History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 601: Abbot system

"I have seen the owner and met Mr. Gao."

Huo Zhen looked up at the two people standing in front of him and quickly respected him.

One of them was full-faced and temperamental. He looked like he was in his thirties. He wore a black brocade and stood upright. It was the high point that Huo Zhen had seen before.

The other person is smiling and handsome. His eyes are like two deep pools. The ancient well has no waves. The most special thing is his temperament. It is a kind of temperament that is super-destructive. It seems that everything can be done.

Huo Zhen saw his first sight, and there was a message in his mind. The person in front of him was the leader of Wanjielou, the mysterious shopkeeper who was circulated among thousands of people and a small population.

"The last time you asked about the system, did you want to buy another system?"

Zhou Yangwei smiled.

Although it is only a simple sentence, he has already revealed enough information to Huo Zhen.

He knows the system and knows that Huo Zhen has a system.

"The shopkeeper I want to sell my system."

Huo Zhen’s face with a bitter smile, what system to buy, the system against the sky, the need for value, the need for the spirit, he did not have it.

In a word, he is a poor man, can't buy anything, can only sell.

Moreover, he is now a natural world, and the abbot system has not improved his strength.

What's more, he does not intend to study Shaolin Temple martial arts again. Shaolin martial arts learns to go against the sky and survives to live a hundred or two years old.

If you are a cultivator, you can live for a few hundred years.

He wants to cultivate the immortal martial arts, and the abbot system does not help at all. He has not helped a little. He has become a shackle that binds his freedom and cannot make him return to the customs.

Therefore, after he learned about Wanjielou, the idea of ​​trading the abbot system was lingering in his mind.

“System estimates?”

Zhou Yang heard Huo Zhen’s words, and his face was getting more and more smiling. He wanted to see it with his own eyes. What kind of system is it.

"Recycling price 10000 Ling points ~ 500000 Ling points."

Zhou Yang’s voice just fell, and the sound of the system’s icy machine sounded in his ear.

"This price is a bit high."

Zhou Yang has some doubts. Although the abbot system is very magical, his help for people's cultivation is limited. The tasks of the abbot system are all completed, and the strength of the host is still a long distance.

Moreover, the martial arts cheats in the abbot system, the Wanjie Building is ninety-nine, and the other lottery items in the abbot system are only low-grade goods in Wanjielou, and the price of selling a thousand spirit points can be accepted.

However, the recycling price of the 500,000 spirit points is higher than the price of the Imperial soldiers, and some are unreasonable.

"The abbot system can grow. After each host completes the task of system release, the abbot system will have a certain growth. If the host is well trained, the abbot system may grow into a Buddha system."

"If it is the strength of the host, to reach a certain level, you may be able to understand the abbot system, make a system similar to the abbot system, help the main system, the head system, the emperor system, etc."

The system explained slowly.

"If there is a system transaction, and the abbot system level is similar, then it is not that the price will be much lower than the abbot system."

Zhou Yang slightly frowned.


The system returns.

"Your abbot system recycling price is 50,000 spirit points, would you like to accept the transaction?"

I intended to give Huo Zhen a million spirits to collect the price, but Zhou Yang thought twice and gave him a good price.

The abbot system is a chicken rib in the hands of Huo Zhen, but in his hands, it can be a huge business opportunity.

If one day, he can understand the abbot system and make other systems by himself, then the profits brought by it are absolutely huge.

Therefore, Zhou Yang will raise the recycling price of the original one million points to 50,000 spirit points.

"How much? 50000 Ling points?"

Huo Zhen’s uneasy expression on his face turned into an unbelievable moment. He couldn’t think of the recovery price of the abbot system.

"The shop owner will not be worth 50,000."

Huo Zhen swallowed his throat and spit, and asked carefully.

He was afraid that Zhou Yang said that the unit that recovered the price, the fifty thousand spirit points and the 50,000 value points were not a concept at all. The difference was too big, one day, one place, and the other.

What can be done at 50,000 value points, and there are too many things that 50,000 value points can buy.

The Shaolin abbot world, the Jiuyang Zhenjing, which can be called the masterpiece of the world, is also worth hundreds of value points in the Wanjie Building. A primary comprehension method is also worth thousands of points.

If he spends 50,000 value points to strengthen in Wanjielou and return to the Shaolin abbot world, Huo Zhen believes that he may not be the strongest in the Shaolin abbot world, but absolutely no one can kill him.

What's more, Wu Wan Ling points, if he strengthens with Wan Wu Ling points in Wan Jie Lou, and returns to the Shaolin Abbot world, he is the anti-day existence, he wants to be killed, no one can do it.

"If you suspect that there are too many 50000 spiritual points, you can't spend it, I can recycle it at 50,000 value points."

Zhou Yang smiled.

If the customer wishes to do so, he recycles it at a price below the minimum estimate and does not violate the rules of the system.

"Not too much, not too much, the 50000 spiritual point is just right, just right."

Huo Zhen even waved his hand, and the whole person was excited and flushed, and his body was slightly shaken.

He seems to have seen his invincible career in the world of Shaolin abbot, has already opened the curtain.

"The Shenjian Royal Thunder must be bought, and the size of the thirty-six days of the shackles and the clouds are also bought, but those who escaped are good."

When Huo Zhenyi thought of his future good life, he couldn’t help but spill a few mouthfuls of water.

As soon as I thought of practicing the size of my heart, Huo Zhen couldn’t help but feel the excitement in my heart. The Shaolin abbot, the tallest person in the world, would probably be two meters tall.

If he uses the size of his mind, his body will become a hundred feet high, and his powerful opponent will probably be scared by his huge body and on the spot.

In the past, the abbot system was needed to pretend that the Buddha had come.

When he learned the size and wished himself, he directly turned into a tall figure. He sat on the ground and he was like Buddha.

As for the clouds, it is the stunt of the girl.

When I thought of holding a sister, I flew a few rounds back and forth in the sky, and there was still a girl who couldn’t get it.

However, Huo Zhen soon remembered that he was still in Wanjielou, and was trading with Wanyanglou Zhouyang. Now he is drooling, and he is still good at early, and he has swallowed his mouth.

"This is a gold card with 50,000 points in it."

Zhou Yang looked at the fascinated Huo Zhen, shook his head, flicked, a card flashing with gold light, flew into the hands of Huo really ~www.readwn.com~ Huo Zhen looked at the golden membership card in his hand, eyes There was a slight impulse in the flash. If it wasn't for Zhou Yang and Gao Yao, he would still kiss this gold card for half an hour to express his excitement.


Just as Huo Zhen took over the gold card, a pure white strip flew out of his body and slowly fell into the hands of Zhou Yang.

The milky white strip is about nine feet long and nine inches wide. It is also like a ribbon, like a sheep fat jade, crystal clear, beautiful, full of mystery.

"What material is this made of?"

Zhou Yang touched the pure white strip in the hands of Mo, carefully looked at it, a slight glimpse.

He couldn't see what the material was made of. He knew that he was not as good as the Jade Emperor and others, but his combat power was no less than them.

Now I can't see what the abbot system is made of. This is somewhat beyond his expectations. How do you make your own system?

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