History's Strongest Manager

[183] Interview (1)

The company, of course, wants a loyal hunter, so people with relatively many extraordinary experiences are more likely to have problems with the company. Whether it was reasonable or not, he would not want to accept such a person because he had suffered.

“Read the cover letter and tell me if you think he's missing something serious, or if he's missing something, or if you just, uh, want to know something, filter it. That's exactly what it feels like. ”


“Let's get started. It could be all night. ”

Both of them were easily dressed for work. The temples and representatives in training outfits sat down and started going through the documents.

Of the 300 documents, 153 survived. There were too many people who performed miracles, and many who were locked up for trouble with soldiers. Rather, it is the objection that being a non-affiliated person in this period is inevitable, and so many people with criminal history also contributed quite a bit.

Of course, given his criminal history,

Kang Jun said he would put a murderous person in the interviewer, so he had an argument with Seong-young, but he could convince him that it would be a big problem to see the interview.

Seo-young said, looking at the documents classified as dropping, she felt sorry.

“There's nothing left of the top. ”

Most applicants above rank A had quite a few crimes, such as vandalism and police assault. During the hunt, it was said to contain excessively violent acts of oppression and unnecessary destruction.

“You're denying that playing" A "and" A "is an asshole." It's better this way. ”

I might be stiff-necked because I have to come in anyway. In fact, Kang Jun didn't even think about deliberately choosing the top hunters.

Those who volunteered as a team were in clumps of three and four at a time. Most of them were freelance teams, or they hadn't found a place to go after Leshen collapsed. Seoyoung asked.

“What do you think about hiring a team? ”

“Well…. Teamwork is as good as unity, so there's no need to worry about teamwork and there's no trouble. ”

Now that I have said the pros and cons, it was time to say the cons.

“But I doubt the team will be able to keep up with the controls when they enter the company. People who used to be a freelance team, especially those who like to play freely, might be able to keep up with the schedule that the company has set. Instead of disagreements between team members, we should be worried about team and company disagreements and not about them forming a team as part of Hero Management. I joined Hero Management as a team, so I might be able to blend in. ”

“That's right.”

It was as good a story as Merritt. Hiring an individual to form a team is exactly where Dimerit and Merit oppose hiring a team.

I did a thorough search of some Hunter's team's activities, and even my personal resume. Ten of the twenty teams you applied for were eliminated. The content was, of course, a frequent team miraculous compared to criminal and fairly long team activities. When it was done, the work that I started during the day was overnight.

While drinking the capsule coffee, Seo-young sighed deeply.

“Now, I need to schedule an interview. ”

“What are you going to do about the interview? ”

“You might want to do it one by one. You've never done an interviewer before, but can you do it? I wish it was just me and Kang Joon. ”

“I have another vision in the eyes of people. ”

Seeing Kangjun happily accept whatever he did, Seoyoung suddenly felt frustrated. There, Kang Jun took out another word.

“Oh, and... Why don't you come in with her? ”

“What about Joo-yeon? ”


Gangjun added.

“Joo-yeon likes people. ”

She was a child, but cared about her situation. That's why I can see it well. In fact, it was a realm of emotion, but the lecture was quite sharp. As a result, no 20 year old person will be used as an interviewer unless there are many people in Hero Management.

I need to borrow a cat's hand to pick out mines.

“Then, should I ask Mr. Awesome to take a look with me? ”

After grabbing Kang Joon once, I realized what he was like, and his eyes were extraordinary. Gangjun nodded. The interviewer was preparing for a total of four new members.

The team interview and individual interview were decided to proceed in between the days.

The day of the interview,

In the office space on the third floor of Sinsaok, hundreds of people were killed. The H-1 team was mobilized to manage the workforce without leaving the hunt. In fact, none of this was in the contract, but in fact, the relationship between Hero Management and the H-1 team was almost indistinguishable, so no one said a word.

Rather, he was volunteering to help.

Support handed out the numbers, took care of the waiting ones, and Seo Aran prevented others from leaving their designated positions.

“You can't come in here. ”

“The bathroom... ”

“Bathroom's over there. ”

Aran, who was blocking entry to the fourth floor of the house, bluntly gestured toward the bathroom. Aran's firm expression was perfect for such a gatekeeper.

There were Seoyoung, Gangjun, starring, and Daewoon sitting next to each other at the interview. Seo-young was responsible for completing the questionnaire and completing each item's evaluation fields.

“Oh, my breasts are racing. ”

He couldn't hide his excitement as he seemed to have become a big business executive somehow.

“Don't be so cold, don't be so spontaneous. Just write it down as you see it. But it's best to have a consistent principle. ”

Average and recruit high scores for each item It's easy, but there are over a hundred people to evaluate.

“Do you do pressure interviews? ”

Seo-young nodded when he asked.

“Kang Jun has decided to do that. Well, too much is bad, so try to be gentle. ”

“Are there any? ”

Pressure interviews are not a good idea, and they don't really work very well, but this was a necessary process for a Hunter's Interview, not a general interview. Seoyoung looked at the door and said.

“Tell Interviewer One to come in. ”


That's what Choi Jina said at the door, and soon a volunteer dressed as a suit came inside the interview room. Kang Jun was smiling as usual.

“Hello, I'm Kim Seok-mun. ”

He opened his mouth first.

“Hello Seokmoon. Nice to meet you."

Today is going to be a long day. Seo-young did not ask about things like incentives. He applied for a job to make money anyway and was seduced by the name of Kwak Dae-woon. I didn't want to hear anything disgusting about Hero Management in the past.

“First, tell me about your strengths and weaknesses in hunting. Honestly.”

Today was going to be a long day.

Interviews were interviewed in person and were conducted quickly to get people out quickly. When the horse grew longer, Gangjun cut the horse and went inside.

The main question was snowman, and Daewon and the lead sat down to examine what was revealed in their action and tone.

Kang Jun also asked questions, but as I said before, he was mainly in charge of pressure.

“You said you were primarily in control formations, but according to the Hunter database operating logs, you were approximately 80 percent in forward tanker positions. What do you think?”

“Ah…. That's ….”

“Nowadays, when you search, you get all the statistics. Control formations are important, but don't tell me you did something you didn't do on purpose. ”

It was primarily a role of digging up the volunteer's lies.

Kang Jun looked at every piece of information about the people who would be interviewed, and checked all of them on a copy of his resume. With all the preparation, the volunteer could spot you if you lied.

“Joo-won has written 129 hunts, 87 times in the database. Is it a false alarm?”

“Ah…. That includes undocumented support. So it doesn't seem to be recorded in the database. ”

“Joo-won's Hunter career is now three years old, and the 2019 Computational Records Enforcement Rules for Hunter's Hunting Activities have been revised. Since then, emergency services and other emergency services have been set to be recorded in the database. It doesn't make sense that Joo-won's emergency services have not been recorded in the database since the beginning of Joo-won's Hunter. Who taught you that excuse? ”

“Th…. I'm sorry."

He pointed out those who tried to pass on as plausible excuses after placing false ashes.

“…… I was beaten by Harkau's Bress at that time, and I barely made it out alive because I grabbed Aggro. I can't even think right now. ”

“What armor were you wearing at the time? ”

“D-rank armcoat in M Workshop. I'm still using it. ”

“The shields in the D rank armor cannot withstand the Bress of Harcau. Are you sure you're right? ”


“Harcau has 400 CP for Bress Impact and Energy. On the other hand, the guarding limit for the D rank armor is between 200 and 250 CP. It's impossible to go beyond acceptable shocks in the first place. Ask again. Are you sure you were even hit by Bress? ”

“That's... Oh, I don't remember much. ”

I pointed out with a smile like that, and some people said that the medicine was going up, and some people who were in a hurry said, "Why are you talking like that?" Kang Jun's answer to that was simple.

“Why do you lie in the first place? ”

Kang Jun did not even point out to those who did not lie.

Of course, whenever Gangjun, a natural-born liar, said that, everyone had to endure the laughter.

Several temperamental or violent people did not tolerate such pressures and exhibited violent tendencies. Of course, there were some people who were not familiar with emotional control.

If the interviews were disrupted, Choi Jina exerted a mind-boggling force and Kang Ju was dealt with. The highest rank among those who came to the interview was B, and the performance and the past were now easily overwhelmed.

Those who try to stir up chaos in the corridor are overwhelmed by the West Aran.

There were those who were accustomed to violence who felt they could do anything with their strength. The more I went to the back number, there were quite a lot of people who acted like that after interviewing and finishing whether they were annoyed by the long wait time. Of course, he was the one who was told to go to the police station or go home quietly after being overwhelmed, but it also became increasingly troublesome.

Seo-young sighed as if she was tired.

“Hah... I'm going to lose my liver. What the hell is wrong with him? I've been interviewed a few times before, but it wasn't this neat... ”

“You'd think laying down and eating at a restaurant level management like this would piss you off because there are so many competitors and so many interviewers. ”

I am disappointed and angry as I expected.

“There's also some scratching by Kang Joon. ”

He sighed deeply because he had no idea that he was going to use his fist at the interview.

“I don't think I'll be able to interview you like this. ”

Suddenly, his face turned red, screaming and showing signs of wanting to use force, Seoyoung was really running out of time. Gangjun just pointed out a lie, but it was the people who replaced that shame with anger.

In addition, it was a period of time, and it was also a protest that some poor people mixed in. I didn't come here to work diligently, but the people who coveted the weapons of Kwak Dae-woon were angry.

Rather, if it weren't for Kang Jun's compression interview, those people might have interfered with the company and caused problems when. Therefore, such pressure in Gangjun was also absolutely necessary.

There are a lot of people who draw out violence too easily.

“Well, wait a minute. ”

Gangjun tapped his cell phone and sent a message somewhere. It was only halfway through.

“Let's take a break. I think I need to feed some people. ”

There was a break time, and the interviewers went down to the dining car and ate. I ate well because everyone said they would provide food while they were waiting. And by the end of the meal, there was a stranger on the third floor.

“Mr. Hoenn.”

“It's been a while.”

“Thank you. You must be busy. ”

“No problem. I'm fine. It's all my job. The Commander gave us permission to do this, since we were numb before it happened. All I have to do is sit here? ”

“Sure, I'll buy you dinner after. Thank you."

Tohoyeon in a military uniform was sitting in the lobby of the office, and the volunteers looked pale as they saw Tohoyeon in a military uniform and the troop mark.


Like magic, there was not a single person who made a fuss from the next interviewer until the interview ended.

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