History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1654: Work system

"The shop owner, we are willing."

The Jade Emperor and the Taishang Laojun looked respectfully and did not hesitate.

The voices of the two people trembled a little, apparently very excited.

Working only eight hours a day, and 16 hours of free time, they are much freer than they are in the world of Journey to the West.

Staying in the world of Journey to the West, you can freely move 24 hours a day, but what can they do in these 24 hours?

Their own existence is higher than the level of the Journey to the West itself. There is no way to cultivate if they want to practice. They are equivalent to being locked in a confinement room.

Into the Wanjie Building, in addition to eight hours of work, other times are free to control.

The Jade Emperor and the Taishang Laojun are very aware of their own state. They are all relying on the strength of the Golden Finger. The possibility of practicing the Enlightenment Avenue on their own in the years to come is very small.

Therefore, their future road to repairing roads may only be strengthened by the products of Wanjielou.

Sixteen hours of free time each day can just accumulate wealth, or find other ways to break through cultivation.

"You can rest assured that you are allowed to take a break. If you work 24 hours a day, you can move freely for the next two days. If you work for three days in a row, you can move freely for the next eight days."

Zhou Yangwei smiled.

The appearance of the game light ball, the main **** light ball and the golden light ball made Zhou Yang see a more convenient development path for the Wanjie Building.

Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun are just a special case.

“Thank you, thank you, the owner.”

The Jade Emperor and the Taishang Laojun heard the words and thanked them again and again.

According to Zhou Yang, if they work for four months in a row, they will be free to spend the rest of the year.

Although there are 16 hours of free time a day, they are within the psychological limits of their own, but compared with one year, they have eight months to freely move, of course, they tend to the latter.

Sixteen hours a day, it is difficult to enter a deep retreat state, need to be alert at any time, afraid to miss the time to work for Wanjielou.

It's different now, they can work for about ten days a month, and then spend the rest of the time.

"Wang Lu is working hard. After a while, I will transfer you to a more advanced world."

Zhou Yang also said a word to Wang Lu, and he returned to Wanjielou with the Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun.

Working eight hours a day, naturally it is not only working for eight hours, but only eight hours of the day relative to the Wanjie Building.

For this eight-hour job, Zhou Yang is planning to put it at the top of the Tower of Time, allowing them to work for eight hours at the time of the acceleration of the time.

"You can freely move around and start working tomorrow, and I will arrange special staff to inform you of the specific work content and work location."

Zhou Yang’s eyes glanced at the excited Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun, and slowly said.

On the first day, I entered the Wanjie Building. Even if they let them work, they would have a hard time calming down. It would be better for them to visit the Wanjie Building first.

What's more, it is already late, and it is not long before tomorrow.

"It is the owner."

Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun bowed to each other until Zhou Yang’s figure disappeared in front of them, and the two talents hurriedly walked toward the main hall of Wanjielou.

They have been looking forward to entering the Wanjie Building and finally came in.

“The system issues a notice, the work system, and the Wanshang Building will release specific work tasks every day. Each job has a certain amount of work.”

“There are no restrictions on the work points, as long as the points are sufficient to buy any grade of goods.”

Zhou Yang thought about it and quickly determined the content of the work system.

After the appearance of the Tower of Time, many customers in Wanjielou have been refining medicinal herbs or refining magic weapons under the acceleration of the Tower of Time.

However, no matter whether they refine a thousand pieces of ninth-order magic weapon or 10,000 pieces of ninth-order magic weapon, they can't afford a ten-order magic weapon.

The reason for this is because the high-grade goods are all in the form of barter.

The value point, the spirit point and the yuan point are the three currency units of the Wanjielou. Among them, the strongest yuan currency, he can only buy the nine-order goods at most.

And if you want to buy a ten-order product, the customer must take out the tenth-order treasure to carry the barter.

This also makes it difficult for Wanjielou customers to purchase the top products of Wanjielou. Unless there is any special activity, they will have the opportunity to purchase the top products, and they will still look at luck.

The work order system is different. As long as the work points are sufficient, even if you purchase super-grade goods, it is ok.

Zhou Yang never forgot the creed of Wanjielou~www.readwn.com~ Shangtong Wanjie, let everyone work for me.

This work system, Zhou Yang has been brewing, but the conditions have been immature, and the conditions are finally ripe.

If the previous work system was announced, for example, Wanjielou issued a work task and picked a hundred real dragons, this task was not completed by anyone.

Now it is different, whether it is game light ball, main **** light ball or golden light ball, they can complete this work.

For example, Wanjielou issued a work task, which required ten cubic meters of colorful fairy gold. In the past, the largest piece of colorful fairy gold appeared in the Wanjie Building, which was also the size of the fist. How can customers complete this task?

Although the release of some simple tasks, Wanjielou customers can also complete, but in this case, the work system will once again depreciate, losing purchasing power, and the previous value points, spiritual points, and meta-points.

If Zhou Yang issues a work task and refines a hundred pieces of six-step sword-shaped magic weapon, there are too many customers in Wanjielou to complete this task.

Even if this work task is defined as a work point, how many points should be given to refining a hundred seven-step sword-shaped magic weapon, and how many work points should be given to refining one hundred eight-step sword-shaped magic weapon?

It will take a long time for the work system to lose its value until it is banned.

The work-point system needs to be difficult and someone can do it.

“There are no restrictions on the work points, as long as the points are sufficient to buy any grade of goods”

At the moment when the Wanjielou notice sounded, everyone in Wanjielou listened to it with great concentration. Especially after hearing the work points to buy any grade of goods, the entire Wanjielou was sensational.

At almost the same time, everyone in the Wanjielou gathered in the tower of time, because the location of the work mission was in the tower of time.

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