History's Strongest Manager

[169] Misconceptions (2)

When he arrived at the officetel, Seo-young was really asleep. Kang Jun was trying to wake up Seo-young and looked at him as he fell asleep.

Gangjun is basically weak to women. To be precise, I have always been vulnerable to older women than myself. It was basically because it reminded me of my divorced mother when I was a child, and later I remembered the disturbance of his approval.

When the return incident occurred, some information about Ishita was resolved, and Kang Jun, who was face to face with Bradley, was somewhat aware of what happened in Ishita, another world.

The fate of the continent was dictated by one hand, and a great number of people were sacrificed in the act of incitement and violence.

Kang Jun did not think that a single mother could do much in his bloodline. His mother would be dead. One year, two years, maybe not long in that world. I didn't even have the possibility of meeting new people and forgetting about their little children and living happily ever after.

So it may not have been reckless to come back to Earth and try to find a child who might have died.

However, Kang Jun chose the comfortable side rather than believing such a rare chance, and he thought that Mother would die soon after living. I chose to grieve rather than think about Mother's life and feel betrayal.

Then came the commotion. He was his teacher, he taught him everything, and then he died in GR. In fact, Kangjun felt more like Mother than the unremembered Mother.

She's dead, too.

The process was not caused by Kang Jun. Mother would be dead, the commotion would be dead. When he was very young, he relied on his mother and on the commotion.

However, the case of Seoyoung is different. This time, Kang Jun helped Seo-young. It seemed the same until now, but it was a completely different relationship.

Then suddenly Seo-young, who was asleep, opened his eyes.

“This guy? What are you looking at? ”

“Heh, heh! ”

“Really, I don't know what you're thinking. ”

“Come on, pretend to sleep... Did you?”

“I was going to give you a sneak kiss. ”

He frowned and laughed.

“Oh, no. No, it's a misunderstanding. Seriously, just think... I was..."

“Oh, I know, I know. Who said that?”

Kang Jun shakes his hands too much because it was a very misleading situation.

“It's so cute when I see it. ”

“No, it's a real misunderstanding. ”

“I know.”

Kang Jun really couldn't stand for any part. After finally getting out of the car, Kang Jun grumbled and took Seo-young home.

“Have a cup of tea. ”

“I'm fine.”

“Then there's no ramen, but would you like some ramen? ”

“What the hell are you talking about? ”

Without ramen, eating ramen and going, Kang Jun didn't know that, so I didn't understand the sound of him.

“I'm just kidding. It's been a long time. I'm bored.”

After all, Kang Jun followed Seo-young into the room because he didn't have the guts to refuse three times. Seo-young brought tea, and the two sat at the table and grabbed the car.

“If you go to Shrine Hall, you'll have to clean up the officetel, too. Will you help me move? ”

“I hope so.”

Kang Jun happily nodded and Seo-young opened her eyes wide.

“It's kind of weird, actually. ”


“I don't know why Kang Joon is so good to me. Honestly, I may be second-century, but I don't have a rat's ass, and the company is going down, and I can't raise money well. Gangjun gives almost generously. I say thank you all the time, but at the same time, I feel more debt, and I want to do something about it. However, I think I am interested in myself.... You're a bit of an asshole. ”

Even though Seo-young looked at him with gentle eyes, Kang-jun was just staring at him. Even though Seoyoung stabbed him with a joke, Kang Jun only smiled and did not react much. I never really reacted.

“No, if you want to hear she's attractive, she's attractive, she's beautiful, she's personalized. ”

“Am I treating you right? ”

“It's not that. ”

“That's too much. Well, I'm glad to hear that, though. ”

Seo-young laughed playfully.

“Actually, Jules reminds me of people who were important to me. It's completely different.”

“Who is it?”

“Mother and teacher. ”

“…… you have a knack for depressing people. Can I cry my eyes out? ”

It reminded me of a woman who was precious in the past, not reason, so Seoyoung had to feel a complex feeling. In the end, it was like a sound that did not feel rational.

“I don't remember her very well. It's just that I remember being really sweet and kind. Well... In the case of teachers, he was very violent and violent. ”

To put it simply, Seoyoung is matched with Mother's image in a blurry memory of Gangjun Choi. Kang Jun told Aran about his past. Be a little more specific. Seoyoung was listening to Kang Jun's story quietly.

“I know that's a bad thing to say. But when she disappeared, I was six years old, and there was nothing I could do. But not right now. ”

Gangjun is an adult and unlike in the past, he had practical power and mobility. It wasn't so good to remind me of my mother. However, it only acts as an additional power. I agree with the values ​ ​ of Seoyoung, but Kang Jun pities Seoyoung even more.

I don't want to leave someone like that unhappy. Apart from the objectives of Kang Jun, Kang Jun also considered a person named Seong-young.

“I guess you grew up lacking maternal love. ”

Seo-young took care of it in such areas and shook her head like maternal love.

“Maybe so. ”

Kang Jun did not deny it.

“Tsk, good to be like my mom, that's the worst. ”

Seo-young took a cup of tea in a heartbeat and stared at Gangjun.

“You have to blame my growing environment, not me. ”

“Why don't you shut up, Gangjun? ”


They drank another cup of tea.

“Could Kang Jun's mother have died? ”

“I've decided to think so. ”

“That's odd. You decided not to think so, but to think so. ”

“Thinking about the way we thought about people who didn't come, that was the most reasonable thing. ”

Kang Jun made a bitter smile, and Seoyoung was staring at Kang Jun like that.

I choose grief over betrayal. And in fact, Kang Jun was not so sad. However, the hole in the heart remains in place. I was thrown into the world as a child and raised in a state institution for brainwashing.

Even monsters who learned hatred every night have holes in their hearts. So Kang Jun blindly followed the commotion that took care of him, but now he was trying to protect Snow Young.

People end up a little broken in their own way.

Kang Jun was actually not that strong.

Seo-young is a person who cannot leave his tie untied. That's why I have to fix it myself, even though I don't want to.

Therefore, Seo-young was not someone who could still see the hole in someone's heart. Seoyoung got up from his seat and quietly hugged Kang Jun's head.

“Ah…. Oh, come on. All of a sudden... ”

“Stay still. ”

Seoyoung stroked his head slowly, holding Kang Jun's head.

“Well, isn't it maternal? ”

“No, but I think it must be... ”

“You want me to shut the fuck up? ”

After hanging up and answering, Seo-young, who gave me a cotton face, was also a little abnormal. Kang Jun was still trying to fall, and Seoyoung was holding Kang Joon like that for a long time. The hole in my heart is not filled that much.

If you put a shovel in that hole, it will fill you up.

However, the shovel is definitely piled up. Even just a little, it is definitely piled up.

Kang Joon attended the Constitution's annual meeting alone. The Constitution Ministry is the most powerful institution in Korea, and of course, there were many people who wanted to give a one-time treatment to full-time workers. Military personnel, as well as politicians, attended.

The celebration and applause of the absenteeism, and afterwards people were free to roam around eating.

Of course, Kang Joon was not the only civilian, because the Constitution Ministry and military families also attended the event. He was smiling as if this process was boring and annoying. Just like Heo Sang-gyun and Seol Woo-jun, I called Kang Jun as much as I could, but I didn't have time to talk.

“Kang Jun.”

“Oh, Miss Hoenn. ”

Tohoyeon dressed in black conquest looked down and bowed her head.

“It's been a while.”

“It hasn't been that long. ”

“Haha, I see. ”

Doho-yeon smiled in secret. The banquet hall was filled with people, and the banquet was held freely without hard consciousness. Kang Jun sat at a table with Tohoyeon for a light meal. Because he ate a lot yesterday, Kang Jun was not attracted to the food today.

“How are you these days? How's the case going? ”

“I'm not an apology, so I don't know.... Oh, this is classified. ”

Doho-yeon was surprised when she opened her eyes while talking about alcohol.

“Well, aren't you asking me that like it's too obvious? ”

“You were with me on that covert operation. ”

In fact, Dohaoyen laughed as she said that.

“Pressure's coming in and out. ”

He was talking to some people, and many of them were military leaders. The class of absenteeism was a big feast for the warden, but here the stars were swarming. Of course, he was not in the position of being instructed by them, but he had a rough idea of what was coming and going from there.

The atmosphere is loving, but stop while you're at it. I don't think so. It will be like this. This adhesion has very deep roots. It wasn't just a matter of one or two people, so he was under pressure to stop investigating the case.

If the military goes up to some degree, it becomes politics. Kang Jun felt overwhelmed as he saw his imaginary smile.

“But you're not a compromiser. ”

“I think so. ”

“There's too much evidence to tamper with, so there 'll be a summoning soon. This time it's not the prosecution, it's the Constitution. ”

The black market had the consequences of them snatching their own feet. The Constitution only has superlegal jurisdiction over crimes involving Bondi Hunter. If it was smuggling weapons, the Constitution can't intervene, and the case goes to the prosecution.

However, due to the illegal ascension of mutants and hunters sold in the black market, the Constitution was able to trigger the preliminary investigation.

“Must be a mess.”

“It's not a mess. The Constitution Department used to arrest wanted men, work undercover, and look like this, and suddenly they were looking into companies, and they were hiring people at each department, and they were running special tests, and they were kind of messy. But I'm sure we won't get out of here this time. Because the North Koreans already have the evidence, so it looks like they're going to pass it on. ”

A huge number of people will be sentenced to death. The public opinion was also boiling like a cauldron that didn't know when it would explode. If they are not judged, the country is literally overturned.

“I've already summoned the officials, not the gunmen, and I've got all the evidence. This place right now is not exactly an anniversary, it's a place where you meet people like that and blow them up. ”

After all, this annual event is also political. He was appealing to the fact that he had no intention of succumbing directly to the pressure.

“When the current prime minister's term is over, Warden Heo will be discharged. ”

“Of course.”

To be precise, you will be dismissed. It could be disgraced.

No matter who you are, it will be difficult for you to keep your job. Or maybe you'll be investigated by the Constitution Department after you're discharged.

He was carrying around quite a lot of things and messing with this black market case. In the beginning, he chose this black market case as his last job as a soldier.

“That's funny. The fact that soldiers are influenced by politics just did what had to be done. ”

“Let's hope this gets done before the Commander is discharged." ”

The prime minister's term is imminent.

“Prime Minister Kim is also demanding a lot of running for office. ”

“Opinion, actually. ”

Prime Minister Lee Jeong was in the process of clearing up the country of chaos, and his citizens were asked to continue their duties and run for election. The destroyed country turned out to be a sick country, and people were enthusiastic about the disease.

However, there were a lot of problems that would actually hit the Prime Minister to run for election. You have to resign from your public office, and there will be a few days' gap in the government. When the prime minister resigned, he would act on behalf of the prime minister, but there has never been such a history in Korea.

You will be attacked only because you have created a government space.

“There's a lot of talk about Prime Minister Kim being elected just by name. But the problem is, they can't actually come out. ”

So, the people were only playing gracefully, but there was no practical way, so they were only rolling their feet. When he finished, he was going to leave the army without foolishness, so he had no intention of doing anything to survive.

“Somehow. ”

“I hope it works somehow. ”

At Kangjun's words, Hoenn sighed deeply.

“But there's been too much going on. ”

Knowing that a bomb was planted in his head, failing to kill Chairman Leshen, meeting with Best Jun, and entering the Constitution Department uncovered the biggest corruption in the country.

This year was going to be an unforgettable year until Tohoyeon died.

“I don't either. ”

There were as many incidents this year for Kangjun as for Hoyeon. I joined management properly and made a formal declaration of separation with Union at the same time. I was inadvertently involved in Korean misconduct and reached its end.

“I wish I could do better next year. I think I can do that. ”

“To the next year without fail. ”

- Chang.

Gangjun and Hoyeon lightly slammed into a glass of champagne. The year is setting. What will happen next year? Gangjun did not know, but he thought it would not be so smooth.

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