History's Strongest Manager

[184] Interview (2)

The Constitution Department was the name given to ordinary hunters on the same ship as the ambassador, and there was a member of the Constitution hiding in the lobby, and there was no great man to coerce. Kang Jun and Seo-young wrote that such authority was necessary to prevent them from playing, but what they could use was Kang Jun's creed.

There were more people who wrote fake information on their resumes than I thought, or spoke with facts that I didn't have during interviews. And Kang Jun pointed out those points. To be precise, Kang Jun was as good at lying as anyone else.

“I guess there were a lot of people who were in the bean field. ”

“Obviously. If you hire them, they'll dive as soon as you build them. ”

Ordinary interviews don't bring up chaos like this. They were spontaneously ignited like gasoline for a number of reasons: ignoring the hero management, paying more attention to the device than work, and pressuring interviews.

Such reactions came mainly from experienced hunters. I applied for it at their level quite low, but there were a lot of people complaining about whether you guys were okay. As he boasted about his career, he scoffed at the volunteers.

You said eight years of experience? I'm 12 years old this year, so please leave. ’

After shaking Hunter's Disease, he was forced to become deaf and dumb with honey.

After the interview, Park Joon went out to eat with Doyeon, who was very helpful just because she existed, but she left with an order to come back soon. Meals seemed to be busy, so the next meal was due.

“Somehow, I think I saw Kang Joon's personality, not an interview today. ”

After the interview, everyone gathered and went down to the restaurant to eat. Joo felt like he was going to pee a little when he saw Kang Jun smash Mental into the digs insisting on the volunteer's lies in real time.

“How was it?”

When Aran, who didn't know the situation at a distance, asked, he trembled.

“If I got hit like that, I'd want to smack Kang Jun's bun. ”

“Well, shall we do it now? ”

“No! I'll kill you! ”

Joon opened his eyes and stared at Kang Jun, and everyone laughed. Everyone went to bed early because they had a lot of work today, but those who entered the interviewer did not.

“Shouldn't I be paying you for the night? ”

“I'd pay you as much as I'd like to get paid. ”

“Eek, that's too much. ”

At Kang Jun's words, he yawned.

It was already past midnight, and everyone changed from a suit to a comfortable outfit for an interview. Seoyoung was wearing a cardigan on the camisole, Gangjun was wearing training clothes, the main character was a pink nightgown, and Daewoon was wearing pajamas.

“Funny how you decide to drop like this. ”

It's funny how everyone came out of their pajamas.

“Let's eat something. ”

“Is that so?”

Everyone went up to the employee accommodation on the fifth floor because they were asleep in the team accommodation. The meeting place was a classroom on the fifth floor. Everyone sat at a spacious table, and Gangjun brought up the ingredients from the restaurant and made a simple meal. The cookware did not live in a shrine because it worked in a commuting format.

Kangjun's meal was a simple canapé with clean smoked salmon salad and cheese topped with canned tuna and fly teeth.

“How can you make something like this so fast? ”

“It's not hard to try a few times. ”

“If I marry my brother, I won't have to do housework. I'll make some money. You want to put it on? ”

“Will it? Actually, it's my dream. ”

“Oh, look at the heat. As expected, Kang Joon's taste is... ”

“What misunderstanding.... ”

Kang Jun and Joon exchanged practical jokes and everyone laughed. If Aran saw it, he would have bitten his ear, but Aran was sleeping well in his room. Seo-young fixed the parakeet and ate an elegant canapé. He was staring at the snowflake.

For him who always admired elegance and prestige, Seoyoung was truly the point of origin.

“We're ready to eat, and it's a long night, so let's get started. ”

During the interview, those who lied fell unconditionally, regardless of their scores, and over fifty resumes quickly became a waste of time. I eventually aggregated the interview scores and held meetings with their resumes.

And when they had something to say about those with high interview scores, they said,

“Number 23 was fine, but it seemed a little far-fetched to me. And when I see it, it's a front-row flick and a backward flick. ”

“Like Ju-yeon?”

In Kangjun's words, Joon raised his middle finger toward Gangjun.

“Because I can do it in front of you. ”

“Isn't Joo-yeon being too honest with me? ”

When Kang Jun laughed, he frowned.

“You don't like pretending. ”

“Oh, so that's what you've been doing to me? ”

“Of course. You don't think I should do this? ”

Just as there are many ways to live a happy life and the preferences of people differ, Kang Joon acted like this because he liked being honest. Kang Jun was also a little surprised. His position was not just a fart, but also a very delicate and detailed part.

“Anyway, 23 used to look me in the eye a lot, and he couldn't look at a single person, and he looked back and forth. When I talk, I keep staring at people, and if my face changes a little bit, my facial muscles flinch. It's a demonstration of lack of confidence. And when I look at them, I can see that they're burdened with their own eyes. People get stabbed a lot. I feel like I'm gonna get caught. Not confident and confident. This is my assessment. ”

According to Kang Ju's gut, 23 is a type of backseat painting. Of course, it wasn't a visualized cover after all, but now we need to make someone drop it before someone else does. Unfortunately, I couldn't help it.

“129 has done a lot of preliminary research on hero management. He had a clean career. He had a good career. ”

“We knew we had three free hunting tickets, and we knew about the H-1 team. I felt like I was the kind of person who used to be interested in Hero Management. ”

“What's more, this guy's a two-hander. Knights that can handle their arms freely are basically worth much more in combat. ”

Kang Ju's personality and Kwak Dae-wun's body were examined and gained combat potential. Both of them had the ability to capture people's traits in their own way. Guk Dae-won's eyes were truly unimaginable about his behavior.

“Not 87. This guy has a fixed combat habit. He kept pushing his left foot forward. Remember when I told you to stand up straight? But 87 is a little bit more subtle on the right side. If a habit is revealed while standing, it means that there is a fixed habit in battle. Probably start all combat activity with your left foot on the axis. Soon, there must be a habit of using only the right arm. You don't have to pick someone who's a stickler in battle. It's better to teach someone with no manners from the start than to fix a habit. ”

Just looking at his hands, standing, sitting, and gestures, Kwak Dae-woon read his habits as well. Gwak Dae-won builds Hunter's custom device and watches their hunting and combat footage dozens of times. Gwak Dae-won's observation resulted from his career.

There were many twists between Kwak Dae-won's OK sign and the main OK sign, so the resumes continued to become paper towels. Even with Kangjun and Seoyoung's opinions, very few people fit their gaze.

“This person…. It's a real concern.”

Other people nodded at what Seo-young said.

“Criminal history is a little troubling. But let's talk about it. ”

Kang Jun looked at his resume as saying so.

39, C rank Awakener Go Hyun-woo (29).

With 10 years of experience, but 4 years of vacancy, the practical experience was 6 years and so it was written on the resume. When he returned to the Hunter industry, the company he chose was hero management.

He lost his parents to the beast as an orphan, just like everyone else. And then he decided to avenge the other orphans and monsters, and the four of them got together. But none of the four of them had any talent. So the four became hunters after entering the Hunter Academy and completing the course.

As a team of incapacitated hunters, they continued to hunt. However, there was no management to hire an incapacitated hunter, and even so, he had to complete a fraudulent contract. In the end, there was not much left to do with the hunt, including the destruction of private mechanisms with management.

He and his friends continue to work hard, exploiting and determined to succeed as Pure Hunters. Eventually, they moved on to a freelance team, where they were able to raise some hard-earned money.

And four years from now. He threatened to pay an outstanding penalty from his former management. Of course, the team members, including Ko Hyun-woo, said they had no reason to keep any kind of private contract and could not do so.

Previous management sent a Hound team. With no equipment on, they were brutally subdued and threatened to kill them all if they didn't pay for it. In a situation where three people are being held hostage, they pay back the money they've saved.

But the hounds didn't keep their promises. Teammates die in the hands of hounds one after the other. Ko Hyun-woo opened his eyes and watched Knight break his friends' throats with his bare hands.

And Go Hyun-woo awakened his abilities on the spot. He slaughtered all the hounds with his superpowers, and invaded previous management and killed the company's leader without incident.

Ko Hyun-woo's superpower was a very unusual ability, among others, among his ability to 'accelerate', slow things, or speed things up.

Killing the hounds was indemnified, but he was convicted of retaliatory killing. All my friends were dead, and Ko Hyun-woo survived with a wake-up call. However, the Constitution found that Awakening became a state of mental and mental weakness when it evolved. Of course, it included a promise that the Constitution Department would help investigate Go Hyun Woo's superpowers properly.

That is why he was sentenced to four years' probation for three years in prison.

However, I didn't want to join the hunter industry again because he had enhanced his abilities. After experiencing the dirty side of the hunter industry, it disgusted me to put my feet into the world. After the trial, he opened a small café with the money his friends had saved.

And then...

The cafe was destroyed during Chrysis.

Once again, Goh Hyun, who became penniless, waited for the government's reward. And as I watched the events unfold, I realized that it meant nothing. Hunters aren't the only ones that are dirty. The world was filthy and corrupt enough to live on.

It wasn't just the Hunter industry, it was just that everything in the world wasn't sick.

‘I was just looking away. I didn't even want to look at the Hunter industry, thinking it was dirty. But now I feel like I have to die to avoid that. But like everybody else, I don't want to die. And he knew what I had to do. ’

Go Hyun-woo said with a bold expression.

‘I'm going to face what I've been avoiding. I don't want to do anything great. But I would rather do something than do nothing. Face to face, what I can do, with the power given to me.... I couldn't do it with my friends... I want to do this alone. ’

Gohyun said that with a lonely smile, even Kang Ju heard it and cried. Regardless of their criminal history, they rated him very highly. Kang Jun saved the resume that he was going to throw away in the first place. Everyone has positively evaluated Go Hyun Woo.

“If you do something like that to me, I'll break your head. ”

“I don't mean to justify a crime, but it's faith in this guy... There seemed to be very strong moral standards. Murder may have been impulsive, but it usually seemed like a repressive lifestyle. ”

That's what Ju and Dae Un said, and Seo-young looked at Gangjun.

“This person has to be elected. ”


In Kangjun's assertive words, Seo-young tilted her head. It was Kang Jun's role to judge such things as his truth and sincerity. However, the view of Gangjun had nothing to do with that.

“Just looking at your resume, did you just take a break? And I thought, you know, running a cafe is just economic activity. ”

Gangjun points to the CV's ability rank field.

“Clearly someone who has never crystallized is a C rank Awakener. ”

Choi Na's avatar is very special, but it is also very unique in the case of Go Hyun Woo. Choi told me how tough-hearted he was, and not this kind of talk, but that many people should choose Go Hyun from the silical side.

“And it says superpowers are accelerated. It's because he doesn't know what he's capable of. It's still so low that you wouldn't notice it, and the people who did the research wouldn't know it. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“What do you mean, you can slow things down, fast things? ”

Kang Jun smiled.

“This is the ability of time. ”

A person who can control time. You may think that you can only influence acceleration deceleration, but if your abilities are developed and developed and you go up to the top, you will open your eyes in a completely different direction. Of course, we need to be able to get to that point.

Eventually, this acceleration deceleration will speed up the run a bit or slow down the enemy a little. It can be done with impulsiveness, but the mechanism itself is different.

Upgrading may stop time in a given region or speed up time in a given region. And that can't be done with impulsiveness.

“You have to catch it. Before someone else does. ”

From what I heard, Kang Jun's words made sense. He shakes his head as if he couldn't believe it.

“With a Time Ability, can there be such a thing? ”

“There's no law against that. ”

The question and question of where is such a thing in a world where common sense has been broken is meaningless. There's just such a thing. The world was constantly producing mysteries from yesterday and today because of the reasons for this phenomenon.

They continued to have meetings, confirmed Go Hyun-woo, and continued to examine other people's resumes. A total of four people were determined.

Here, the final candidate will be determined after summing up the results of the team interview. With everyone's agreement, Choi Hyeon-woo tentatively concluded that he accepted. Joon yawned tiredly.

“When is the team interview? ”

Kang Jun looked at the clock and replied briefly.


“…… Yes? Oh, this is ridiculous. ”

“Three hours to go. ”

After discussing it, the clock was already 6: 00. Everyone was getting ready for bed, but I didn't want to go to bed. All three, except Kangjun, were sighing deeply.

Kang Jun came out for a while using the remaining time. Everyone must be tired, so I thought I'd go to a nearby cafe and get some coffee. It was 6: 00 in the morning, but it was dark because of the winter, and it was cold because the night cold didn't go away.

As soon as Kang Jun left the front door of the shrine, he narrowed his eyes, looking at the people waiting at the door.

‘Are the officials still camping...' ’

At this cold dawn, a group of people are still crouching. Now I thought I'd almost lost people, but I still thought they were management officials who wanted to cover for Gwak Dae-won. They crouch with their backs against the wall, and it looks pretty pathetic.

Kang Jun thought that pretending not to know was the best option.


However, one of them found Gangjun and woke up in his place.

“Choi, aren't you Choi Joon? Hey, hey, hey! Everybody up. Come on! ”

He woke up those who were sleeping around him, then approached Gangjun.

The person who was approaching with a stolen nose looked quite young in Kangjun's eyes. The man who was expecting to be over 20 years old walked towards Gangjun with quite a vigorous gait. It is also not good to ignore the conversation in public. Around the time I decided to send him back, he bowed his head toward Gangjun.

“Hello! We are the Reaver team and I am Song Jae-Seok, the leader! ”

Others stood up and approached Kangjun. Two men and two women, all of them seemed to be at it. If Hunter's team is going to make it this far, of course it's an interview. There was still a lot of time left until the interview, so I didn't have to come already.

“River team? I don't think that's the kind of team we're interviewing today. ”

Kang Jun knew that no River team was among the interviewees today because he had investigated the teams that would be interviewed. And from what I recall, he didn't even support me.

“Father, I have a favor to ask you. ”

The person who introduced me as Song Jae-seok looked at Kang Jun with a desperate face. Other people were also looking at Kangjun with their own bright eyes.

“I want to see the interview! Please!”

What is this nonsense? Kang Jun looked down at the four people who were bowing their heads and doubted whether they were ruined or not.

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