History's Strongest Manager

[159] Devil Coming to Sodom (6)

The streets were just like normal people walking around. He arrived at a power plant and waited for a signal.

The guard arrives at the front door of the building, and Jinwoo-seok crosses in front of him. There was no screening procedure, and they didn't have any doubts.

“Are you working today, Captain? ”

“No, it's nothing. Why? ”

The one who appeared to be a gatekeeper intimately summoned the stone. Gangjun and Hoyeon stood there without saying a word.

“Supplies are coming today. I could use a drink later and some help. ”

“Oh, sure. ”

“Yes, let's have a drink when you're done. ”

As I was about to pass without any doubts, I tilted my head as if the gatekeeper was questionable.

“Is the new girl here? ”

The guards were low on women, and the silhouette alone was enough to know that Dohayeon was a woman.

“I don't know how long you've been on vacation, but say hello later. ”

“Ah, I love it. ”

Jinwoo-seok is naturally surrounded, and the three quickly enter the garrison.

“You're pretty good. ”

“Phew... ”

In Kangjun's compliment, Jinwoo-seok sighed deeply as if he almost fell. There's a void inside the garrison, and some of the men are moving in groups to see if they can make it out on patrol. Jinwoo-seok nodded and greeted everyone pretending to know.

Blackmarket structures had a common characteristic, which was that they were strictly seeking Silas. Without unnecessary aesthetic or decoration, the building was just a building. Such an architectural style can be found in Korea, which is military architecture.

The interior of the guard was not that complex. The cabin theory, including the armory, residence, and shower room, was just like the regular military.

If the Guard building is a bit unique, it's called the Satchel Structure. In the middle, it was a blunt force, and inside, there was a kind of a smokehouse and a warehouse structure in the middle of it.

Those structures that only made what was really needed felt so blameless.

“That's a lot less than I thought. ”

Kang Jun said empty-handed, looking at the warehouse in the courtyard.

With no affection for this place, just a warehouse-like building that was built because it was necessary, Kangjun seemed to know what the people behind this facility were thinking about this place. It's not shabby, but the storage in the courtyard doesn't look that sturdy, and it has a heavy iron door.

“That door will open in time. ”

“Okay, is there somewhere we can both hide? ”

There was nothing good about going around in public. Suddenly, I couldn't help but get troubled if someone picked up my identity.

“There's a toolroom down here that I don't use. ”

The marble moves diligently, and the two quickly turn the corner and reach the tool room in one corner, and the marble grabs the door hook.

- Duck.

“Oops, it's locked. ”

“This much... ”

It was a normal door, and Kang Jun made sure it was unpopular, then took out his knife, stuck it in the doorway, and scratched obliquely toward the door hook cylinder.

- Delicious.

Security was a stubborn building with no rats. Opening a locked visit was easy enough to sigh. Kang Jun, who opened the door quickly, sent Hoyeon in first.

“Get in touch with the comms when the supplies start. ”


“And when we're done, you leave the market. If things go wrong, we'll lock this whole area down. You understand what I'm saying? ”

“Yes, yes. ”

It was a favor to the eunuchs who had cooperated so far, and he nodded. The bedrock comes out, and they lock the door to the darkened toolroom and settle on the ground. Broken mops and cleaning supplies stink through my nose.

“Can you do it? ”

Dohoyeon said as if she was worried. I used to do it a lot in Kangjun's absence, but I was anxious because Doho-yeon got caught up in a fight.

“We have to make it work. ”

First, they had to wait for the moment of fulfillment in this stinking room. Kang Jun took off his shoes to reduce the noise as much as possible, and he took off his boots according to Kang Ho-yeon's words.

“What if there's a fight? ”

Gangjun inspected the equipment as if he was asking something like that.

“As small as possible, get rid of it quickly and hide the body. ”

No one would ever say something so insensitive about murder.

“Ignore all and secure key personnel if you cannot avoid detection. ”

Doho-yeon nods with a firm expression, but she doesn't appear because of the darkness.

Time passed, and the crucial moment was drawing closer.

[It looks like it's about to start. The central gate is open.]

How long has it been since the tedious silence. Communication from Jin Woo-seok. They were not far away, so they could hear the sound of steel doors opening. The sound of people's footsteps, the sound of someone moving a load, echoes.

- Bang!

People make a rush to see if they can get the weapons chest down on the cement floor.

[People are coming up all the time now.]

[Absent. We're all set here.]

I could hear the sound of many people's footsteps and the sound from the outside.

Tell them to hurry up! ’

Guards, is that all you got? You haven't heard from him? ’

‘Oh, you're really dirty today. ’

The inner garrison members and the voices of the presumed internal staff were mixed together.

Where's the proof? ’

Markets are decently organized and office. She didn't know what that meant. It was not too difficult to guess the fact that claims and receipts, shipments, certificates, and such words were ultimately associated with the company.

It took them a long time to pick up all the pick-ups.

[I think that's enough.]

“Let's get ready to leave. ”


Gangjun wore a mask and Tohoyeon wore a night vision. Immediately, a see-through darkness was provided.


The two of them open the door and go outside, fearful of falling out of their mouths.

- Pot!

The fire turns off terribly, and the entire basement is darkened in an instant.


Suddenly, the power was cut off, and people roared, and Kangjun and Dojoyeon entered the courtyard quickly, but secretly. Many people who had already gathered were suddenly unable to adapt to the darkness and wandered around.

“Looks like the power's out. ”

“Flash, turn on the guy with the flash! ”

However, no one carried the flash in this vast underground space, and only a few turned on the lighter to drive out the darkness so small. Kang Jun went ahead and avoided those lighters, and Doho Yeon followed.

“Hey, you! Go get the Flash! ”

“Radio the power station! What's going on?”

“I'm working on it! ”

“Oh, that sucks. ”

Everyone didn't seem to think that this sudden power outage was someone's conspiracy. When someone comes for The Flash, the two move quickly, as entry becomes more troubling. While passing through the gap between the people and the supply box, no one knew that an intruder was passing through them.

Gangjun and Hoyeon were able to enter before their confusion was over. Because he disconnected the power cord rather than simply flipping the generator switch, it would take a long time to find the problem and recover the power in the dark, and the time given to both of them was quite long.

The interior of the warehouse has been shorted. There are just stairs going down, and Gangjun quickly walks down the stairs. The cemented staircase did not seem to go down to a place where there was a grand conspiracy.

The road down to the heart of the black market was disappointing. The open corridor appeared as we went down the stairs, where about four people could go down.

Either they used the same power or the fire went out underground.

Each room in the corridor was numbered as if it could only be distinguished, and the landscape was too soft. The corridor was split in three ways, with two sides and a front. There were numbered rooms in the corridors on either side, and in front of the crack was a path that seemed to go out.

‘Much less than I expected. ’

It's too modest and modest for a boss' room. Rather, I wanted to see it as an administrative mess or a responsible space. Once they have business, they are primarily in the vault. The interior is sufficiently shallow to say it's empty, and Kang Jun checks the tracker where there are no personnel. The energy crystal with the tracker is nearby.

Gangjun went straight ahead from the fork road, and there was no room in the corridor.

Suddenly, an open space appeared.

There were stairs going down, and in front of them was a skyscraper. There were five passenger cars that must have been carrying supplies, and there was no one on the loading and unloading shelves because they were all up there.

There were two forklifts that were supposed to be used for the lift and a trailer parked on the side.

It was also known that this platform was built by the side of the tunnel. It was a skyscraper made by digging a little wider.

‘Underground tunnel... ’

You can clearly see that vehicular replenishment is taking place in the underground tunnels. This alone was sufficient evidence of a massive interest in intervention.

But there was one other strange thing.

‘This is not the destination. ’

Literally, this is just a skyscraper built to broaden the tunnel's path. If this is their destination, the tunnels they can see should be out of sight.

But the tunnels were on their left and on their right. That means this is the stop, not the end.

‘Even if one goes to Korea, where does the other go? ’

It's not hard to know without thinking about it for long.

If one goes to Korea, the other goes to North Korea. What do the black markets, non-destination stops, tunnels to North Korea all mean? Gangjun was lost in thought, walking in the dark along the direction the tracker was pointing.

Do you have any other intentions besides black market? No, in the first place... What is this? "

There are five parked cars. It was a large truck, but the supplies that arrived were not that large. Even if you catch a lot, two or so, everything inside goes in.

Also, two cars were open, but the other three were just parked quietly elsewhere. But once the questions are put back, they head to the location the tracker points.

And the closer I got to the place, Kang Jun's expression became terribly stiff.

“ ……. ”

Kang Jun was silent, and Tohoyeon was also silent. The reality was so hostile and uncomfortable in front of their eyes.

At least I expected an electronic vault in this market.

But there was a trailer in front of them, and the container just had a big lock on it.

This is the vault? ’

Doho-yeon, Gangjun, and just looked at each other. I was the boss, the bodyguard, and it all felt like a joke.

Container, and one key. What they sought to find so humbly appeared before their eyes. But the bigger problem was something else.

They brought in the hacking device to hack the electronic vault. But what was in front of me was the old fashioned lock.

What's more embarrassing? ’

But it was impossible to pick this lock. It is possible to break in, but it is impossible to act in secret due to the evidence of a break-in. Even if Gangjun tried everything, there was nothing to do with rockpicking.

I couldn't win because the safe wasn't the latest type, so I couldn't even laugh at the dog.

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