Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 102 When Nuan Nan sheds tears and is sad

"Do you think the principal will always know that Quirrell and 'that person' are causing trouble? But in that case, why doesn't he get rid of Quirrell before things get difficult?"

Ron said confused.

Luo Bin: 乁(˙ω˙) Factory, because Dumbledore wants to train the protagonist team so that you will have the ability to fight against Voldemort in the future.

"He should have his own considerations!"

As soon as Robin finished speaking, Madam Pomfrey opened the door and came in.

"Weasley, how are you feeling now?"

"It couldn't be better. I'll be discharged from the hospital soon."

Ron was so happy that he didn't notice that the school doctor's eyes were getting colder and colder.

"Weasley, the campus hospital is not a street shop. You can come in if you want and leave if you want. Depending on your current mental state, you must stay in the hospital for at least one day of observation."

Ron stood up and danced tap dance on the bed, "Look, I can jump, twist my waist, swing my arms, and turn my neck. I'm fine. Please give me a discharge permit."

"I think you need a sedative more than a discharge note."

Madam Pomfrey said sternly, her eyes narrowed.

Madam Pomfrey is an old school doctor who is sometimes gentle and sometimes strict. She has always been gentle towards patients, but she will become very strict when visitors disturb the patient's rest or when the patient does not obey the doctor's instructions.

Ron was afraid of taking a sedative that was so bitter that it would strangle his throat. He hurriedly lay down, covered himself with quilt, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

After the school doctor spared him this time, he urged the two of them to leave the school hospital quickly on the grounds that they could not disturb the patient's rest.

As soon as Robin and Hermione left the school hospital, they bumped into Hagrid. He looked tired, his back was slightly arched, and his beetle-like eyes were filled with regret and guilt.

"Harry, how is he?" Hagrid asked.

"Still unconscious." Luo Bin replied.

"When will you wake up?"

"No one knows. The school nurse said that if Harry wakes up, she will notify us immediately."

"I want to see him. Which ward is he in?"

"Madam Pomfrey will not let anyone visit Harry until he wakes up."

When Hagrid heard this, he cried sadly, "It's my fault, it's all my idiot's fault. It was me who revealed Lu Wei's weakness to that villain. Quirrell knew everything about the six levels, but he didn't know how to pass Lu Wei. , and I told him stupidly because of an egg and a few barrels of mead. I almost killed you, I am a big sinner, and I don’t deserve to be in Hogwarts. I will resign from sir."

"Hagrid, even if you don't say it, Voldemort will think of other ways to find out Lu Wei's weaknesses. Also, instead of six levels, you have forgotten that Dumbledore also set up one, and that is this level. Luo is blocked to death."

"Tonight's ending is: Quirrell dies, Voldemort escapes, and the Philosopher's Stone is destroyed by the Mirror of Erised. As for Harry, maybe he will wake up in an hour, maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow."

"Hagrid, instead of crying here and thinking of all kinds of annoying and worrying ways to punish your mistakes, why don't you"

"How about that?"

Hagrid asked, wiping his tears with the backs of his fingers.

"It's better to do your job conscientiously and let Dumbledore see your determination to correct it."

"I know that Harry attaches great importance to family ties and misses his parents and the Potter family members very much. However, he has nothing in his hand to help him relieve the pain of missing him."

"Hagrid, you have been here for so long, you should know some old classmates of Harry's parents. You can write to them and ask them for some photos of Harry's parents, and then make a photo album yourself."

"I bet Harry will be very happy to receive this apology."

Hagrid blew his nose with a handkerchief, and his beetle-like eyes lit up again, "Okay, I'll go to the Owlery right now, but I probably don't have time to watch you play the game."

"Competition?" Luo Bin said in shock.

"Yes! Tomorrow, no, it's already past midnight. At eleven o'clock this morning, the Quidditch pitch will host the last game of this school year. Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw. Robin, I wish you good luck. .”

It wasn't until Hagrid walked away that Robin remembered that half a month ago, during a certain court training, Wood did mention that there was still a game to be played after the exam week.

"Robin, I remember that the Gryffindor team didn't seem to have a substitute Seeker." Hermione said nervously.

"Yes!" Luo Bin said firmly.


"Me! I can hit the Bludger accurately every time, and I can't catch the Golden Snitch. There are still a few hours until eleven o'clock, and I have to seize the time to catch up on sleep and regain my strength. Hermione, if Wood asks me in the morning Get up, please help me explain, I’m going back to the dormitory to catch up on my sleep.”

"Okay, if you still don't come out by ten in the morning, I'll ask Seamus or Neville to wait, Neville..."

After the two looked at each other, they hurried towards the stairs and ran back to the Gryffindor lounge as fast as possible, only to find that there was no trace of Neville on the three-person sofa chair.

Hermione picked up the sofa cover that had fallen to the floor. Poof, an old parrot doll with wilted feathers fell out of the sofa cover.

"It belongs to Seamus. I saw him playing with this parrot. If I had wandered in the corridor of the campus hospital for a while longer, I might have seen which ward Neville was in." Hermione said regretfully.

"The full-body restraint spell won't hurt anyone. The school doctor will take good care of Neville. Now go back to the hospital and Ms. Pomfrey won't let you see him. Okay, if you don't go to bed, it will be dawn." .”

"Yeah, see you tomorrow!"

After Hermione adjusted the sofa cover, she turned and entered the girls' dormitory.

After Luo Bin returned to the dormitory and cast a cleaning spell on himself, he took off his shoes and clothes and lay down on the bed. Although his eyelids were so sleepy that he kept fighting, he would never be able to fall asleep if he didn't do something.

After he rolled from the end of the bed to the head of the bed, his consciousness dived into the space of the sea of ​​​​consciousness. He moved his fingers and thought according to his heart, summoning the green square where Nagini was. He lowered his head and found that the evolution progress bar had increased to 99%.

Luo Bin: (〝▼plate▼), I’m so angry that my lungs are about to explode. If you were 98%, I wouldn’t be so angry. Playing and making trouble, you know, it’s just a final kick, which is the most annoying human.

When Luo Bin was melancholy, he suddenly remembered what Xiaojiajiao said. She said: The stinking troll corpse is gone.

The corpse of the troll, this leak, was picked up well, picked up wonderfully.

He walked around behind the pile of wooden boxes, and sure enough, there was a huge and ugly corpse of a giant monster lying on the ground. He hurriedly waved his wrist and threw the giant monster into the green square.

Then, he quickly ran back to the green square. He saw that after the progress bar at the bottom of the square flickered a few times, the progress bar quickly retreated to the starting position, and the value also changed from 99% to 8%. The evolution bar also turns violet.

Is this the initial evolution completed?

Luo Bin's heart was pounding with excitement. After poking the green snake totem at the bottom of the square, he nervously looked at the light screen in the sky.

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