History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1233: Luo Feng talent is poor?

"who are you?"

Devil Babbatta came out of the spacecraft's database. Zhou Yang called out his name. He was useless to hide. Obviously, Zhou Yang had a certain understanding of his identity.

No one on earth knows his name. Only people from the universe outside the Earth will know it. Moreover, this person has a certain understanding of his master Hu Yanbo.

He is the life intelligence of the 陨 星 号 spaceship, and only the people inside the Hu Yanbo know the name.

Whether Zhou Yang is malicious or good-natured, he has no idea to hide. Hu Yanbo was killed by the enemy. His life-smart body also degenerated into a virtual image.

The 陨墨星号 spaceship was severely damaged and could not be opened. He had no fighting power at all.

Man is a knife, I am a fish, this life is born hundreds of millions of years of life intelligence, very clear the laws of the universe.

His pair of scarlet eyes, staring at Zhou Yang, full of alertness and vigilance, as well as deep fear hidden in the depths of his eyes.

If the person in front of you is an enemy, then the inheritance of the ink star may be severed.

"I don't matter who I am, we make a deal, you do one thing for me, I will help you resurrect your host, Hu Yanbo."

Zhou Yang smiled and smiled.

The life of the demon Babbatta was endowed by Hu Yanbo. He and Hu Yanbo were also the closest. His request for the demon Babata could not be refused.

"Resurrection my master...·····

Devil Babata's mouth outlines a sneer, he and Hu Yanbo have been in the universe for hundreds of millions of years, and have not seen the absurd things that the dead can be resurrected.


However, the next moment, the sneer on the face of the demon Bababa, instantly solidified, in the scarlet eyes, sparkling endless horror and joy.

He found that the cosmic law of Zhou Yang’s head was fluctuating, the time in the void was rapidly retreating, and the scene of the scene quickly regressed. The scene of the 陨 星 飞 飞 降 坠 坠 地球 · · · · 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景 场景The scene when the ink star escapes from the scene...··············································

In the emptiness of the sky, you can see the blood-red triangle of the 陨 星 号 飞 飞 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血

"You are the Lord of the Universe!"

Devil Babbatta couldn't help but think of some secrets he had seen, rumored that the supremacy of the universe existed, and at a certain price, he could resurrect the dead.

He has always maintained a skeptical attitude, and now sees the picture of Zhou Yang's reversal time, and Devil Babbatta can't help but exclaim.

"Lord of the universe?"

Zhou Yang’s face was not revealed by a faint smile, and he did not answer. If he was in other worlds, he might not be able to reverse the time to resurrect the dead.

However, unlike the world that devours the world, the rules of this world allow the powerful of the Lord of the universe to reverse the resurrection of the years.

As a strong man of the ninth-order realm, he can naturally resurrect the dead Huyombo.


Devil Babbata looked at the figure in the law of time and couldn't help but shout.


At this moment, Zhou Yang waved his time rule, and the scene in front of him disappeared instantly.

"Babata, now we can talk about the deal."

Zhou Yang whispered.

"As long as I can resurrect my master, I am willing to do anything."

At this time, the demon Babbatta looked at Zhou Yang’s gaze, and it was full of awe and unnatural tremors. He was not the indigenous people on the earth. He once lived in the universe and understood the master of a universe. terror.

It was the real powerhouse at the top of the universe, and his master, Hu Yanbo, did not even qualify for such a strong man.

How is he not afraid?

As for the many war gods who are behind Zhou Yang, one is not aware of it. Although they don't understand what the Zhou body has done, they still understand one thing from the dialogue between Zhou Yang and Devil Babbatta.

Zhou Yang seems to be able to resurrect the dead.

People are dead, how can they be resurrected?

This is completely a taboo force. It belongs to the king of the earth. Is it true that a person in front of him is a supreme god?

Why is this supreme **** concerned about the earth?

Why help the earth develop?

"very good!"

Zhou Yang nodded with satisfaction. "When you help the earth develop steadily for a thousand years, I will resurrect Hu Yanbo, including the disciples of your family."

"that's it?"

Devil Babbatta listened to Zhou Yang’s instructions, a pair of scarlet eyes, full of endless suspicions.

It is too simple to help the earth develop for a thousand years.

He originally intended to choose a suitable descendant on the earth, let him inherit the inheritance of the ink star, and then slowly cultivate, waiting for this passer to be strong, to see if he can avenge Hu Yanbo.

And to avenge Hu Yanbo, he needs to cultivate at least one immortal descendant.

The earth is so desolate that it is like a world apart from the talented races he sees in the universe.

In fact, in his heart, he does not believe that he can train the Earth people to be immortal.

He chose the Earth people as the inheritor~www.readwn.com~ On the one hand, because the 陨墨星号 is destroyed, he can't move, he can't leave the earth, he has no choice.

On the other hand, he did not want to let Hu Yanbo's inheritance disappear, and he needed someone to inherit the inheritance of Hu Yanbo and continue the inheritance of the ink star.


Zhou Yang nodded. The reason why he did not directly resurrect Hu Yanbo was that he worried that the earth would develop too fast and affected Luo Feng’s life trajectory.

The devil Babbatta is different. He is more in control of inheritance, but there is not much resources. Luo Feng wants to get resources and still has to fight **** his own.

"You will follow him later."

Zhou Yang pointed to Luo Feng, who looked at his feelings, and told him.

Obviously, Luo Feng was also swayed by the scene in front of him. His current state of mind has not yet reached the military. The power of Zhou Yang’s performance is completely beyond his imagination.

At the same time, Luo Feng’s heart also raised a hunger. He wants to have the horrible power of Zhou Yang, which can easily reverse life and death and reverse the years.

"It's an adult."

Devil Babbatta nodded respectfully, although the current Luo Feng has not yet reached the standard of his inheritance in the eyes of Hu Yanbo, but everything is not important.

As long as he waits for a thousand years, his master can be resurrected.

Compared with the resurrection of his master, the inheritance of the ink star is insignificant, and it is the same for everyone.

"I have seen the master."

Devil Babbatta walked to the front of Luo Feng and shouted reverently.

Luo Feng's talent and poor strength have anything to do with him. He has a special relationship with the top of the universe. Such a person, talent is worse and his strength is worse. It is also a breeze to surpass Hu Yanbo.

What's more, people who are seen by the top powers of the universe will be simple. Perhaps his level is too low. He does not see the huge potential of Luo Feng.

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