History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 372: Li Xiaoyao

[Title: Worst shopkeeper body of three hundred and seventy second chapter of Lee Happy: Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter of "The strongest shopkeeper in history" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"Junzi Juyitang\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: God-level enchanting food suppliers, the era of the 1958 super-genuine, the Korean police officer, the end of the new world, the smuggling of the sacred fire, the strongest shock with the noise around Shaolin Temple, some of the big forces have quietly Go away and return to the original world.

They are very clear that no matter when these people discuss it, they have no results and will only shirk their responsibilities.

Instead of listening to them talking nonsense here, it is better to do it yourself.

"What do you want to buy?"

Wanjie Lougao and others have been surrounded by anxious customers, and Zhou Yang came out of the lounge with a glimpse of his eyes.

His eyes were on the martial arts cheats area on the first floor of the Golden Gate Building in Wanjielou, where a man of about twenty years old was wearing a common clothes and two hands holding a solitary sword and watching the drool.

"Name: Li Xiaoyao.

Identity: The Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man, the son of fate.

Business value: Samsung. ”

The martial arts fans in the world of Xian Xia!


Li Xiaoyao is concentrating on the dream of successfully practicing the solitary nine swords after he has been concentrating on the sword.

The voice that suddenly appeared in this sound made a big jump, and the hand was stunned. The sword of the solitary sword in the hand could not help but fall to the ground.

"I will wipe it for you, no damage."

Li Xiaoyao looked at Zhou Yang with a nervous look and cautiously.

He accidentally broke the celebrity secrets here, but fortunately did not break.

"Put it on the shelf."

Zhou Yang does not care. With the development of Wanjielou, this peerless swordfare is no longer qualified to be placed in the crystal counter.

Instead, it is placed on the shelves with many martial arts cheats.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the solitary swords with a sigh of relief. He even took a sigh of relief on it, as if he was relishing the smell of the solitary swords, and gently put the cheats on the shelves.

Looking at Li Xiaoyao's appearance, Zhou Yang had some memories. When he first saw the cheats, he and Li Xiaoyao almost expressed.

Or have it.

In the world of Xianjian, Li Xiaoyao can also see some Jianghu knights and see them exhibiting martial arts.

Being a hero is Li Xiaoyao's dream, a dream that can be completed.

And Zhou Yang’s dream of being a hero is a daydream.

Seeing the martial arts cheats, Li Xiaoyao is ecstatic, and Zhou Yang sees cheats, it is mad, even the world view has a big turn of 180 degrees.

“Is it really wanting? I can credit you, when is the value, you can pay the value point.”

Zhou Yang looked at Li Xiaoyao, whose eyes were still on the cheats of the Du Gujiu sword. His fingers were lightly touched, and a martial arts cheat that was completely copied exactly appeared in Zhou Yang’s hands.

As the system enters the fourth level, customers with commercial value or commercial potential value above Samsung can make credits.

The number of credits is entirely determined by Zhou Yang.

It is only the goods that are sold on credit, and the percentage of the goods must be paid when the customer pays the arrears.

“When is credit, when is it worthwhile?”

Li Xiaoyao heard the words, could not help but swallow, he has not seen this business.

Is the owner doing business like this?

Just how does he make the business so big?

He is just a store, and how can he pay hundreds of value points?

"You can't do business in this way. It's up to you to do business. If you are a shopkeeper at Wanjielou, I have to tell you that credit is not enough."

"Especially poor people like me have no money to pay."

"This cheat is even if you pay the tuition, wait for me to become a hero, create a new cheat, and return you."

Li Xiaoyao grinned and smiled. He took over the Du Gujiu sword from Zhou Yang’s hand and collected the Du Gujiu sword in his arms.

After you go back, you can go to practice this cheat and become a hero.

"Can you still lend me a little?" Li Xiaoyao slammed his hand and looked at Zhou Yang with a look of grief.

"Li Dazhao is sick, I can change my life with a drug, but can you give me a discount?" Li Xiaoyao was afraid that Zhou Yang would not believe it and explained it quickly.

Just trading his life, he still has some small concerns.

"You wait for me, I will call a person, he will go with me to treat Li Sanqi."

Zhou Yang said to Li Xiaoyao, who looked forward to his face, agreeing to his request and at the same time opening the world of Xianjian.

Although the value of 50,000 looks a lot, it is only a small value point compared to the value of a world of fairy swords.

"The big snake pill, take a walk with me. Maybe you want to see someone like you." Zhou Yang went into the lab and looked at the opening of the big snake pill that was transforming himself.

In the world of Xianjian, there is also a genius neurotic genius similar to the big snake pill, worshipping the Lord.

The proposition of the big snake pill is that immortality does not die. The proposition of worshipping the moon is whether there is love in the world.

Both of these people are metamorphosis scientists.

Zhou Yang is looking forward to seeing if they can ignite the basics.

The big snake pill heard the eyes slightly bright, and the owner said that he was similar to him. He wanted to see him.


Zhou Yang came out of the laboratory, followed by the big snake pill, and walked to Li Xiaoyao, who walked back and forth to the step.

He is very aware of Li Xiaoyao's current mood and has not delayed it.

"Okay, let's hurry." Li Xiaoyao glanced at the big snake pill and was scared to retreat.

With the appearance of the big snake pill behind Zhou Yang, he really took a jump. How does this man look like a snake?

"You are afraid of me?"

The big snake pill stretched out a long long tongue and smashed on Li Xiaoyao’s face.

In an instant, Li Xiaoyao became pale and hid in front of Zhou Yang, his legs trembled.

He has determined that this perverted man is not a dragon, but a pervert.

"We are leaving."

Zhou Yang didn't mind the drama of Dashe Pill and Li Xiaoyao. His mind was slightly moved, and Li Xiaoyao was brought to Lijia Inn. Dashe Pill was sent to Nanzhao State.

For Li Sanqi’s illness, Zhou Yang was only a little lighter, and Li Sanhao, who was in a coma, woke up.

Li Xiaoyao looked at Li Sanzhao who had awakened, and thanked Zhou Yang for a moment, and hurriedly looked after Li Sanhao.

Because Zhou Yang rescued Li Sanhao, Li Sanzheng immediately promised to have the permanent free residence rights of Lijia Inn.

"Three 婶 I want to go out and sway the rivers and lakes." Li Xiaoyao looked at Li Sanzhen, who had recovered to health, and looked at Zhou Yang on the side, stood up and said to Li Sanzhen solemnly.

Paying back debts and paying for it is justified.

He wants to pay off the value point of Zhou Yang as soon as possible.

The most important thing is that he won the cheats of the Solitary Nine Swords, and his confidence is full.

After Li Sanzhen’s awakening, Li Xiaoyao has secretly watched the many solitary swords in his arms.

He is full of confidence in the solitary sword that broke into the world.

I hope to enter the rivers and lakes and make a name for myself.

"You are a little boy, go to what rivers and lakes, even the three-legged cat's effort will not, you are still in the store to be your shop second."

Li Sanqi did not hesitate to attack the Tao, and Li Xiaoyao’s ability was clear.

Except for a little cleverness, nothing will happen.

To sway the rivers and lakes, not only must have wisdom, but also use strength.

Because sometimes, the strength can crush any wisdom~www.readwn.com~ Zhou Yang is not in a hurry to let Li Xiaoyao go to the rivers and lakes so quickly.

Because the wine swordsman has not yet taught him the sword of the mountain, with a single solitary sword and swords, it is absolutely abused.

"You can practice the solitary swords and then go to the rivers and lakes." Zhou Yang suggested.

The baby five spirits in the world of Xianjian, he also hopes that Li Xiaoyao will help him collect it.

Wulingzhu is the five spiritual beads formed by the five natural forces of water, fire, thunder, wind and earth.

The four beads of Tu Lingzhu, Lei Lingzhu, Feng Lingzhu and Huo Lingzhu may not be too troublesome. These beads are all appearing at fixed locations.

Maybe Lingzhu is not in that place right now, but when the story comes, Lingzhu will appear in that place.

But Shui Lingzhu is the real bug, he actually was ten years ago.

Zhou Yang now has no ability to shuttle time and space.

Li Xiaoyao heard the words and nodded. He also felt that he was over-excited. He secretly planned to learn a trick and then go to the rivers and lakes.

"When you practice a solitary sword, you can go to Xianling Island to find a good person..." Zhou Yang is planning to arrange Li Xiaoyao to find Wulingzhu, and he heard the help of the big snake pill.

"The shopkeeper, I am not the opponent of the worship of the moon." In Zhou Yang's mind, the sound of the big snake pill anxious.

Return to Wanjielou, except Zhouyang can move instantly.

Others must be deflated and concentrating on communicating with Wanjielou. It takes a few seconds for Dashen Pill.

These few seconds are enough to worship the Lord to kill the big snake pill several times.

"What if I want to save people?" Zhou Yang was slightly surprised.

“Don't the big snake pill and the worshipper of the moon have no basis?”

Instead, it was slammed! (To be continued.) Junzi Juyitang novel reading network

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