The second thing is... solidifying talent.

Although he knew that talent would not disappear,

Braun still thought it would be better to solidify it as soon as possible.

【Whether to solidify the talent 'Son of Darkness’?】


【Will the 'Pharmacist' talent be replaced with the 'Son of Darkness' talent?】


At this stage, the [Pharmacist] talent is still very useful to me.

So I can't replace it yet.

Otherwise, how can I stand on my identity as the heir of the potion family?

It's a pity that I didn't draw a potion talent more powerful than [Pharmacist] this time, otherwise I would have replaced it long ago. It

's true that the current talents are getting less and less useful.

But after all, it's a blue talent, so I can't ask too much.

【Curing started, please wait……】


Brown cried out in pain.

He felt as if there was something extra in him.

The flow of magic in his body seemed to become faster.

But at the same time, he also felt the gaze of an invisible will.

This will seemed to have no consciousness, but was restricted by some rules, so it cast its gaze on him.

Similarly, fragments of memories began to appear in his mind.

They were the memories of Merlin in his wizard simulator.

However, these memories seemed fragmented.

"Is this... the place where Merlin's wand is? Why does it feel... familiar?"

The memory finally stopped at Merlin sleeping in the oak tree.

But at this moment, Brown seemed a little doubtful.

But those were all memories of his past life.

He was not sure exactly where it was.

But he had a hunch that one day he would be able to find it.

And that day would not be too far away.

"If I can really find it, then it means that what I am simulating may not be some otherworldly middle world, but the history of this world?"

Braun murmured.

"That means, those things exist?"

Braun could not help but become a little terrified.

He originally thought that the character in the simulator was called Merlin just a coincidence.

But at this moment, he felt that it might not be the case. He did not want to check the power of his innate talent.

Braun jumped off the bed and ran to his bookshelf.

He searched carefully.

"No? How could that be?"

He put on his shoes and ran downstairs.

He said hurriedly:

"Dad, do we have any books about Merlin at home?"

"Merlin? Why are you asking him?"

Mr. Foley was a little confused about his son's thoughts.

But seeing his son's anxious look, he still answered:

"Of course, it's on the second bookshelf in the study. It's a little hard to find, you can ask Dom to help you"

"Okay, thank you, Dad!"

After saying that, Braun hurried to the study.

"This kid!"

Mr. Foley shook his head and continued reading the newspaper in his hand.


Dom knew what she had to do when Mr. Fly called her name.

She had been waiting for her young master, Braun, to arrive outside the study.

Braun had no mood to greet her.

He opened the study and said:

"Dom, help me find all the books about Merlin"

""Okay, young master."

As the house elf of the Forley Manor, he was responsible for the cleaning of the entire Forley Manor and also knew the location of the secret passages in each room. He also knew the books in the study.

Soon, a pile of books about Merlin were piled up at Brown's feet.

He picked up the oldest book at random.

"There are countless accounts of the great wizard Merlin…

Merlin, advisor, magician, and prophet to King Arthur, is perhaps the most famous wizard of all time.

He could use his magic to win battles and turn himself into a hound or a stag. He could predict and control fate…

Merlin also had an outstanding pair of parents.

Geoffrey said his mother was a king's daughter who knew magic, and his father was either a devil or some evil spirit called Incubus.

Another theory is that Merlin was born in a dream to Mother Earth and the devil…

Satan planned to make Merlin a force of evil on earth to oppose the good power of Jesus Christ.

However, after Merlin was born, he was immediately baptized and began his beautiful life, but he still retained his prophetic and magical powers.

Merlin inherited his mother's kindness and his father's supernatural powers.

As a child, he showed his unique talents and saved his own life in doing so.

(Editor's note: This story was told by Muggles. I thought it was very interesting so I put it in the book. Of course, this is just the Muggles' conjecture.

Just like Satan and Jesus Christ, they are all imagined by the Muggles' rich imagination.)

Brown's eyes swept over the narration, and the more he read, the more horrified he felt.

"The red and white dragons... the movement of the prehistoric pillars... King Uther... Arthur... Vivian……"

Brown couldn't help but drop the book on the ground in shock.

He flipped through the pages and finally stopped at the last page:

"But the great wizard made a foolish mistake.

He fell in love with a sorceress named Vivian (sometimes called the Lady of the Lake) and told her the secret of his magical powers.

Vivian, knowing Merlin's weakness, cast a spell on him and imprisoned him forever in an oak tree.……"

"Is it really an oak tree?"

Braun muttered to himself.


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