
Surrounded by the hearts of the people in front of the Shaolin Temple, everyone knows that it is not just because of the world of Deer and the world of Tianlong.

Who do you think you are, a low-mart world, a Chinese-language world, and you can't see your existence in the world rankings connected by the Wanjie Building.

But who asked the owner to mention these two worlds?

Everyone is worried and uneasy, and they have to find a place to vent.

It is precisely the great forces of both worlds that belong to Shaolin Temple and give you opportunities.

"You have to give everyone an explanation for sweeping the floor." Su Shi stood out from the crowd and yelled at the sweeping floor.

Behind Su Shi, there are Sima Guang and Su Shi. They are the same as sweeping the terrarium. They are born in the world of Tian Long Ba Bu.

Whether it is the Shaolin Temple or the Xiaoyao faction, these martial arts sects are rough and wild in the eyes of the court officials such as Su Shi and Sima Guang.

Although the rapid rise of the Shaolin Temple and the Xiaoyao School, there were not only a few masters, but also a great master.

The sweeping of the Shaolin Temple was even more deified.

Whether it is above the temple or in the rivers and lakes, the legends of the Happy and Shaolin Temples are circulated.

However, it has nothing to do with it at all.

The court and the rivers and lakes are two irrelevant forces.

In the eyes of the emperor and the court ministers, the two sects appeared as high-ranking people, admiring at most, and did not affect the party struggle on the court.

Who knows that the Liao Kingdom was at this time, and the imperial court of the imperial court was defeated, and only the number of people could fill it.

The court side army was retreating, but the people at the border had no time to retreat. They thought that the court could block the Liao army and there was no retreat.

The result was very common. The Liao army slaughtered the three cities and looted the wealth of about ten cities.

Who knows this time, the happy and the Shaolin Temple who learned the matter took the shot.

When the two armies fought, the Shaolin Temple and the Xiaoyao faction did not participate, and there was no evil or kindness in the battle of the army.

Moreover, there are still 50,000-strong army and 10,000 Liaoguo iron-riding confrontation. There should be no problem in holding the city, and there is no going to war.

However, after knowing that the Liao Bing slaughtered nearly 100,000 people, the Shaolin Temple and the Xiaoyao faction quickly dispatched.

Shaolin Temple dispatched a hundred and eight Luohan arrays, and under the leadership of Xuanci abbot, intercepted the front of the Liao army.

The head of the happy party has no cliffs and pursues many masters of the three old and happy people.

After a long battle in the war, the tens of thousands of iron horses in the Liao Kingdom were completely annihilated, and none of them escaped from the encirclement of hundreds of people.

The war broke out in a place surrounded by mountains on both sides of the Liao Dynasty, so the Song Dynasty did not know the situation.

However, with the 100,000 iron rides of the Liao Kingdom once again, the Song Dynasty was completely paralyzed.

"We have all smashed the tens of thousands of iron rides in Liaoguo?"

“Is this what we did?”

"Can we do it?"

"If we can do it, do we still need to send you so much money every day?"

"If you want to hit us, just say, we stand and let you make a sigh."

In the Song Dynasty, there was a mourning in the hall, and lying in the middle of the gun. The face of the Liao Kingdom was getting thicker and thicker, and the days could not be over.


The army of the Song Dynasty quickly retreated, once again abandoned dozens of cities on the border, and gathered hundreds of thousands of side troops in the vicinity of Hongde City to prepare for a protracted war.

When the soldiers of the Liao Dynasty retreat, they will accept the lost city.

In the Song Dynasty, the news that the tens of thousands of iron horses in the Liao Kingdom were destroyed was purely vain. If you take advantage of it, you should go back.

However, the Liao Kingdom knows that the tens of thousands of iron rides are indeed completely annihilated, or they are still in the territory of Liao.

The emperors and generals of the Liao Kingdom believed that this was the provocation of the Great Song Dynasty to the Liao Kingdom, and it would be ten times more.

Slaughter city!

The most effective means for the Liao Kingdom to shock the Emperor and the Baiguan of the Song Dynasty is also the best means of exercising the **** nature of the Liao Bing beast.

One side of the Liao State was angry and the Song Dynasty was full of grievances.

The Liao State planned that the Liao soldiers would kill all the Song Dynasty people in the border town, and then the Song Dynasty could not lift their heads and wait for the money.

The Song Dynasty side planned to anger the Liao State, resisting several waves of attacks in the Liao Kingdom, and began to transport money from all parts of the country to prepare for compensation.

Just then, the Shaolin Temple and the Xiaoyao faction were dispatched again.

They did not wait for the Liao soldiers to kill the people, and then kill the Liao soldiers.

Instead, at night, all the officers of the Liao Bing and 100 cents were captured.

The next day, the Liao State Camp of the bombing battalion found that all the generals were missing and all fled.

"Slaughter the people, kill innocent!"

On the border town of the Song Dynasty, the ruling of the defending city found eight **** characters, and many Liaojun generals hanging on the wall.

The blood word is written by the Tianshan nursery rhyme with the Liaoguo commander as the pen. The scalp of the Liaoguo commander has disappeared.

In the Song Dynasty, the border army ruled over the abandonment of the great work and succeeded in capturing all the generals of the Lundred Centurion.

"Who did it?" The commander of the Song Dynasty, looking at the hilarity.

This ruling naturally boasted of his achievements.

As a result, the commander of the Song Dynasty smashed him with a knife, and he was doing the rule of raising a fortune and promoting a dream. He still did not know why he was the commander of the Song Dynasty to kill him.

"The monk did it."

The Song Dynasty side has not yet asked, the commander of the Liao State and the generals of many Liao countries frightened to provide all the facts.

Although the dress of the happy party is uniform, the people of the Song Dynasty may recognize it, but the people of the Liao Kingdom cannot recognize it.

However, the Shaolin Temple is a big bald head, and the people of Liao are clearly aware of it.

The commander of the Song Dynasty changed his head and shaved his own 3,000 pro-arms into a bald head. He slammed the Liaoguo commander back to Tokyo and became a national hero.

In less than a few days, the Liao national army returned home.

Although the generals of the army were captured alive, but the hundreds of thousands of broken iron riders, except for hundreds of soldiers who were missing, the rest of the people returned to Liao.

The emperor of Liao Dynasty quickly reorganized the army, promoted a new batch of generals, and attacked the Song Dynasty again, but they did not dare to raise the idea of ​​slaughtering the Song Dynasty people.

I just want to save the captured Liao country generals.

Song Zhezong Zhao Yuxing's rushing to the levy of the pro-signal, named after the last commander of the military, accompanied by a round of the Liaoguo hit the lost helmet, the entire army defeated, Song Zhezong Zhao Wei will be captured.

At this time, the soldiers of the Liao State and the soldiers of the Song Dynasty saw clearly who they were and the defeat of the Liao State.

One hundred and eighty-nine Luohan rushed into the Liao army camp, like 18 road rollers, and the Liao Bingchong, who was chasing the victory, was torn apart.

There are also masters of the happy party, but also driving the flying sword, showing a picture of Xian Xia to the Song Dynasty side and the Liao Kingdom side, both sides are stunned.

"Reward, must be rewarded."

Song Zhezong Zhao Yi was excited. It turned out that the masters in the martial arts were so powerful that they must be allowed to be officials.

In this way, after Liaoguo commits crimes, it is not easy to repel.

The other warriors on the rivers and lakes also took the opportunity to join the court. The situation of the former civil servant was completely changed.

Wenwu contends, and even the military suppresses the civil service group.

"Su sneaked, you have a face to stand out." The sweeping mantle has not yet opened, and the deaf abbot of the world of Lu Ding remembered himself again.

"Puzzle other people's verses, you are a cultural thief, a cultural bandit."

"What do you say?" Su Shi's face instantly turned into iron blue.

When he first entered the Wanjielou, he attended a poetry conference and did not know the situation. He took out his own poems.

"Da Jiangdong, the waves are exhausted..."

"Well, don't force it, change one." Su Shi just sighed and saw the crowd below.

"Does the poems here ~www.readwn.com~ demand so high?" Su Shi's heart is secret, only one more.

"Ten years of life and death..."

"When is the moon, I will ask the wine for the sky..."


After several consecutive results, Su Shi saw that the gaze of the lower part of the gaze became more and more serious. Even some poems, he gave his name, and the following people came out.

Under a snoring, Su Shi wore and fled, and won the title of plagiarism.

Although he later known that he was Su Shi, this title is still with him.

"Then you make a poem that goes beyond the level of the water to the head of the song?" Aunt Cong Cong looked at Su Shi with a smile, aren't you saying that it is not plagiarism?

Have the ability to make a poem that goes beyond the water.

Su Shi,"······".

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