside the guards are vacant lots and buildings. The speculation was that the small building was where the boss was, and that there might be a way down to the basement.

But in the end, if you go in there, the operation becomes more difficult from then on. If you enter a quarantined place, you will naturally be considered an intruder. He asked as if it was difficult.

“Have you never seen an internal workforce before? ”

Eventually, even if you can break into the Guard Building with the help of Jin Woo-seok, it is also difficult to break into inside.

“As I said before, when the rations come, the guards will be the main ones to deliver the supplies to the stores. At that time, the interior door opened and they were transporting supplies, and I saw people inside. ”

“What kind of people? ”

“I don't think he's a hunter, and I don't think he's just... It just looked like they were serving. I'm just doing my job and leaving. At tax collection, the door will open when the rations arrive. ”

“I'd better aim for that. ”

Kangjun and Dohoyeon nodded at the words of Heo Sang-myun. Instead of opening the inner door from the outside, enter through the gap when the door is opened. Jinwoo-seok's information was quite helpful to them. Kang Jun opened his mouth.

“Hoenn and I will infiltrate the guards with the help of Jin Woo-seok. And when the door opens, let's penetrate. ”

“Out in the open?”

“No, discreetly. ”

But Hoenn knew that stealth was almost impossible in this place. That's why Kang Jun's words sounded unrealistic.

“Turn out the lights. ”

Brightness in the area is maintained based on power facilities. If it was difficult to infiltrate, just put out the fire like Kang Jun said. Kang Jun asked the last question looking at Jinwoo-seok.

“Where is the power plant? ”

The work of Gangjun and Doho Yeon will begin after he shuts down the generator.

Fortunately, the power plant was installed on the outside, not on the inside, and the guards were standing guard. The guard level was vulnerable because no one would have been interested in the generator in the first place, and if the phantom muscle breaks the circuit of the surrounding electrical wires using the mind-bending force, the power is cut off without colliding with anyone.

During the process of identifying and repairing the reason for the malfunction, electricity will be cut off throughout the basement for quite a long time.

Meanwhile, Hoenn and Junction infiltrate the interior and locate the Energy Crystal Reservoir and attach the GPS. And we wait inside for the crystals to be transported, and when the movement begins, we head out to capture the brains.

It was a simple operation, but the autonomy of the people was a big part of it.

The guards wore unmarked North Korean military uniforms or Korean military uniforms. The mission was to put on the guard's uniform and set up patrol leader Jin Woo-seok to go inside, then Gangjun and Hoyen moved separately.

Since the guards didn't have a system as tight as the regular army, Jinwoo-seok said there wouldn't be much to worry about.

“In the first place, the guards were not soldiers, they were just market customers, and they sat on the sidelines. It's just a place where you waste your time and get paid for playing. It's a good thing you don't do that unless you're greedy. It's not that hard to quit, it's not hard to get in. ”

Most market customers knew how to fight and shoot, so there was no such thing as a routine training course. In other words, it was just a rope tied to the gangsters. Taxes are collected daily and placed in front of the interior building and an internal workforce picks them up. But the time for the door to open is short.

“When will you receive your next supplies? ”

“I don't necessarily plan on coming, but if you calculate by date, it'll be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. ”

The supplies came once a month, but it was explained that there were times when they came every two weeks.

“It was food supplies last time, but it's weapons supply time. ”

It's been a while since the weapons for the illegal renovation shop came in. That's why we don't have much time before the next supply arrives.

“The supply scale is the largest. That's how long the door will stay open. ”

“You're in luck. ”

Extinguishes the fire when the interior door is open for weapons delivery and burns through the chaos. and perform the necessary tasks inside. Jinwoo-seok's expression was severely stiffened because he had to do this bold thing.

“All you have to do is let us in. You don't have to be scared. ”

Kang Jun tapped the shoulder of Jinwoo-seok, but he only laughed with a shaky expression and did not conceal his tension. Jinwoo-seok returned to the guard, and Heo Yoon-hyun handed him the communicator. The communicator was like a lifeline for Jinwoo-seok. When the troops arrived, these men were at least in weapons prison and could have been killed in action.

The only way for him to survive is for Choi Jun's party to cooperate fully.

Approximately two days after the arrival of the weapons supply, they spent time reviewing the operation. It was meaningless to rush anything until I went inside anyway.

The day of Operation Big Apple.

[You have just returned. Shall we go to the hotel?]

Everyone stood up on the horse of the pearl returning from the outer patrol. Gangjun and Hoyeon got up from their seat after getting the things they needed for their backpacks.

“Okay, let's join you outside. ”

Heo Sang-gyun stared at Hoenn and Gangjun with a firm expression.

“Make no mistake, and report any problems immediately. ”


Greetings were not that long, and Gangjun and Hoyeon left the hotel. There was a marble waiting at the rendezvous point, and they went into the alleyway and changed their clothes. When I came out of the hotel wearing a military uniform, I was sure I would be treated suspiciously, so I came out and changed.

“You can't see it. ”

“Do you see me in this situation? ”

“Well, is that it? W-what the hell is that? I-I did. You're not even listening. ”

“Oh, no, what did I say? ”

“Bo, don't look at me! ”

The two of them said useless things to this judge, and even felt anxious to leave their future to those who didn't have this much tension at a distance.

Kangjun also left his armored coat at the hotel, so he only wore shield bracelets and Ethel blasters invisibly at the moment, and his weapons level dropped dramatically.

“If I become dangerous, you have to protect me. ”

“Why do you always say things like that when you're trustworthy and important? ”

When Kang Jun acted arrogantly, Hoenn laughed nonsense. They both wore face masks and hats. It was fortunate that I didn't have to buy such a costume in the winter. When they reached the SMG that they had already obtained, they both looked like quite a guard.

“Let's go.”

I got out of the alley, and the bedrock was ahead. The role of Jinwoo-seok is to send the two as guards, and get to where the interior building is located.

“Mr. Woo-seok.”


I was stiff in response to what Hoenn said.

“Go wash your clothes. ”

“Well, well... I understand.”

Tohoyeon was frowning because of the Kumkum smell coming from the military uniform of Jinwoo-seok.

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