History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1232: Devil Bababa

At the same time, when many people are afraid, many people have also flashed a lot of hot eyes. If they are immortal, they can become strong stars and even stronger.

The first strong man in the earth is not a strong star, but the strength of Hong has already made everyone fear.

"Maybe one day, we can and can reach that level."

Everyone's gaze can't help but drift to Zhouyang. They can't help but think of the previous scene. Zhou Yang waved, the planet exploded, and the sky fell apart.

If they can continue to cultivate, it will be possible to reach this realm in the future.

"Predecessors, the realm of this star, what level is it in Wanjielou?"

One dressed in white, with a bald head, smiled and smiled.

This person is the owner of the Thunderbolt Hall, the second strongest of the Earth, Raytheon.

He asked all the people's concerns, although there are still many realms on the star-studded people, but the star-rated practitioners, in a planet in the universe, are also considered to be famous. .

"The star rating is like the average person on the planet."

Zhou Yang thought about it and inquired about the division of the world's cosmic powers. "Perhaps reaching a star rating can be counted as a warrior. If you are in the universe, I am afraid that even the citizenship is not eligible." ”

Zhou Yang’s voice has just fallen, and these war-god-level powerhouses are all smashed. They are all powerful and powerful on the earth, and they can shake one area with a slap in the face.

Now they tell them that if they enter the universe, they will not be eligible for a citizenship.

In other words, if they enter the universe, they even have no human rights. If they are killed by others, they do not need legal responsibility. They are the humblest existence.

"Let's go down."

Zhou Yang did not take care of other people who were shocked by the other faces. They reached out and gently touched the fog of their feet, revealing a small island with dozens of miles.

On the small island, the vitality is very strong, the trees are rich, the flowers are bright, the thorns are clustered, and the scenes in front of the eyes are vivid, and the smile on Zhou Yang's face is getting stronger and stronger.

Before the Great Nirvana period, this small island was an ordinary small island. If it was sold to the Wanjie Building, the Wanjie Building would be too lazy to recycle, without any value.

On the small island now, all the flowers and trees have been mutated and turned into monsters, realizing the transition of life level. Every tree and every grass can trade a certain value point.

Among the special small islands, the most conspicuous nine thick willows, the finest willow tree has a diameter of about one meter, and the thickest is about three meters.

The branches of each willow tree are tens of thousands, and are pale gold.

The original willow tree, but because of the variation of the RR virus, has become a spiritual tree, the spirit of the trees in the tree, can be said to be a rare elixir.

If it is an ordinary planet, the original value is one. Then, after the RR virus is released, the commercial value of this ordinary planet will undergo earth-shaking changes, and it will instantly rise to ten or even one hundred.

"These are all the spirits of the grass and wood, the most sturdy willow god, there should be a thousand years of grass and wood spirit."

The attacks on various plants on this island were all swayed by Zhou Yang. Therefore, these God-level powers on the earth can freely watch the environment on the island.

Looking at the willow tree that came from an attack, the dense branches, like a root arrow, not only did not make these people fear, but the people who were worried about it were hot.

These spirits of the grass and wood, if given to the strong gods of the God of War level, can completely make the God of the God of War, become a transcendence and exist.

In the face of such a huge temptation, no one dares to move. For Zhou Yang, who can blow a planet between the waves, they have only endless fear.

When Zhou Yang did not tell them to act freely, no one dared to take the grass and trees on the island.


Zhou Yang sighed lightly, and the sea around the island seemed to be opened by an invisible force, instantly revealing the seabed under several kilometers.

"The mutation is really exaggerated."

Looking at the scene of the retreat of the sea, Zhou Yang shook his head slightly, and the sea water retreated too fast. A huge octopus with a body length of more than three kilometers was still lying on the bottom of the sea. Obviously he had not reacted yet, why the sea water suddenly disappeared.

However, after perceiving many of the gods of the war gods next to Zhou Yang, a tentacle full of rock folds with a length of nearly 1,000 meters and a diameter of 20 meters is like a golden hoop of the mythical Sun Wukong. I came over to everyone.

At this moment, in addition to the calmness of Hong and Raytheon, other war-level powerhouses are all white and apply for the sea. The scenes in front of them are too powerful for them.

This is a royal monster, except that Hong and Raytheon can compete, other people are not opponents at all.


Zhou Yang's right hand was lifted up, his index finger was bent, and then a small bomb, a few kilometers long giant octopus monster was bombed to the height of tens of thousands of meters, then it seemed as if a kilometer mountain fell from the sky and rolled up thousands of feet. The waves, I don’t know how to live and die.

Many of the Earth's god-level powerhouses are dead. If they are not mistaken, the huge octopus monster should be a royal monster, comparable to the existence of the first strong man, and it is easily killed.

This is too horrible.

What kind of power is this human being in front of you?

Is it the immortal powerhouse that was mentioned before?

"The ground is cracked!"

A war-god-powered warrior who was scared and stunned, his eyes suddenly reached the bottom of the sea. After the seawater receded, the ground gradually cracked, and the cracks became bigger and bigger, forming a deep gully, as if it were a huge The beast's big mouth, black rumbling, some strange ~www.readwn.com~ and at the bottom of the crack, a silver spaceship, one meter four or five, as if a child, with two tips on the forehead The horns, the **** red eyes, the intelligent life in a black robe, looked suspiciously at the ground that suddenly broke.

This virtual figure is the life intelligence of the ink star spacecraft, Devil Babbatta.

Scanning dozens of figures over the huge cracks, Devil Babata's blood-red eyes, with incredible colors, how did these humans discover him?

Especially for the first person, he constantly scanned, and did not find a little life feature on his body, like a dead person, no breath.

Did this group of humans discover the 陨墨星星空船?

"They are coming in!"

Zhou Yang and his party flew straight to the 陨墨星星船, Devil Babbatta quickly hid, he knew that the spacecraft probably has been exposed, but he can not be exposed.

He has not yet given his own master, choosing the right inheritor, can not cause unnecessary trouble.

Moreover, these human powerhouses, in addition to seeing Zhou Yang, other people, understand the clear, the strongest are also a few star-rated practitioners, can not give any of the Stark spacecraft hurt.

The immortal spaceship can only be destroyed if it is a strongman above the immortal level.

A group of apprentice-level, star-rated practitioners, not to mention destroying the 陨墨星星船, it is impossible to move the 陨墨星号.

"Babata comes out, we make a deal."

Devil Bababa just hid, and a group of people flying from the cracks, shouting his name.

Devil Babbatta, "·······".

Why can people on earth find him?

Why does this person know his name?

Did aliens enter the earth?

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