History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1255: Get some medicine quickly! I can not make it!

The screening of the corridors of life and death is only the first step in the inheritance of the East River. However, the forces of the various parties in the universe have not surpassed 20 people through the corridors of life and death.

Of course, this is also because the universe is currently entering the tomb of the tomb, and only the people of the universe and the universe are strong.

How many people are the cosmic masters of the universe and the universe's strongest?

These powerful people want to send people from ethnic groups. It is impossible to have no time for half a year.

"It seems that the screening difficulty is not very high."

The forces of the three sides of the universe will be degraded by two parties. It was thought that the inheritance and screening were very difficult. As a result, most of the people who saw the Wanjielou passed the life and death corridor, and the hearts were slightly loose. Take a sigh of relief.

"Maybe the lower the realm, the lower the difficulty."

They are all through the life and death corridors, roughly guessing the rules of the birth corridor. At the beginning of the life and death corridor, there is a monster with their strength. With the battle, the power and speed of the monsters are getting stronger and stronger. In the hands of this monster, for a period of time, you can get through the life and death corridor.

Nowadays, so many people in Wanjielou pass through the corridors of life and death. They think that the lower the realm, the lower the difficulty, the shorter the time of persistence, and the number of people who naturally pass.

Therefore, commanding their respective ethnic groups, bring a little more immortal spirit.

However, they do not know at all that there are many people in Wanjielou who have cultivated a system of multiple worlds, and their strength is much stronger than that of the same world.

There are many people who have been pressing the monsters in the corridors of life and death from beginning to end. Even a few people have stepped on the monsters from beginning to end, until the end.

"It seems that there are a lot of geniuses?"

The Dongdong River has been monitoring the images in the corridors of life and death, and looked at the shocking scenes of the battles in the Wanjielou. Some were unexpected.

"The more genius the better, the only way to screen out the true East River inheritors."

The face of the Broken Dong River could not help but reveal a smile, Wu Guo can be destroyed, but the inheritance of the Broken Dong River cannot be extinguished.

He had thought that long after, in order to find a suitable inheritor, but in the life and death corridor, he saw many potential geniuses.

All the people who passed through the corridors of life and death walked for about a quarter of an hour and stopped in a stone pillar forest.

A stone pillar began to appear on both sides of the corridor. Each stone pillar has a cube-shaped virtual shadow, or a pyramidal shadow, or a polygonal shadow.

There are 123 stone pillars on the left side, and the shadows on the upper side are solidified, containing thousands of different fluctuations.

There are 10080 stone pillars on the right side, and the virtual shadow is loose, barely forming a skeleton.

"This is the most popular kind of entertainment in my hometown. It is also a means of cultivating exercise savvy. It is created by the Royal Emperor Bureau and the ancient and powerful rhinoceros. He has extremely high requirements for understanding and often studies the Rhinoceros Bureau. It can also improve understanding."

The sound of the indifference of the east is sounding, and it sounds in the corridor of life and death, and everyone listens with full concentration.


"If it is a limited time, who can solve the 6,000 Rhinoceros Bureau, will directly get the inheritance of my broken East River, of course, if the solution is to 6,000.······ Destined for the future... ···”

After the introduction of the Dongdong River, his eyes glanced at the crowd, especially on the people of Wanjielou, and they stayed for a moment before they dissipated.

"I feel like I was wasting 10,000 spirit points."

At least half of the people in Wanjielou, looking at the complex Xuan's Bureau of Rhinoceros, looked ugly, and did not tell them the specific rules of the Rhythm Bureau, how they solved the game.

"I will give you time to accelerate. You should understand it. This is the inheritance of a tenth-order mid-term powerhouse."

Zhou Yang glanced at a number of fascinating Wanjielou customers and smiled. "A top genius takes about 100 million years, and you have to be mentally prepared."

The original Luo Feng passed the test of the East River, and it took 10,000 years to accelerate under 10,000 times. It took more than 100 million years to accelerate the time.

Although he can speed up these people to 100,000 times, or even a million times, but I want to pass the Rhinoceros Bureau within 100 million years, I am afraid there are very few Wanjie Buildings.

"The shopkeeper, wait a minute, let me eat a peach."

"The shopkeeper, wait a minute, I have to eat personal parameters to prevent Shouyuan from disappearing."

"I want to buy a few marigolds and put them in front of me to prevent the end of life."


The crowd in Wanjielou suddenly spoke.

Then, under the stunned expression of the forces in the universe, I saw the people in the Wanjielou, or took out the fruit to eat it, or eat the next energy pill, and the tense atmosphere disappeared instantly.

In particular, Shiji and Wang Lin, who are very short-lived, have been labeled with energy by Liu Shen and Lu Mo, and they have sealed many treasures in their bodies.

"The rules of the rhythm bureau performance are completely different from the rules we have learned."

"This is tantamount to re-learning the rules of one world. However, this Rhythm Bureau is really perfect, like a universe, energy can be perfectly cycled, not wasting a trace."

"It's terrible, what kind of power can create a game that is mysterious and unpredictable."


Under the adjustment of Zhou Yang, the time flow rate of the people in Wanjielou is getting faster and faster, from 10,000 times to 100,000 times. Now it is still a million times faster.

About three minutes later, the customers of Wanyuanlou Shouyuan limited, except for the deep-rooted customers, all the remaining people gave up.

Their realm is limited. If you want to add Shouyuan, you can only eat the fruits of life and eat peaches. But the more you eat, the more you pay, and the more you pay, and the hope of inheritance is very embarrassing.

Many people have not even understood the rules of the Rhythm Bureau.

Many customers in Wanjielou have a limited life span. It takes decades to find out what they are not understanding. How can they not be anxious?

"too slow!"

Zhou Yang shook his head. He didn't have time to wait here. In a moment, he formed a prototype universe in his body, which was projected on the rest of the Wanjielou people.

Hundreds of thousands of times of acceleration!

Almost every other breath, there is someone in the Wanjie Building who has escaped from the acceleration of time.

"How can it be?"

Broken Donghe has been paying attention to the participation of the people in the Rhythm Bureau, only after a few minutes, he found that someone untied the Rhinoceros Bureau.

Moreover, the speed of the solution is terrible, and the number of each interest rate bureau is soaring.

Even if it has a speed of 10,000 times, it should not be so fast.

"Is the Rhinoceros Bureau broken?"

Broken Donghe continued to look at the Rhinoceros Bureau and found that the Rhinoceros Bureau did not have any problems.

"Genius can't have so much, are they cheating?"

The East River is amazed.

In the boat of his transformation of the tomb, how can there be a phenomenon of cheating, and each person's solution is different.

"I accelerated 10 billion times faster around them."

Zhou Yang slowly said.

Broken Donghe, "······".

The East River was slightly stunned, and his eyes were full of suspicion. After he was slightly close to one of the Wanjielous, he felt the time and flow that made him tremble.

"who are you?"

The Dongdong River could not help but ask.

There is a lot of confusion in his heart. How can anyone control such an amazing flow of time in the universe?

This kind of horror time is accelerating, and he has never heard of it in the mainland.

Whether it is the will of the source or the law of the supreme, they will limit their speed.

"Lu Xiaofeng, Ximen blowing snow, Ye Gucheng, how come out?"

Zhou Yang did not answer yet. When he saw Donghe, he saw three humans standing up and asked quickly.

In the corridor of life and death, he heard the name between the three people. He was deeply impressed by the three people, especially Ximen Bingxue and Ye Gucheng. Both of them are rare geniuses.

This is the inheritance candidate of the Dongdong River prepared by his mind. How did he give up soon after he gave up?

This made him very puzzled. The three are not like those who are not determined.

"We can't do it, Shouyuan is gone, we can't afford it."

Lu Xiaofeng waved his hands again and again, and four eyebrows jumped and jumped. Ximen blowing snow and Ye Gucheng were also brows.

This outside world seems to be a short time, but after the horror time set by Zhou Yang has accelerated, it has been more than a thousand years. The three of them have not lived forever, and then they will play, and their lives will be gone, and what inheritance will be obtained.

The three of them are solo travelers. There is no power. The value points are all obtained by themselves. One or two peaches are still bought by them, but they want to pass the customs. There are no billions of years of life, and they simply can't.

This is not the beginning of the poor, this is the entertainment of the rich, and the three of them finally know why the Royal Palace is an entertainment activity.

It takes a few years of effort to understand the rules of the Royal Palace, and it takes nearly 10,000 years to solve the problem.

If this is in accordance with the requirements of the East River, it will not cost tens of billions of years or even more time to gain 6,000 innings.

Unless longevity does not die, as long as the forces of the big forces can afford.

"The whole king, buy me some peaches and come in."

The stone body was sealed by Liu Shen. Although the time was fast, the appearance was still the appearance of the juvenile. At this time, the enlightenment was suddenly terminated and the king was told.

His realm is too low~www.readwn.com~ In the past tens of thousands of years, he has not realized more than one hundred games. If it meets the requirements of the inheritance of the East River, it will take more time, and Shouyuan may appear. insufficient.

"Yuan Tianhao, to buy life liquid, how much to buy, this Xihuang Bureau is too time-consuming, buy a spare."

The Taoist Laozi also said quickly.

Although he has reached the end of his life in theory, he still needs to buy a treasure that supplements Shouyuan just in case, in case something goes wrong.

Who knows that after 100 million years, how long will it last?

"Yuanqiao, you have to buy some ginseng fruit, I am afraid I have to sit here for hundreds of millions of years."

The outside world may feel that the past time is very short. Only the time-accelerated talents know how long they have been enlightened by the Rhythm Bureau. Zhang Sanfeng of the Wudang faction also told his disciples.


Even if some of the long-lived people in Wanjielou, they also told their disciples to buy some treasures that would extend Shouyuan.

Although Zhou Yang said that the top genius wants to meet the standards of the Rhythm Bureau, it takes 100 million years, but 100 million years is just a pale number, they are not too concerned.

When they sit for more than 10,000 years and discover that they have deduced a hundred or so games, they know that 100 million years may be an ideal time.

"Seeing it, the Rhinoceros Bureau has rich people to play."

Lu Xiaofeng shook his head, it was terrible, and the ten-level realm to screen the disciples really was incredible, and it took hundreds of millions of years.

They really have no confidence to live for so long!

Broken Donghe, "······".

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