History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 624: Pack and live

"The next goal, the Thunder ancestor."

Zhou Yang threw the Qiankun bag to the shivering Tengsha, and he couldn't help but squander his ancestors in his hands and muttered to himself.

The eight great ancestors, who have swallowed the ancestors, have been earned by him.

The ancestors of the ice are on the body of Huanhuan, the space ancestor is in the hands of Zhou Tong, and the ancestors of the ancestors of the dynasty are in order to kill the sacred whales, and the ancestors of the sacred sects flow to the sea of ​​darkness, and the dark ancestors are in the temple of darkness. The flame ancestor was obtained by Moro, the master of the temple of the chaos, and the thunder ancestor was in the sea of ​​Thunder.

The remaining seven ancestral characters, only the ruins of the ruins of the ruins and the ancestors of the Thunder are not vested, but the position of the ancestors of the ruins is somewhat blurred.

Zhou Yang’s current realm, I want to find the ancestral ancestors in the chaos of the sea, it will take a while.

Therefore, the ancestral ancestors of the ruins can only be temporarily searched for, but choose the Leizu ancestral characters with clear positions.

After determining the target, Xiaoxuan pointed out the location of the Tianlei sea area, and Zhou Yang directly tore the space to rush to the Tianlei sea area.

Tianlei sea area has been in a sealed state, and the arrival of Zhouyang and his party broke the calm of the Tianlei sea area.

"This time will not make a mistake."

The Tianlei sea area is also a site formed by the ancient sects destroyed by the evil spirits. Zhou Yang looked at the thunder seas covered by the thunder and whispered.

Although the seal of the Tianlei sea area is strong, but under his power, it is still easily torn apart and cracked the space.

The people in the vicinity of the Tianlei sea area faintly saw a space crack of a hundred feet long flashing over the Tianlei sea area, and then quickly closed.

"You take the treasures inside, I will charge the Thunder."

Zhou Yang told the old man behind the drug.

Although the evil demon has destroyed the ancient sects here, there is still a lot of spiritual martial arts and spiritual treasures left in it, and he does not have the low value of these items.

The old man and his party heard the words spread out, and Zhou Yang went into the minefield and charged the Thunder.

"There are so many different devils, and I see one more."

After Zhou Yang entered the minefield, he did not find the Thunder ancestor, but found a sealed demon king, could not help but sigh.

"You are not lucky."

Zhou Yang's right hand gently moved forward, a large hand that was gathered by energy, and grabbed the demon king at the seal.

The demon king did not even react, and was stunned by Zhou Yang’s big hand.

After fainting the demon king into the system space, his gaze is looking at the sky on the sky, the thunder, the thunder, the electric snake, and the thunder.

"Thunder and ancestors."

Zhou Yang looked at the Thunder's ancestors in the sky, his face with a faint smile, reaching out to grab the Thunder ancestor.

"Who are you?"

Just in the big hand of Zhou Yang energy condensing, when grabbing the thunder in the sky, a thunder light shot from the thunder, forming a thin figure, looking at Zhou Yang with his eyes in amazement.

Although he is a will to survive, but what Zhou Yang has just done, he sees it clearly.

In the hands of this person, a demon king has no resilience.

"Leidi? Do you want to resurrect?"

Zhou Yang glanced at the figure formed by lightning in front of him, and suddenly there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.


Lei Di heard that the pupils were fiercely shrinking. He was only the will to remain between heaven and earth. Even if the resurrection of Fuzu was not able to resurrect him.

The person in front of me has confidence and can resurrect him.

"You can think that I got the first god, I am resurrecting you, there is a condition."

Zhou Yang reached out and took a Thunderbolt, the shape of the heart, composed entirely of pure Thunder power, the heart of the Thunder.

The Thunder ancestor is just a weapon. He will never be able to give birth to a second Thunder ancestor in Wanfanglou.

If there is a person who controls the Thunder ancestor, the Thunder ancestor can continue to consolidate the Thunder heart. Although Zhou Yang has the ability to control the Thunder heart, he has no time.

If you are looking for other people, there are many people in Wanjielou who can control the Thunder ancestors, but they are not a perfect coolie.

"Working for eight hours a day, fully control the Thunder ancestors, condense all kinds of Thunder treasures, rest every two days for seven days, encounter a realm breakthrough, will give a long vacation."

Zhou Yang slightly paced, his face always faint smile.

The ants are still stealing, and a person who does not despair of life will not want to die.

Moreover, Zhou Yang’s letting Lei Di’s work did not violate his principles of life.

Lei Di, "·······".

What is this routine? How has he never heard of it?

"If the seniors can resurrect the younger generation, the younger generation will be effective."

Lei Di indulged in a moment and walked to Zhou Yang.

The conditions that Zhou Yang opened, except for some strangeness, were not too restrictive to him.

Moreover, he really wants to look at the world outside. ,

After listening to Lei Di’s answer, Zhou Yang’s face was more intense, and he waved his hand into the world of flowers and bones.

There is only a surviving will of Lei Di, and the secrets of the gods and gods in Wanjielou cannot be resurrected.

But there is a place, but it is ok.

That is where the reincarnation is.

The place of reincarnation is a very special place. After the remnant soul enters the reincarnation, it will be repaired by the reincarnation.

Although the soul power of Lei Di has disappeared, as long as there is still a trace of remnant, and several times of reincarnation, he can almost completely repair his soul.

Once the soul of Lei Di is complete, it is too easy to be resurrected.

Even if it doesn't work, he can resurrect the Emperor when he becomes the head of the plane.

"The next goal, Xuantian Temple."

Zhou Yang waved away the treasures in the entire mine world and whispered.

Xuantian Temple is located in the mountain range of the beasts of the beasts. Zhouyang and his party have just appeared in the mountain range of the gods. Zhou Yang took the initiative to release a hint of breath, and Xuantian Temple automatically flew into his hands.

In the ancient war of the different devils, Zhou Yang helped Xuantian Temple to clear the magic inside, one person and one thing is already old acquaintance.

"Go to the temple again."

Zhou Yang took away the Xuantian Temple and thought about it.

Their group of people took great care of the treasures in the world of Qiankun and gradually provoked the reincarnation of all parties.

It was only under the brutal strength of Zhou Yang’s group of people that no one dared to intervene, but only looked away.

"The devourer, your inheritance, I took it away."

Although the Temple of Devouring is hidden in the void, Zhou Yang still found the place where the temple was swallowed by relying on a glimpse of the relationship between the ancestor and the devour of the temple.

After entering the devour of the temple, Zhou Yang glanced at the black rumbling, reaching out to see the temple of the five fingers, faint.

Whether it is Lei Di or the devourer, they have cultivated into such a realm. Even if they are killed, there will be a will to live in the world.

"Oh? I don't think there is such a strong person between heaven and earth."

Zhou Yang’s voice just fell, and the darkness in the temple was swallowed up, and the light was restored. A man wearing a black robe and a handsome face appeared. His dark eyes were deeply looked at Zhou Yang, and his tone was thick. Amazing surprises and faint surprises.

When Zhou Yang rips and devours the seal of the temple, the devourer is perceived, and the peerless strong man breaks into the temple.

It was just that he did not think that this strong man was stronger than he expected, and he could not see through Zhou Yang’s smuggling.

In this case, he only felt it in his own teacher, Fu Zu.

In other words, the person in front of you is likely to be a strong player of Fu Zu.

At that time, they were the eight masters, and one of them was not a stunning peerless, talentless, and no one entered the ancestral world.

In front of this ‘senior’, it’s stepping into the powerful realm, how can the devourer not be amazed?

"Finally, I don't have to worry about the difference between heaven and earth."

Swallowing the Lord's speech, with a hint of relief, although he died, but still remember this side of the world.

Now that I see this world again, there are strong ancestors, so even if the war of the devil breaks out again, this world will not lose, and he can dissipate with confidence.

"I heard that you are very refining, are you interested in following me?"

Zhou Yang shook his head and was a big hero who was full of sentient beings. However, Zhou Yang was more interested in the engulfing of the corpse, which means that the devourer was a senior teacher.

In the Wanjie Building, although there is a separate jade, but the jade is only a one-time consumption of goods, there are still some shortcomings in the area.

He also got a method of refining sputum in the vast world, which is the method that Xiao Yu originally obtained, but the method of refining is too restrictive.

Refining 傀儡 not only requires different fire refining, but also requires the strong body and high magic nucleus.

He killed the candle, and at the same time refining a battle of the Holy Star.

Therefore, before Xiao Yu had not grown up, the method of manufacturing it was not very important.

However, the shackles of the Great World of Qiankun have formed a battle system. The devourer is the strongest of the three peaks of the reincarnation, and there are also battles. He is probably the most advanced teacher in the world.

"Small · What are you talking about?"

The devourer was also shocked by Zhou Yang’s words. He just wanted to call the boy, only to think that the person in front of him might have entered the ancestral world and quickly changed his mouth.

The strong is respected, there is no order, the age is divided.

"In the past, my teacher could not resurrect the dead. Did you get the first god?"

The devourer seems to think of something, and he is astonished.

He once heard that Fu Zu faintly mentioned the first god, and when Fu Zu talked about the first god, he also looked forward to it.

The person in front of me has such a great self-confidence to resurrect him, and in all likelihood, he got the first god.

The devourer sees Zhou Yang’s gaze~www.readwn.com~ and can’t help but envy and envy, too rich.

"I can refine you for you. Do you give me some benefits?"

The face of the swallowing master’s handsome face with a charming smile can make him such a proud and arrogant person, revealing such a look, and only one word.

The devourer of the year was also a romantic, and sentimental everywhere.

"Resurrection is the biggest benefit, and you can eat and drink at most."

Zhou Yang shook his head and said.

The Lord of Devouring, "······".

Eat and live?

When he arrived in this realm, he could not eat or sleep. The benefits of this promise were completely useless to him.

He wants to ask if Zhou Yang can resurrect his sister.

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