History's Strongest Manager

[0180] Tell me, Betrayer (2)

Iznitas glances over the report and frowns. Iznitas was the type to do what he was told, not the type to find out what he was doing. That's why the Omega Project was actually the first piece of knowledge I ever encountered. Some people, like Choi Jun, looked at what they were doing and moved around, but some, including Iznitas, did without question what they were asked to do.

According to the end of the report, all of Rosheed Artie's skills were stolen from Union.

And most of the over-technology technologies have been scrapped. Only the Gorgo Gorn technology is absorbed into the Union and emerging from the hands of Wynsor. And that small yet vast amusement park, the Terra Brain System, was completely destroyed.

And the Omega project was concluded to be kept in its own possession at Union just in case. And the contents were still hidden in the Union Warehouse. And the data couldn't be bothered inside the Union without Bradley's ashes.

‘Then what does Choi Joon have? ’

Iznitas guessed that the twenty-four cube boxes had something to do with the Omega project. However, the original is being kept at Union.

‘Copy…. Did you make a copy of the data? ’

Then why? Even the fact that you have the data to seal it because it is dangerous, the highest standards should be dealt with. In the Omega phase of the Omega project, the technology was dormant enough to wipe out the entire human race.

The destruction response data is a technique that possesses that much power. This item can be dangerous if it is used for destruction, not for peace.

It was sensitive enough to remove the Best Standard.

What to do. It's too important not to report it. Iznitas stares at the Operation Journal with a firm look. Iznitas knew that not reporting itself was like a business entity.

I have copies of confidential materials Soon, it says the purpose is to use it.

It was a mistake for Bradley to send Iznitas. Of course, there was only one remaining person in Iznitas, but as a result, it was a mistake.

Iznitas couldn't report to Union because he knew that Gangjun was going to die.

Iznitas was feeling deep sadness and anger at the same time. Choi Hyeong-jun betrayed him, and with the fury infested with it, he had to feel an enormous sadness.

‘I have to kill him with my own hands.... ’

It was a grief that I had to kill my friend.

Iznitas has not reported. I just wanted to give Choi Jun one last chance. An opportunity to make excuses.

Iznitas went up to Kang Jun's room and stared at Kang Jun with a firm look. Kangjun frowned for a while as Iznitas was raising doubles in his eyes.

“Why did you have horns? I've been stuck with it lately. ”

Iznitas grunts and spits it out.

“Apologize first, but I've been watching you. ”

In Iznitas' words, Kangjun shrugs. It was not surprising at all.

“Why is that? ”

“... Isn't that the order of surprise? ”

“Don't you know that? ”

Kangjun had always known that the purpose of Iznitas' visit was to be monitored. Therefore, it was pointed out that this confession was rather meaningless.

“Oh, you knew? ”

Of course, Iznitas was rather surprised that Kang Jun knew.

“That's what you came here for in the first place, don't you know? ”

When Kang Jun grumbled, Iznitas was stunned. Kang Jun did not pretend to be sad, but treated Iznitas without hesitation, and lived with Iznitas without hiding anything. After coming here, Iznitas suddenly felt that Kang Jun's attitude had become somewhat moved.

"Oh, no, this is not the time! ’

I woke up trying to be overwhelmed by emotion. It's not important to know that Kang Jun is being watched right now. It was a time when physical evidence and reasoning were needed. Iznitas looked at Kangjun's fat face and said.

“The Omega Project. ”

“ ……. ”

“You know why I'm saying this? ”

Kang Jun didn't answer.

“If I say nothing, I'll kill you right here. ”

Iznitas grunts slowly as a small beast growls.

“Tell me, traitor. Your intentions, all of them. ”

Kang Jun smiled at Iznitas's words.

“Would you believe me if I explained? ”

“As such. ”

“If you don't want to hear it, you don't believe it. In the first place, you didn't trust me when you were spying on me, searching my warehouse. If you make excuses, you'll hear excuses, and if you confess, you'll hear confessions. ”

Kang Jun's tone was cold. As long as he had already been called a traitor, Kang Jun didn't want to go out nicely either. Gangjun opened his arms with a contemptible smile.

“Yeah, that's the Omega project data. I've slept with over-technology that beats the world a hundred times. Even Union is such a technology that has been sealed up because it's too dangerous. ”

“What the hell is wrong with you? ”

“Do you want an answer like this? ”

Kang Jun said as he crossed Iznitas' words.

“Otherwise, it's not actually an Omega project, it's something completely different and harmless. Would you believe me if I told you? ”

“…… Kang Jun. ”

The blood vessels around Iznitas' eyes curl up in horror. The tone was sweet, but the attitude was never sweet.

“When I'm angry, don't talk like that. ”

- Thug, thug.

Blood spills out from Iznitas's face, blood splattered one at a time. The body was reacting to a violent outrage. Blood splattered from his eyes and cheeks dripping down his clothes. It was a more violent expression of anger than tears. Rage so much that you can't control your body properly. Iznitas had put up with it.

And Iznitas, at the same time, was sad. There was blood on my face and tears in my eyes.

Iznitas trembles less as he lacks the horror. Iznitas was holding back. The little girl was mad enough to bleed from her whole body, and if anyone saw her, she was screaming or fainting. Iznitas' trembling voice slowly flows out.

“Tell me, when I can still bear it. ”

It meant that if I was distracted by the gossip anymore, I wouldn't waste any more time on conversation. Despite the immense anger and sadness of Iznitas, Kang Jun did not change his face.

“I endured an old friend watching me, breaking into my warehouse, and lurking around for no suspicious sign of me, and the result was... That's sad.”

Even Kang Jun's expression reminded me of sadness and anger. Iznitas chews on his tears of blood.

“I don't want to kill you. But you are the Union principle. Tell me! I'll ask you one last time. I demand an explanation for the reason for storage of the Omega Project in your Storage and for the denial of order! If you say something unrelated again, I'll kill you and investigate! ”

Iznitas' sad voice shows that this is his last warning.

“I don't know if that's the answer you're looking for, but I'll show you. ”

Gangjun went through Iznitas.

“Follow me.”

Iznitas frowned and followed Kangjun.

Everyone was appalled at the sight of Iznitas' bloodshed, but Iznitas and Gangjun left the shrine in a car without saying anything.

On the move, Iznitas and Kangjun did not speak a word. Gangjun was headed to a studio in Xinrim-dong, an old residence. After opening the door, Kang Jun opened the safe. The place where Iznitas once broke in had no sign of anyone coming in. It was just a slight crack in the cement on the floor.

Gangjun saw it and realized the path of penetration.

“You're good. ”

“Don't turn off the magazine. If you have something to show me, show me quickly.If you want a fight, take out your gun. ”

Iznitas folds his arms and gives orders behind Kangjun's back.

“You do it. Get the box out first. ”

Since Kangjun can't hammer out the hidden ceiling of a box, Iznitas asked him to remove it himself.

“ ……. ”

“Why do you look like that? ”

“All right, fuck off. ”

Iznitas pulls out his tentacles and splits the cement from the ceiling, and soon the piles of stones spill out, revealing the boxes of the Omega project hidden in the ceiling. A total of twenty-four black boxes. I didn't know the size of the briefcase or what was in it.

Kangjun glanced at the Greek characters on the outside of the box and wiped out the cement dust.

“You've seen the Omega Project, right? ”


“Then I'll think I know and skip things like that, so listen up. ”

When Kang Jun looked around the box and touched it in the prescribed order, the top of the box split open gently. It looks like a box, but it was a vault itself.

“The technology we recovered during the Omega Project was mostly weapons related, and Union's current science comes from Rosheed Artin. And they destroyed all of the technologies that were not recovered. ”


Gangjun opened all twenty-four boxes in that way.

“The Omega Project also has the technology that we extracted. Did you know it was Waschts who removed artificial intelligence from Seal Gear and developed it as a reinforcement suit? ”

“Ah…. I didn't know that.”

“And the Seal Gear itself was built to degrade the RCF contained in the Omega Project. ”

“RCF or Red Core Frame? That's part of the Omega project, too? ”

“To be precise, the RCF is the weapon and shield that will be used in the Omega phase of the Omega Project, the final outpost. ”

Iznitas sensed that Sazam had no interest in Union operations and technology. He knew nothing about Waschts and RCF and the underlying Omega Project and Rosheed Artin.

“It's not in the Operations Journal, but if you look at the database records, it's a little more detailed, so find out. Let me explain something to you. Rosheed Artin produced Seal Gear, and the next time GR exploded, he tried to use it to hunt down the Great Monarch. And building an RCF out of the red core from the Grand Monarch was the first step in the implementation of the Omega Project. Of course, the RCF is also an AI combat machine. At Union, they removed the artificial intelligence and altered the design to allow people to ride it. ”

The end of the Omega project is the Omega, but they've been trying to finish all the reserves since before reaching the Alpha sequence. The first step was to create a planet-grade weapon called RCF.

“It was a tremendous force to seal it up right now, and making an army out of it is like declaring war on the world. Seal gear was a problem without control, a dangerous force. Union was powerless, but Rosheed Athine had the capital. Let's say they invented RCF. So what do you think's gonna happen? ”

“I can't even imagine. ”

We can't let them play with planet-grade weapons until we reach Omega Level. Whether the RCF developed as an AI combat machine was out of control or not, they were both problems. If they have control, those who are obsessed with the mission to save the world will literally try to rule the earth. That's why Union decided that Rosheed Athine had crossed the line and sent several warnings. But I was silenced.

That's why I destroyed Rosheed Artie.

That's a contradiction. Union is also a group that eventually became obsessed with its mission, and destroying Rosheed Athine for the same reason that it was another group does not change.

Union was always a group that was confronted with contradictions, and contradictions at that time were also a problem that even when we thought about them intensely, there was no answer. However, Union did his best to union's position. That was the only conclusion I could come to.

Aside from him, Iznitas wondered why Kang Jun was talking about these things.

“What I'm wondering is not why I had to destroy Rosheed Athine. Why do you have these boxes? ”

“I'm just letting you know. Most of Union's technology is derived from the Omega Project. ”

“Why is that? ”

“And let's face it, the Omega Project is the product of Terra Brain. ”

Gangjun opened all the boxes while moving diligently. Inside the reinforced cube box were discs that looked heavy to me.

“The Omega Project said we were all drunk, but we had to destroy everything else. Kill all of Rosheed Artin's core researchers, their output, the forebrain system, everything, the Terra-Brain. ”

Iznitas looks at the discs in the open box and seems to know what they are.

“You can't be... ”

“I destroyed the core quantum computer running the Terra Brain. But I had a lot on my mind. I haven't decided yet. ”

Gangjun looked at the things in the box as if he were compassionate.

“This is a server disk. ”

Gangjun was looking at the heavy disks in the middle of the lying boxes.

“Server disk on Terabrain. ”

Each of these boxes contains the forebrain personality of the TerraBrain. Soon, there were twenty-four universes around Gangjun.

Kangjun destroyed the TerraBrain's main computer, but kept the server intact.

“Actually, it should be destroyed. Union's decision was to destroy everything that was connected to the TerraBrain. ”

Iznitas stares at Kangjun, dazed.

“But do we have the right to kill a trillion forebrain personalities? ”

If you acknowledge them as human beings, destroying TerraBrain's servers will result in the killing of close to a illumination or more humans. Arithmetically, it was hundreds of times the population of the entire planet. Rosheed Artin wiped them out, initialized them, and reproduced them.

However, they did not want to do the same for Kangjun.

“Union told me to destroy this TerraBrain, but I didn't. That's my decision. These are people, and we have no right to kill them. In other words, by destroying the core quantum computer, we deprived the world of this trillion forebrain personalities. Is this a sin or not? I accepted it as a sin. So we didn't destroy these servers, we disobeyed Union's orders and kept them separate. ”

Kangjun slowly walked in front of Iznitas.

“You said you wanted to know my purpose. ”


“I'm going to make a lot of money. ”

“ ……. ”

“I'm going to make a lot of money to build a core quantum computer. ”

“ ……. ”

“And we're going to reactivate the Terra Brain System out of Union's reach. Without any experimentation, without any coercion, I will give the world we took back to these sleepy foreheads. ”

Even if it is a fake world, if there are personalities, thoughts, relationships and emotions, it is a person. And if such a person lives in a world, even if it is a fake one, it is no different from the real one.

That was Kang Jun's judgment.

“So I left Union. ”

If you have a Terra Brain server, that alone would violate Union's crucial taboo. That's why Kang Jun left Union.

“Then…. You can... talk to me... ”

Iznitas looked up at Kangjun and said in a trembling voice.

“Do you think that will work? Union doesn't accept exceptions. Instead, Union was able to come here because of the rules and values that were not flexible. ”

Knowing that it would not be accepted by Union, Kang Jun left the junior high school to leave Union. Kangjun judged TerraBrain to be one trillion lives soon.

In front of such a life, Iznitas understood that he wanted to reactivate his Terraframe even after quitting Union activity. Despite a sweep of the operation, Iznitas didn't want to impose any pressure on the extermination of his entire personality.

However, Kang Jun decided that he was an operative, and eventually had to leave Union.

Iznitas may have acted like Kang Jun for the life of the trillion if he had been in Kang Jun's shoes.

So I wanted to find something I could do to become a manager and end up building a huge force to create a place where Union could not see. The purpose of Gangjun is to activate the Terra Brain and restore the world to those who have been deprived of Union.

That was it.

Seeing such a climax, Iznitas had to shake his head.

“I, I…. I…."

Iznitas mutters in a bitter voice. Betrayal. Betrayal is right. Of course, a traitor should be punished in principle. But whatever that betrayal meant. If it was to save so many people, would we punish them for their betrayal?

Iznitas was not capable of that. For anyone else, Iznitas was not capable of such an act.

He talked, watched, and threatened like he was going to kill him. Iznitas was ashamed of himself.

“Ugh... Ugh..."

Iznitas tears his teeth out. Iznitas' face was filled with grief, guilt and shame.

“Hehe! Hehe! ”

But Iznitas smiles at the same time. I was crying and smiling at the same time. Gangjun is a traitor. He disobeyed Union's orders and kept things he shouldn't have kept. But Iznitas is beyond all sorrow, shame and guilt.

I felt uncontrollable joy.

“Ah, haha... Hahaha... * Sobbing * ”

“Are you crazy? ”


Iznitas wept and laughed as he wept. Kangjun looked down at Iznitas like he was pathetic.

“Thank goodness…. I'm so... I'm so glad... ”

Iznitas could tolerate such treachery. With pleasure, Iznitas thinks it's a good thing he didn't report to Union.

I'm glad I didn't have to kill my friend.

The relief and joy that Iznitas felt was enormous. I was so happy that I could seep from Iznitas' body to the sweet scent. Kang Jun saw Iznitas smiling in horror, kicking his tongue and carefully hugging him.

“All the old people are crying and shit. ”

“Huff, huff! Shut up... Huff!”

Kang Jun said that while sweeping Iznitas' back. Iznitas cried for a long time, and Kangjun calmed Iznitas and stared closely at the server disk in front of his eyes.

In fact...

All of them.

It was a red lie.

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