"What about other books?

Are there any other differences?"

Braun couldn't help but start flipping through other books.

《History of the Kings of Britain》、

《Discover Merlin, the greatest wizard of all time》、

《The origin of magic? The wizard Merlin》


"All the stories are similar.

So what I experienced in the simulator is true?"

After the shock, Browne couldn't help but become a little excited.

What happened in the past has happened. It's all in the past.

Those people died long ago.

Even a powerful wizard like Merlin died, didn't he?

But if it is true, then it means that Merlin's wand must still be in an oak tree in England.

He can't count on Merlin's magic.

Because all of them are obtained with the blessing of dark creatures.

Even if he has memories, it is useless without blessings.

A good cook cannot cook without rice.

But that wand is a good thing.

Browne thinks that at least Merlin's wand will not be worse than the old wand.

After all, one is a nightmare demon, and the other is a treasure of the god of death.

Even if it is not as good, it will not be too different.

And... more loyal.

Otherwise, it would not be buried deep in the oak tree with Merlin.

"How is it?

Did you find what you wanted to know?"

Mr. Foley appeared outside the study without knowing when. He was leaning against the door frame and looking at his son with deep thoughts in his eyes.

"Of course, Dad. I get it. The books in the study have been a great help to me."

Mr. Foley waved his wand and put the books that Brown had messed up back to their original place:

"Why did you think of looking for Merlin?"

"Nothing, today when Ron and I were eating chocolate frogs, I ate a Merlin card, so I was a little curious."

Braun calmly took out a chocolate frog card from his pocket.

This card was indeed what he ate today.

At that time, he didn't pay much attention to it and put it in his pocket.

But now thinking about it, it was really too much of a coincidence.

Looking at the Merlin on the card who disappeared without a trace after blinking at him, Braun couldn't help but look thoughtful.

He thought to himself:

"Could it be that these simulations are triggerable?

But what are the conditions?"

Mr. Foley was not suspicious. He nodded and agreed with what Braun said.

He could see that Braun had some other little thoughts that he didn't know about.

But he didn't ask more.

It's a good thing that children start to have their own little secrets.

This shows that children have grown up and have their own little thoughts.

At this time, respecting each other is the best choice.

When he is willing, he will naturally tell me.

"Now that you have finished reading, go wash up and rest early.

You have been crazy all day.

Get up early tomorrow, we are going to your uncle's house."

"Got it, I'll go to bed now."

If it was at other times, maybe Braun would ask who the uncle was.

But at this moment, he was already dizzy from the news one after another.

At this moment, he no longer had the energy to ask anything. After saying goodbye to his father,

Braun ran to the bedroom, washed up, and skillfully changed into pajamas.

He lay down on the soft and comfortable big bed in his bedroom.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?……"

"Where am I?"

"Where am I? Where am I?……"

Braun, who was sleeping soundly in bed, suddenly woke up.

He turned his head and looked around and found that he was still at home. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In his dream, he came to a dark space, in which he could feel a pair of huge eyes staring at him.

The boundless loneliness and despair made Braun empathize with him and woke up.

"What simulator?

Is it there? What's going on?"

Braun was just complaining and asking a few questions.

He didn't expect his weaker Goldfinger to answer.

But who knew that Goldfinger, who had been silent all this time, would speak this time?

【The specific reason for the host's dream is that the solidified talent is too high.

Therefore, the host will be affected by the talent.

This influence will gradually disappear as the host's body adapts to the increase of magic power.】

"Sure enough, nothing comes without a price.

The reason why the"Alchemist" talent last time did not affect me was because the quality of the talent was relatively low.

But this time it is different. This is a golden talent, so it is not surprising that there is an impact.

And according to the meaning of this system, this effect should gradually disappear.

Then there is no need to worry too much.

It's just a nightmare for a while. He can bear it."

After thinking this through, Braun was no longer worried.

Then he asked:

"Then, how long will it take?

Hey! Hey! Speak! Dog system."

Braun cursed helplessly.

But his system didn't want to talk, and he had no choice.

Just bear it slowly, isn't it just a nightmare? He can bear it.

It's not like he will become a bolt monster that keeps talking about Avada eating big melons.

He can bear this small price. Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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