History's Strongest Manager

[181] Artisan's Name Value (1)

To be precise, it was a lie mixed with truth. There really is a forebrain personality, but why were there 24 boxes?

Of course, there is a forebrain personality of a virtual planet classified into 24 that correspond to an Omega project. From Alpha to Omega, data on Earth's extinction at Stage Alpha, data on Earth's extinction at Stage Beta. Gamma phase, and omega phase.

The data used to generate the statistics and the Earth's data were on the disk.

It also serves as a server disk, but of course it also has a countermeasure. That's why there are 24 boxes.

If Iznitas had just said one word to analyze the server data, Gangjun's lies would have been easily uncovered. If you ever doubt the last step, Gangjun's lies will be revealed.

However, Kangjun knew what Iznitas wanted to believe. I knew Iznitas couldn't take that last step. It's not a bad head or lack of brain rotation.

It's just that Iznitas wanted to believe in Kangjun that much.

I just love my friend that much. I forced the suspicion of boiling inside, and I thought that Kang Joon Choi couldn't do it either.

After being overwhelmed by emotion, Iznitas reaches out from the side seat. Kangjun glanced at Iznitas and got on his way back to Sinsa Prison by driving his car. In the trunk were collected Omega Project crates. These materials will now be stored in a new warehouse.

Iznitas wanted to cheat instead of knowing the truth, and Kang Jun told Iznitas the lie he wanted. Iznitas would never report his secrets to Union. Iznita empathized with the weight of a trillion lives. As soon as Bradley or Winsong finds out, they'll come for him, and whatever Kang Jun says, they'll scan the disk.

It was Iznitas, so I could be fooled.

Some people want to be deceived rather than know the truth. Of course, Iznitas will think what Kang Jun said is true, and will reject any doubts that arise from believing it.

Kang Jun was driving without laughing.

You can't be happy to see a friend who is willing to be deceived enough to suffer his lies. There is no fun to see a friend who cries and smiles and hugs Gangjun.

The Omega Project, the immense technologies contained in it, will one day be implemented at the fingertips of Gangjun.

Of course, no one knew when it was going to be.

Iznitas produced a final report and concluded that he was completely free of charges against Kangjun. Union accepted Iznitas' report. Of course, it was a false report, but Iznitas didn't feel any remorse as he wrote the report.

At Union, he soon gave orders to Iznitas.

“Uh, Brad. ”

[Good work. How much strength have you recovered?]

“About 70 percent now. Why, is there something you need to do? ”

[Try to regain your strength as quickly as possible. No tricks this time.]

“I'm still doing it. What is it? What is it? ”

Iznitas now thought he should know what he's doing, rather than ignoring what he's doing. The words from Bradley's mouth were enough to embarrass Iznitas.

[When you have fully recovered your strength, go to Dubai.]


[Yes, erase the Jablines from the Earth.]

Bradley's orders were simple. The more complex Union's orders, the more gentle, and the simpler, the more violent. Terminate. It was a simple and intimidating instruction to show overwhelming violence. Show us how little power you have and how easy it is to exterminate. Leave no survivors.

No more negotiations, no more warnings, no more caution.

Jabline crosses the line and even works with Acula.

“How do you know my heart, my Brad? ”

Iznitas smiles as if he was willing to accept that instruction. Destruction. Iznitas' favorite brainwashing operation.

Iznitas is ready to enjoy the massacre, even with his personal resentment towards Jablin.

“... If the surveillance is over, shouldn't we go back? ”

“Apart from that, I like it here. ”

Although Kang Jun noticed it publicly, Iznitas was cleverly stuck to the lodging. It didn't matter where they were because restoring their strength required Crystallizing equipment.

In the end, Iznitas decided to stick around for a while, and Kang Jun thought it was not bad for a talented person like Iznitas to stick around just in case. Of course, Kang Jun did not know what the mission assigned to Iznitas was.

In early January, Iznitas needs to regain his strength by April.

The situation on the British side was like chaos. Reports of an unidentified beast appearing today of several casualties and casualties were relentless.

Of course, Iznitas, who was aware of the current frontline progress, knew the situation was quite serious. Monsters that were growing on the mainland continued to grow stronger, and there were times when monsters known as the C rank grew to the A rank.

The rank of Overrank has already appeared once, but the Union members have been defeated. Union members were at one of the most dangerous places in the UK. There was a good reason you didn't have the manpower to deal with the Jablines.

That's why Iznitas needed to recover quickly, and that's why it stopped helping Hero Management hunt.

Of course, Hero Management also had to work, apart from being happy that a new shrine had emerged. Seo-young recruited the cooks for the meal, as well as additional job postings for Hunter and the manager. There must be someone who wants to come in since I got the Prison Buff.

I had to.

“Hah... ”

Seo-young hung up on me in the spacious representative room and sighed. After hearing some management news, the labor market was in total chaos.

The news was that Chinese foot management was drawing in freelance hunters under enormous conditions. Hero management can offer only a few coins and settlement rates, but Chinese management is also very good at settlement terms for basic billions contracts.

Hunters who already have a company are also expected to move to management in China by the end of the reentry season.

It is true that the Hero Management conditions have improved. But circumstances have changed. Previously, if you had to compete with domestic industries, you would now have to consider the management of China's foothold with overseas capital. At this rate, I could only maintain the phenomenon.

Alpha-Shad also entered into negotiations with Hunters to see if he cared about overseas management. That was the information I heard from Seouljun.

At the very least, the H-1 team does not have to worry about leaving because the whole team believes in Kang Jun Jun. But at this rate, the new Hunter must really wait to fall from the sky. Now that we've grown in size, we really need to replace the H-1 team in order to maintain and run the company.

If I didn't, I'd have to hire a new hunter, and Seo-young would have to find something. Kang Jun took his H-1 team on a hunting trip, and Shin Saok slumped. Everyone who was left was doing their job, and Seoulyoung and Kwak Dae-woon ate together in the restaurant.

“Why are you so grumpy? ”

Kwak Dae-woon said that he noticed that Seo-young looked depressed.

“I've been looking everywhere for a new Hunter team, but it's not working. During the reentry season, Chris busted up and did nothing, and now he wants to do something about it, so he's taking all the hunters from Chinese management. On very strong terms. ”

In fact, there was no answer because there was no way I could win such a thing. It's painful to have a lot of work to do, but it's also painful to have nothing to do.

If that is also representative, it is even more painful for those without work.

Gwak Dae-won was spending the best days just checking and testing his new equipment, plus equipment inspection and reconstruction of the brain twin glands. Since Gwak Dae-won was working hard to accept the work happily, it didn't feel good to see him depressed because he didn't have a representative.

“Well…. ”

“Oh, no, don't mind him. There's got to be something. ”

Seo-young ate while slapping his hands when Gwak Dae-woon became serious. However, the words that came out of Kwak Dae-woon's mouth were enough to frighten snow.

“Sell my name. ”


“If you sell my name, how many people won't come? ”

Majestic craftsmanship, the power of its name is immense. You must wait lightly for a year to receive the Magesty-grade artisan's device. Knowing that it would bother him, he suggested hiding his existence while working with Hero Management.

However, Kwak Dae-wun changed his mind. Seriously, if you promote yourself as a master craftsman in the name of Kwak Dae-won, it was not a problem for the hundreds of millions of contracts.

“Ha, but…. You don't like that. The conditions in the first place... ”

“You don't look like you're getting paid enough. ”

Gwak Dae-woon chuckled, shaking his head, and Seo-young lowered her head deeply, tears. Gwak Dae-won drank some food.

“Thinking about what I got from him, I can't just think of my own reasons. ”

Of course, he was referring to the best. Guk Dae-won, a Magesty-grade craftsman, had never seen so much equipment before. That much, Choi Jun cared about making the best device with the best equipment.

However, in such a situation, Kwak Dae-wun said he didn't want to be exposed and didn't want to just carve the device silently into an old man in the back room.

If you can sell your name once and become a good Hero Management, you can do so.

The power of the shotgun was its own pleasure. At the first shot, the creature collapses in front of you with an explosive sound like Cremoa. Seeing one C-rank core monster turn into chopped meat in an instant, I was surprised by Aran and others.

Although illegal, Kang Jun finished registering the equipment through the Constitution Department and was approved as a formal device, so there was no problem in using it.

Of course, Aran used Ethel Sword to put the pump-action shotgun on her back, usually because of the inconvenience of customizing a shotgun cell with a core tip. Then, when you need a critical hit, take out your shotgun and shoot.

And the image of the West Aran, walking with a light and heavy pump action to sharpen the shotgun, was truly a hard-boiled incarnation.

Kang Jun was shocked by the appearance of such a tough West Aran.

You bought it well! ’

Then he complimented himself for choosing the product. He was curiously eager to have support, and he was jealous of Seo Aran because Ingram's optimization was not yet finished.

However, it was absurd to envy Aran when GS was used in Gauntlet mode to sharpen the melee Ethel blaster.

Two days after they left the free hunting, they were also on their way back from the circumference to Seoul.

Aran was refurbishing his firearm as he had learned from Kangjun, while his cell phone and other people were asleep.

“Soon you'll be promoted to the B rank team. ”


“That was fast. ”

They haven't actually done a good job since Chrysis. However, if you work hard this month, it was easy to get promoted to B rank. If you do well, you may be recognized as a rank A team within the year. I could have been proud to be in the top rank since then.

Excellent performance and good performance. When I think about my career, it was a tremendous growth rate. Everyone has great potential and great crystallization sensitivity.

There were many coincidences in some areas, but as a result, the talent gathered was really very, very good.

“Oh, it's in the news for our company. ”

He suddenly muttered as he searched his phone.

“Yes? W-what news? ”

I asked him because he was hot about Gangjun, who used to get stabbed a lot. Did the helicopter go down for free? Or assassinate the president? Something about a black market? Or is it a misconception about the funding of Alpha-Shad and the use of land in the Shrine?

I should have been nice! I shouldn't have taken that shit! ’

But no matter how much I regret it, it's too late. Gangjun decreased the speed of the vehicle while sweating coldly.

Seo Arando looked at his cell phone to see what was going on in the news.

“It's because Magesty-grade craftsmanship has been identified. It means that Uncle Luck is a master of Hero Management. ”

“Ah…. Oh, yeah? ”

Gangjun stopped on the road and looked at the article.

[Majestic artisan Kwak Dae-wun, known to have long since left the industry, is known to have signed a full-time artisan contract in Hero Management. The Meister License 'Majesty' class is virtually the highest class of artisan licenses held by only three in South Korea and only 104 in the world. Moreover, it was awarded by the association, not by the licensing association, which caused a huge wave in the country at that time.

He suddenly stopped all work and cleaned up the workshop, then suddenly disappeared and caused a great deal of grief. However, many people have expressed curiosity as he was known to be working in a full-contract manner in a small management industry called Hero Management.

Hero Management is a small management company with only one H-1 team….]

It was good that it was not a problem that Kang Jun was worried about, but it was also difficult for Kang Jun because it was a fact that he wanted to hide Dae Luck like this. Kang Jun drove the car again.

“Does this make any difference? ”

When asked, Kang Jun answered a simple question.

“It'll get loud.”

And as soon as he entered the Sinsa Jail entrance, he could see that it was noisy.

Thousands of people were camped at the Shrine Gate.

“ ……. ”

“This is really going to bother you. ”

Seo Aran replied briefly.

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