History's Strongest Manager

[170] A Gift Taken with a Sight (1)

Prime Minister Lee Jeong has expressed a negative position about the post-retirement election race. She thought it was her calling to cross from the current regime to the next, rather than aiming for a grand prize, and she wanted to close this black market deal. Although she did not make an official statement, she thought that the post-retirement challenge in this situation would be bad for herself and bad for the country.

But not the people.

Make it impossible.

The people poured out into the streets and cried out. Congress shouted that Prime Minister Kim Lee Jeong should do whatever it takes to make a special law to put him on the nomination list without resigning.

The more the voice of representatives raised, the angrier the people shouted. Make Lee Jeong the President! The tagline was flooded in the streets, and in front of the Parliament every weekend, it was phosphoric acid.

The first ones to go there were people who lost their homes, buildings, and jobs. Prime Minister Lee Jeong was the first to enact a policy to support them first. And, hey, they sat down in front of the Parliament every day shouting, "If anyone else in Yahoo becomes president, we'll be the first to lose our support policies."

For some, it was a struggle for a society in which justice was kept, and for some, it was a matter of survival. Whatever the truth was, there were many demands of the people.

The usual North Korea mall did not work because of North Korea's smuggling of weapons that Kim Lee Jeong abandoned. Kim used it to reveal North Korea's attempt at financing. That's why Kim Yijeong said Jongbuk was red.

Those who perpetrated political attacks on Parliament and Prime Minister Kim Lee Jeong were egged. The start was an egg, and it didn't take long for the egg to turn into a stone.

The new year has come, and Congress has been forced to follow the demands of the people since the beginning of the year. In the end, Congress reached an agreement to create a law relating to the election for Prime Minister Kim Lee Jeong, and the central presidential committee also accepted the people's demands, but Kim Lee Jeong only accepted his name as a candidate for the election. The presidential position was that the Prime Minister should only work on internal affairs. In addition, the Central Presidential Decree became the sole organization that was never instructed by the Prime Minister during the election.

It was like I did my job in Congress or the central presidency, and I didn't avoid criticizing Prime Minister Lee Jeong for not allowing him to run for election without giving him a good reason.

The presidential election approaches gradually. After the race, the contestants started the election. An unusual triangular pattern was beginning.

Although Prime Minister Lee Jeong was in first place, she did not appear on any commitments or on any election-related broadcasts. And Kim Lee Jung didn't even want to appear.

[Prime Minister Kim is deliberately causing chaos and inciting people.]

[Agree to the comment.]

[Obviously the problem needs to be solved, and if it's wrong, it's right to fix it. However, Prime Minister Lee Jeong, who uses this situation politically, must take responsibility after he resigns.]

In the debate program of the presidents, they said that, and only then did they attack Prime Minister Kim who was not in place, as they had agreed with each other. At the end of January, the election was the main commitment to the normalization of chaotic political affairs.

Compensation for Chrysis victims, eliminating corruption. The strings strike and the winter winds blow sharply.

A promise is important, but no one knows that a promise is nothing more than a good scam. In fact, it was a very unfair race.

Kim Lee Jeong Un cannot run the election. However, Lee Jeong demonstrates his ability to implement policies in real time.

The candidates, on the other hand, only have promises that cannot be proven.

Someone can show it to you, and someone can prove it without paying the pledge.

This is, this is so unfair. It was too disadvantageous for others other than Lee Jeong Kim. At first, everyone thought it was Kim Lee Jung's penalty not to be able to run the election, but it was too late when they realized that the election itself was too adverse.

At the end of January, the promised election broke.

Kim Lee Jeong was elected because of the overwhelming vote.

“You don't know the world. ”

Kang Jun smiled at the press conference as he said thanks to the people with a bold expression. Rather, because he had inherited many gazelles, Kim would have gained sympathy because of the ‘disadvantage’ position.

People cheered for Kim Jin-jung because of the image of being persecuted and put under pressure while doing good work. Rather, even those who did not have an election movement brought a positive effect on Kim Lee Jeong.

What progress wants is change, and what compensation wants is stability.

Kim was actually in a position where progress and conservative citizens were all in a desired position.

Why does the Duke of Northern Wind increase the rate of support for the conservation? The more suspicious and uneasy politics and politics are, the better it is for people to know that the ruling party will not change. It's a remuneration frame. Kim Yi Jeong Un, the current prime minister, knows that when the next regime starts, there will be some confusion.

In this state, I want Yijeong Kim, who is not Yado, to bring out a little more politics. Unchanged.

There, Lee Jung-eun unquestionably revealed that he intends to subpoena and punish former financials as well as reform policies. And he expressed his intention to reform this disaster. Therefore, Jinjin's table is also absorbed by Lee Jeong Kim.

Politics, after all, the world doesn't go as predicted. Kim Lee Jeong-eun, who was predicted to have overwhelming disadvantages, eventually became a more favorable position than anyone else, and it was revealed by analysts after the election was over.

Of course, neither parliament, nor the presidential election, nor Kim Yi Kyung, nor the majority owners knew.

What happened will only be revealed by a later analysis.

[I will continue to work harder and work for the people.]

Kang Jun was watching Kim Lee Jung who greeted boldly without a single drop of his usual tears. I will not be swayed by emotions and will do everything the way I believe. Now Korea wants iron, not human politicians.

And Kim Lee Jeong was most suitable for the Iron Man and was determined not to compromise on anything.

Politics is an image fight, but Kim Lee Jung didn't act that way by imagining it. He just appeared according to the demands of this age.

Kim Lee Jeong Un, who was baptized by shutter, was answering questions with reporters. Demonstrates a calm argument, a firm argument, and a commitment to never compromise on anything. She was consistent, by the looks of it.

A president created by Chrysis, a president created by Master Moon's misconduct, a president created by black markets and chaebol, a president created by the Ministry of Transportation and Constitution, and a president created by Congress and Presidents.

Finally, it's a citizen-made president.

There was the best in everything.

“Oh, the world... Strange.”

Of course, Kangjun never imagined it would be like this. Lee Jeong Un Kim will not even know that Kang Jun Choi exists. However, Kang Jun was watching a country's president change due to his actions with complications.

[Shrine Building Completed!]

The text of Seoyoung seemed to be more exciting today because she was also watching the results of the election.

Prime Minister Kim was now president, and he was short notice on several schedules. Although the loss did not change, there were many things to prepare for the inauguration as well as the inauguration of each ministry personnel issue.

But in the meantime, she called my blunt force once again to the Blue House.

“Congratulations on your election. ”

Heo Sang-gyun gave a stern salute, and Kim Yi-jeong handed him a hand.

“Well, I feel like my life is getting shorter. ”

“Should I call you Mr. President now? ”

“No, I don't like that word. If it's not the president, just call him. ”

Kim Lee Jung sat down, and Heo Sang-geun also sat down. Heo Sang-gyun was in the position to celebrate Prime Minister Kim's election, but he was personally uncomfortable. Agreeing to his values did not make him uncomfortable.

“Herr Warden. No, should I call you Commander then? ”

“No, thanks. ”

“Well, yeah, it's a good title, actually. ”

- Cheers.

She pulled out a cigarette lightly and asked. Smoking foam rather more masculine. Lee Jeong-eun enjoyed a straightforward, straightforward talk. I did not use the metaphor well. But today, I thought Kim Lee Jeong was a little strange.

He seemed to think about how to say it.

“Am I fifteen years old? There was a mom-and-pop shop near my house. ”


However, today, Lee Jung chose a way of speaking around it rather than the point. What does it mean for someone who wasn't that type and didn't have the time to start talking about it? Heo Sang Geun was even more nervous when Kim Lee Jung opened his mouth in a light tone.

“Pussy lady, Pussy lady. That's what we all call it. One eye was an agenda, you know. Eyes without the shape of eyes. I was wearing it. In fact, if I think about it now, I don't know if it was cataracts or if I really meant it. Well, guess what. ”


“I started smoking thirteen cigarettes. ”

I think so. I tried to tell him, but he kept his mouth shut.

“That's why it sucks, drunkard. Mom left home, didn't go to school. I'm tired of visiting teachers, too. All of a sudden, I don't go to school, and they don't pretend to know me. Maybe don't play with kids whose parents don't even go to school. You said something like this. Poor people are usually more like that. They take what they have without rats, they measure it, compare it, and they reject it if they can't do anything. ”

It was a dangerous thing to say in this position.

“Everyone was afraid of her, but I wasn't afraid of her. Our drunkard Chun-hyang was such a nice guy. Good enough, but he's gentle enough to say," Go away, Buddha. "But if you drink, beat me like a dog. But the funny thing is, you don't change your face when you hit like that. He was beaten like a dog, and then over time, he beat him like a dog, and I knew it. Oh, the look, the look, the face, it has nothing to do with his personality. So even if she looks like she's gonna eat two or three people, it might not be true. Apparently, Abby can find out where the money comes from, but in a fridge with no electricity, her old mom's kimchi rots away. I was starving to death with nothing to eat. ”

“So I stole from that little hag's hole shop. I bought a hundred won candy and stuffed another sausage or something to eat in my pocket. She's a very naughty girl, but it turns out she can barely see the other eye. That's when I knew. So since then I've been sorry? No, I stole more. ”

“What do I do if Abby doesn't make any money? For me, it was a restaurant, a workplace, a home. Filled up with snacks, forgot candy, that kind of thing. ”

“That's how I lived with stealing and stealing. And then those guys who stood me up saw what I did. ”

“Funny, those who accused me of being a thief for a while and did the same thing because there were a few of them who couldn't get close.“ ”

I wondered why Kim told me about his childhood crimes like this.

“But I was the funny one. You know what I did? ”

“How was it?”

“She doesn't care if they rob the store or not, but I'm even angrier. Since then, I've been smoking stolen cigarettes in the alleyway in front of the store. I'll kill you if you come here. Staring at me like this. This is my area. Just like that. He was young. He was a gangster. ”

Lee Jeong empowered his eyes and stared at his glutes, but he looked strangely cute because she had a sharp impression instead of being afraid.

“I had my first cigarette, and I haven't quit yet. That's why, you know, the way the kids look at me. He thinks I'm a little crazy and he's staring at me with a cigarette. I think they went up to a high place I couldn't reach. Some adults passing by said the boy smokes a cigarette and some said the tree, but it's too late to be afraid. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They'd know better than to touch something like me they have nothing to lose in life. ”

“But you know what? I was smoking like that, kicking the kids out, and my grandmother grabbed my back. ”

Kim burst into laughter to see if he remembered that time.

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