History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1655: Extraordinary work points

"Boma, give you a task."

After Zhou Yang issued the notice of the work system, he notified Boomer again.

Although he subconsciously thought that Gao was responsible for the work-related system, Zhou Yang did not intend to hand over this matter to him when he thought that Gao was responsible for the main hall of Wanjielou.

Among all the employees in Wanjielou, Zhou Yang screened a lot and chose Bumai, which is usually idle.

Bouma called Zhou Yang to call her over, but she was excited for a while, surrounded by Zhou Yang and cheerfully talking about the various things she had happened in recent days.

"Let's go."

Zhou Yang listened to the words of Boma and occasionally returned to the sentence while walking toward the tower of time.

The work in charge of the work system is not complicated.

Because the work tasks released by Wanjielou are all about the temporary shortage of Wanjielou. For example, there is only one of the Wanyuan Buildings in Wanxiang Building. There are many customers in Wanjielou who want to buy the swallow pot.

Wanjielou can post a task: "In one day, refining 20 pieces of swallowing magic pots, reward: 1 work point."

This work task, in addition to the monk can be completed, the ten-order realm in the Wanjie Building has the ability to refine the swallowing magic pot, and some of the nine-level top realm customers have the ability to complete.

As long as you take over the customer of this task, you can complete a job within one day and you can reward a job.

Or suddenly there is a Wanjielou force that needs to buy a thousand fourth-order sword-shaped magic weapon, three thousand fourth-order black armor magic weapon, and one thousand fourth-order immortality breakthrough barrier dragon tiger Dan.

Wanjielou may not be able to take out these goods at a time, you can post a job, such as asking for eight hours of work.

The customer who takes over this task not only needs to complete the above tasks, but also needs to complete some of the scattered tasks of the Wanjie Building with the acceleration of the time tower.

Zhou Yang also needs further details on the number of work points for specific remuneration.

“I don’t know what tasks I need to complete to get the job points?”

“It’s not very difficult. I don’t know what specific requirements are there for the task?”

“I don’t know if we have the opportunity to take over the job, how many points does it take to purchase a ten-order product?”

Around the tower of time, surrounded by densely packed people, they talked about the issue of the work system.

The emergence of the work system has made all customers see the hope of breaking through to higher levels.

Customers below the tenth level of realm have the ability to purchase ten-order items as long as they have work points.

Like the customers of the ten-order realm such as Panlong World Hongmeng, the realm of strength completely exceeds the carrying limit of the original world, and it is impossible to obtain higher-grade treasures from the original world.

There is also a special life body like a golden light ball. If you want to buy a super-degraded product, you can't get a treasure of a level, and you can use it as a barter.

The emergence of work points completely broke this bondage.

As long as the accumulation of time, a good luck ten-level primary realm customers, it is likely to purchase a ten-level intermediate goods through the accumulated work points.

If you are not lucky, you need to accumulate for a long time.

However, there are also quick ways.

Zhou Yang will not restrict the trading of the points, only need to pay a certain fee to Wanjielou, Zhouyang allows some customers to trade the points.

In this way, for low-level customers, they can trade points and exchange high-level customers for the goods they need.

High-end customers can use some of the treasures they have the ability to make, trade at high prices to work points, and accumulate more work points faster.

If Wanjielou operates in this way, it can run more quickly.

While discussing the work system, Wanjielou customers did not forget to pay attention to a huge crystal screen in the air, waiting for the information displayed above.

Many Wanjielou customers found that the crystal screen on the tower of the time appeared after the announcement of the work-point system in Wanjielou. It is likely to be the platform for publishing work tasks.

Although the work order system was announced, many customers are aware that there are certainly not many tasks that can earn work points.

Otherwise, Wanjielou can set up a new currency unit, and there is no need to set up a special division system.

The task of obtaining the work points is limited. No one knows what the specific difficulty is. If there are many people who meet the requirements, if they are late, the work tasks may be taken away by other customers.

"Everyone is quiet!"

Zhou Yang's body shape, directly with the Buma appeared in front of the crystal screen, the face is calm, the road.

The crystal screen is the focal point of everyone in the Wanjielou, appearing in front of the crystal screen, and does not need to directly inform the Wanjielou people to divert attention.

"As for the content of the work system, everyone has received it. I will now explain the process of the work system further."

Zhou Yang said a word, and then moved his mind, mobilizing the information of Wanjielou, some information about the shortage of goods.

"The tenth-order space warship."

Zhou Yang found that many ten-level realms of Wanjielou had booked a ten-order space warship. A total of thirteen space warships were ordered. www.readwn.com~ are different levels of ten-order space warships, Wan The boundary building has not yet been delivered.

Among them, the tenth-order primary space warship has the largest demand, and the tenth-order top space warship has the smallest predetermined number, only one.

“Publishing tasks: Delivering fifteen tenth-order primary space warships, five ten-order intermediate space warships, five ten-order advanced space warships, and three ten-order top-class space warships within one day.”

"Remuneration: 8 work points."

Zhou Yang hesitated a bit and roughly determined the rewards of his work.

There will be no more work tasks to be released, and in this case, he will increase the value of the work points.

There is no need to stipulate a strict value system, and the work can be established as a lucky point. As long as the lucky points reach a certain number, a wish can be fulfilled.

“There is also a need to publish a task that most customers can do.”

Delivering the mission of the space warship, there are only a handful of customers who can complete this task in the Wanjie Building.

“The highest time of the time tower accelerates the environment, refining 10,000 pieces of third-order Dan furnace, 10,000 pieces of third-order refining furnace, 8,000 pieces of fourth-order Dan furnace, 8,000 pieces of fourth-order refining furnace, and 5,000 pieces. The fifth-order Dan furnace and five thousand-piece refining furnaces require: the body is beautiful, delivered within one day, and the materials of the refiner are provided by themselves. Remuneration: 1 work."

Alchemy furnaces and refining furnaces are technical magic weapons. Generally, four-stage refining furnaces and refining furnaces are required to refine three-stage refining furnaces and refining furnaces. Wanjielou customers rarely refine alchemy furnaces and refining furnaces.

At the same time, with a clear contrast, everyone in Wanjielou also understands the great value of the work.

"So then see who can grab the job?"

Zhou Yang face with a smile, the corner of his mouth outlines a strange arc, long way.

At the same time, the crystal screen shows two work tasks set by Zhou Yang.

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