History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 623: Spiritual loss?

"Which is the lord of the yin?"

Zhou Yang shook his head, his eyes removed from Lin Biantian and he turned to the three forces behind the four major clan and asked.

He intends to give Lin Biantian a magic mobile phone, just try to see what kind of changes will happen in the world of Qiankun. This is his temporary intention. The transaction is the main purpose of his trip.

"In the ancestral home of Teng Zong, I don’t know if you are..."

The Yinzong Zongzong Tengxiu is a middle-aged man who wears a dark red robe suit, a hairy black hair, a pale face, and the thin lips smash into a sinuous curvature, giving a first impression. This is not a heart-loving Lord.

Whether it is Lin Biaotian or the son of the sect of the sect of the sacred ancestor, if he participates in the battle for the ancient monuments three years later, his various forces will be assured of one or two.

However, because of the reason of Lin Dong, the leader of the previous generation, three years ahead of schedule, went out to hone.

The major forces are naturally not at ease, and all those who have made a strong presence are accompanying them.

In the Great Wilderness County, the head of the Great Devils, the ally of the Wumeng, and the lords of the Yinzong, are personally pressed.

"I heard that Teng Zongzhu got a different treasure a few years ago, hoping to exchange for it."

Zhou Yang’s face was filled with a faint smile.

"Different treasure?"

Tengquan heard the words, his hands could not help but clenched a bit, and soon loosened, a hint of doubt on the face, but the heart is the coldness of the cold.

If it is not clear about the strength of Zhou Yang and his party, he will not hesitate to kill Zhou Yang and his party.

When he established the mountain gate of the Yinzong, he did not choose at random, but he found a sealed **** scorpion in a dense place.

He has been looking for opportunities to conquer the blood.

In addition to the **** scorpion, this kind of treasure, Tengsha really can't think of it, what other treasures are there.

However, the shackles in the heart of Tengquan also disappeared in an instant. Zhouyang and his entourage can see the **** scorpion, and they still dare not **** them from the yin dynasty. That means their strength, even if they are stronger than the yin dynasty, they are only strong. .

In other words, he does not have to fear Zhou Yang and his party.

"The yin dynasty has no different treasures, and you may have heard the wrong information."

I figured out the joints here, and the heart of the car was full of enthusiasm, and a pale face burst into a sneer.

"10 million pure yuan Dan!"

Zhou Yang's gaze deeply glanced at the Tengxiu, and the subtle changes in the depths of the Tengquan pupils were naturally captured by him. He was too lazy to bargain with Tengxi and directly opened a condition for the heart of Tengquan.

The Tengquan even the old man of the black scorpion can't open the seal on the ancestors' ancestors, let alone refining and consuming the ancestors.

The devour of the ancestor is just a useless thing in his hands, and there are ten million pure yuan Dan used to enhance the strength of the martial art, more realistic.


Zhou Yang’s voice just fell, and there was a sound of swallowing and spitting around him. Everyone was stunned by the huge amount Zhou Yang said.

In the Great Wilderness County, the most powerful forces of the three parties, Wumeng, Damomen, and Yinzong, did not have the ability to produce 10 million yuan.

The people of the four major clan of the Taiyan dynasty were also shocked and inexplicable. Their four clan races took out 10 million pure Yuan Dan and they were also hurt.

Now Zhou Yang is a fluttering sentence, 10 million pure Yuan Dan, this kind of casual makes them feel trembled.

These people kept on and on the Lin and Zhouyang people's patrols, so many pure Yuan Dan probably only the ancient sects can come out.

They are even more convinced that Lin Dong has gained the inheritance of ancient sects.

At the same time, the eyes of these people have also been transferred to the body of the sacred ancestor of the sacred ancestor, the sinister sect of what is worth tens of millions of pure yuan Dan.

Is it a heavenly spirit?

The forces of the Sun Dynasty **** looked at the eyes of the Yinzong people, and also revealed their burning eyes.

The strength of Zhou Yang’s group of people is unclear, and they dare not easily start, but the strength of the yin dynasty is clear.

If the Yinzong Zong really has a heavenly spirit, they don't mind getting into the yin sect.

"You deceive people..."

Tengzha also felt the strangeness in the eyes of everyone around him. If you really know that there is a **** scorpion in the shadow of the sinister ancestors, Tengquan believes that the four clan members will also kill the sect.

Bloody sorrow is the embarrassment of the strongest.

"One million Nirvana!"

If you have not finished speaking, you will be interrupted by Zhou Yang directly.

"And, I promise you no one dares to move the yin."

"One million Nirvana?"

The eyes of everyone around me looked at Zhou Yang’s eyes without any surprise, but full of deep doubts.

The patriarchs of the four clan races Nirvana, all according to one grain and one grain. In front of this person, the opening is one million Nirvana.

The number is too large and too illusory.

"Little, Nirvana."

Zhou Yang turned to Xiao Xiao.

Zhou Yang is now a Nirvana Dan, but Xiao Xiao is a celestial patriarch, although he does not use Nirvana, but he should carry tens of millions of Nirvana.

Even if he doesn't have it, it is a minute of a minute to consolidate a million nirvana with his reincarnation strength.

Xiao Yan heard that he had thrown a Qiankun bag on his body to Zhou Yang. In Qiankun’s bag, he had 10 million Nirvana Dan who prepared for Lin’s practice.

Now Zhou Yang needs a million Nirvana, and he threw it without hesitation.

Lin Dong is still a big man of creation, and there is still a long way to go from Nirvana, and Nie Dan is not used in a short time.

Moreover, when others are in the world of Qiankun, how many Nirvana wants to be, the enchanting family will soon send ten times Nirvana.

Xiaoyan disappeared for a period of time, and once again appeared in the Tianhuo Yi people, his reincarnation strength directly fell to the ground with those enchanting elders.

Now what Xiaoxiao said, the genius of the genius will not hesitate to implement.

"Here is a million Nirvana, agree to exchange, these are yours."

Zhou Yang waved, and took out a million Nirvana from the Qiankun bag and placed it in another Qiankun bag. The Qiankun bag of one million Nirvana floated quietly in front of Tengchao.

One million Nirvana Dan from a Qiankun bag to another Niangdan long river formed by the Qiankun bag, the people around are looking at it with ecstasy, as if to look at the peerless beauty.

Everyone here knows that the four major families are not necessarily one million Nirvana.

This is a huge sum over the Taiyan Dynasty.

Everyone's body is tightened in an instant, and even some people's body overflows, a million nirvana, and even more Nirvana, almost drown their reason.

Just looking at the calm Zhou Yang and his party, everyone has a glimpse of their hearts, and then afraid after a while.

Zhou Yang and his party dare to take out a million Nirvana in the public, will they not consider their existence?

They did not hesitate to take it out, indicating that they did not put them in their eyes.

Can come up with the power to easily take out a million Nirvana, and there will be no strong Nirvana.

As long as there is a strong Nirvana, you can sweep the Taiyan Dynasty.

If they are hands-on, they will die.

"Predecessors are joking, how can there be any different treasures in the Yinzong?"

The heart of Tengchao was also a fierce jump when Zhou Yang said a million Nirvana. He almost agreed.

However, Zhou Yang was able to produce a million Nirvana, indicating that the **** scorpion that was sealed in the yin dynasty, worth more than one million Nirvana.

"Hey~ I want to give Lin Dong an experience."

There is a hint of helplessness in Zhou Yang’s eyes, and it is trouble to trade with such a deep city.

With fewer bids, they are not tempted, their bids are high, and they want more.

Today, Tengzha does not trade with him, and he will be taken away by Lin.

At that time, they have a haze of saying that a million nirvana, can not exist, is an undetermined thing.

"Make a military monument, give me the martial arts inside you, and I will help you revitalize the Great Wilderness."

Zhou Yang didn't look at Tengsha again. Since he wanted to die, Zhou Yang was too lazy to talk to him.

He reached out and scratched the seal of the ancient monument and stepped into the space of the ancient monument.

The Huawu Monument records all the martial arts of the Great Wilderness. Zhou Yang came to the ancient monuments, and naturally he will not return empty-handed.

He knows that the martial arts monument is wise and can understand what he said.


Seeing Zhou Yang waved the seal of the ancient monument, the surrounding eyes flashed a lot of horror.

This is a strong seal of Nirvana and a seal that cannot be broken.

It is now easy to be broken by Zhou Yang, this is how powerful.

In particular, everyone in the Yinzong ancestors, pale, without a trace of blood, twinkling of fear and color, they actually rejected the transaction of such a peerless power.

If they are angered by Zhou Yang, do they still have a living path?

However, although these people were shocked, the speed at their feet was not slow at all, and they all entered the ancient monument from the space that Zhou Yang opened.

When the people just entered, they heard what Zhou Yang wanted to do with the Huawu Monument.

These people have been numb by Zhou Yang’s shock, and they have seen a piece of jade slip in the monument of creation and civilization, and they have calmed down.

"Small, you are going to grab the alien seal of the underground seal."

Zhou Yang slightly perceives the martial arts in the martial arts monument, and his face does not have a faint smile. This sale is not lost.

As long as he resurrected the guardians in the ancient monuments, and with the strength of the guardian Nirvana, he would be able to revitalize the Great Desolation. The only thing that needed Zhou Yang to clean up was the seal of the demon and the nine kings.

Xiao Yan heard that there was a hint of coldness in his eyes. The demon was the great emperor of the great world, and then the whole person bombarded the depths of the ancient monument.

One is the peak reincarnation, and the other is the demon that has not been broken even in the seal. Xiaoyan and Jiuwangdian are just a few tricks, and the Jiuwang Temple was slashed by a small beating.

Although the battles of Xiaoyan and Jiuwangdian were short-lived, the battles of the reincarnation and the volatility of the destruction of the land had already scared the people of Tengsha to tremble and stunned.

"Predecessors, predecessors, **** spirits, although you take them, it is a bit of a sinister sin."

Tengzha relied on only a little rationality, trembled to the front of Zhou Yang, crying.

You are so strong, what more bloody?


Zhou Yang was slightly stunned, and his eyes looked at the trapping spirit of the nearly collapsed Tsinghua, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Tengchao seems to have not been swallowed up by the ancestors, or he is too adorned, even he has been cheated.

"I want to trade black stamps, or a million Nirvana trade."

Zhou Yang said.

"Whoever has black marks, don't take it out and give it to your predecessors."

Tengbu shouted to the shady disciple behind him.

Nima, when is this, and playing deep, and playing again, it will be dead.

The disciples of the Yinzong Zong looked at the incoherent Tengxiu, one by one, sincere and fearful, and they were confused, and they really got what black marks.

"Is it difficult to get rid of the ancestors when the ancient monument was opened?"

Zhou Yang’s heart is slightly embarrassing, and he will not remember his own time.

Zhou Yang quickly mobilized the information in his mind~www.readwn.com~ He vaguely remembered that the original Lin moved from the yin dynasty to devour the ancestors, and it was mentioned that the yin dynasty was opened when the last ancient monument was opened. Devouring the ancestor.

It seems that this time the ancient monument opened.

I figured this out, Zhou Yang let go of his own knowledge, enveloped in the ancient monuments, and soon found a ancestor in a secret room.

"This is 100,000 Nirvana, count as your mental damages."

Zhou Yang immediately took back the ancestors, and with a bitter smile on his face, he threw a Qiankun bag with 100,000 Nirvana and threw it to Tengsha.

"My spirit is in good condition."

Tengzhan looked at the Qiankun bag that Zhou Yang handed, and did not dare to reach out and quickly explain.

What is the spirit loss fee? He really doesn't know, but his spirit is not lost at all, just a little scared.

Zhou Yang, "·······".

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