History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1256: Cheating genius

“Is the rule of the original universe changed? The life of the practitioner is greatly reduced?”

The Dongdong River looked at the people in Wanjielou, and they all ate a variety of treasures that supplemented Shouyuan.

If so, how can he choose the inheritor?

These people have not even lived for 100 million years. How do you get to know the Rhythm Bureau?

The time when the Donghe River was given to everyone was an era. One era of engulfing the big world was in 10008. Of course, he did not let the people reach the standard of inheritance in 10008.

Rather, those who come to inherit the inheritance must have a certain background. It is too simple to find a place to accelerate thousands of times.

That is to say, the time for the Dongdong River to screen and pass on the disciples is 10,000 years, and it looks like a hundred million years.

In the stipulated time, no matter what the repair is, as long as it can break through the three bottlenecks, the basic inheritance standards can be obtained.

If you give three more time, you can make another breakthrough and you can get the core inheritance.

The four eras are accelerated by 10,000 times, which is 40,000 epochs.

These talents can't stand it for thousands of years. Can the rest of the people have a life of 40,000 epochs?

Even with the 40,000-year-old Shouyuan, after 40,000 epochs, Shouyuan is almost exhausted, and the best time for cultivation has passed.

"Don't you die, I will break the inheritance of the East River?"

There is a trace of sadness in the heart of the East River. If you don’t use the Rhythm Bureau to screen your disciples, he is now a virtual consciousness, how to screen his disciples.

"Hey! Hey! One billion years to accelerate!"

The forces of the original universe and the sea of ​​the universe are all stunned. They are not ready to start. The Wanjielou people have already learned tens of thousands of years. How is this?

Even if they have genius similar to the talent of Wanjielou, but the time of the other party's horror accelerates, the other party may have gained inheritance, and the people on their side have begun to formally enlighten.

Unless the people in the Wanjielou are not qualified, they will have the opportunity to gain inheritance.

"Don't be so pessimistic, a supreme treasure, I will speed up the people who come in."

Zhou Yang smiled.

A supreme treasure to the power of the universe is a slap in the face, like the seven gods of the gods, each of them has at least one supreme treasure, and some even two three.

"Predecessors give!"

The third true face was respectful, and he did not hesitate to hand over a strongest treasure to the armor of Zhouyang. This is the reason why their gods have crossed the reincarnation.

If they miss this opportunity, they will probably never have such a chance.

A supreme treasure will be gone, but if you can't get through the reincarnation, all of them will die.

The gods are gone, and there is more to be the most powerful, and what is the point.

"Your gods are sitting in this area."

Zhou Yang delineated a special area for the people of the gods to enter.

Other forces in the universe have seen the success of the God-Eye race, and others have also come up with a strongest treasure to Zhou Yang.

The power of the original universe may be very difficult to come up with a supreme treasure. However, for the forces of the universe, whether it is the ethnic group in the first cycle, the reincarnation in the second era, or the two holy places, one is strong. Zhibao could not hurt them a bit.

Therefore, these forces did not hesitate to come up with a strongest treasure to Zhou Yang.

"Your supreme treasure is owed first."

Zhou Yang looked at his human race, the universe and the immortal god, reminding him.

The reason why the cosmic and immortal gods of the human race can enter the tomb of the tombs so quickly is naturally because of Zhou Yang’s help.

Zhou Yang did not have no cost to do this. He took many special resources from the treasure house of the human race.

This time Zhou Yang is no exception.

As for the forces of the primitive universe, such as the Yaozu and Zerg, who are looking at the eyes, Zhou Yang can only be seen as not seeing.

These forces are not within the scope of Zhouyang's cooperation.

They don't come up with a supreme treasure, and Zhou Yang will not help.


The Dongdong River looked at Zhouyang and the various ethnic groups in the universe. The face turned black. After entering the tomb of the tomb, this man not only did not participate in the Rhythm Bureau, but also started trading with other forces.

If it is not too taboo to Zhou Yang's powerful strength, he must be a singer and look at Zhou Yang.

Now, he can only watch quietly.

Ten billion times the time to accelerate, such a strong, in the origin of the mainland is also a terrorist existence.

He is not an aboriginal of the universe. He is a Wu nationality from the origin of the mainland. He has a supreme inheritance. It is because of his knowledge that Zhou Yang’s hand accelerates tens of billions of times.

At the same time, the Dongdong River also faintly guessed that the universe was in the air and was taken away.

Not to mention that there is only a virtual will left, that is, he is still alive, and he will not be evil with such a mysterious and powerful.

"who's that person?"

Suddenly, the Dongdong River pointed to the Hongjun below, and his eyes were coming out quickly, and there was a tremor.

Because of Zhou Yang and the various families in the universe, he was slightly lost, and he only worked hard for a while. As a result, the white-haired old man realized that he had reached 1,000 innings.

And the speed is getting faster and faster, and the geometric speed is soaring.

2000 Bureau···

3000 innings···

4000 innings···

5000 innings···

According to the difficulty of the Rhinoceros Bureau, it should be the time spent more and more, and more and more, the faster the person becomes enlightened.

Leading the others far away, the 2000s of the most people in Wanjielou are the black-haired, cold-faced men.

"This is really cheating!"

Zhou Yangqiang endured a smile, he could not say that Hongjun sent him a request to let Buddha be the road of the world to fall on him.

The genius of Wanjielou is even more powerful, and the talents are going against the sky. They are not likely to have a fast resolution of the top world avenue.

With the help of Buddha, the road to the world, Hongjun’s ending speed is naturally faster and faster.

Because, Buddha is the road of the world, adapted to the law of swallowing the big world ~www.readwn.com~ can constantly deduct the cosmic law of the same realm.

The 6000 Bureau of the Rhythm Bureau just happened to reach the tenth level.

"I am 6000, can I accept the inheritance?"

Sitting in the same place, the eyes closed, and suddenly stood up, and asked the East River with a blank expression.

Apparently after opening a big bug, with the help of the avenue, Hongxi was lying and winning.

The avenue also informed him that after accepting the inheritance, he would trade the ten-order inheritance, purchase Hongmeng Reiki, absorb the glory of Hongmeng, and then open up a big world, according to the cosmic law he just analyzed.

The entire corridor is dead!

The cosmic sea strong looks at the eyes of Hongjun, there are madness, sorrow and shock, and vicious resentment·····

Everyone in Wanjielou looks at Hongjun’s gaze. Only the deep contempt and envy, they all know that Hongjun is a avenue, can not cultivate the cultivation system of other worlds, let alone enlighten the rhinoceros bureau.

Now that Hongjun has completed his enlightenment so quickly, it is almost twice as fast as silence. There is only one possibility, and the avenue is shot again.

Broken Donghe, "······".

"Cough, cough, ·······You are waiting at the side, time has not arrived, maybe there are other people, I have not said that the inheritance is a person."

Broken Donghe lightly coughed a few times, concealing the inner shackles.

He had intended to choose only one inheritor, and the result was that the speed was too fast, and he was hard to believe.

So he decided to filter one more and choose a normal point inheritor.

Hong Hao, "······".

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