History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 602: Gathered abbots

"I don't understand it, how can I understand the abbot system and make other systems."

Zhou Yang had a bitter smile. He thought that even if he couldn't make the system of the abbot system, it would always be a simple version of the system.

Who knows that even the material of the abbot system can not be seen, let alone create a new system.

"But it's okay, at least the abbot system, you can also upgrade, as long as you upgrade to the Buddha system, even the profits will be earned back, and still earn a lot of money."

Zhou Yang lightly breathed a sigh of relief. If the abbot system could not be upgraded, he would really lose money.

"The shopkeeper, Xiao Yan first left."

Huo Zhen, who was on the side, also recovered from the shock, slightly bent and Zhou Yang said, directly trotting all the way to the commodity area, he needs to choose a good choice, what to buy.

"System, inform all the Shaolin Temple abbots in Wanjielou, let them all come over."

Zhou Yang saw Huo Zhen leave, shook his head, and looked down on the abbot system in his hand, sinking for a moment.

Since the abbot system can be upgraded, first let the monks of Shaolin Temple, brush the level, and so on, to a certain extent, they can be sold to the people of Xianxia world.

Wanjie Mall, Buddhism.

The recent recruitment of temporary staff by Wanjielou has made the Buddhism, composed of Shaolin Temple monks, aware of the crisis of survival.

Wanjielou has recruited temporary employees many times, and no one in Buddhism is eligible to apply for it.

The most recent time, Wanjielou recruited the fifth-order realm and the strongest of the fifth-order alchemy division. Their realm is far from the fifth-order realm, and there is still a long distance.

Therefore, they are not selected and they will not care.

Wanjielou opened the open world, and the right to enter, the lowest is the third-order alchemy teacher, and as a result, their Buddhism is not a person.

If these two articles still say the past, then refining the magic mobile phone, this low-level spiritual device, the requirements for repairing and refining the realm are very low, and Buddhism is actually no one to meet the requirements.

After these several blows, everyone in Buddhism believes that if they cannot master the corresponding technology, they will be eliminated.

Among the 100 families, when the Mohist refines the magic mobile phone, several Mohist disciples have met the requirements.

In the newly established open world of Wanjielou, Taoist disciples also took the opportunity to enter the vast world by virtue of the means of drawing.

The Yin and Yang homes seem to be studying the array. Confucianism relies on the Confucianism and the Treasures. It also has a fixed source of income. The farmer is also focusing on how to plant the heavens and the earth.

Their Buddhism has also come to the time of choice, whether it is a refiner, or an alchemy, or other choice.

As their realm improves, the original world resources are no longer sufficient to provide the value of their cultivation costs.

If they do not have a stable source of income, they will sit on the mountain and be eliminated by the times, becoming the obscurity of the Wanjielou, and even one day will disappear.

"Teacher, it is better for us to choose alchemy."

The Buddhist hall, the mysterious abbot of the Tianlong world, slightly frowns, hands folded, open the way, breaking the quiet atmosphere.

“In the beginning, Shaolin Temple Xiaodandan and Dadandan were the most popular medicinal products in Wanjielou.·······”

The Xuanci abbot stopped when he said half of it. The following meanings are understood by everyone in the Buddhist temple.

Since the Wanjielou has the Danfang of Xianxia World, the Shaolin Temple medicinal herbs, which are time-consuming and costly, have been gradually replaced and have completely lost the market.

However, in the martial arts world, in addition to Shaolin Temple's Xiao Dandan and Da Dandan, popular.

The medicinal herbs of other martial arts worlds are all unknown, that is to say, they also have alchemy talents in Shaolin Temple.

"I am afraid this is not appropriate."

The Tianming Zen Master of the Gods Carving World, this time, rebutted the opinions of the abbot of the Xuanci.

"In the world of martial arts, Xiaodan and Dadandan of Shaolin Temple are indeed famous, but in the world of cultivation, Buddhism is more famous but not a medicinal herb, but a scripture and a musical instrument."

Tianming Zen Master is slow.

The Westward Journey to the World of Devils has not heard of any famous medicinal herbs in Mahayana Buddhism. The Great Saint returned to the world, and did not say that there is any peerless **** in the Great Leiyin Temple. The White Snake has spread the world, and I have not heard that Lingshan has a mysterious anti-Tianjin medicine. .

Instead, these monks in the world of Xian Xia, the beads hanging on the neck of each person, the gold plaque in their hands, the cymbals worn on them are all instruments.

"Yeah, monk... no, we are best suited to open up."

A temple abbot from the modern world, excited.

They can earn tens of thousands of pieces every day, recruiting disciples, and graduated from graduate school.

"I think it's still good for alchemy. We can also eat it ourselves, and in the newly opened open world, there is almost no transaction fee for trading medicinal herbs and herbs."

"It's still a good refiner, and it has a stronger instrument."

"Dan medicine is the journey, the realm is the root, the realm is high, live for a long time, there is hope for everything."

"The instrument is the king. The power is the capital, the weapon is strong, and the combat power is strong. Only then can we receive more tasks and earn more value points."


For a time, in the Buddhist hall, there were many disputes in the direction of alchemy and refining, but no one proposed a third direction.

Obviously, everyone in the hall knows that they have other choices besides alchemy and refining.

"Amitabha, the establishment of alchemy hall and refining hall, both can be."

In the first place, sitting on the sweeping floor of the pale yellow futon, relaxed a buddha, whispered.

There are more than one hundred abbots in the Shaolin Temple sitting in the Buddhist hall. So many Linsi Fang abbots represent one Shaolin Temple.

With so many people, there is absolutely no problem in developing two auxiliary systems.

The Buddha's name, which sweeps the floor, seems to have any magic power. The voice just fell, and the whole hall calmed down.

For the arrangement of sweeping the floor, everyone in the hall was not surprised.

Everyone's eyes flashed slightly, and they rushed to the floor to wait for his arrangement.

They are more concerned about ~www.readwn.com~ who will take charge of the alchemy hall and the refining hall.

After the alchemy hall and the refining hall, I am afraid that it is the two main sources of Buddhism. Whoever manages one of them will represent an invincible place and can always occupy an important position in Buddhism.

The eyes of the sweeping mantle slowly opened, and the eyes of Gujing’s waveless eyes swept a circle and found that everyone’s eyes were full of fiery heat.

If he is talking about Buddhism and Taoism, he can explain the scriptures to the people in the Great Hall. He only arranges for someone to serve, and he is also a bit embarrassed.

“Notice, Wanshang Building recruits temporary staff, interviews for identity requirements, Shaolin Temple abbot.”

At this time, all the abbots of Shaolin Temple in Wanjielou had a mysterious and cold voice in their ears.

boom! boom! boom! ······

A mess of footsteps sounded in the Wanjie Building. Everyone saw the front of the Wanjie Building. One of the Shaolin Temple abbots rushed and ran into one piece, white light and dazzling.

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